*Aaron's POV*
After a minute of debating with each other, they all gave their answer together.
"Yes," they all say. Rye smiles at all of them. Sev reaches out to take him, so I pass Ian to him. He whispers in his ear. We all can hear everything Severus is telling Rye.
"What would you think of your father and I getting married?" Sev whispers. He nods frantically, very excited. "Well, it's going to happen." He lets out a very excited squeal.
"What's he so excited about?" Bella asks him innocently. Harry went to begin signing, but I stop him. I take a small vial out of my pocket and give it to him.
"Before answering that, drink this and wait 3 full minutes," I say. He quickly drinks it and patiently waits. The 3 minutes was soon up. He stares at me in shock.
"Did you really just give me my voice back?" he signs. I nod, smiling.
"Well, what just happened and why is he so excited?" Rose asks.
"You're not very patient, are you?" Rye says. I wrap my arms around both of my boys.
"I thought he was mute?" Carlisle asks.
"He was," I answer.
"Then, how can he talk?" Carlisle asks.
"A few years ago, I came across an ancient book," I explain. "It contained a potion with instructions to make it. I didn't completely understand it until a few weeks after I found it. It heals mute people. I knew it would come in handy, so I made a large supply of it." My phone starts ringing. I recognize the ring tone and answer it.
"What's happened?" I ask.
"Sarah was in a car crash," Billy Black states hysterically. "We're loosing her."
"They'll be fine, Billy," I state. "Where are Timothy, Jasmine, and Elizabeth?"
"Elizabeth was with Sarah," he informs. "She's worse off than Sarah. Timothy and Jasmine are with me at the house."
"Do they know?" I ask. "Where were they sent?"
"All they know is that something happened, but not the details," he informs me. "They're on their way to the La Push Hospital. Please hurry, Aaron. They're both fading very fast." I hang up.
"Emmett, take Rye to see your video game collection while Severus and I go take care of this," I say. He nods and tries to take Rye from me, but he continuously tightened his grip on me. "Emmett, stop for a minute." Emmett stops trying to take him from me. I look Rye in his eyes to see fear. "What's wrong?" He hesitantly puts his hand on my cheek. Once he does, he shows me Sev and I separating and Sev taking Rye with him. He drops his hand from my face.
I hold him tighter to me and buries his face in my neck, sobbing. I play with his hair while telling him that it was going to be okay repeatedly with everyone else stares at us. After Rye finally stops crying, I pull his face out of my neck, so he was looking me in the eye.
"I promise you that won't happen, Rye," I say firmly. "I won't let that happen and I know your daddy won't let it happen either. Okay?" He nods and lays his head back on my shoulder. I rub his back, comforting him. I turn my head and kiss his forehead. I sneak a glance at Severus to see his curious look. "I'll explain it to you later, Sev." He nods his head in understanding. "Now, Ian go with Emmett. We both shall see you later and it will be ok." Rye nods and goes to Emmett, who takes him back to the game room. I grab Sev and pull him to me. I shimmer us to La Push hospital. I walk up to the reception desk.
"How can I help you?" she asks.
"I'm a highly certified surgeon," I say. "I was called about a car crash involving a Lefay and Black?"
"Yes, sir," she says, coming around to me. I grab Sev's hand. "Right this way." She leads us to an adjoined room with both of them in it.
"Get both of them prepped for surgery quickly and put both of them in operation room 2," I command. "I'm going to get scrubbed and I'll see you in there." All of the nurses nod in agreement and get to work. I lead Sev to operation room 2. I put up warning wards around the room. I embrace Sev in a tight hug, which he returned.
"What's going on?" he asks. I pull back and look him in the eyes.
"I have 3 sisters and 1 brother," I explain. "My oldest and youngest sisters are whom we just saw. I have healing abilities that I plan on using on them both."
"Where are your parents?" he asks, concern dripping from his voice and seen on his face.
"Our father was never in the picture," I say. "Our mother abandoned 3 of my siblings and I when I was around the age of 9. I was a genius even when I was little. I created an underground business. The business quickly grew and earns a lot of money. The business created enough money to come here. Sarah met Billy Black when she was 16 and they were married 2 years later. Before this school year started, I found a week old baby girl on the doorstep of my lonely mansion. Our mother had birthed another child and gave her to me to raise. I took my new sister to Sarah and Billy. They both have been raising all of our siblings like their own while trying to raise their own 2 children." He pulls me into a quickly heated, passionate kiss. He breaks the kiss and lays his head on my chest.
