#5: Charlie Part 1
"There's simply no way to shield against every weaponized agent"
"Instead, I can make super immune systems by strenging the human cellular response" Brian tells the man sitting behind the desk.
"I know where you're going" the man said as he stood up from his seat.
"but manipulating the immune system is dangerous and stupid" Thaddeus informs the man.
"But Ross..." Brian started to say before he held up his hand to silence the man.
"Banner, it's absolutely clear: no human subjects" Thaddeus reminded him, denying the man request.
Brian's on his own as he injected himself with a needle, filled with substance.
Door Open
"I'm home!" Brian called as he entered the house.
"Welcome home, honey" Rebecca greets him with a smile as she came on over and the two kiss each other on the lips.
Rebecca cooking dinner as her husband stares at her from afar.
Brian smirked and walked up to his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist as Rebecca cooks.
*Dinner Room*
"Yes?" Brian asked as he and his wife are eating their dinner at the table.
"I have such wonderful news, Brian" Rebecca stated and gently grab hold of her husband hand.
Brian looks at her in curiosity as Rebecca moves his hand and place it onto her tummy.
Rebecca smiles, "I'm gonna have a baby" she announced and a surprise Brian eyes widened in shock.
*Living Room*
"Father! Father! Stop! Please!"
A young Brian is conscious being hit from a cane by a angry father.
*Dinner Room*
"Brian? Brian!"
The man snap out of it and turns to look at his wife, "Are you alright?" Rebecca ask him in concern.
He smiled and held his hand, "Don't worry. I'm alright. Just surprise, that's all" Brian assures Rebecca.
*Operation Room*
Rebecca's lying on a bed in conscious pain as she's in the middle of giving birth with a doctor and nurse on either side of her.
Brian is siting on one of the chairs, Groan...Yell!!!
He went and put his head in his hands, Crying
Door Open
Someone suddenly tap Brian on the shoulder and he look up to see a nurse standing there.
"Mr Banner, you can come in now" the nurse said to him.
*Operation Room*
Door Open
Brian enter the room to see Rebecca holding their newborn child in her arms, covered in a blanket.
Rebecca notices him standing there and smiled.
Brian smiles back and came on over to see their baby.
"What's the gender?" Brian asks the doctor.
"A healthy baby boy" he informs him with a smile as the man look down at their son in his wife arms.
"What are you going to name him?" the nurse ask the couple.
"Charlie...Charlie Banner"
Brian's looking at something under the microscope, Door Open
The man didn't move or looked to see who entered.
Thaddeus came on over to where Brian is sitting, "The samples we found in your lab, they were human bloods" he stated.
Brian continues to work in silence and that made the man angry.
Thaddeus went and grabbed Brian lab jacket and held him up against a wall.
"You've ignored protocol" Thaddeus told him as Brian did some deep breath...deep breath...
"You had no right snooping around my lab. That's my business" Brian snarl.
"Wrong, Banner" Thaddeus disagreed.
"It's government business" he reminded Brian.
"You're off the project"
Brian stares at the wall after Thaddeus has left the lab.
He suddenly becomes angry as Brian and sabotaged the equipment in the facilities in a fit of rage.
Boom! Boom!
Siren! Siren!
"Attention all personal: fail-safe has been initiated. Gamma decontamination will occur in thirty minutes. Evaluate immediately. I repeat, evaluate immediately!"
Siren! Siren!
Door Open
Brian enter the house as...
*Living Room*
Rebecca playing with her son, Laugh
She stop and turn to see her husband standing there, "Welcome home, honey" Rebecca greets him with a smile as she stands up.
"Rebecca, I gotta talk to you" Brian said and she nods her head.
"Charlie, stay here. We will be right back" Rebecca tells him before the two left the room.
Charlie stop playing with his toys and stood up.
"I'm trying to tell you what has to be done"
Charlie stop waking as he's in front of the door to the kitchen and listen in to his parents conversation.
"But Brian, he's our son!"
"I know he's our son, Rebecca. But this must be done, it's the right thing to do" Brian tells her.
"You're not killing our son, Brian. I won't allow it" Rebecca said back with tears in her eyes.
"Please! Stop! No, no, no. David, no!"
Charlie went and...
Door Open
Brian standing there with a blank look on his face.
Held a bloody knife in his hand as Rebecca lying on the floor...DEAD!
