Chapter 9
Edited 7/08/2019
Its not working. Its not working! I bit into her again, finding another vein to inject my venom in but she isn't getting stronger. Why! Why isn't it working! She cannot die. "Braelynn! Oh my god!" My sister cried. "What did you do?!" I snarled at Riah. She glared at me. "Don't you dare say it wasn't your fault. I told you to be nicer." My gaze softened when I looked at Kaia.
"Riah I need your help. She's not turning. Riah I can't loose her..."
"Listen we need to take her to the medical wing. We will save your mate. I promise." I smiled sadly and picked up my queen, kissing her temple. I will save you, Kaia my precious.
All I saw was a void of darkness enclosed around me, my knees tucked up to my chest as I just float. Where was I? Who am I? I'm in pain though but why? What happened to me. All I've ever known was my small family. My mother Caroline... (I'm not sure I named her mother yet so oops?) I-I remember that she has the same electric blue eyes like me.
Why did she have to leave? Tamara would have a better parent figure. My stupid father wouldn't be an asshole. Sighing I open my eyes but I'm still met with darkness. Was I asleep? But that means I would be dreaming. Maybe this is all a dream. Then there was a sharp pain in my chest, an if something was pulled out. It hurt but I didn't flinch, my body feeling frozen but a hum life warmed my insides. What is this strange feeling?
Who was that? I can't open my eyes, yet they feel close.
Who are you?
I am you.
There was a sudden sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach, my chest burning as if someone was pouring fire on me.
Kaia... give in to the burning.
What is she talking about... it hurts... make it stop! Give in. If I listened the burning pain might disappear. But why am I hurting? I can't remember anything... who is Tamara? Was she someone important?
I squeezed my eyes shut and willed the burning to fade and... it did. Let it go...
Let what go? Become the darkness you truly are... stop fighting the bond.
I don't understand! I cried out as I felt the burning worsen, sweat trickling down my bare skin? Please let it stop. Will you let go? Will you stop fighting the bond and become the mistress of Darkness, Kaia?
If it takes away the pain, please! Make it stop!
Very well.
The voice was silent until I heard it murmur weird words and I screamed in agony. My body lighting up in flames. Why? She lied and said it'll take away the pain. Sobs wracked my body as my gums pulsed in pain, my chest tightening. What is happening?! Until... it all stopped and the only sounds I could hear were my harsh breathing.
Congratulations Kaia, Mistress of Darkness. You have become one of the night. A vampire.
"Now we wait," Riah spoke, her doctor's coat, drenched in Kaia's blood. Kaia... the love of my life. My mate and my pet. I killed her... now attempted to turn her.
"She will turn... she has too,"
"You shouldn't have killed her in the first place." Dread filled me as I stared at Kaia.
"I know," I felt sick.
"No-" She was cut off when Kaia started thrashing, screaming out. "Shit!" Riah ran towards my precious, touching her forehead. "She's burning up!" My eyes widened and I was by her side in an instant, clutching her hand.
"Kaia baby," I whispered. "Come on, you can do this, don't fight it." You probably think I've gone soft. Kaia has a soft spot in my heart, and well I think she's changing me. I can't lose her. She's the only thing keeping me sane.
Kaia stilled her heart silent. I stared at Riah, sharing a look. "Does this mean..." We didn't get time to answer as Kaia gasped, suddenly sitting up. Her eyes Even the whitest part of her eyes black. Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes and I lunged at her, wrapping my arms around her neck. "Kaia!"
I went to move closer but a force flew me back, my body flung against the wall. "Don't touch me!" Oh, she looked angry and... this is actually turning me on right now? I frowned and stood, not caring that she flew me against the wall.
"Kaia, babe? What's wrong?" My frown deepened when she threw her head back and laughed.
"Babe? Seriously? Your fucking crazy to think that you and I are going to be together? Ha! Fucking hilarious," she turned to Riah, smiling sickly sweet. "Riah darling, fucking get me some clothes!" Riah flinched and flashed out of the room. What the hell?
"Kaia? What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing is wrong with me, Braelynn! You did this, you should be proud that I've become someone so powerful, more powerful than you. I had a lot of time to think while human Kaia was living. Like how bad would it be if I became a powerful vampire that ruled over the vampires?"
"What are you talking about? Your Kaia, human or vampire, it doesn't matter. Your you," Kaia laughed, her eyes swirling as she walked closer to me.
"You wrong. When Caroline was pregnant she forgot that she had your blood in her system. I was being fed your blood while in the womb. So I've been dormant for years, waiting for the time someone attempted to turn us. And you did! It surprised me of course," She walked over to the window, staring out over the dirty city. "Kaia was the human who kept us alive till the time came. I've never spoken to her other than in her dreams, but now I'm here! And I'm going to take your place as Queen."
Riah strolled in the Queen's attire in hand. I frowned at Riah. She didn't look at me, her eyes downcasted. "You can't do that Kaia, you aren't royalty and your not as powerful as me," I watched her. Kaia my beloved...
"I will," Kaia put on the clothes, adding the golden crown to her head, a smirk plastered on her lips. "And you'll watch the Kaia you love disappear right before you. Riah,"
"Yes, My Queen?" My eyes narrowed on my sister before turning to she isn't Kaia. She is someone else.
"Take her to the dungeons, I have more important things to do than talk to a disobedient pet."
"I'll get you back Kaia!" I pushed off Riah, my eyes narrowing solely on the one who took my Kaia. "I'll get my Kaia back, just you wait."
"Come on," Riah hissed, dragging me out of the room.
"Oh Braelynn," we paused and I didn't turn to look at her. If I did, I would probably cry and beg for Kaia to come back. But I can't. "Call me Kai. Or Queen Kai. Kaia is just... too human." When the doors closed, I could still hear the sinister laugh echo. Just you wait Kai. I will get Kaia back.
I deeply apologize for the late update guys! I've been really busy. Anyways how you feeling about the book? Don't kill me! I like my life so don't hate me or send Kai after me. I promise to let you see Kaia again!
Sooooooo Braeylnn turning soft ha? Hm...
See you soon!
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