#3: Fenris
*Apartment: Bedroom* *Day*
Christopher slowly woke up and open his eyes to see the ceiling of the room he was in.
He slowly sat up and...Gasp!
Christopher immediately grab hold of his head and close his eyes in pain.
"That man"
Alex entered the living area, "Wasn't he the man who came to the cafe the other day?" he pointed out.
"He is" Maria confirm as she's making breakfast.
"What is he doing here?" Alex asks her with confusion written on his face as he went over to the sofa.
"He needed a place to stay for the night" Maria tells him as Alex sat down and pick up his drink from the table.
"And you allow him" Alex stated as he sip on his drink before using his other hand to pick up the remote and turn on the T.V.
"Today news. Last night there was a train accident at Grand Central Station. A train was caught in the middle of a tunnel collapse and broken down. But somehow, the train mangle to make to get back to the station. The train was broken down and debris block both of the ways of the tunnel"
Alex turned to look at Maria and gave her a glare.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Maria asked with her eyebrow raise.
"Your note told me you going to the train station. I think you caught that train and got involve in that accident. The question is, how is the train magicly got back to the station safe and sound? I think you helped bring it back and somehow erase everyone memories there. Also you brought that mystery man back last night "for a place to stay for the night" Alex said.
"You're smart for your own good" Maria stated and Alex just grin in tribute.
"So, how did you do it?" Alex asked, curious and before Maria could say anything.
The two turn around to see Christopher standing at the doorway.
"Morning" Maria greeted.
"Hi. Do you want some coffee?" Maria ask him as Christopher entered the room.
"Yes please" Christopher answered and sat down on the sofa as Maria walked away.
Christopher noticed someone glaring at him and turn to see...
"What are your intension with Maria?" Alex asked, glaring at the man with his snake eyes.
"What do you mean?" Christopher ask back with confusion.
"You know who and what Maria is" Alex pointed out.
"What do you want to do with her?" he wondered.
"Toture her, experiment on her, examine her..." Alex listed off, making Christopher uncomfortable...sinking down in his seat.
"Alex, stop interrogating him!"
"But he could be one of them" Alex stated as Maria walk on over to the two.
"Them?" Christopher asked with curiosity.
"Over the years we have been pursue from many different type of people you can name" Maria tells him as she handed Christopher the cup of coffee.
"More for her since I have lived less than Maria" Alex stated as Christopher accepted the drink and sip on it.
"Me and Alex have to constable move around. Even to avoid them or catch any unwanted attention of me not ageing. There have been times when we were nearly caught. There were times we trusted people the most, but find out their true gender and tore our hearts out of trusted people ever again. Just been the two of us" Maria explained.
"I am very sorry for this to happen to the two of you. But I'm not the enemy. I am someone you can trust" Christopher stated.
The three turn their heads to the door, "I will get it" Maria said and stood up from the sofa.
Maria walked up to the door and opened it, revealing a woman standing on the other side.
"Yes?" Maria said.
"Hello, I'm Sarah. The woman you talk to last night on the phone" she stated.
"Yes, come in" Maria replied and step to the side, allowing the woman to entered the apartment.
"Glad you could make it" Christopher said to her.
"How are you feeling?" Sarah ask him.
"Much better" Christopher answered with a smile.
"Good because we must go get going then. To have some breakfast and attend a couple of meeting today. Plus need a wash and change of clothes" Sarah tells him and he nods his head.
"I better get going" Christopher said as he went and got up from the couch.
"Thank you for your hospitality, and letting me stay here for the night. I hope I wasn't a problem" Christopher told the two of them.
"It's no problem" Maria assures him as Alex watched on in silence.
"Hold on"
Christopher went and dig into his pockets, looking for something.
"If you do change your mind and want to join the project..." Christopher said and gets out a car from his pocket, walking up to Maria.
"Call this number" Christopher told Maria as he held the card out to her
Maria nods her head and accepted the card, "Bye" Christopher said before the two of them left the apartment.
Door Open...Door Close
Maria looks down at the card in her hand, deep in thought.
*Field* *Night*
A couple is siting on a blanket, on the grass as the two are talking to one another.
The two look at each other for a moment before they lean in and kiss each other onto the lips.
