Lancelin the Pink Clad Abberation looks like Lancelin is about to loose some memories to Death. Tbh I really just wanted to write my favs back story so here you all go, the story of how Lancelin was turned ;)
Château de Chantilly France 1671
"If this isn't the best three days of festivities, I am going to have a fit, I swear it." Lancelin put a hand to his head in an over dramatic pose, causing a small fit of laughter from his entourage around him. He turned to the short man beside him, casting him a little wink. "Milo, darling, if I eat too many of those little chocolate cake things you must stop me. Promise, love? I simply must fit into that glorious pink satin waistcoat I bought last week. If I can't, I'll simply die, DIE I SWEAR!"
He heard a scoff from behind him and slowly turned around to face the figure who stood there. The man's face was drawn into a scowl. It was a face Lancelin hadn't seen in almost four years and the site of it made his skin crawl.
"Lancelin, I didn't think I would see you here."
"Ooooooh, my darlings!" He spun around to his entourage before turning again to point at the figure before him. "It looks like we've been given the divine pleasure of seeing Eugène marquis du Bois before us here in the flesh! He's a philosopher now, you know? You've got to love a man with a brain...either that or one makes you want to cut your ears off, am I right boys? Hahaha!"
Eugène looked him over, still frowning. The man was clearly not amused. "God, I was hoping you wouldn't show up. Then again, three days of disgustingly gaudy festivities should have made it obvious you would appear like some morbid, pink-clad aberration. You do understand the underlying importance of this event, don't you? This party is merely a distraction from the real basis of all of this. If all goes well, we'll have gotten the king to declare war on the Dutch by the time this is all over-"
"Uuuuugh," Lancelin groaned. "Eugène, darling, let us not speak of war!" He slung an arm around the young man to his left and another around Milo's shoulder. "Instead, let us focus on the FUN ahead. We did travel all the way to Château de Chantilly with his majesty for this. I expect a good show. Though, I didn't realize a costume ball was part of the agenda."
Eugène looked confused. "What are you talking about-"
"Oh my DEAR. I am so sorry! I apologize! I just assumed there was one. I mistook your clothes as a costume for well a...hah...filthy peasant. Please forgive me!"
This brought on a roar of laughter from his entourage.
Eugène glared at him, crossing his arms. "Funny, Lancelin. Always the charmer. Is that why your father left you to-"
"DARLING!" Lancelin loudly interrupted, suddenly turning to Milo. "Won't you join me for a stroll in the garden? We have so much to catch up on before the feast tonight. My cravat looks well to you, doesn't it? I was afraid there wasn't enough lace-"
"Oh believe me, there is more than enough lace," Eugène scoffed from the side.
"No one asked you!"
Eugène just scoffed again, this time a little softer.
One could practically smell the debauchery upon entering the great hall where the banquet was being held. Lancelin couldn't have been more thrilled.
Tables were stacked to the brim with silver platters of steaming food, almost as gaudy as the men and women in their powdered wigs and puffed out clothes who lined them. Peacocks, fruit arrangements, puddings, and cakes adorned with flowers were all shoved together, forming towers of more food than it seemed humanly possible to eat.
Lancelin somehow managed to stuff himself with about as many sweets as one man could.
As the flamboyant man popped some kind of fruity tart into his mouth, his gaze found itself drawn to a group of figures from across the table. There were three of them. A mountain of a man sat beside a woman, her face ashen with cheek bones sharp enough to cut glass. She seemed to be fidgeting in her seat, earning her a wary glance from the man beside her. Seated between them was a child. It was a young boy...he couldn't have been more than ten, yet he was seated at the table with as much poise and authority as any adult.
Lancelin leaned over to Milo who sat beside him and whispered, "My sweet sugar lump, do you know who those three are?"
"Visitors from England." Eugène's voice came from a few seats down.
Lancelin's head snapped to face him. "Excuse me! Why are you eavesdropping?"
"I'm not eavesdropping, you're just a loud whisperer."