Brian felt someone watching him so he turns around and see Charlie standing there by the door, trembling in fear with tears flowing down his face.
Brian is being led away outside his home by police officers and over to a police car.
"I call for Charlie Banner to take the stand"
The boy went up to the stand as someone place behind it a wooden box.
Once Charlie got to the stand he went and stood on the box.
"You may start your questioning, Prosecutor" the judge told them.
"Can you tell the court what you did on the day of your mother passing?" the prosecutor ask the boy.
"Charlie, listen to me"
"The police will be here to arrest me" Brian informs his son, kneeling in front of a scared Charlie.
"When I am taken to court, you will testified as a witness for the murder of your mother" he stated.
"You must do as I say, Charlie. You mustn't testify against me for the murder of your mother. If you do, there will be several punishment waiting for you and you will go to hell when you died" Brian threatened.
"You don't want your father to go to hell, don't you?"
*Court Room*
"Charlie, did your father kill your mother?" the prosecutor ask the boy and he turns his head to look at Brian who glaring at him.
"No. My father love my mother very much. He would never hurt her" Charlie tells them.
"I am standing outside the courthouse, waiting for the final verdict of Brian Banner" a reporter started to say to the camera.
"A researcher had been arrested for the murder of his Wife, Rebecca Banner. Lovely wife and mother to their only son, Charlie Banner. The woman was found dead" they said.
Door Open
"The defendant and his legal team are coming out of the courthouse" the reporter said.
They go down the stairs to the bottom and stood in front of the sea of reporters.
Click! Click! Click! Click!
"Brian Banner has been found not guilty to the murder of Rebbeca Banner. There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt. His son truthfully testify that his father didn't do it" someone read out from paper.
Brian Banner was arrested again after one of the staff serving at a pub overhead the man while under the influence of alcohol.
*Police Station*
Door Open
A woman enter the building as she went up to the reception desk.
"Hello, can I help you?" the receptionist asked.
"Yes. My name is Susan Krenzler..." the woman started to say.
"Come in" the man called.
Door Open
"A Susan Krenzler is here to see you, sir" a police officer inform him as Charlie is sitting in front of the desk the man is sitting behind.
"Let her in" he tells him and the police officer step aside, allowing the woman to enter the office.
"You must be Susan Krenzler. Thank you for coming. I was the one who call you" he said as she came over and kneel down beside her nephew.
"Are you alright, Charlie?" Susan ask him in concern, checking the boy over.
"He hasn't spoken to anyone since he arrived here" the man inform her and she nods her head as Susan sat down next to Charlie.
"What has happened? Where's my brother?" Susan questioned in confusion.
"I am sorry to have to tell this, Miss Krenzler. But your brother was arrested and found guilty of the murder of his wife, your sister in law" the man announced and her eyes widened.
"What? That's impossible. He was found innocence, my brother didn't do it" Susan said with confusion.
"He has confessed, Miss Krenzler" he stated.
"Is he going to prison?" Susan asked.
"He's going to be sent to a mental institution instead, Mrs Banner. To get better" the man told her.
Door Open
Susan exited the police station, holding Charlie hand.
Click! Click! Click! Click!
Susan leads her nephew through the sea of reporters and cameras towards a car.
"Charlie, it's time to wake up son"
A young man is lying in bed fast asleep, sweating and breathing heavily.
He suddenly woken up and open his eyes, Breathing
"Are you alright, son?" Susan ask him in concern and worry as she help Charlie sit up.
"I-I don't know. I...I don't remember" Charlie truthfully told her and Susan comfort her son by hugging him.
*Living Room*
Susan sitting on the sofa, watching the T.V and sipping on her drink from the mug.
"Hi Mom"
"Hello Charlie" Susan greeted as he came on over and kiss her cheek.
"Already ready to go to college?" Susan asked with a smile.
"Sure am" Charlie confirm with a nod of his head as he went and sat down next to her.
"Look at you..." Susan began to say and put her hand on his cheek.
"soon to be great scientist" she stated.
"I guess..." Charlie answered as he looks down at the floor.
"I mean, who knows?" Charlie added.
"I do" Susan replied and he look up at her.
"There's something inside you, so special. Some kind of greatness. I'm sure of it" Susan tells him, pointing at his chest.
