#5: Chalice Part 2
The man is standing outside the building with a smile on his face.
He's holding a test tube in his hand, containing some DNA.
*House: Living Room*
Susan sitting down on the sofa, reading a book to herself.
Susan stop what she was doing and looked up, Noise!
Susan went up to the front door and put hand onto the handle.
Door Open
Reveal the outside of the house, "Hello? Is someone there?" Susan called into the darkness.
Susan quickly look and...Gasp!
Charlie is unconscious on the grass, "Charlie!"
Susan quickly ran on over to where he is and kneel down, checking his pulse.
"Hold on, I'm coming" Susan called as she walk up to the front door.
Door Open
"Hello Miss Krenzler" Betty greeted.
"Hello Betty. How can I help you?" Susan said back.
"Is Charlie in? I need to talk to him" Betty ask the woman and Susan step to the side, allowing her to enter the house.
*Living Room*
"There was some sort of explosion. They wouldn't let us into the building" Betty stated as she and Charlie are sitting down together on the sofa.
"I had the most vivid dream last night. It was like being born, coming up for air. Light hitting my face, screaming. My heart beat was like boom, boom, boom" Charlie explains to Betty as Susan enter the room holding a tray of drinks.
"Here you go" Susan said and place the tray down onto the table.
Susan took the cups off, one each for Charlie and Betty.
"I will leave the two of you alone" Susan said and picks up the tray before walking away.
"Were you at the lab yesterday?" Betty ask Charlie.
"No" Charlie answered, shaking his head.
"But there's something. I met someone yesterday" Charlie stated.
"Who?" Betty ask him with curiosity.
"The new janitor. He claims he's my father" Charlie told Betty.
Susan went up the front door and put her hand onto the handle.
Door Open
Revealing a group of men standing on the other side, "Yes? Can I help you?" Susan asked.
"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Thunderbolt Ross" he introduce himself as he show the woman his badge.
"I know who you are, Ross. What do you want?" Susan said, knowing who this man is as she crosses her arms.
"Is my daughter here, Mis Krenzler?" Thaddeus asked and Susan step aside, allowing them all to enter her home.
*Living Room*
"Not me, but something else"
"What's happening to me?" Charlie questioned.
"So this is the young Charlie Banner" Thaddeus said as he enter the room with men in suits.
"Krenzler" Charlie correct the man as Susan enter the room.
"I think you left something in your lab last night" Thaddeus stated and showed Charlie his wallet.
"Mitchell. Escort my daughter outside" Thaddeus instruct one of the men.
"I'd rather stay here" Betty replied.
"Now, Betty" Thaddeus demanded.
"It's okay, Betty. It'll be fine" Charlie assures her.
Door Open
Betty is escorted out of the house by Mitchell and onto the street.
Mitchell leads Betty away as Thaddeus exit the house, "Keep him under observation. I'll be back" he order the two men standing outside the house.
The two men nod his head and Thaddeus walk past them, down the steps.
Making his way towards Betty, "What?"
Thaddeus stop in front of his daughter who is leaning against her car and arm cross.
"Your friend in there. There's a good chance he's caught up in some bad business" Thaddeus said to her.
"I promise you, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. You have my word. I'll make sure he's cared for" Thaddeus promised.
"But as of right now, he's incommunicado" he stated.
"For the next few days at least, you're going to stay away from here" Thaddeus told Betty.
"for your own good"
*Dinner Room*
"And that's for the new guy on the night shift?"
Betty sitting at the diner table, "Great" Betty said as she on the phone with one hand and finishes writing something on paper with a pen.
"Thank you for your time. I appreciate it. Bye" Betty said before hanging up the call.
Betty put her phone down onto the table and look down at the address written on the paper.
*Oakland Street*
Betty driving her car through the streets as sitting next to her, in the passenger seat is Emily.
The car stopped and parked in front of a house, "This is it" Emily stated as she look down at the paper in her hand.
Betty went and turns off the engine to the car.
