Chapter 3
Edited 7/08/2019
I sat on the small uncomfortable couch, squirming from the dark eyes drilling into me. The queen of vampires had wanted to discuss something with me. Actually, she demanded that she discuss something with me.
"We need to talk about your rules and what your suppose to do." Braelynn said, folding her manicured hands in her lap. I nodded slowly, not looking up from the spot of dirt placed by the fireplace. I felt the air tense and her figure stand beside me, her hand curling under my chin. "Look at me when I speak, Pet." I gulp. The feeling of moving wasn't a good idea because if I did, I feel as if she might hurt me. Right now I don't feel like hurting. She sighed and sat back in front of me.
"First off, you are to call me your majesty or Mistress but I prefer the latter." She's smirks licking her lips. Of course she does. "Your jobs are to serve me. I'll give you at list of things you'll be doing. If I call for you, I expect you to show. Do you understand?" I nod biting my lip as she continues. "I need a safe word." A safe word? I don't know...
"Mango." She chuckles and stands up, walking towards me again.
"You'll be cleaning my room and then you'll serve me lunch." Serve her lunch. Does that mean she'll take a bite out of me? I shiver and grip my elbows towards me. "Don't fret my Pet. I already have a blood bag to drink from." That still doesn't make it any better!
She suddenly pulls me to her making my heart beat quickly against my ribs. Braelynn leans down towards my ear closely as I can feel her hot breath on my neck. "If you do well on your day, I'll reward you..." Her hand had skulled down my back touching my lower back before strutting off and out the door. I don't want to be rewarded by her...
So I'm cleaning her room... then serving her lunch. What does vampires eat other than drinking blood? Sighing I get up and start making the bed, fluffing the pillows and making sure it's all kneat.
I think it took me an hour to clean up. I scrubbed the dirt I saw by the fireplace, put all the dirty washing away, swept the floor and made the bed. I hope this is good enough. Wait... now I have to serve her lunch? Great. I have to go and see the vampire bitch and serve her stupid lunch.
Brushing off my skirt that she made me wear, I headed out the door. I don't even know where the kitchen is. Maybe I can ask someone... oh look there is a person walking! They look human. Running to them I call out. "Hey!" The girl turns and frowns."I need directions, could you help me?" She raises a brow, looking me up and down until she smirks.
"So your my sister's little blood whore." Ouch. Offended.
"Um no your incorrect. I'm her Pet not blood whore." She laughs and tilts her head to the side. She looks so much like the vampire queen. Right she said sister... oh my god! Their sisters! Duh you stupid head.
"If your looking for the kitchens there down the hall to your left and if your looking for my sister. She'll be in the garden house up stairs." Thank You! That's all I ever asked for.
"Thank you." With that I turned on my heel and walked away. I could feel her eyes on me as I kept walking, even when I turned the corner. I feel maybe I might meet her again...
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update, been at a friends house for the last 2 days. But here it is!
I do apologise for it being short this time but the next chapter will be longer and on time. I really hope your enjoying the story and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Ttyl readers xx
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