Chapter One | Let Me Explain
Ty's pov
I stood outside Seto's room, waiting for him to wake up. I heard a gasp. I smiled and walked in. That smile disappeared when Seto looked at me while holding his throat. "I see, you are thirsty." He nodded. "Be right back." I said rushing into the hospital then leaving in a split second. "Here." I handed Seto a blood bag. The hospital let's me do this. He took it and sank his fangs into it, drinking in quickly. When he finished he looked at me horrified.
"What happened to me?" He said.
"I had to turn you into a vampire." I said.
"Oh. Well I had better get used to it. Huh?" He said smiling at me.
"Yeah, but who knows if we will be here much longer."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"The team. I have to explain to them." I said. The team isn't that fond of vampires, especially when they invaded the place.
"Hey Ty." He said.
"Yes." I said looking at him.
"How did you become a vampire?" He asked. I stood there silent then I looked away.
"The invasion. They got to me before anyone else could. I don't know why they wanted me. I tried to fight them off but I couldn't." I said.
I was hiding in my bed room with the door locked. Sky told me to. He knew they were after me. But why? At the moment I didn't care. I just hoped Sky was ok. I heard them fighting. I heard them making their way up the stairs. I heard Sky screaming at them. I had no where to go. I can't run from them or anything . Then the door was forced open falling off its hinges. A vampire grabbed me by the neck. I stuggled and fought. I then saw the whole team being held back by the other vampires. Sky was crying. He looked up at me and I smiled. "It's going to be ok." I said as tears fell down my cheeks. The vampire's grip got tighter.
"Ty..." Sky said. I gave up the struggle. The last thing I heard, was my neck snap, and Sky screaming. I woke up to see someone with black hair standing in front of me.
"Hi there, I'm Hollow." He said. I smiled at him.
End of Flashback
"Oh. I'm sorry." Seto said.
"It's alright." I said sighing. "Well come on. I have to explain this vampire stuff."
"Alright." He said getting up. We walked downstairs. Everyone looked at us. Adam was the only other person who knows I'm a vampire, we'll now Mitch and Brice know. The others gasped when they saw that our eyes were red.
"Ok before you guys get all pissed off let me explain." I said. They kept their mouths shut. 'I guess they didn't hear my neck snap because of Sky.' I thought. "Ok, so you all remember when the vampires invaded right?" They all nodded. "Well remember when the vampire was holding me up by my neck. Well you guys probably didn't hear my neck break, since Sky was screaming." I said and Sky looked at his hands. "Well a vampire named Hollow turned me a while after."
"Well how do we know we can trust you?" Ian said.
"Well I've been turned for 2 years. I have been here since it happened, and I haven't done anything to you guys." I said and Ian shut up. "Now about Seto. You guys probably didn't know, but Seto was killed last night by a vampire, that's why his hoodie is stained with blood. I turned him last night."
"Why?" Jerome asked.
"Because I was told to. And I knew Brice would be happy." I said. "Then I looked up at everyone. "If you want us to leave, we will." Sky's eyes widened, and Brice shook his head. Mitch just stared blankly out the window. We haven't been getting along lately.
"We would never make you leave." Jerome said. Mitch just got up and left, Jerome watched him sadly. "I don't know what's gotten into him. He doesn't seem so friendly any more." He said sighing.
"It's alright. I'm pretty sure I know why." I said, narrowing my eyes.
"Why?" Jerome asked.
"Because he's a lycanthrope." I said simply.
Hey guys! How did you like it? I hope you have enjoyed it! See you all in the next update.
- Skyloxmu
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