Door Open
"So why are we here, Betty? Who house is this?" Emily questioned as the two got out of the car.
"Charlie father" Betty answered.
Door Close...Barking
Betty and Emily went up to the front door of the house.
Door Open
"How unexpected" Brian said as he's standing on the other side l the door.
"Please, come in you two" Brian said as he step to the side, allowing the two to enter the house.
*Living Room*
Door Close
"I'm sorry we show up at your house like this" Betty apologies as Brian started to clean up the messy room.
"Me mostly came here to ask you something" she stated as Emily looks around the place.
"He told you?" Brian ask Betty.
"He said you talk to him" Betty told him.
"Please, sit down" Brian said, gesturing to the sofa.
Emily came back on over as Betty sat down and she does the same as her friend.
"Charlie was at the lab last night. He said that you were there too. But he can't seem to remember much about it" Betty tells him.
"He was?" Emily ask Betty and the woman nodded her head.
"We need to find out what happened" Betty said to Brian.
"So you want to know what's wrong with him?" Brian stated and Betty was about to answer him.
"We do" Emily answered with a nod of her head.
"So you can fix him. Cure him" Brian said to Betty and Emily.
"My father's with the military. He thinks he's involved in kind of threat to national security" Betty tells him.
"Your father, Ross?" Brian asked and Betty nods her head.
"You brought your father down upon his head" Brian stated.
"I'm sorry?" Betty said in confusion.
"Don't be sorry" Brian replied.
"My son is...unique" he stated.
"That's why you can't relate to him, even of you. And because he is unique...the world will not tolerate his existence, will they?" Brian said.
"But you two...you try, don't you?" Brian asked.
"Beautiful women like you both...your attentions...can't be completely unwanted...can they?" Brian comment.
"But I'm afraid we are all too late to help him. There's nothing I can do for him, or for you two" Brian confess to Betty and Emily.
"he's made it clear. He wants nothing to do with me. His choice" Brian told Betty and Emily.
"Now, if you excuse me. Miss Ross and friend. I have work to do" Brian said as he went and stood up from his seat.
Betty was about to say something, "Of course" Emily replied and gave her friend a quick glare.
Door Open
Betty and Emily exit the house, "And don't worry about the dogs"
"You two will be fine" Brian said as he stood in the doorway.
"Just don't look at them in the eyes" Brian warned.
Betty and Emily walked up towards the car as Brian watches them through the window, closely.
*Living Room*
"He gets released..."
"and a month later your lab is destroyed" Thaddeus said as he's standing in front of Charlie who's sitting on the sofa.
"What a coincidence" he stated.
"So, you're just gonna tell me where he is, are you?" Thaddeus said to Charlie.
"How many times must I tell you. I want to help you, but I don't know" Charlie tells him as Susan comes on over.
"If my son doesn't know, he doesn't know" Susan said as she went and sits down next to her nephew.
"What about you, Susan? Any ideas where your brother?" Thaddeus ask her.
"How should I know that bastard is, Rosss? He's nothing to me" Susan told Thaddeus in disgust.
"You know who I am, right, Banner?" Thaddeus said to Charlie.
"You're Betty father, a high-ranking general" Charlie stated.
"I'm the guy who had your father tossed away" he tells him.
"I'll do the same with you if you feel so disposed, you understand?" Thaddeus threatened.
"Ross, leave my son. He has done nothing wrong" Susan tells him.
"Susan, he's isn't your son" Thaddeus reminded her.
"But he's my family, Ross. Family stick together. Beside why are you asking Charlie anyway? He doesn't remember" Susan said to Thaddeus.
"My father is dead" Charlie stated.
"Don't play with me!" Thaddeus snapped.
"You were a young boy when you saw it!" Thaddeus stated and Charlie raises a eyebrow.
"When I saw what?" Charlie asked in confusion and turns to look at Susan.
"Mom. What is he on about?" Charlie asks her as tears begin to form in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry" Susan apologies as tears started to go down her face.
"Mom?" Charlie asked in worry as he went and put his arm around the woman, to comfort the woman.