The man noticed something and breaks away as he stands up from the blanket.
Looking up at the night sky and the woman notice him looking at something.
So the woman got up from the blanket as well to see what it is.
Her eyes widened as...
a metreoid is hurtling through the sky.
The couple turns their head and look at each other.
The man and woman are standing above on the grass, staring down at the metreoid aftermath of a big hole.
Then suddenly...
Imagine Green eyes instead of this colour
"So, what are you going to do?"
"About what?" Maria asked as the two of them are sitting in front of the television on the couch eating their breakfast.
"About the project?" Alex pressed.
"I'm not sure. On one side of the argument I do want to helped and protect people" Maria said.
"And the other...?" Alex asked.
"I want to stay hidden and not be kept a secret, no one knowing who even of us really are" Maria tells him.
"Next on the news. A couple were attacked by a wolf last night in a field. But this is different from any wolf anyone has come across. According to the couple witness statement, this is what they have to say"
"We saw a metreoid comes flying through the air and we went to investigate. But we never imagine that me and my girlfriend came face to face with a wolf before. It attacked u and ran away into the night" the man explains to the reporter.
"But why do you say that this wolf that attacked you, was different from a normal wolf?" the reporter asked.
"Because this wolf we both saw with our own eyes was huge, bigger of anything we ever seen before. And it's eyes. Those are not normal"
"This is the picture that the couple mangle to snap of this mystery creature"
Maria and Alex turn their heads to look at one another as...
*Stark Mansion: Office*
Christopher's sitting behind the desk, filling out some paperwork.
"Come in" Christopher called.
Door Open
"Hey buddy" a man greeted with a grin as he entered the office, making Christopher look up.
"Hello Adam. Shouldn't you be at work?" Christopher said as the man came on over.
"Not today. My day off" Adam stated and Christopher nods his head.
"So what can I do for my friend?" Christopher asked.
"I need you to take a look at this" Adam said as he gets out his phone and shows Christopher a picture.
"Why are you showing me a wolf picture?" Christopher wondered in confusion.
"Didn't you hear the news?" Adam asked and Christopher just states at him.
Adam went and showed the new article on his phone to his friend.
Christopher gently took the phone and looked at the article more closely.
"Demon wolf?" Christopher said, seeing the headline of the article.
"Yeah. A couple got attacked by this wolf last night" Adam stated as Christopher strolled down, reading the article.
"Thank God they survive the attack and only got away with mild injuries" Adam comment with a sigh of relief.
"Okay. But why are you showing me this?" Christopher asked with a raise eyebrow.
"Christopher. I don't think this was a normal wolf we are talking about" Adam stated.
"What do you mean?" Christopher asked.
"First of all have you not seen the size of creature in the photo. If what the couple are saying are true and that's photo real, it's huge. Second the eyes, it's eyes are very different from a normal wolf. Thirdly the couple witness a metreoid crash before seeing that wolf" Adam explained, making Christopher eyes widened a bit.
Christopher turned to Adam, "So what are you saying?" he asked.
"I think you thinking the same as me. That the wolf isn't from around here" Adam said to Christopher.
"But why have you come to me, Adam? Why haven't you gone to higher up?" Christopher questioned.
"Listen, Christopher"
"Not everyone believe that there are other things out there. Like aliens...or other world. Or people who are different from others, people like you" Adam said to him.
"Adam..." Christopher started to say as he takes off his glasses.
"I don't want to report this to my bosses, Christopher. You know what the military would do in this sort of situation" Adam said to him.
"Please. Just investigate the scene of the incident. If it's nothing but a hoax, I will do one thing for you. Anything in the world. But what happens if there's something not human out there and nobody does anything about it" Adam said.
"Fine" Christopher replied in defeat, making Adam grin.
Door Open
"Great. I will send you the location, and meet you there" Adam said to him as Sarah entered the office.
Sarah stopped as she sees Adam standing there, "Sorry. Should I..." " she begins to say.
"It's alright. We just finished up" Christopher assures her.
"Hey Sarah" Adam greeted.
"Hello Adam Sarah said back.
"I will meet you there, buddy" Adam tells him and said bye to the two of them before leaving the office.
Door Close
"What was that all about?" Sarah asked as she came on over to him.
