Chapter 1
Hello! :p
Welcome to Her Bloody Heart! I'm honestly excited about writing this story! A vampire queen who loves power and a human girl as feisty as a lion. I love these characters and I can't wait for you all to fall in love with them as well as I am.
I hope you enjoy the story, blood thirsty readers!
Edited 7/08/2019
"Once upon a time, a little princess was born to the king and queen. This princess was named Tamara." I say, caressing my sister's hair. "Tamara was very special, she was able to talk to animals." My eyes scan over my little sister, taking in her wide childlike eyes slowly closing.
"Kai can I talk to aniwals?" She mutters sleepily. I smile down at her, Tamara's blue doe eyes shutting. My mother's eyes.
"Sweet dreams princess." I whisper, kissing her head before grabbing the candle and walking out of her small room. Hoping not to make the door creak so much I shut it half way and head into the small kitchen. I better clean the kitchen up then. Oh right I haven't introduced myself. Silly me, everyone's reading my story yet they don't know my name.
I'm Kaia Fayre-Mable and I live with my younger sister Tamara and my father Harry. My mother however? She had died a few years ago after giving birth to Tamara. It's no help that we have no money to afford the hospital entrance fees or have the proper medicine. But it's okay. She left with a smile and her memories with us.
"Kaia." I turn to the door and smile softly. My father Harry stumbled in, his hardened face wary over time.
"Hey. Saved you some food." I grab the bowl of food and set it out for him, watching as he limps on his bad leg.
My father works for a small fishing company, just driving and cleaning the boats whenever his leg can handle it. "Thank you." I scan over his worn out figure before checking the kitchen window.
I nod my head and wipe down the worn out wood bench top before locking up any other windows. I don't want vampires wondering inside the house while we're sleeping and eat us.
Oh? You said I forgot to mention that part?
Right yes that's right. Vampires are real and they overrun our earth with their dark red eyes and long pointy fangs. I'm glad I haven't been in their bloody hands. Right now I need to focus on going to work, saving for my sister's schooling and getting food on the table to help out my father.
I may not be able to read properly, I may not be intelligent but when I set my mind to it, it comes easily. I need to get ready for work. Quickly I walk towards my bedroom and popped on my uniform and headed for the back door. I didn't need to tell my father I was heading out because he knew the routine. I put Tamara to bed, he comes home and I head out to work until tomorrow morning. And that's, that. My father new better than to forgot and had the duty to look after my sister. No matter how tired he was.
I work at a small bar and restaurant as a bartender and waitress in town. It's a small job with low earnings but the tips are worth it. I smile when I see Caramel wiping down the tables and leaving a flirty smile at the ongoing customers. She's such a flirt but sweet. "Hey hon! Glad you can join us!" She yelled over the loud music.
"Sorry!" I wave a hand dismissively and walk to the bar table and start making drinks for the customers. We have beers, cocktails, bourbon the lot. I smile politely and hand everyone their drink, keeping my eyes on Caramel and the other staff. We have vamps that come and go sometimes but this place is more for the human dwellers. Today was suppose to be the binding ceremony of the peace treaty between Acirema and Ailartsua. Not that it's a big deal for me.
A women with the most darkest black hair strolls in with her red heels. She smirks and lifts up her sunglasses and I immediately know she's a vamp. Her red glowing eyes and her fangs. I politely smile. "What can I get you?"
"One vodka and cider. Oh and make it strong, darling." I shiver and make up her drinks before sliding them to her. She was actually really attractive. Her lips were panted dark red, her cheekbones were sharp and defined leaving her body slim and curved just perfectly. I wonder if she's as cold as she looks.
While I serve the customers I could feel her eyes burning into me. What is with this vamp. Like, I'm a poor ugly looking human girl and have no interest in her. I internally role my eyes as she calls for me. Great. "What can I get You, ma'am?"
"You?" She smirks, leaning across the table for my hand. I snatch my hand away and gulp. "Feisty. I'll have a bloody Mary. But if your up for the tap...." I clear my throat.
"One Bloody Mary " creepy ass bitch. No way was she getting a bite out of me. She can find a blood whore to get some but not from me. I scrunch my nose up at the smell of the drink and pass the drink over to the vampire.
Before I could walk away she grabs my wrist, pulling me to her. I gasp eyes wide as I watch as she puts her nose to my wrist. "You know I'm so hungry right now." She mutters dragging her fangs over my wrist. I bite my lip, I internally screaming for help. I was suddenly saved when another vampire came and whispered in her ear. I heard her low growl and I was released.
She stormed out of the bar and I leaned against the wooden top finally able to breathe. "Honey are you okay?" Caramel.
I launch towards Her, hugging her tightly. Oh god. I could of been bitten tonight. Caramel wrapped her arms around me tightly and guided me toward the back where the staff hung out. "Dave! Take over for Kai." Caramel sat me down and I removed myself from her. "Your okay now. Your safe."
Caramel was 3 years older than me and had experienced a lot more than I had. She's been in the hands of a vampire and came out alive. How? I don't know. But she's a strong women and I admire that about her. "I can't believe that happened." I mumble clenching and unclenching my hands.
"This is the world now, Kai. We can't help it. We just have to stay strong and stick it to the end." I nod and lean back into the leather couch. "Stay here for a bit. Chill out take a breather." I nod and smile at Her, greatful for her kindness.
"Thanks Caramel."
"No problem sweetie." She pats my arm before walking upstairs to the bar. I love my co-workers. My job? Not so much. But I'm lucky to have a family that cares and will stand up for another.
I think I was down in the staff hang out for an hour. I had went back up and started my shift. My nerves were settled and my routine was back on track. And all thanks to that hour to take a breather.
Collecting up tips, washing glasses and picking up rubbish was what I was left with. Easy peasy. About done, my boss Travis smiled at me. "Hey Kai. Got your paycheck. Again I'm sorry it's not much." He scratches the back of his neck, an apologetic smile on his face. I take the envelope with a smile and place the tips inside.
"Could you do me a favour and keep it with the other pile of money saved? I'm not going home straight away tonight. I just wanna check in with my mother..." he nods and squeezes my hand.
"No problem. But promise you won't stay up late tonight okay? It's dangerous."
"I promise." He nods and walks away talking to Davis and Caramel briefly before heading into his office. I wanted to see my mother's grave tonight before heading home. It wasn't often that I got time to see her.
"See you later Caramel!" I waved.
"Bye honey! See you tomorrow!" I exited the bar and smelled the cold early morning air. It was currently 3 in the morning. I can't wait to go to bed and sleep.
As I was walking I couldn't help but feel as if I was being followed. Meh it's just my imagination. Shrugging it off I head up the small hill to the cemetery.
It was dark but dimmed lanterns were hung around so I could still see. I got that same feeling again. Looking around I saw no one but myself. God Kai, your freaking yourself out by nothing. Suddenly a loud growl came from the trees behind me. Before I could turn around and see what It was, I was tackled to the ground, my head hitting the stone pavement. I groan loudly and painfully open my eyes.
I screamed when I saw the women on top of me, fangs bared. Her smirk was so wide that I saw all her teeth. "Hey tasty human girl. Didn't your parents ever say not to wonder by yourself at dark?" I couldn't move. I felt as if I was frozen to the spot. My head started to spin the more I tried to keep my eyes open. "That's it. Sleep now. Mistress will take very care of you." And that's when the world went black.
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