"What are you on about? What lie?" Charlie ask her.
"Your father...he's not dead!" Susan confessed as she leans into her nephew chest.
"I'm sorry, son. You're even more screwed up mess than I thought you'd be" Thaddeus stated as Charlie comfort Susan.
"Till we get to the bottom of this, your lab has been declared a top-secret military site" Thaddeus announced.
"You won't get security clearance to get back into it...or any other lab that's doing more interesting than...trying to figure out the next generation of herbal hair gel" Thaddeus said to Charlie.
"You can't do that! Tell me this isn't true, Ross!" Susan said to Thaddeus.
"And one more thing..." Thaddeus began to say, ignoring Susan.
"If you ever come within a thousand yards of my daughter again, I'll put you away for the rest of your natural life" Thaddeus threatens Charlie as the young man just glares at him.
Brian grins evilly, standing in front of a trio of dogs.
He went and kneels down to the dogs level, held out a scarf to the three.
Each of the dogs went and sniff the scent off the scarf, one after the other.
"Go get her and let nothing stand in your way" Brian ordered as the last of the dogs has finish sniffing the scarf.
The three dogs ran away into the streets as Brian stands up straight and laugh
Charlie close the door behind him, Sigh
*Downstairs: Living Room*
Charlie went over to the table and pick up the phone.
"Hello?" Charlie said.
"Father" Charlie said back, knowing who this man is.
"So, they just think they can throw you away, as they did me"
"What's wrong with me? What did you do to me?" Charlie asked.
"I had a visit today, a very unwelcome one. I'm afraid my hand is being forced"
"What did you do to me?!" Charlie exclaimed.
"You so much want to know, don't you? But no explation will serve you half as well as experience in any case. I still don't quite understand it myself. If they'd only let me work in peace. But, of course, my betters would have none of that"
"So you experimented on yourself, didn't you? And then pass it onto me" Charlie stated, figuring it out.
"An alternation. Genetic. A deorminty, I guess you could call it that. But an amazing strength, too. And now, finally unleashed, I can harvest it now"
"You'll do no such thing" Charlie snapped, cutting him off.
"I'll isolate it and treat myself. I'll remove it and kill it before it does any harm" Charlie tells him what he would do.
"I bet you and your friends would love to destroy it. But would you really destroy part of yourself"
"I don't think so. And for that girl. Not that Betty woman, the other one...I'm sending her a surprise visit from my four legged friends"
"What are you talking about?" Charlie questioned in confusion.
"I've managed to culture some of your own DNA and the result are tremendous. They're unstable, but very powerful"
"What about my DNA?" Charlie asked.
"Let's just wait and see what your friends makes of the result"
"No. You're crazy. I won't let you" Charlie tells him.
The hulk jumped out of the house and onto the road, Slam!
A car pulls up nearby as unconscious men lying among the road.
Door Open
Sam gets out of the car as he witness a huge, muscle monster leaving the scene.
Sam turns to see a confuse Susan exiting the wreckage of the house.
He went and immediately hurries over to the woman, "Are you alright, Miss Krenzler?" he asked in concern.
Sussn instantly turns to see him, "Sam? What's going on? What happen to my house?" Susan questioned in confusion and in a daze.
"Miss Krenzler. I think there's something you should know about your son" Sam said to Susan.
Emily is sitting on a bed and drawing in her notebook, Creak...
She stop drawing and look up from her book...
Door Open
Emily exit out of the cabin, holding a flashlight tightly in her hand.
She shines the light forward to see the way as around the cabin are trees.
The cabin is in the middle of a forest, "Hello?" Emily called.
..... ..... .... ....
Nobody answered as Emily doesn't see anything, shining the light around her surroundings.
Emily went and slowly went down the wooden stairs, "Hello! Is someone there?!" she called again.
When Emily got to the bottom step and onto the ground, she shines the light around her, to see if she could see anything...or anyone.
The woman look around the grounds surrounding the cabin, shining the light here and then.