"Sarah. Can you clear the rest of the schedule" Christopher requested as he stood up from his seat.
"Why? Got an appointment or something important?" Sarah ask him as Christopher went around his desk and grab his coat.
"Looks like I'm going hunting"
"Alex, can you get that?" Maria called as she's in the kitchen area washing some dishes.
"Okay" Alex said as he gets up from the floor and went up to the phone.
Alex grabs the phone and answered it, held it up against his ear.
"Hello?" Alex greeted.
"Hello, Alex. It's Christopher Stark. The man from the other day"
"What do you want, stranger? She hasn't accepted yet?" Alex asked as Maria heard her name and stop what she was doing.
"I wanted to talk to Maria about something"
"It's alright, Alex"
Alex went and gave Maria the phone before walking away.
"Hello" Maria greeted.
"Have you heard about the Demon Wolf?"
"It's on every News program or newspaper" Maria pointed out.
"A friend from the military came to me for help"
"Of what?" Maria asked, raising her eyebrow.
"Wanted me to investigate it and see if it's real. And need your help"
"Help? Help with what?" Maria questioned.
"He thinks this wolf, could be a alien...or from another world"
"I'm on my way"
A taxi stopped on the side of the road, Door Open
Out came Maria along with Alex as she went to the front of the taxi to paid the driver his fee.
"Don't believe you agree" Alex said as the taxi drove away from them.
"Let's go" Maria replied as the two of them started to walk.
Maria and Alex made it to the coordinate that Christopher had sent her early on the phone.
Christopher and another standing beside him noticed the two of them.
"Glad the two of you came" he said.
"Is this where it happened?" Maria asked.
"Sure is. Thank God the police have left" the other man said.
"Who this?" Alex questioned, suspicious.
"Oh sorry. This is Adam, my military friend. This is Emma, and this is Alex" Christopher introduce each other.
"Nice to meet you" Adam said as he held out his hand.
"You too" Maria said back and shook his hand as Alex walked past them.
"Sorry. He doesn't trust people easy" Maria told Adam.
"That happens with the job. We got to trust the right type of people, not the enemy" Adam states.
"Can I have a word with you, Christopher?" Maria requested and the two went over to the side.
"Does he know about me?" Maria questioned.
"He does" Christopher truthfully answered.
"Even my...abilities? Or Alex?" Maria asked.
"Only you" Christopher admitted.
"You know you can't tell every person you know about..." Maria trail off to Chrisopher in anger.
"Maria, I trust Adam with my life, and I trust with his. We both don't keep secrets from each other" Christopher tells her.
The two came back over moments later, "So what do you know?" Maria asked.
"Last night a couple witness a meteroite crash around here. When they went to investigate, a huge wolf appeared. You have both seen the photos of this creature itself" Adam said.
"I do not see this so called metreoit" Maria said, looking around her surrounded.
"Me and Adam has sweap the park for the rock before the two of you arrived" Christopher stated.
"And?" Maria pressed.
"Nothing. No sight of the rock itself" Christopher replied, shaken his head.
"Even with my eye sight, I would have noticed this rock of yours" Alex said.
"Maybe this was a waste of time" Adam states with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Or not"
Adam turned to Christopher, "Even though we can't see it. Doesn't mean it isn't here" he states.
"But we both went around this park, and came out empty" Adam stated and Christopher turned to Maria.
"Would you detect this meteroite?" Christopher asked, eyeing Alex.
"Possibly, or not..." Maria answered as she walked up to him.
"We would never know till we take a look around"
"Any signs of this meteroite?"
Maria is walking along the grass, "Nothing" "How about you?" "Nothing on my end"
"What about you, Alex?" "This is so weird having this thing in my ear"
"Alex, focus" Maria told him.
"Can you see anything?" Maria asks him.
Maria continue to walk around the field, not seeing this so called meteroite.
She was slowly giving up hope that there was a meteroite in the first place.
That it was a hallucinate, or a lie told by the couple who appear on the night.
But what about the photo the couple took of this Demon Wolf
Maybe it was a regular wolf they saw and their imagination was taken over.
Maria stopped and suddenly thought of an idea.
She went and closes her eyes, Deep Breath
Maria decided to use her super senses.