Lancelin gasped loudly as if he was extremely offended. "I am NOT."
"I don't know why you're surprised. Everything you do is loud."
"UGH, you're impossible!" Lancelin turned himself so he was almost completely facing Milo now. "Darling, you really need to get a better wig. It's such a shame, really. Your natural hair is so cute. I was always so very fond of red heads. AHA! My dear, what if I was to get a red wig? How does that saying go... nothing like making a big statement like the present? Am I right, love? Which is precisely why..." He gestured to the huge, bright pink hat that sat on his head, bright feathers and lace ruffles protruded from every angle. "I do believe this was an excellent buy."
"Quite right."
"Will you two stop?" Eugène muttered from his seat.
Milo arched a brow. "How do you two know each other? You don't seem like you would run in, well...similar crowds."
"Ah, an excellent question! Believe it or not, we actually knew each other as children." Lancelin faked a laugh, the sound high and shrill as it cut through the feverish din of the party. "His parents died when he was young so my family took him in until he could complete his education." He gave a little snort. "Isn't that funny? He was a lot more tolerable back then. Then he got all..." Lancelin wrinkled his nose,"philosophical...that's a word, isn't it darling? He started becoming obsessed with these simply awful writers like...ugh, Thomas Hobbes." He faked an over-dramatic gag. "I couldn't stand it. It was simply atrocious."
Milo still looked confused. "And...that was it? That was your reason for your falling out?"
Lancelin shook his head, dismissing the thought with a sweep of his sleeve. "I do not wish to talk about such dull things. In fact...all this talk of that disgusting Thomas Hobbes is putting my head into a little tizzy. It seems I've quite lost my appetite. I need some fresh air." With that, he stood up to make his way out of the banquet hall.
As he was going, he slammed into someone. Lancelin looked up slowly.
Despite his smile, there was clear malice in his eyes. "Excuse me, darling, but please watch where you're going. You wouldn't want to destroy someone's...VERY expensive hat, now would you? Ah...!"
He suddenly recognized the person. It was the woman who had been seated with that child earlier. She looked at him a few seconds longer than he would have liked and, despite himself, Lancelin felt himself flinch. The look she was giving him made him feel like a mouse being stared down by a cat.
He forced a thin smile. "If you would please excuse me." And with that, he brushed past her, skin crawling as he felt her eyes digging into his back as he made his way out.
He stepped into the garden, refreshed by the warm night air. The garden was lit with lanterns and Lancelin found himself drawn to the large hedge maze that had been set up for the festivities.
The young man spun around at the sound of the voice, coming face to face with Eugène.
"Did you follow me out here?" Lancelin whispered with a hiss.
Eugène shook his head. "No, I just went out for a little walk. But now that you're here we...we really need to talk."
Lancelin crossed his arms, giving a little huff. "There's nothing to talk about. You made it extremely clear that you wanted nothing to do with me back then and you still don't want me now. You couldn't even be civil after speaking to me for the last time in, what...four years?" He turned to go but Eugène grabbed him by the arm, stopping him. "Be careful with that sleeve," Lancelin snapped. "It's new. I happen to really like it...unlike some people."
"Lancelin, I-"
"I don't want to hear it!" Lancelin snapped. "You made it clear you didn't return my affections when we were young and you've made it beyond OBVIOUS you want nothing to do with me now. You broke my heart when we were children and I'm not ready to-"
And that's when Eugène grabbed him by the shoulders, pushed him up against the garden wall, and kissed him.
Just like that, all of Lancelin's resolve instantly crumbled, hands fisting in his jacket as he melted into the kiss.
When they finally drew back, Eugène sighed softly, his gaze falling to the ground. "I'm sorry about what happened in our youth. At the time, the feelings I had...they overwhelmed me and confused me and I...I took that out on you. But despite it all...I've still loved you every single second of every single day of the past four years." He swallowed hard. "That's the only reason I agreed to come to this stupid thing. So I could talk to you again. Then I actually saw you and I panicked and I acted like a-"
"Oh hush, darling." With that, Lancelin wrapped his arms around Eugène's shoulders and pulled him into another kiss.