But Emily doesn't see anything out of place or anyone other than her.
"Must be the wind" Emily stated with a shrug of her shoulders.
Emily turns around and was about to head back into the cabin when.
Emily immediately stop walking and quickly turns around, shining the light in front of her.
She hesitated for a moment before the woman went and walk on ahead to see where the rustling is coming from.
Emily stopped in front of some bushes as she shines the flashlight light around her, to see through the darkness.
"Hello?" Emily called.
Unknown to the woman, something bigger than her is standing behind the bushes.
Naked to the human eyes as it looks down at the woman and watching her.
Then suddenly...
Emily stop and instantly froze as she felt something...or someone is watching her.
Deep Breath
Emily slowly raises the flashlight up, shining the light among the leaves of the bushes until...
The woman stop and instantly becomes confuse as she sees something standing behind the bushes.
Emily squinted her eyes and step forward a bit to take a closer look.
Emily instantly snaps out of her state and quickly ran away from it.
It continue to move slowly as Emily ran on over to her car and hides behind it.
Emily is hiding at the side of the car, holding the flashlight in her hands.
The woman went and turns as she stands up, to see where that creature was.
Emily looks through the window to see that it had stop walking and looked back.
She realise then that this creature or whatever it is isn't going to hurt her.
Emily hesitant for a moment, before she went and slowly got out of her hiding spot.
She went around the front of the car and over to where the creature is.
Closer and close the woman walked until she stop right in front of it.
Emily looks up and stare at the creature closely, wondering why it hasn't attack her.
"Ch-Charlie..." Emily stuttered in shock and surprise.
He went and moves one of his giant hand towards her.
Emily doesn't move away in fear as his giant hand wrap his hand around the woman and picks her up, carefully.
He went and walk forward until the creature reaches Emily car.
The creature went and place Emily down onto the hood of the car.
Emily sat down and the two stares at one enough as unknown to them, a car is driving towards the cabin.
He instantly turns around, "Charlie? What is it?" Emily asked.
When the last of those dogs are killed, Thud!
Emily was about to leave the car, but Sam stops her by grabbing the woman by her arm.
"Are you crazy?" Sam ask Emily.
But Emily doesn't listen to him and gets out of the car.
He slowly turns to his left and walked up to the river as Emily follows him.
When he made it to the river, the creature crouch down and stare down at the water below him.
Then suddenly...
He slowly change and transforms before the three very own eyes back into...human form.
Emily run on over to the river, Panting
"Are you alright?" a worry Emily ask him in concern as she kneels down beside a crunch over Charlie.
"I...I'm fine" Charlie breathes out as Susan and Sam comes on over.
"He sends his dogs didn't he? But I killed them" Charlie stated with a pant as Sam and Emily help him up.
Once Charlie stands up and with the help of the others made their way towards the cabin.
"It must be the nanomeds, it must be" Sam began to say as the four are walking forward.
"The gamma was exposure. We we've never seen any effect like this before" Sam stated.
"Deeper" Charlie mumbled.
"The gamma just unleashed what was already there" Charlie stated.
"Unleashed what?" Emily asked.
"It's okay"
Emily and Sam help Charlie into the bed, "What was those animals that attack us?" she asked.
"Mutants dogs" Charlie answered as Emily went and pulls the blanket over him.
"Mutant dogs?" Sam repeated.
"Mybfather sent them here. He injected them with my DNA. Whatever that's inside me affected and turned those dogs into that" Charlie explains as Susan came over with a wet cloth.
"He wanted me to change. Change into that mindless thing" Charlie stated.
"Why would my brother want that?" Susan wondered.
"Can you remember anything, Charlie? From when y-you were that monster?" Sam ask him.
"He's not a monster!" Emily told Sam and he put his hands up in surrender.
"It was like a dream"
The three of them turn to Charlie, "Rage...Power...Freedom" he said.
*House:Living Room*
"Hello dad" Betty greeted as she's sitting on the sofa.