"Someday you're gonna share it...with the world
*Berkeley Nuclar Biotechnology Institute*
Door Open
"As far as I'm concerned, security ought to be..." one of the security guard said to the other as the two exited the building.
"Good morning, Dr Krenzler" the other security guard greets Charlie as he came on over to the building.
"Morning" Charlie said back before walking past and Door Open
"What were you about to say?" the second security guard ask him as Door Close
"That security ought to be beefed up a lot more. In a place like this, you can't be too careful" he said to him.
*Inside: Lab*
Door Open
"Charlie" Sam greeted as the man enter the lab.
"Sam" Charlie said back.
"Big day" Sam announced.
"Did you sleep last night?" Sam ask Charlie, noticing some negative signs on his face.
"Sure did" Charlie answered with a smile.
"Charlie..." Sam warned with a raise eyebrow.
"No. I didn't sleep" Charlie admitted and Sam immediately became concerned.
"Was it another nightmare?" Sam ask him.
"So is Betty here yet?" Charlie asked, changing the subject.
"She's around" Sam stated with a sigh of defeat and didn't say anything more as Charlie puts on some sort of headgear.
"I really got to say, seeing you in that styling headwear..." Sam said.
"You implying something about my helmet?" Charlie asked.
"You look like a massive nerd, even around other scientists" Sam stated with a grin, making Charlie roll his eyes.
"Can I ask? Were you wearing the helmet while she dumped you?" Sam jokingly asked.
"Go prep the samples" Charlie said to him, ignoring what Sam just said.
Two pair of hands are covering Charlie eyes, "Guess who?"
"Uh...Sam?" Charlie said.
The hands are removed, revealing his surrounded.
"He doesn't have woman hands" Betty sarcastically pointed out.
"Betty, hey!" Charlie greeted, happily with a smile.
"I hate them" Betty said in disgust, not in a happy mode and Charlie became confuse.
"Uh, I just got here" Charlie stated.
"Who do we hate?" he asked with curiosity.
"The review board" Betty answered.
"We have to make a presentation for Tuesday" Betty informs him.
"I'm so stressed about this review. If we don't get impressive results, we'll have a hard sell on Tuesday" Betty told Charlie.
"Then let's go be impressive"
"Ready when you are" Sam said as the three of them are behind the screen in a room.
On the other side, lying on a metal table is a frog.
"Let's hit it" Charlie said.
"Are we passing inspection?" Betty asked.
"Safeties are going green" Sam tells her.
"Countdown started" "Nanomeds relaxed" Four seconds"
"Nanomeds fully dispersed" Charlie stated.
"Okay. Let's hit Freddie with the gamma radiation" Betty said.
"Copy that" Sam replied.
A laser cuts across the frog stomach...and stops...once it got to the end of, leaving a cut behind.
"Look" Charlie said, pointing forward as the cut on the frog started to heal itself on the stomach.
Then suddenly...
Blood guts everywhere as the frog has exploded instead of fully healing.
"Imbalanced Nanomeds activity" Sam reported.
"I'm curious"
"What about?" Charlie asked as he puts away some examples into the fridge.
"We've had some great conversations, but I've never heard you speak about your mother or father" Betty stated.
Charlie froze and Betty notices right away, "I'm sorry! I forgot you don't know much about them!" Betty stutter in apologies.
Door Close
"It's alright" Charlie replied.
"I just"
"Don't you want to know about your birth parents? Where you come from?" Betty said to him.
"I-I have tried to ask my mom many times about them" Charlie stated.
"She's just keep changing the subject, and I have stop asking" he told her.
*Conference Room*
"To distress the cell"
"we subject them to gamma radiation" Betty stated as she stood next to the presention display on the screen.
People are sitting around a large table, listening to her word by word.
"Our molecular machines...the nanomeds..remain inert within the organism until we awaken them with gamma radiation. They respond instantly to the cellular distress signals from, say a wound...making healthy new cells and breaking down the damaged ones. The problem is now living body withstand the help of our nanomeds we've yet to find out" Betty said.
"Dr Krenzler" Betty called and the man stands up from his seat.
"Thank you, Dr Ross" Charlie tells her with a smile as he came on over and stood where Betty was a second ago.
"Death is a kind of forgetting. Each time a human cell replicates, it loses a little DNA. Eventually, it forgets its function, it's ability to copy with trauma, etc. If our nanomeds can supplant this process, we'll have to ask...Is it we who are alive, the billions of artifical creatures inside us? For the present, our nanomeds curses have been more deadly than the dishes they treat" Charlie said.
