P R O L O U G E ✅
This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
Hey everyone! Thanks for clicking :)
Some of you might be from YouTube, and some of you just might be from Wattpad. This AU was originally thought up of as a YouTube series, but one of my commenters recommended it to be turned into a story. @Spotter the Otterfox on YouTube. You can view the YouTube videos by searching Countryhumans Tenebrous AU.
(Sorry if that seemed like self-promotion I just really don't want any of y'all to get lost.)
The United States is going to go by America in this fanfic.
Well, now that that's cleared, let's get on with the prologue!
[1078 Words]
⚠️ Warning: Mild language ⚠️
[Canada's POV]
"The fuck?!" Canada cursed exasperatedly, mostly to himself.
Keeping his eyes trained on the screen, Canada smashed multiple buttons at once, hoping to get something good out of it. He couldn't lose this game. If he did, America's already large ego would grow even bigger.
"What? Button smashing?" America asked condescendingly, laying back. Unlike his brother, his posture was slack, his face smooth and lips upturned in a smirk. "You know that never works—"
America's character punched Canada's crazed one in the face. Canada's character flew off the stage, smoke following behind them.
"For once I agree," Mexico butted in. He was also playing the game, kicking ass considerably well. "Sometimes the only solution is to get good."
Canada rolled his eyes at his friend, huffing and puffing as he struggled to stay on the stage. "Says the person who can barely tell time on an analog clock," He shot back.
Mexico turned a light red. "Who needs analog clocks when you have numbered ones? I'm pretty sure that's the whole reason why they were invented."
"It's cause analog clocks are the OGs, man!The originals!"
"Exactly! They're outdated, Canada."
America suddenly cheered, pumping his fists into the air. Canada and Mexico grimaced in surprise. They turned towards the screen, which had America's character posing in front of a number one.
"Ha! You losers were so distracted about some dumb clock that I won!" America cheered, bragging not so subtly. Pulling out his phone, the smiling idiot took a picture of his win. Canada rolled his eyes.
The poor man could already see America's inflated head.
Mexico cursed in his native language, throwing his controller down. "This game is rigged!" He yelled.
As that act alone started a bicker between the American and the Mexican, Canada decided he had enough. He had been sitting down for way too long and his legs felt like jelly. Video games really do eat up your time without you knowing.
"Well. GG you two." Canada said, standing up. Since he had been seated in between the duo, getting up had blocked the two from each other. The bickering paused.
America moved to stand up as well, looking around his bedroom. The three had planned a hangout (as some would call it) at America's apartment. Most personifications nowadays had to choose to live in either small, unknown places or busy, populated areas. This was supposed to keep them safe with the fact of assassins lurking everywhere.
"That wasn't a good game! I lost," Mexico pouted, looking up at his friends.
"Pfft, what a sore loser," America teased. Yet despite his harsh words, America reached over to give Mexico a playful punch. "But it's okay man. You'll get me next time."
Mexico raised an eyebrow. The comment had come out of nowhere, but it didn't mean he didn't appreciate it. Something competitive glinted in Mexico's eyes as he quirked his lips upwards. "Count on it, mi amigo."
Canada shakily walked over towards the door, trying to shake out the jiggles in his legs. "I'm going to get some snacks. Unless you all just want to eat lunch already?"
America looked up at Canada. He shrugged. "It's up to y'all."
"Let's eat lunch already." Mexico said, rubbing hi stomach. "Estoy hambriento."
Stuffing a box of store-bought waffles into his mouth, Canada winced at the rubber like texture. Maybe a few more gallons of maple syrup will help.
"Is this seriously all you have, jefe?" Mexico asked, rummaging through America's kitchen. He eyed the waffles on the dining table with distaste. Canada couldn't blame him.
"Well, sorry Mr. Fancy, but it's either this—" America motioned at the waffles, "—or the leftover Taco Bell I have in the fridge."
Mexico paused before snatching a waffle dramatically. He sniffed, chin upturned. "You know damn well not to speak that name in my presence, estúpido. 'Real Mexican food' they say. What a joke..."
America grinned, ignoring Mexico's muttering. "See? I knew you would take the waffles—" He turned to face his brother. "—Right Canada?"
Canada just made a small sound of agreement, too distracted with his own waffle. His own waffle that was currently soaked in, you guessed it, maple syrup.
The three continued to bicker and joke around, stuffing waffles into their mouths all the while. Just about as they were finished with their lunch, America's phone dinged loudly.
Laughing at one of Canada's jokes, America lazily skimmed through his phone. It wasn't until he actually saw something important that the American took the time to actually looked through it.
Canada and Mexico payed no attention, still bickering almost comically about the newest trends.
Minutes passed by and America was still on his phone. He was weirdly quiet. Unnatural for a person like him.
Sooner than later, Canada and Mexico's conversation came to a stop.
"Ay, America! What's got you so suddenly interested on your phone?" Mexico asked, grinning mischievously as he tried to take a peek at the other's phone.
Canada nodded, a smirk ghosting his face. "Yeah bro. You better not be suddenly watching po—"
"I have a new boss." America spoke up, interrupting Canada before he could finish his sentence. America faced the phone towards his friends.
The screen showed a series of texts between America and one of his workers, discussing about the new president.
"Dang, how did we forget about your election? It's usually the biggest thing this time around." Canada joked.
"Well I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow—" America sheepishly grinned, "—since I wasn't there for the election."
Mexico snickered, leaning back into his own space. "Lacking on your duties now, are we?"
"Whatever." America rolled his eyes. "But since I'm meeting up with the new boss I have to miss the next World Meeting."
"UN's going to kill you if you do." Canada said. "You're required to attend all World Meetings since, you know, you're like a Founding Father or something."
"Let's just hope for the best." America shrugged, tucking his phone back away. "And plus—
—I want to see what my new boss is like!"
Thanks for reading this far!
Despite recent politics and all that crap, I've always imagined Canada, America, and Mexico as best buds. I just find it super appealing— like, they all grew up around the same time, all used to be colonies, and all are now some of the most successful countries out there. Childhood friends, your honor.
Should America have a Southern accent or a New Yorkers accent? I'm thinking that it should switch every so often. Can't confine that man into only one category after all lmao
Anyways, goodbye now!!
I'll hopefully see you all next time!! make sure to take care of yourselves, go and drink some water or something
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