#1: Christopher(X)
*Garden* *Day*
A little boy is playing outside on the grass with a football as...
an woman with shoulder length brown hair and eyes is chopping up some vegetables on a wooden board.
The woman stopped what she was doing and looked up, smiling.
The boy was playing with the football, until...
The woman eyes widened, "Christopher!" she exclaimed in a panic.
She quickly put the knife down and ran over to the door.
Door Open
The woman exited the house, Crying
The boy sitting on the grass in pain as tears are flowing down his face like a waterfall.
The woman went and run towards the boy, "Christopher! Are you okay?" she asks him in concern and worry.
"M-My knee" the boy cried as the woman crouch down to his level and looked to see a cut there.
Door Open
The woman carried in the sobbing boy inside the house, Door Close
She placed him down on one of the dinner table chairs.
The woman went and fetch a tea towel before coming back over. L
She crouch down and press the towel gently onto the cut on his knee.
"Shh...Shh..." the woman shush the boy as she went and clean up the wound.
"It's going to be okay. You are a big boy" the woman tells him with a smile.
"Mother going to make it okay"
*Present Day*
*Hall* *Day*
Door Open
People exited the conference room as among them is a young man storming out of there in angry, stress and frustrating.
"Christopher wait!"
Sarah hurried out of the room after him, trying to keep up with her boss.
The man went and suddenly stopped, "Um..." Sarah begin to say as she walked up to him.
"Are you alright, sir?" Sarah asked as people walked past them.
The man went and turn around to face her, "I'm fine, Sarah" Christopher reply.
"It's just really annoyance that the outcome of this meeting turned out like that" Christopher said to her.
"I'm sorry it happened. I should have..." Sarah said before Christopher interrupt her by putting his hand on her shoulder.
"It's alright, Sarah. It's not your fault but theirs. They are the ones who should have to listen to me" Christopher tells her.
Clear Throat
"Anyway..." Christopher said and removed his hand from her shoulder.
"let's get going and get out of here" Christopher said as the two went and walked up towards the door.
Door Open
Christopher and Sarah came out of the building, Snap! Snap!
"Mr Stark!" "Mr Stark!"
"Yes, first question" Sarah said, gesturing for them to ask their questions.
"How did it go, Mr Stark?" one of the reporters ask him, holding out a microphone to Christopher.
"The meeting went really well and smooth. We were talking about the current state of security" he answered.
"You are one of the youngest and successful CEO of your very own company. You have created advanced technology beyond anything anyone can imagine. Has it changed anything?" another reporter asked.
"It sure has. For example hospitals has better technology so that they can save more lives and helped more people in need" Christopher told them.
"What about your older brother? He has created new forms of weapons technology that are highly futuristic to most looking on th weapons" an reporter said.
"My brother's are a defense company that develops and manufacturing weapons along with military technology" Christopher stated.
"I trust that his technology are in good hands. I have every faith and trust in my brother" Christopher tells them.
"Okay we only have time for one more question" Sarah inform everyone.
"Tomorrow is the anniversary of your parents death. Will you be visiting your parent's grave?" a reporter ask him.
Christopher frozes and eyes widened as he remember that day vry well...the day he found out his parents death!
*Stark Mansion* *Evening*
A teenage boy is watching a movie from the couch as a younger boy is sitting down on the carpet, reading a book.
A man wearing a suit is walking towards the front door.
Door Open
Revealing two men on the other side, "Good evening, Gentlemen. Can I helped you?" Edward said to them.
"Is this the Stark residence?" one of the men ask the bulter.
"Yes sir, it is" Edward confirm with a nod of his head.
"We are from the New York Police Department" the other man stated as the two went and showed him their badges.
"It's about Howard and Maria Stark" he said, making the bulter suddenly become worried.
"What about Mr and Mrs Stark? Are they alright? What happened?" Edward questioned in concern.
"Can we come in?" the police officer ask him and Edward nod his head.
The bulter went and step to the side, allowing the two men to entered the mansion.
Door Close
*Living Room*
He went and grab the television remote from beside him, pausing the movie.
"Yeah?" Tony said, looking at his younger brother.
"When are mom and dad coming home?" Christopher ask his older brother.
"Should have been today" Tony stated, making Christopher look down in sadness.
"Don't worry, Chris. They made a promise to us that they will be home for Christmas from their trip" Tony assures his brother and he nodded his head.
"Tony! Christopher!"
The youngest boy turned and instantly smiled, "Edward!"
Christopher quickly got up from the floor as Tony continue his movie.
"Are mom and dad home yet?" Christopher ask the bulter as h stood in front of him.
But before Edward could say anything, two men entered the room making the boy look up in curiosity.
Tony noticed this as well and turned to look at them.
"Edward. Who are..." Tony started to say.
"Tony, Christopher. These men are police officers" Edward inform the brother.
"We need to speak to the two of you..." one of the men started to say.
"It's about your parents"
Sarah noticed this and turned to the crowd, "No more questions. This interview is over" she announced.