"It's going to be okay, Aaron," he says. I kiss his forehead.
"The nurses are coming with my sisters," I say. "We need to get ready." He goes to move, but I stop him. I place my hand on his cheek and rub his face with my knuckles. "Thank you, Sev. I really appreciate it." We smile at each other before jumping into action. After 10 minutes passed, we were ready and the nurses were wheeling them in. Once they were set up, I turn to the nurses. "I'll need all of you to leave. This will be a private surgery." They hesitantly leave and I get started on healing them. I get them stabilized and healed. "They'll live for now, but it's still life or death at the moment." Sev and I clean ourselves up and wheel my sisters back to their room. I call Billy.
"How are they, Aaron?" he asks.
"They're both healed, but it's not positive that either of them will pull through this," I say. "If they don't, I can only try my best to reverse it. If you want to, you can come stay the night with them. I'll watch the children."
"Thank you, Aaron," he says. "Do you want me to drop them off at the hospital?"
"That might be the best idea," I say. "I'll see you soon. I was visiting the Cullens, so the children will be going with me back to the Cullens' house. Don't worry about them. The Cullens won't hurt them. You can stay here and I'll watch over all the kids for the night. I'll bring them back to you tomorrow if that's okay with you?"
"Yeah," he says. "I trust you enough to take care of the children. I have to get a bag ready for everyone if you're going to keep them. After that is done, I'll get everyone loaded and we'll be on our way."
"Then, I'll see you soon," I say. I hang up the phone and turn my attention back to Sev. He's sitting in a chair, watching me. I go over, stand him up, sit down, and pull him in my lap. We stay cuddled together until Billy came with my 2 siblings and 2 nieces. I kiss Sev on the cheek and move him from my lap. I snatch all of the children up in a hug.
"Aaron," they shout. Sarah and Elizabeth woke up screaming. Sarah quickly stopped, so she didn't scare the children. I kiss each of the children's forehead before going towards my sisters' sides. I pick up Elizabeth.
"It's been a while, Aaron," Sarah croaks. I conjure a Styrofoam cup filled with water with a straw in it. I hold it to her lips and she takes a few sips.
"You know I'll be here for any of you whenever you need me," I say. I motion for Severus to come over to me, which he slowly does. I wrap him in my side. "I'll be getting married soon, but not without all of our family and friends there." She smiles at me. "So you better hurry up and heal."
"Will do, Aaron," she says, opening her arms. I pass Elizabeth to Severus and pull my sister into my arms. She starts crying into my shoulder. "God, I missed you." I give her a small squeeze.
"Same here, sis," I say. "Now, it's been a very long day for everyone. I need to get the children, Severus, and myself back to the Cullen house to check on Hadrian." I kiss her temple. "I'll see you tomorrow morning before we have to leave for England. Do you care if I leave the children with the Cullens after we leave?" She nods, smiling at me sadly.
"If you trust the Cullens, I trust them, too," she says. I nod in understanding. I turn towards the children.
"Come on, children. Give your mother and sister a kiss and hug and let's get moving." They nod and do as told. I take Elizabeth from Sev, kiss her head, and put her back in her hospital crib. "Can I borrow the van, Billy?" He nods and hands over the keys. "Thanks, Billy. I'll see you both tomorrow morning. If either of you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." They both nod their heads in acceptance. I put my 2 nieces side by side with my siblings on the outside of them. We were about to follow them out of the room when Sarah called out.
"Severus," she says. I stop to watch what was to happen. "Come back over here." He looks to me and I nod back to tell him it's okay. He looks back to her and does as he's told. She wraps her arms around Sev. "Welcome to the family, Severus." Severus smiles and wraps his arms around her. I smile at the scene.
"Thank you," he says. They pull away from each other. "Now, we must be going." He returns to my side and I wrap my arm around his waist. "Come on, children." I have the children go in front of us with ourselves following closely behind them. We find the van and help my nieces and siblings get in and buckle themselves before getting in and buckling ourselves. I take Sev's hand in mine before taking off down the road. We get back to the Cullen house and quickly unload everyone.
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