Luna and Friends
Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I almost never update but I have been super busy because, I don't know if you guys know these people but I went to go see Dan and Phil on tour! At meet them!!! I also went to see Troye Sivan which was amazing! Anyway, back to the story. I also have some questions. What do you want Hermione and Ginny's children to be named?
7 weeks had passed since Ron's coma, he had woken up with only minor injuries like broken bones that Madame Pomfrey could easily fix. The bigger issue was Hermione and Ginny, both who were still missing. Draco and Blaise spent all day every day either out flying or inside researching where the missing girls were.
It was a Friday night so most Hogwarts students were out at Hogsmead while Ron, Harry, Draco, Blaise and McGonagall were, as usual, sat in McGonagall's office with maps and books spread in front of them. No matter where they went, it was no use, Bellatrix and the girls were nowhere to be seen.
''Isn't there a spell we can use? An incantation? A charm?'' Draco sat there pulling his hair.
''The Deatheaters have warded themselves from any means of tracking magic.'' McGongall shook her head. Suddenly there light knock on the door, it was almost unheard.
''Come in.'' McGonagall sighed, running her hand over her neatly done hair.
Luna Lovegood walked in with her long blonde hair flowing around her waist and once again, with bare feet. She smiled kindly at the two Veelas and walked forward, grabbing their hands and guiding them out of the office without a word. They walked down the corridor with Harry, Ron and McGonagall trailing behind them, following intently, curious about where the young girl was leading them.
They arrived outside the...infirmary? The doors were closed which wasn't normal. Luna knocked 3 times in a special pattern. Or at least it might have been a pattern. Maybe it was just another strange thing that Luna does.
Just before the doors open, Luna turns to the group behind her and smiles calmly then nods at the two Veelas. Madame Pomfrey opened the door, sticking her head out to see who it was. Upon seeing who was behind the massive wooden doors, a smile grew upon her face. Throwing the doors open, she put a finger to her lips, signaling to be quiet. Everyone exchanged glances and walked inside. Ron dropped Harry's hand that he had been holding in shock. On two infirmary beds lay a girl with long ginger hair and pale skin. On another lay a girl with bushy brown hair and tanned skin. Ron and Blaise ran over to an unconscious Ginny Weasley while Draco and Harry ran to Hermione Granger. McGonagall however walked up to Luna with a questioning glance and a huge smile.
''Luna?'' McGonagall asked. At that word, everyone in the room (who was conscious), turned to look at Luna, waiting for an explanation.
''Well, Ginny and Hermione are my friends too.'' Luna started, her airy voice still reaching the ears of everyone in the hospital wing.
''So I decided to go look for them. I've been gone for 2 weeks...'' Luna looked a bit sad that nobody noticed. And upon closer inspection, she was covered in a slight layer of dirt and her feet covered in cuts. As she saw this, Madame Pomfrey made her sit on a bed and attended to her feet. Harry and Ron ran over to the blonde girl and engulfed her in a massive hug.
''Thank you, thank you so so much. Where did you find them?'' Draco said, striding over to Luna with Blaise close on his heels.
''I flew for 3 days to the only place I could think of. Little Hangleton.'' Luna smiled at the affection.
''You...You don't mean?'' Harry backed away from the bed and shot a glance back at the girls.
''Yes Harry. The Riddle Manor. They had set up a camp there seeing as most of the place had been destroyed.'' Luna looked down.
''How? How did you get past them?'' Ron looked utterly shocked. Luna put two fingers to her lips and let out a almost silent, melodic, whistle. Popping came up from all over the room. Luna smiled.
''Hello Winky.''
''Hello Miss.'' Winky bowed along with her friends.
''I told you that you can call me Luna.'' Luna smiled down at her favorite house elf.
''Thank you very much Miss.'' Luna just shook her head and chuckled.
''Winky!? helped save Hermione and Ginny?" Harry bent down to stare in shock at the small house elf.
''Miss Granger and Miss Weasley have always been very nice to Winky and Winky did it for old friend Dobby too Sir.'' Winky looked bashful.
''Thank you so much Winky. And thank you all so much. You saved our best friends, how can we repay you?'' Harry spoke to the dozens of house elves around the room. They all looked at each other before looking at Winky who smiled up at Harry, gesturing for him to lean closer. She whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened in realization. he shot up from his position crouched on the ground and looked at the two girls.
''Guys...'' Harry looked at everyone with tears in his eyes.
''Harry?! What's wrong?'' Ron rushed over to comfort his boyfriend before following the raven haired boy over to Hermione. Draco and Blaise followed.
Once Harry got to her bed, one simply gesture and Draco and Blaise were sent into a panic. Harry placed his hand on Hermione's flat stomach. Then looked at Ginny.
Neither girls were pregnant anymore.
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