She went and guide Christopher through the sea of reporters as at the end parked on the side of the road is a car.
A man wearing a suit is standing in front of the car as the two are coming over.
Door Open
"Thank you, Happy" Christopher thanked him as he went and climb into the back of the car.
Sarah gets in after him and once the two of them are in, Door Close
Once the door is shut, Happy turned and walked up to the front door of the car.
Door Open
Happy went and got into the car before....Door Close
He went and started the engines, putting on his seatbelt before pulling the car out into the road...driving away from the building.
The car driving along the road as...
*Inside Car*
"What exactly happened back there, Sarah?"
Christopher stared out of the window, watching the scenery go by in silence.
"An reporter brought up the death of his death parents" Sarah tells him.
"The anniversary" Happy stated.
"Can you remind me to buy some flowers for my parent's grave" Christopher said to her as he turned to look at Sarah.
"Of course" Sarah replied as she went and got out her phone.
"Hey. How was today meeting go, sir?" Happy asked.
"Uh...it didn't go well, Happy. They wouldn't listen to anything he was saying" Sarah told him.
"Oh shoot. Sorry to hear that boss" Happy said to Christopher.
"It's alright, Happy. I knew something like this would happen" Christopher tells him back.
"Don't worry, Boss. One day they will listen to you. You see" Happy assured, making Christopher smile.
"Thank you, Happy" Christopher thanked him and turned to Sarah.
"Is there anything for the rest of the day, Sarah?" Christopher asked.
Sarah went and looked through the schedule on her phone.
"No" Sarah answered.
"Good" Christopher replied and turned to the front.
"Happy, can you drive us home" Christopher requested.
"Sure boss"
*Stark Mansion*
The car drove down the driveway and around the fountain before pulling up in front of the stairs.
Door Open
Happy went and gets out of the car, Door Close
He turned and walked up to the back of the car, Door Open
Christopher climbs out of the car first and Sarah after him, "Anything else, boss?" Happy asked.
"We good, Happy" Christopher answered and walked past him, over to the stairs.
"Don't worry, Happy. I will keep an eye on him" Sarah said to him as Christopher started to go up the stairs to the front door.
"I know you will"
*Living Room*
Christopher is standing at a fireplace, holding a phone up to his ear.
On top of the fireplace are a group of photos in frames, "Hello?"
"Hello Tony. It's Christopher" he said.
"Hey Christopher. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I just had a important meeting. You will see the articles in the newspaper tomorrow" Christopher tells him.
"How about you?"
"I'm good. Just fixing one of my cars" Tony stated as he went and wipe his hands with a cloth.
"You know, the Saleen S7 I own" he added.
"Ah yes. The famous sport car model from the Saleen Automotive car brand. What happened?"
"One of the engine blew out and broke down" Tony informs him.
"And thats why you are the brother with the mechanical skills"
"Hey, you have some those skills too you know, Chris" Tony pointed out.
"Not as great as you are, Tony"
*Living Room*
"Is there a reason you calling me?"
"I don't mind you calling me, but it has been some time"
"Straight to the point I see. Have to be straight with you, Tony. I wanted to ask if you are coming to visit our parents grave tomorrow" Christopher tells him.
"Is it that day already?"
"It is"
"Time sure does fly by" Tony stated.
"Had to be reminded by a reporter"
*Living Room*
"There's something else, isn't there? Something you not telling me"
"You are definitely my brother" Christopher said and turned to the fireplace at the photo of the Stark Mansion.
"I remember...the day the police came to the house about our parents"
"What's going on? What happened?" Tony asked, eyeing the two police officers.
"I'm sorry we have to be the ones to tell you this but your parents are dead" one of the men announced, making their eyes widened in shock.
"What!" Tony exclaimed, couldn't believe what he was hearing from them and wanted to make sure he heard it right.
"I know this must come to a pretty big shock..." the other man said before Tony cut him off.
"H-How did our parents died?" Tony ask the police officers with a stutter as Edward comfront a crying Christopher.
"Car accident"
"I remember that as well"
"I remember all too well. The both of us were left in some much grief and struggling to process the tragedy of our parents. Especially you, Christopher" Tony said as he turned to his desk where a similar photo in a frame is.
*Living Room*
"Remember our bulter?" Christopher asked.
"Sure do. Edwin Jarvis"
"I remember the day that Edward adopted us" Christopher tells his brother.
The funeral of Howard and Maria Stark is taken place as Tony, Christopher and Edward are standing next to each other.
Everyone are walking away as Tony and Christopher are staring down at the headstones, holding hands.
Edward said goodbye to the last of the people and walked back over to the brothers.
"Tony" "Christopher"
The two turned to see Edward coming over, "We got to get going now" he tells the brothers.
"What's going to happen to us?" Christopher questioned.
"Are we going to be send away?" he asked, tears form in his eyes as Edward crouch down to the boy level.
"Listen to me Tony, Christopher" Edward began to say and held the boy hand in his.