"Betty? Are you alright? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I promise" Betty assures him and turns to look at a photo.
"I need your help" she told him as the photo is a picture of Betty and her friends.
"I think that somehow your anger is triggering the nanomeds" Sam said as he, Emily, Charlie and Susan are sitting around having breakfast.
"How could that be? We designed them to respond to physical damage" Charlie stated in confusion.
"What about emotional damage?" Emily suggested, making the two men turn to look at her in confusion.
"It can manifest physically. Like serious trauma, repressed memories" Emily stated.
"Well Betty father grilled me the other day" Charlie brought up
"What?" "Huh?"
"About something that happened to me from my childhood. Something I'm supposed to remember. It sounded bad" Charlie told them.
"The thing that worries me is a physical wound is finite. But with emotions what's to say that it won't go on and on. Started a chain reaction" Sam said.
The four turn their head to the door, "Emily. Are you expecting anyone?" Sam ask her.
"I'm not" Emily answered and Charlie stood up from his chair.
Charlie walked over to the door as the other three stands up.
He went and was about to open the door when...
Soliders enter the cabin as the three runs up to the unconscious Charlie.
"Target down"
The soldiers surrounded the four, pointing their guns at them.
"Who are you people? How did you found us?" Sam questioned in confusion as Emily founds a transquier dart and removed it.
"Target secure" one of the Soliders reported as someone enter the cabin.
"Betty?" Sam said as the woman walk on over to them.
"Don't worry. He's just asleep" Betty tells them as she went and crouch down beside Charlie.
"I'm going to take you someplace safe"
*Underground Base: Room*
"Now long are you gonna keep him sedated?"
Thaddeus, Sam, Emily, Susan and Betty are standing in a room staring through a glass screen.
On the other side is Charlie, lying unconscious on a medical bench with a blanket over him.
"For the rest of his natural life, if I had to" Thaddeus stated.
"You can't do that!" Emily protested.
"You said I could trust you" Betty said to her father.
"I'm your father" Thaddeus reminded his daughter.
"Trust me to do what I think is right, not you think you all want" Thaddeus said.
"He's a human being" Sam pointed out.
"He also something else" Thaddeus retort back.
"Suppose he gets out...and has one of his little modd swings in a populated area?" Thaddeus brought up.
"Yes, I'm aware of the potential dangers" Betty replied.
"Ross I know he's not my real son, but he's family. He saved our life, all three of us" Susan told Thaddeus.
"We're indebted to him for that" Sam stated.
"He also put three of my men in hospital" Thaddeus inform the four of them.
"Plus Talbot's barely walking" he added.
"I mean, what do you all want me to do?" Thaddeus asked.
"I want you to help him!" Betty told her father and Thaddeus look at his daughter in disbelief.
"No" Thaddeus immediately denied her request.
"Why is Charlie such a threat to you?" Sam ask him.
"Becsuse I knoe where he comes from" Thaddeus answered.
"He's his father's son, every molecule of him" he stated.
"He's nothing like Brian, Ross" Susan said to him.
"But he's working in the same exact goddamn field his father is" Thaddeus argued.
"We're scientists..." Sam began to say.
"and as a scientist we can figure this out and helped him" Betty stated.
"Look..." Thaddeus started to say.
"I know what you two do. Whatever you know or care. I've got a lot of pride in what you've done" Thaddeus said to Sam and Betty.
"But this is too big for you two" he stated.
"Look, I know the government thinks they have a weapon on their hands...otherwise he'd be dead by now" Emily started to say.
"But please let your daughter and Sam try to help him" she plead as tears form in her eyes.
"Nobody knows him than we do"
*Lawrence Berkeley Lab*
Brian is fixing some wires before he went and move things around to so fit.
When he was done with that, Brian goes over to the computer.
Brian moves away from the computer and over to a long black tube.
He grabs it from the floor and breath into it, Breath in...Breath Out
Once the man was finishes, Brian let go of the tube and it falls onto the floor.
Brian grins and stretches his arms out...