The following days were the best of Lancelin's life. And now, as he lay beside Eugène in his bed, he dreamt of the future. He dreamt of Eugène coming to visit him in his palace and showing him his gardens and his fountains and (of course) his new, royal blue satin bedsheets.
Suddenly, Lancelin jerked awake, eyes snapping open. It was odd. He was a heavy sleeper, he usually didn't wake up in the middle of the night. He himself felt rather he was sticky all over.
The young man rolled onto his side. "Darling, I can't sleep. Something's strange." He gave Eugène a little nudge.
Suddenly his stomach dropped.
Lancelin's gaze snapped to his hand, catching a glimpse of it in the pale moonlight spilling in from the window. He felt like he was going to throw up.
His hand was coated in blood. It was all over him, his white night garments, and the sheets, and Eugène, all stained scarlet. Frantically he grabbed the other by the shoulders and flipped him over, revealing a sight that made his entire body go rigid with shock.
Eugène's throat had been ripped out.
"Scream and I'll kill you."
He was going to throw up...or faint...or...
Tears were welling in his eyes, blurring his vision. This was a nightmare...a horrible nightmare. It wasn't real, it couldn't be. Slowly he turned to the speaker. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, shoulders shuddering in a desperate attempt not to wail.
Before him stood the woman he had bumped into earlier...the woman that had been next to that boy.
Blood dripped from her mouth, glistening in the moonlight as her lips pulled into a smile. "Bad luck getting my attention. How very unlucky for you." She leaned forward so she was only an inch away from Lancelin's face. "And're going to pay the price. This one died instantly." She gave Eugène a little shove. "Unfortunately for you however...I like at least one to die with as much pain as possible. Which reminds me, Before I kill you, I brought you a little gift." She tossed something to him.
Lancelin's voice caught in a silent scream when he realized what is was, his entire body shaking violently. He felt like he couldn't breathe, as if the air was being ripped from his very lungs.
Milo's head lay in his lap.
"W-W-Why...w-would you...?" He couldn't think. Everything was fading. He was going to faint.
Lancelin was vaguely aware of the fact that the woman was now perched over him on the bed. "Nighty night. Goodnight, my sweet prince."
With that, he felt an agonizing pain against his neck and everything went black.
Voices...he could hear low voices though they were faint and hard to make out, as if he was listening to someone speak underwater. He could see two shapes over him, looking down at his bloody frame.
"Is he alive?" one said.
"Hardly...we have to act fast or he's not going to make it."
His vision was blurry but he was vaguely aware of who he was looking at. It was the child and the man from before. His lips parted, as if he meant to say something, but no sound came out.
Their voices grew slightly clearer.
"I'll change him," the boy said slowly. "Marina was my responsibility. I should have seen it coming. I just...I never thought she would go rogue like that."
"Have you killed her?"
"Not yet. We'll hunt her down tomorrow. As long as she hasn't fled to another clan she shouldn't be that hard to take out. Anyways, since she's gone we'll need a replacement. I'm sure this one will suffice." The boy's face came slowly into focus. "Lancelin...if you can still hear me, my name is Angelo. From this day forward, you will follow where I lead. I am your king. Remember that I am the one who saved you." He smiled softly. "Now close your eyes. This will all be over soon."
"LANCELIN! LANCELIN!" The vampire's eyes snapped open, finding Isaac beside him. "Oh, thank God."
"You're awake...Lancelin, how are you feeling?" Angelo asked, standing up from the large chair he was seated in.
Lancelin blinked, his voice a hoarse whisper when he finally spoke. "I...I don't..."
"Don't speak if you're too tired. Just rest." Isaac sighed loudly, running a hand through his dark hair. "God, you're such an idiot."
"You're crying," Angelo said slowly and Lancelin was suddenly aware of the tears on his cheek. "Why?"
"I..." Lancelin nearly choked on the words. "I don't know."
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