A Dire Mistake
Two nights had passed since Death had come to stay with the Foresti twins.They didn't know what else to do with him, he had nowhere to go. Thus Autem had decided he be allowed to stay with them. Neither spoke about the mysterious marks that had appeared on their arms or what it could mean, they just tried to continue their life as if nothing had occurred.
Currently Autem sat on the porch snapping green beans for dinner that night while Death stood in the yard returning with the bucket of water Ursula had sent him out to get. They had tried to give Death things to do, little chores around the house. He didn't talk much but he was a hard worker. It was almost dusk and Ursula still hadn't returned, earlier she had gone out into the woods to check the traps to see if there would be any kind of meat for them to eat at dinner that night.
"Hey...uh I had a question," Autem said softly. Death looked up at the sound of his voice.
"Is it scary? Not knowing who you are? I don't mean to be invasive I just...oh." Somehow without Autem noticing it Death had appeared next to him on the old wooden porch and soon was sitting down beside him.
"It's a little scary. The strange thing is that I never feel like I was ever anyone else y'know? It's not like I felt like I had another life before this or a family or someone to take care of...it feels like I was just created. It's as if I just came into being."
Autem gave a little nod, snapping another green bean in half.
"Yeah, but you must have been someone, right? You know things, you know how to speak and walk and function like a normal person, you just don't know who you are." He scootched closer, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, by the way Ursula and I are going to clear out some stuff from father's old room to make it into a proper bedroom for you." Death blinked, a look of clear surprise on his face.
"Really? You don't have to do that. It's kind enough that you're both letting me stay here with you. I don't mind sleeping in an old room, I actually kind of like it," he gave a little shrug. "The two of you shouldn't need to put any more effort in then necessary."
"We don't mind, don't worry about it." Autem gave him a small smile. "I know we haven't known each other very long but uh...I kind of already feel like you're part of the family." He noticed now that Death was staring at him, staring at him with those big gray eyes. "Are you alright-"
"You're very kind." The boy said it quickly, his gaze never leaving Autem's.
"Uh thank you...we're just doing what anyone else would do-"
"No. You're special Autem. I know that I don't know much since I can't remember anything about my life before but...there's some kind of goodness in you that I can just feel, y'know? Don't let anyone ever try to take that away from you." Autem could feel himself flush at the kind words before standing up.
"Oh uh...thank you. I should um...I should get started on the dinner. Ursula isn't back yet but I can at least begin the vegetable soup." Death gave him a little nod in response and Autem quickly scooped up the basket of greens and scurried into the house. When he stepped into the kitchen he realized something was wrong. Well...anyone could have noticed that really. There was someone standing in his kitchen. The boy tensed, clutching the basket tightly. The figure turned around slowly and Autem realized he recognized the man.
"Oh hello love, good to see you again so soon," Lancelin said as he twirled around to face Autem.
"H-How did you get in here? I was outside in the front...I didn't see anyone come in-"
"Ohhhh I have my ways darling!" Autem wasn't sure which was more shocking, Lancelin's mysterious presence in his kitchen or whatever the hell he was wearing. The man was dressed head to toe in pink with extravagant ruffles and lace protruding from his sleeves and collar.
"C-Can I help you? I could get you some uh...tea." Lancelin just shook his head.
"Oh no no no chéri. I've simply come to escort you somewhere." Autem's eyes widened in surprise.
"Escort me...? But uh...why?" Lancelin just gave him a little wink.
"Well my love I have someone who is simply dying to speak with you. There's some important matters that simply muuuust be discussed with you post haste so I believe it would be in your best interests to come without complaint." Autem had begun to back up slowly, a strange feeling of dread suddenly creeping over him.
"What do you mean...best interests?" At those words the corners of Lancelin's mouth suddenly twisted up into a cruel smile.
"I mean...hehehe...mon amour, this is an order not a request. Come now, let us depart." With that he began to move towards him. Autem attempted to turn and run but it was too late. Lancelin had grabbed him by the waist and hoisted him over his shoulder. Autem was shaking now, thrashing desperately in an attempt to break free.
"Please let me go. I've done nothing wrong...we don't have any money if that's what you're after. Please....please..." he was whimpering now, the sting of tears in his eyes.