"Perhaps to stay in balance, we must forget as much as we remember"
Betty's looking through the miscrope, studying something.
Door Open
Unknown to Betty, someone enter the lab and walk up over to the woman.
"Hello Betty"
Betty jump a bit in her seat, Gasp!
She instantly turns around in her seat to see...
"Glen Talbot!" Betty exclaimed with a sigh as she put her hand to her chest.
"You startled me!" Betty said.
"I was trying to do that. Well, maybe I was" Glenn replied with a grin on his face.
Betty smiles back, "Where's your uniform?" Betty questioned, noticing the clothes he's wearing.
"I switched over" Glenn informs her.
"I'm still working with your father...but the military's sub contracting" he stated.
"The most interesting work...and I can't argue with the pay check" Glenn comment.
"I basically run all the lab" Glenn stated.
"So, how business?" Glenn asked, changing the subject.
"What do you want?" Betty ask back as she goes back to using the microscope.
"Alright. I'll cut to the chase" Glenn replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I've heard interesting things about what you guys are doing" Glenn confessed.
"Your little Molecular Machines have some incredible implications" he stated.
"How'd you like to come work for Atheon?" Glenn said.
"With a substantial raise as much as you are now. Plus a piece of the patients" Glenn tells her.
"You just have to say the words" Glenn stated.
"Two words..." Betty started to say and turns around to look at him.
"the door"
"Come in" Thaddeus called as he stares outside the window.
Door Open
A solider enter the office, "Talbot wanted you to see this, sir" he sai as he held up some papers in his hand.
"It's about a lab Atheon is targeting" the solider stated as Thaddeus looks through the papers.
"To acquire and move to Desert Base" he stated.
"Why isn't going through NSC?" Thaddeus questioned.
"It concerns your daughter, sir" he informed and Thaddeus looks up at the solider.
The janitor is cleaning part of the floor as Betty walking through the corridor.
She stop walking and turns as Betty didn't recognise the staff member in front of her.
"Excuse me"
The janitor stop working and look to see Betty standing there.
"What happened to Benny? He's not working the night shift?" Betty ask him with curisioty.
"Benny's dead" the janitor announced in sadness making Betty eyes widened a bit in shock.
"I'm so sorry to hear that" Betty said to him.
"I'm the new guy" the janitor told her back.
Door Open
Charlie enter the lab and froze, seeing Betty chatting with...Glenn!
"Morning" Betty greeted, making Charlie snap out of it.
"Morning" Charlie tells her.
"Hey!" Glenn greeted with a smile.
"Glenn dropped by" Betty tells him.
"What's he doing here?" Charlie ask her.
"You know, Dr.Krenzler..."
"we've never had the chance to get to know each other properly" Glenn tells them.
"It's because I don't want to get to know you, properly or improperly" Charlie replied in disgust.
"So leave" Charlie demanded, gesturing to the door.
"Hey, no worries" Glenn replied with a smile as he put his hands up in surrended.
Glenn said his goodbyes to Betty before walking on over to the door.
"You know..." Glenn started to say and stop next to Charlie.
"let me give you a little heads up" Glenn said.
"There's a hair breadth between friendly offer and hostile takeover. I've done my homework" he stated.
"You're doing here, is dynamatie" Glenn tells him before leaving the lab.
"I think this circuit's kind of fried!"
Sam is examing the Gammasphere, "I don't know...maybe..." he said.
"You wanna come and take a look at it"
Charlie went and grabs the radio from the table, "I'll be right there" he said.
He went and put the radio down before getting up from the chair.
Door Open...Door Close
Charlie went down the steps as Sam is doing something to the Gammasphere.
Sam fell backwards and landed on his bum on the floor, Groan
He pulls himself up as...
the screen on the computer flicker.
Manual Standby...Paddock Negative
Betty becomes confuse as...
Charlie rush on over to the Gammasphere and leans over, trying to grab something in front of the panicking Sam.
The countdown is counting down faster and faster.
Charlie manage to grab the gas mask as he went and puts in onto Sam face.
Deep Breath
Once the gas mask is on Charlie brings Sam out of the Gammasphere and falls onto the floor.