She opened her eyes and turns her head to look at the empty part of the field.
Maria walk forward a bit before she stopped and raises her hand up.
The girl felt her hand against the surface of something invisible and smiled.
Maria went and walked forward a bit before she stop and raises her hand up.
The girl felt her hand against the surface of something invisible and smile.
Maria went and closes her eyes again, Breathing
The green tattoos slowly appeared over her body as at the same time, something appeared as well in front of Maria.
Imagine this spaceship is smaller and lying broken on the grass
The three have appeared as they all look up at the spaceship in front of them.
"Looks like they were telling the truth" Christopher said as Maria has got rid of her tattoos.
The four went and take a look around the outside of the ship.
"But how did this ship disappeared? Has it got a button or a switch or something?" Adam said.
"How did you know it was here, Emma?" Christopher asks her.
"I sense it" Maria stated.
"Sense it?" Alex repeated.
"These powers of mine have enhanced my senses. I can see what most people couldn't" Maria told them.
"I wonder how you get inside this thing?" Adam wondered.
"There must be a button or something" Christopher said as Maria look at the marking displaying on the outside of the ship.
The ship definitely doesn't look like it was made by anyone here.
Maria studied the ship for a moment, until...something came to her.
She remembered that the ship became visible when her tattoos appeared.
The four of them step back as the entered to the ship opened up.
Door Open
"There you go" Maria said as she lifted her hands up before headed inside the ship.
The other three joined her as the four see the insides of the ship.
"I never seen technology like this before" Maria said as they took a look around the small ship.
"Because this ship isn't from around here" Christopher stated.
"Alien?" Adam asked.
"I guess that what some people call it. I call it beings from another world...or planets" Christopher replied.
"Whatever was in this is long gone now" Alex stated.
"The ship definitely broken. Caused by the impact of the crash" Adam said.
"I need to take this ship home, and examine it more closely for clues. See if I can discover more about it" Christopher said.
"I will go and send in a trunk" Adam tells him as he turns and exited the spaceship.
"We need to find this creature that has escaped the wreckage and fast" Maria said to Christopher.
*Street* *Night*
A group of girls dressed up are talking and laughing with each other walking down the street.
Unknown to the girls, a create with green eyes are watching them from the darkness.
*Hanger Room*
Door Open
Christopher is taking more closely look at the ship he bought home, breaking it apart and examing the pieces as Sarah entered holding a tray with a drink on top.
"How's it going?" Sarah asked as she came on over.
"Not well" Christopher replied as he stood up and place a tool down onto the table.
"I do find this technology along with the material fascinating, but it doesn't really give me enough information" Christopher said as he picks up his cup.
"Enough information?" Sarah said as he sips his drink.
"Doesn't tell me where this ship from, or what was the wolf that was inside it in the first time" Christopher said.
Friday anything?" Christopher asked.
"Not much, sir. I couldn't find what sort of material it is, nothing on my date-based"
"And Friday does have a lot of information along with knowledge on many things" Sarah stated.
"But there's one thing" Christopher said as he turns to look at the ship.
"What is it?" Sarah asked.
"Maria" Christopher simply answered.
"Maria?" Sarah repeated.
"She was the one to find this ship, even though it was invisible to us. And opened the door as well" Christopher tells her.
"Maria did?"
"How did you do it?"
"Do what?" Maria asked as she and Alex are sitting on a bench.
"Found that thing" Alex replied.
"I don't know. I just sense it was there" Maria stated.
"But even with your senses, I don't think you could have seen it" Alex pointed out.
"I think it's because of what's inside me" Maria said to him.
"The lines?" Alex asked and Maria nodded her head.
"I don't know why it happened. I didn't think it would work at the time, but it did" Maria answered.
Maria gets out her phone and saw Christopher Stark
She went and answered the call, "Hello?" Maria greeted.
"Hello Maria, it's Christopher. I wanted to ask you something"
"What is it?" Maria asked.
"Do you remember you told me the other day that you sense the ship. Along with being the one who found the entrance to it?"
"I do" Maria answered.
"But why are you bring this up?" Maria wondered in curiosity.