"Mnn, oh I dooo love it when you beg my sweet but I'm afraid I'm on strict orders. Maybe you could beg for me another time." He giggled at that. "Now then, let us go-"
"You're not leaving this house." Lancelin stopped slowly turning to stare at the speaker. Standing in the doorway was Death. Lancelin froze and Autem could feel him tense.
"You weren't...it wasn't...that thing was not supposed to be back here...not yet. I thought it was out getting water...oh dear...oh dear this is bad." That's when Death lunged at him shoving Lancelin against the wall. Autem was dropped almost immediately falling to his floors. The second he hit the ground Death was beside him.
"Autem are you alright?" The boy met Death's gaze, surprised by how gentle he appeared compared to what he had just witnessed seconds before.
"Yeah I'm fine. Where did...Lancelin go?" Death followed Autem's gaze now, both observing that the kitchen was clearly empty.
"He must of escaped. Don't worry though, I don't think that he will be back here any time soon. Lancelin..." he said the name slowly taking time to pronounce each syllable. "You know him? I've seen that man before. That night, I caught a glimpse of him in the hallway."
"I don't know him, not really. He came the night we found you. He was looking for something I think...some kind of monster that he said was dangerous." He was looking for Death. Autem knew it but he would never say it. "You said you had seen him before...that night?" Death nodded slowly.
"Yes but uh...I don't want to talk about it. Here," he stood up before extending a hand to help Autem to his feet. "Let's start on dinner. That should take our mind off things."
"Uh yeah. Let me see if I have a spare apron. Do you think you could grab that bag of sugar off the shelf?" Death nodded, before moving to do it. "We need to get you some new clothes. I mean, I don't mind that you're borrowing mine it's just uh...I'm not sure it exactly fits." Autem was significantly smaller than death and it was extremely obvious how tight the other boy's clothes were on the vampire. He was painfully aware of it now as his white shirt that clung to the boy's frame lifted slightly revealing the pale skin of his navel as he reached up to grab the sugar. There was a sudden rip and Autem cringed slightly. "Oh goodness. Okay, stay there, I'll find you another shirt just uh...don't move." Blushing the smaller boy scurried off to to his room to try to find something a little more baggy for the other. Things had almost started to feel normal, all thoughts of the strange occurrence only moments before faded.
The room fell silent as Lancelin limped inside. Blood was still dripping from the gash on the side of his face. This outfit was completely ruined, that's what angered Lancelin the most. Isaac ran to him immediately a look of horror on his face.
"I'm fine Isaac darling. Don't worry that pretty little head of yours."
"We need to get you some bandages. Jesus Lancelin what happened?"
"He failed, obviously," Angelo was sitting in the chair across from them, a scowl on his face. Behind him stood another larger vampire who towered over both of them. Lancelin wrinkled in nose when he saw him.
"Oh gross. When did Takis get here?" It was no mystery that Lancelin couldn't stand Angelo's bodyguard...henchmen...righthand man...whatever he was. Takis didn't say anything, he just silently glared at Lancelin.
"Shut up Lancelin," Angelo said coldly, slowly standing up. "The issue is, as we can clearly see, you failed. You couldn't find the boy."
"I'm truly sorry mon bébé but as you can see I WAS SLAMMED INTO A WALL TRYING TO GET THAT BOY FOR YOU," he snarled pointing to his head. "Listen the monster came back earlier than I had anticipated and pulled me away from the child before I could even really talk to him." Angelo's face had turned ashen at something he had said and the look of it made Lancelin suddenly nervous. Angelo was almost never thrown off by anything.
"He what...Lancelin did he touch you?" The vampire nodded slowly.
"Yes. I mean it was only for a minute dear. Just to pull me off-"
"Lancelin this is bad," Angelo turned away slowly, his hands grasped behind his back. "I am so sorry. No one else go near that house. We will find another course of action to get one of the children alone where the monster can't intervene." Lancelin had stepped forward now.
"I don't understand Angelo darling. Why is it so dangerous he touched me?" Angelo sighed slowly at that, turning back to face him.
"He doesn't have any memories for himself."
"When he touched you it means he now has access to your mind. He can start drawing memories from you...or anyone with your blood in you really. Then he can keep it for himself." The vampires had grown quite at that, each looking among themselves. Suddenly Lancelin laughed, a quite nervous giggle.
"That's ridiculous love. There's no way he would ever be able to get inside my mind-" that's when Lancelin's eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the floor.
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