Subjects himself to the nanomeds and gammspshere.
It stops and Brian collapse onto his kneels, Panting
Brian felt something and look at the back of his hand, seeing he has a cut going across it.
The man slowly stands up as blood slowly comes out of his hand.
Brian could control the blood that was coming out of his hand.
Making the blood turn into a small ball of blood before the liquid went and goes back into his hand, healing itself.
Next Brian hand suddenly turns from flesh to rock and his eyes widened in wonder as he puts it down onto something solid.
Then his hand turns blue and the solid object is the same colour.
Brian went and goes forward with his new ability, making his hand phrase through the solid object.
Door Open
A security guard enter the lab to see a man standing there.
"You shouldn't be here" the security guard told Brian.
"My hand..."
"the strength of my son's DNA, combined with nanomeds reconstruction" Brian replied as he turns to look at the security guard.
"You see, I can partake the essences of all things" Brian stated.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to put your hands up pals, okay?" the security guard said as he pointed his gun at the man.
"Nice and easy" he told Brian as the man looks down at his hands.
"Do you really believe that I am separate from you?" Brian asked.
Then suddenly...
Brian use his powers to flip part of the floor that the security guard is on.
Brian walked over to a piece of equipment and picks it up with his new-found strength.
He went and came back over to the security guard is, struggling to get up.
Scream!!!! Crunch!
"What do you mean? You don't have access?"
"NSA has decided to turn over study of the threat to Atheon" Thaddeus announced and Betty eyes widened in shock.
"But you're head of the base" Betty stated as her father lit a cigarette.
"I thought you were in charge" Betty said to him.
"I don't set policy. And I still take orders" Thaddeus reminded Betty.
"I don't believe Talbot did this" Betty said in disbelief and sat down in front of his desk.
"There's a lot of powerful people out there, Betty" Thaddeus stated as he sat down opposite his daughter.
"Who wants in on this, and money to be made. Lot of it" he tells her.
"Know the worst part about all this?" Thaddeus ask his daughter.
"When Brian Banner was locked up and that kid was sent away to live with his aunt, I didn't give the boy a second thought. He was just collateral damage" Thaddeus confessed and rubs his forehead.
"What can we do?" he questioned.
Door Open
"Hello Charlie" Glenn greeted with a grin as he enter the room.
"How are you feeling?" Glenn ask him as Charlie is sitting on the medical bench, facing him.
"What do you want?" Charlie asked, getting straight to the point.
"That's a good question" Glenn replied as he stands in front of Charlie.
"I need your cells to trigger some chemical distress signals" Glenn stated.
"So you can turn a little green for me again and I can carve off a piece of the real you" Glenn told Charlie.
"Analyse it, patent it and make a fortune" Glenn listed.
"I'll never you" Charlie told Glenn.
"I'm not sure you've got a much of a choice" Glenn said back with a grin, getting out a stun gun.
Charlie falls to the floor, Thud!
"Come on..." Glenn said as Charlie slowly tries to pull himself off the floor.
"Aren't you feeling a little angry?" Glenn asked and place his foot on Charlie back.
"After all, you've only got me to play with" Glenn stated.
"Your friends have left you" Glenn told him.
"You're...You're lying" Charlie denied, shaking his head.
"You know got me, this is a win-win situation" Glenn replied.
"You turn green, all of these guys come in and kill you. I perform the autopsy on you. You don't and I mop the floor with you" Glenn explains to Charlie.
"Maybe I should cause an accident, let say..." Glenn suggests and gets his foot off of Charlie.
He kneels down to the man, "and break your neck" he sneered with a chuckle
"It's bad science, maybe. But personally gratifying" Glenn stated and...
Zapping...Thud! Chuckle
"You know, consciously you may control it..." Glenn started to say and stands up.
"But subconsciously, I bet that's another story"
*Immersion Cell*
Charlie has been placed in an isolation, restrictive tank filled with water.
Wearing a oxygen mask and still unconscious, "The secrets in him, and I'm going to extract him" Glenn stated.
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