"I think there was a reason why you were the only one to do this, Maria. To know the exact location of the ship and seeing it, even though it was invisible to the naked eye. Knowing where the entrance was. But to find out if it is, I need you to come down to my home"
"To your home?" Maria asked with her eyebrow raises and Alex look at her.
"Yes. I have the equipment here to examine you, for a check up. Only if you want to and by your permission. And it's safety than going to the hospital, isn't it?"
"Okay. I do it" Maria said.
"Excellent. I will send a car to you and pick you up"
Door Open
Maria and Alex exited the apartment to a man wearing a suit standing in front of a car.
"Are you, Happy?" Maria ask him, making sure he's the correct person.
"Sure am" Happy confirmed with a nod of his head as he went and Door Open
The two went and gets into the car before Happy Door Close
Happy turns around and walked up to the front of the car.
Door Open
Happy gets into the car before closing it behind him.
The engine is turn on before the car went and drove away.
*Stark Mansion*
The car drove down the driveway, going around the fountain and stopping outside the stairs leading to the front door.
Door Open
Sarah exited the mansion as the doors of the car opened and the three of them get out.
"Welcome to Stark Mansion" Sarah greeted as she walks down the stairs to the bottom.
"My name Sarah, Christopher personal assistant" the woman introduces herself.
"That made be all, Happy" Sarah tells him and he nods his head before going back to the car.
"Follow me" Sarah said as she went and leads the two of them into the mansion.
Door Open
The three entered the room as Christopher is examing some part of the ship.
"Glad the two of you could make it"
Alex immediately looks around, "What was that?" he said in confusion and on guard as Christopher turns around.
"That's Christopher" Maria stated.
"What?" Alex said, staring at the man in confusion as Christopher come on over
"He has powers, Alex" Maria informs him.
"It's true, Alex. I do"
Alex begins to get worry and immediately noticed.
"Don't worry, Alex. He won't hurt you" Maria assures him as she rubbed his back.
Deep Breath
"What did you want to speak to me about?" Maria asked as Alex turns and walk away.
"Is he alright?" Sarah asks her back, referring to Alex.
"He's alright. Just need to process this. You know, Christopher powers" Maria said to them.
"Not a lot of people know about me reading people mind for example. Only a small group knows" Christopher stated.
"Is it because you want to hide them?" Maria asked.
"Sarah, can you bring us some drinks?" Christopher asks her and she nod her head before walking away.
"People won't believe if I told them that I'm a telepathy" Christopher said as he leads Maria over to the ship.
"We would think it was a illusion, or a hallucination" Christopher stated.
"Were you born with them, or were you involve in a accident like me?" Maria ask Christopher.
"Born with them. I discovered them when I was a child, but didn't realise what it really was till I was a teenage" Christopher tells her.
"What were you saying that there was a reason I found it?" Maria said.
"I was saying that you were the only one because of what inside you" Christopher stated.
"Inside me?" Maria questioned.
"Your DNA"
"Here" Christopher said as he straightens up and gestured For Maria to take a look into the microphone.
She went and do so...
Imagine that this is Maria DNA and it's green.
"This is your DNA" Christopher said to her.
"Okay. So..." Maria replied.
"Here" Christopher said and change the slide to another one.
"This is a normal person DNA" Christopher stated as Maria went and takes a look at it.
"Notice the different between the two" Christopher said.
"I do" Maria replied as she looks up at him.
Door Open...Door Close
"Mine is more green. Figured as much since my tattoos are the same colour" Maria stated as Sarah entered the room.
"Doing some science?" she said as Sarah came on over, holding a tray of drinks.
"Sure are" Christopher confirm as he takes the cup off the tray, and Maria does the same.
"Hey Sarah. Maybe you could show Alex somethings that may interest him" Christopher suggested as the young lad is looking around the place.
Sarah turns and walks over to Alex, "Things?" Maria asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Entertain him, but too dangerous" Christopher tells her.
Door Open...Door Close
"So, is this your hobby? Science?" Maria asked.
"Something like that" Christopher answered.
"I did a diplomat in science at the University, and it has stay with me ever since it becomes a interest of mine. Plus does work well with medicine" Christopher tells her.
"If you know some much knowledge and interested in science. Why didn't you get a job in a lab or something?" Maria asked.
