Jealousy and Rage
Hello Fellow Witches and Wizards! I back! Sorry for the that a word? Anyway! I am publishing 2 chapters today! Please tell me if you have ideas!!!
4 months in and Hermione was starting to show, she was never one to wear tight clothes but she had started charming her clothes to grow with her stomach. It was a tricky spell that she also taught to Ginny who's stomach was much larger than Hermione's, no amount of baggy clothes could hide the flame haired girl's protruding stomach. The problem with Madame Pomfrey is that witches do not use ultrasounds therefore the pregnant witches would not be able to know if they are having a girl or a boy until they are born.
Blaise and Draco were doing everything they could to help, when the girls felt too sick for class, the men would bring them the notes. They would bring the Gryffindors dinner when they were tired or just be there to hug them when their hormones would get out of control. The men might be the almighty Slytherins but, although they would never admit it, the two very pregnant, very emotional Gryffindors scared them. Ginny had a temper and Hermione had her brain, together and emotional, they were dangerous.
While all of the family drama was happening between the couples, a plan was forming in the brains of two very jealous students. Dean and Pansy were not happy, their respective partners had been taken away from them. And in their own, vain eyes, it was not their fault, it was the fault of the Slytherin Veela!
''Thomas! Come with me!'' Pansy Parkinson yelled and grabbed Dean by the arm, pulling him out of the Great Hall and into the hallway.
''What the hell Parkinson! What do you want!'' Dean whisper yelled back.
''You want Hermione back right? Well I want my Draco back to!'' Pansy places her hands on her hips and stares at Dean, anger burning in her dark eyes. Dean nods.
''Ok, what do we do?''
''I have a plan.'' Pansy starts to whisper her plan, it was dangerous, illegal, stupid but they didn't care, their judgement was clouded by jealousy and rage.
*End of flashback*
Today was the day that the plan came alive, it was 2 months before final exams, people were studying and working very hard since they had to catch up since the war. Since the 8th years had been working so hard, they all decided to have a day on the weekend to all go to Hogsmead and relax. Everyone will be distracted and out, perfect time for the plan to be set into motion. Dean and Pansy had made sure that nobody saw them together so they met at the Shrieking Shack.
''I'll go to the place, you meet me there in 5 minutes!'' Pansy doesn't even wait for an answer and just apparates to the designated place.
Dean waits and looks out the broken and rusty framed window, he saw people running around laughing, little kids with their parents, friends laughing. And he thought that maybe this plan was not the best idea, but then, out of The Three Broomsticks, Hermione and Draco appear laughing and Draco has his arm protectively around her waist. Rage boiled at the sight of the happy couple, Dean grabbed his wand and apparated to meet Pansy.
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