Pansy Gets Mad
Dean landed on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Apparition really takes a lot of effort, especially apparating this far.
''Get up! No time you wimp!'' Pansy grabs him and hauls and still disorientated Dean to his wobbly feet.
The pair stood up and took in the reality of what they were doing. They were standing on a small island in the middle of the North Sea, water was splashing everywhere due to the immense waves crashing around them. In the distance, another island was visible with a large building. That was their destination. But why didn't they just apparate there? Well, this place is guarded by the strongest charms and spells known. The notorious wizarding prison, Azkaban.
The two Hogwarts students climbed onto the small boat Pansy had summoned them before Dean had arrived. One they had both gotten on, the boat immediately jolted forward as it moved itself, the jolt made Pansy let out a small scream.
''Don't be such a pansy...oh wait.'' Dean laughed and dodged a punch from the angry Slytherin.
After a small boat ride of crashing waves and dangerous waters and rocks, the pair finally arrived on the side of the island. Despite acting dumb, Pansy was actually quite skilled in charms, she just didn't try. While Dean attached the boat to some rocks, Pansy cast a charm to make herself invisible then did the same on Dean. The two started to walk into the prison, upon seeing a guard they wait until he is not too focused on the window and they start to climb through it. Alarms started blaring and the guard stood up and pointed his wand right at the two teenagers. They looked at each other, they were no longer invisible, what did they expect? Of course Azkaban would have more wards! Dean saw fear in Pansy's eyes but that was almost immediately replaced with a vicious determination, she pointed her wand and whispered the dreaded words.
Avada Kedavra!
Nothing happened.
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