"That's what I originally wanted to do in the past" Christopher answered.
"Own my own lab and discovered along with create new medicine" Christopher stated.
"But my views and options has change since then. So now I own my own company and create equipment to help people" Christopher explains to her.
"Do you build things, like your older brother?" Maria asked.
"A bit, not an expert like my brother. But do have some knowledge" Christopher stated.
"My skills are more towards science and medicine" Christopher told Maria.
"I like to try something, but I need ask for your permission" Christopher said to Maria.
"What is it?"
"These are the parts from the ship" Christopher told Maria as the two of them are standing in front of a table.
"How did you get the ship apart? Wasn't this hard to break?" Maria said to him.
"It did take some time, but got there in the end" Christopher tells her.
"Can I take a sample of your blood?" Christopher asks her for the girl permission.
"Why?" Maria questioned, getting suspicious.
"I want to see your blood get a reaction if I drop some on these parts" Christopher said.
"Let's do this"
"Got to ask. You are not scared or have a fear of needles?" Christopher ask her as he set up one of them.
"No. I'm good" Mark answered, sitting on a stool.
"I should give you a head up, Maria" Christopher started to say as he taking a sample of her blood.
"I don't know if this will work. It's only a theory" Christopher said to her.
"But you will never know till you know, Christopher" Maria pointed out.
Christopher went and drip a couple drops of blood onto one of the ship parts.
Soon as one touch the material, it suddenly vanishes from their very eyes.
Maria went and put her hand down onto where the ship part was minute ago.
"Still here" Maria tells him as she felt the material going against the skin of her hand.
"Well, my theory is correct. You may it go invisible" Christopher stated.
"This ship must have a cloaking device" Christopher said.
"Does this mean whatever this ship came from, came from the same place as the metroit?" Maria questioned.
"Not exactly"
"Even though your blood did reaction with this ship, we don't know if that could have happen with any unsunal DNA" Christopher said to Maria.
"I think I know a way to find this wolf" Christopher said all of the sudden.
"That's impossible. We don't know where this wolf is, or it location" Maria pointed out.
"Yes, but..." Christopher began to say and turns around to look at the ship.
"I know how to lure it out"
*Field* *Night*
"So, what's your plan?"
Christopher place a bag onto the grass and cronch down.
He opened it and gets out...a part of the ship before standing up.
"This is the light source to the ship" Christopher stated.
"Now if I do this..." Christopher said and fiddle around with it.
A light shins from it upwards, "This should draw the wolf here" Christopher tells them.
"Adam, me and Alex will hide while Maria you will be out in the opening" Christopher explains to the three.
Christopher turns to Maria, "Don't fight it unless it attacked and tries to hurt you. No killing" he told her.
"I will be on standby, for emergency" Adam said to Christopher as he loaded up his gun.
"Only for emergency"
Maria is standing on her own in the middle of the field, holding the light up towards the sky.
Maria froze and slowly turns around to see...
Imagine the wolf is in a field at night and towering over Maria.
Imagine Maria is a super enhanced human fighting against a giant wolf.
Adam was about to get out of his hiding place to help Maria.
"Maria needs help!" Adam told Christopher.
"Adam. Haven't you seen the size of it. If you go out there now, you may get injured or worse, death"
"But we can't just sit around and do nothing. You don't know the limit of Maria powers against the strength of this wolf" Adam replied.
Alex went and got out of his hiding place, onto the field.
"Alex! What are you doing?"
"Helping" Alex replied as he's running towards the fight.
Maria dodge the wolf attack and punch it in the face, making the wolf trail back.
Alex joins it and attack the wolf along side Maria...
Maria is being held down by the wolf on the field as Alex tries to get up in pain.
Alex looked up and eyes widened, seeing the scene happening in front of him.
Imagine Alex turning into his true form at the field, a giant snake.
aria's trying to get the wolf off of her, but the creature is pinning the girl down.
Then suddenly...
Out of nowhere, a force knocked the wolf off Maria.
Maria immediately went and got herself off the ground, seeing the wolf and...a giant snake fighting each other.
"What the hell is that thing?!" Adam exclaimed as he and Christopher watches the scene in front of them.
"Alex true form" Christopher breathes out making Adam turns to him.
