Chapter 18
"What do you think about putting chocolate pudding in the dessert menu?" The cook, Leah asks me. I hum, listing the food choices down into their respected areas.
"Sounds absolutely perfect. I know Braelynn secretly loves chocolate pudding," I giggle at the memory of Braelynn eating pudding in the kitchen one night. Leah smiles and bows her head.
"Is that all for the wedding menu, Your Majesty?" I blush at the title. Me and Braelynn aren't even aren't even married yet and people are calling me 'Your Majesty' quite often.
"Yes I think so. If I have anything else I'll tell you but I'm pretty sure there isn't anything else." I smile, brushing off my dress skirts as I stand. Braelynn is busy with Queen stuff, Tamara is at school, dad is working and Riah is out of town preparing the council election. I groan, feeling lonely and bored. Everyone is doing something and I've finished all the preparations for the wedding in three weeks.
I guess I could walk the gardens... or clean... never mind cleaning is out of the question. The castle is always too clean to even suggest cleaning it myself. Sighing, I head out of the kitchen and head towards the gardens, humming softly. I'm going to pick out my wedding dress soon. Probably in a couple of days. I just can't believe I'm getting married! To the love of my life!!! My mate!!!! I smile dreamily as the image of Braelynn popping in my head. She's just so perfect.
"Your Majesty!" A voice calls from the hall behind me. I turn to see a guard running my way, a panicked look on his face. I frown, worried.
"What is the matter?" I ask, watching him breathe heavily to catch his breath.
"A royal messenger has arrived from Acirema!" I eyes widen, biting my lip.
Acirema, our neighbours. "I'll be right there, just let me get Braelynn," the guard stutters, wiping the sweat off his brow.
"Her Majesty Braelynn is currently meeting the council members," my frown deepens. I guess I have no choice but to go and see this messenger.
I nod, "Alright. Lead the way then." The guard smiles and turns around leading me to the throne room. I don't have a throne yet so what do I do? Sit in Braelynns seat? I shake my head. There's no time to think about that. A royal messenger is here and it could be important.
The guard pushes the doors open and I walk up the steps towards the throne and plop down. "Your Majesty Kaia, the royal messenger of Acirema is here," the guard calls. I smile and thank him, turning to the man entering the room. He look flustered as he kneeled.
"Someone fetch this man some water please. He looks dehydrated," god of course he would be. It's the middle of summer and it's really hot. But I don't know how werewolves from Acirema cope with heat. A maid rushes in and hands the man a glass of water. He drinks the water and bows again.
"Your Majesty, I have come baring news from the King of Acirema," I nod, waiting for him to continue. "After the news of your new laws here in Ailartsua, people in Acirema have been rebelling. There are hunters killing our people. King Drake asks for help," hunters?! I thought they were instinct! They had supposedly died out years ago!
"How do you suppose we help?" I ask, biting my lip. I suck at this. If only Braelynn was here...
"King Drake asks if you would meet with him," he says.
"That would be a problem," my heart pounds as Braelynn saunters in, heading towards me. She is glaring at the werewolf messenger intensely. "Your disrupting our wedding planning," the messenger gulps and I take pity on him.
"Brae..." I take her hand, letting her attention fall on me. Her eyes soften and she leans down to peck me on the lips. "I think we should go. Hunters could regain power and take it to our country. I don't want people getting hurt, human or Vampire," I mutter, squeezing her hand. I want everyone to live peacefully. To coexist.
Braelynn smiles and nods her head, understanding my way of thinking. "Alright. We'll meet with the King. Head back to your kingdom, werewolf. We shall arrive by noon tomorrow," she waved a hand dismissively, letting the werewolf scurry off. Braelynn turns to me and smirks.
"You look quite sexy in my throne, especially with that dress," I blush deeply, squirming in my seat.
"Thank you..." I mumble, brushing a strand of my hair over my ear. Braelynn just laughs softly, kissing me into oblivion once again.
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