Betty quickly stood up and ran over to the computer, Typing...Typing...
"Charlie, the gamma too high. I can't stop it!"
"Get out now!"
Charlie went and save Sam from a malfunction Gammasphere by taking the brunt of the gamma radiation himself.
*Hospital Room*
Charlie slowly woke up and open his eyes, find himself lying in a bed.
Door Open
He turns his head to see a woman standing there, "Charlie!"
She immediately went and run on over to the hospital bed Charlie is in, hugging him.
"Emily" Charlie said back as he instantly hugs her.
"I thought I lose you" Emily tells him.
"Don't worry, you haven't lose me" Charlie assures her and the two let go of each other.
"How's Sam?" Charlie asked in concern as she help him sit up.
"Don't worry, he's alright" Emily answered.
"Thank God" Charlie replied in relief.
"I hear you save Sam from the impact. You're a hero, Charlie" Emily told him with a smile.
"But I don't understand, how is this possible" Emily said, making Charlie look at her in confusion.
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.
"You should be dead" Emily stated.
"But they worked, Emily, the nanomeds. I feel great. I feel like...I don't know. They must have fixed me" Charlie tells her.
"According to Beth they've killed everything else that they've come into contact with, Charlie" Emily said to him.
"Did the doctor checked..." she started to say.
"The doctor gave me the full workout" Charlie tells her.
"But he did want to know where he can get what I'm taking" Charlie stated and Emily shake her head in disbelief.
"I do know something. I'm 100% more" Charlie said out of nowhere and Emily looked at him.
"What do you mean, Charlie?" Emily ask him.
"Remember my bad knee?" Charlie asked and Emily nods her head.
"Now it's my good knee" Charlie jokingly tells her with a smile.
"Charlie, this isn't funny!" Emily snapped and he stops laughing.
"Emily..." Charlie began to say.
"You were gonna to die, Charlie. When I heard that you were caught in a accident at work and in hospital, I was fearing the worse. I thought you were dead!" Emily cried as tears running down her face.
Charlie immediately went and comfort his friend as he hugs her.
"I'm sorry, Emily" Charlie apologies.
"Really. I am not going to explode. I'm not going anywhere, Emily" Charlie assures her and the two break apart.
"Okay?" Charlie asked and Emily nod her head.
"You should get some rest" Charlie told Emily, noticing the bags under her eyes and wet patches.
"I'm not going anywhere" he assures her.
Door Open
Emily leaves the hospital room as unknown to her, someone is watching the woman.
Charlie is back at the scene of the accident, staring at everything in disbelief.
He carefully and slowly examine the lab, until...
"Your name is Krenzler"
Charlie instantly turns around to see...a man standing there.
"It's Banner" the man stated.
"What?" Charlie asked in confusion.
"Your name. It's Banner. Charlie Banner" the man tells him.
"How did you get in here?" Charlie questioned.
"I work here now, in the labs. The late shift" the man informs him.
"It keeps me close to you" he stated.
"You always work so late, along with your two friends" the man noted.
"I think you need to..." Charlie started to say.
"You're not well. You've had a terrible accident" the man remind Charlie, interrupting him.
"You're wondering why you're still alive. You're thinking there's something inside, something different and inexplicable" he said.
"I can help you understand, if you let me in. If you'll...forgive me" the man tells him trying to persuade Charlie to accepted.
"Look, minster. I have nothing to forgive you for. I don't even know who you are. So perhaps you should leave, mister" Charlie stated, wanting the man to leave.
"You may not believe it. But I can see it...in your eyes. So much, like your mother's" the man tells him.
"My mother?" Charlie repeated in confusion.
"Of course, you're my flesh and blood. My physical son, child of my mind, too" the man told Charlie.
"No. You're lying!"
"My parents died when I was a young boy" Charlie stated and the man shake his head.
"No, that's not true. They wanted you to belive that, Charlie. Even my sister, your mother now" he stated and Charlie shakes his head in disbelief.
"The experiments, the accident, all the top secrets" the man said.
"They put me away from all these years. Away from you" the man informs Charlie.
"But they couldn't keep there forever. I'm sane, perfectly sane. They had to admit it" he said.
"Get out" Charlie said.
Deep Breath...Deep Breath
"Get out!" Charlie angrily yell at him.
"We're gonna have to watch that temper" the man warns him with a chuckle
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