"You didn't tell me about this?!" Adam shouted at Christopher in disbelief.
"I didn't know" Christopher confessed.
"We need to stop this, Christopher, or the police will come" Adam tells him as the man tries to figure out a solution to this situation.
"Stop it!"
Christopher immediately froze and becomes confuse as he heard a unknown voice.
"Leave me alone!"
"Christopher, what is it?" Adam asked, noticing his friend expression has changed.
"Hold on" Christopher told Adam and place his finger on the side of his head.
"Maria, can you hear me?" Christopher asked.
"Yes, what is it?" Maria asked as the wolf and snake are fighting.
"I know a way to calm down the wolf. But you need to stop Alex"
"Oh it" Maria said and ran up to the two creatures as they are fighting each other.
Maria went and knocked the snake to the side, Crash!
She ran over to the snake to keep it at bay as Christopher slowpy walks forward.
Slowly walks up to the wolf who was staring at the man in guard mode.
"I heard you...I heard you, and I know you can hear me too" Christopher said to the wolf, with the last bit in his mind.
Making the wolf tilt his head, "We are not here to hurt you. We come in peace" Christopher assures the creature.
"He's not lying!"
Maria came on over with her hands up, "We are not here to hurt you. We only want to talked" she stated.
"It's true. We're not a threat, we are not your enemy" Christopher said to the wolf.
"We are like you, different" Maria tells him and close her eyes.
The green tattoos appeared over her body as the wolf eyes widened in surprise.
"We are different from the other, even me"
The wolf went and lower his guard, "Good...Good" Christopher said.
"Can we come closer?" Christopher ask the wolf as it stays still.
Seeing that as a answer the man went and walked up to the wolf more closely than before.
When Christopher got that close to the wolf, he stop and stares at the creature in front of him.
The wolf stares back at the man as Christopher went and raises his hand.
It hesitated for a moment...before lowering its head and Christopher places his hand on the wolf.
Christopher eyes widened as the man sees before his very eyes, the memories of the wolf itself.
Playing fast in his mind like a movie until it slows down and Christopher sees a spaceship crashes into Earth with the wolf in it.
Christopher went and instantly fell to the ground as Maria caught him.
"Christopher. Are you okay?" Maria ask him in concern as Alex and Adam come on overtly them.
"I'm fine. Just a effect from seeing some memories" Christopher replied as he looked at the wolf, glaring down at the four.
"He's not here to hurt or attack us. He's scared" Alex stated as he went and strokes the wolf fur.
"But why did the wolf crash here?" Adam asked.
"I don't think he meant to crash here, Adam. It was all a conindence he landed here in the first place" Christopher said.
"He can't stay here" Alex said.
"Alex right. Someone will see him, and also the problem if the police come here" Maria told the two men.
"What's your name?" Christopher asks the wolf.
"Okay, Fenris. Can you, I don't know, change your size...or maybe, form" Christopher said to the wolf.
The wolf stares at them all for a moment...before he went and transforms in front of their eyes.
From a wolf...to a man...
Maria eyes widened and quickly turns around to face the other way.
"Doesn't someone have a coat or something to cover him?" Maria asked in embassment with a bit of blush on her face.
"Adam. I got a blanket in my car. Can you go and get it?" Christopher requested.
The man turns around and walk away as Christopher kneel in front of Fenris.
"Nice to meet you, Fenris"
Christopher opened the back door of the car, allowing a covered Fenris to get inside.
Door Close
"Thank you so much for sorting this out" Adam told Christopher.
"Thank you for helping out" Christopher said back and the two friends shook hands.
"What's going to happen, to him?" Adam asks him.
"I'm taking him to my home and staying with us until further notice" Christopher stated.
"Well, I better get going now" Adam tells him before he walk away.
Maria and Alex came on over, "I thought it over while you were gone. And...I have decided...to join your project" Maria announced.
Making Christopher smile, "Really? Are you sure?" he checked and she nod her head.
"What about you, Alex? Are you joining as well?" Christopher ask him.
"It will take time for me more to trust people because of my past. But I saw how you handed this, and decided to see how it go" Alex tells him.
Christopher went and held out his hand, "Welcome to the Avengers"
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