"I'm not leaving you two alone with complete strangers that you don't know or trust. I will adopt you and raise you with every breath or bone in my body" Edward said to Tony and Christopher.
"Became a father figure to us...when our parents died. Adopted and raise us...before he passed away" Tony said.
*Living Room*
"Then our father partner adopted us as his sons and you took over father company while I decided to create my own" Christopher said.
"Did you know. I did something in honour of Edward"
"Yeah. I named my artifical intelligence I developed after him, Jarvis" Tony told his younger brother.
*Living Room*
"That's very good you have done for Edward"
"Usually you even drink, go to party or have you know what with a random girl" Christopher stated.
"Anyway...I was hoping for us all to vist the graveyard...together" Christopher said.
"Look..." Tony began to say.
"I know both of us were not on good terms with father before he died. But please do it...for mom"
Tony thought for a moment, before...
*Living Room*
"Alright. I will do it. I will come along with Beth and the kids"
Christopher smiled, "Thank you, Tony. That's means a lot to me to hear you say that" he said.
"No problem. You are right" Tony tells him.
"Well, I better get going. Got some to work"
"Me too" Tony said back.
"Before I go...Look..."
*Living Room*
"I really sorry that the last time we talked it ended the way it did" Christopher said to Tony.
"I know" Tony agreed.
"Bye" "Bye"
Christopher is walking through a graveyard, carrying two small bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Till he stopped Christopher stopped in front of two headstones.
"Father..." Christopher said as he looked at the headstone on his left.
In Loving Memory of
Howard Stark
Dear Husband, Father
and Friend
"Mother..." Christopher said as he looked at the right headstone next to the other one.
In Loving Memory of
Maria Stark
Dear Wife, Mother
and Friend
"It's your youngest son Christopher here. How have you two been since I last visit? I been very good, thank you for asking. My company is doing well and continue to grow every day, dad. But don't worry mom, I'm not working myself to death, or tiring myself out too much. You have Sarah to thank for that. I missed you two so much. Even though that you were a cold and calculate bastard when you were alive, dad. You are still my father and I love you. Mom, I remember you as a kind-hearted, beautiful and wonderful mom. Who took good care of me when I was ill and cheer me up when I was sad. I love you always and keep you both a special place in my heart" Christopher said to the headstones.
Christopher kneeled down and place some flowers onto his mother grave.
"Am I late?"
Christopher turned his head to see Sarah coming over with some flowers.
"Right on time" Chrisopher tells her and place the other bouquet onto his father headstone.
"I brought some extra flowers for your parents" Sarah stated as she kneeled down next to him.
"Thank you" Chrisopher tells her and gave Sarah a quick kiss on the lip.
Sarah went and place the flowers down onto his parent's headstones.
"So...where have you been?" Chrisopher questioned.
"Work. There were some last minute paperwork that needed to be look over" Sarah tells him as the two stood up from the ground.
"I see" Chrisopher replied.
"Has he payed his respected yet? Your older brother or his family?" Sarah asked him.
"I haven't seen them yet" Chrisopher tells her back.
"Sorry we late!"
A woman and two children quickly came on over, "Traffic" she stated.
"That's alright, Beth. I was caught in a bit of traffic myself" Sarah assures the woman.
"Hello Katherine" Chrisopher greets the teenage girl.
"Hey Uncle Chris. Sarah" Katherine greeted with a wave.
"Uncle Chris!"
A little girl ran on over and hug Chrisopher leg, Chuckle
"Hello pumpkin" Chrisopher said to her with a smile and Maya let's go.
"Hello Maya" Sarah said to the little girl and she gave the woman a hug as well.
"Katherine, Maya. Can you give us some private?" Beth said to the girls.
"Come on, Maya. Let's visit our grandparents" Katherine said and her sister nod her head.
Maya takes Katherine hand as the oldest leads her younger sister away.
"Where's my brother?" Chrisopher asks Beth.
"He wanted to come..." Beth started to say.
"I knew it" Christopher replied with a tut, cutting her off and turned to leave the scene.
"Christopher, wait!"
Tony slowly opened his eyes to see a woman lying asleep next to him in bed with a bottle on the bedside table.
He went and put his hand on the top blanket and lifted it up, seeing that the two of them are naked.
Tony smirked before placing the blanket down, "Hey Jarvis" he called as the man slowly sits up.
"Yes sir?"
"What time is it?" Tony asked with a yawn
"Ten o'clock, sir"
The man turned his head to look at the woman for a moment.
"Jarvis" Tony said.
"What is it, sir?"
"I will be getting ready for work, Jarvis. When this woman wakes up, show her the way out" Tony instructed as he went and picked up his clothes.
"Of course, sir"
*Stark Mansion*
Door Open
Sarah entered the lab, balancing a tray of two cups of coffee to see Christopher working behind his desk.
"Hello Sarah"
Sarah instantly jumped, but had to quickly balance the tray of drinks.
Making sure they don't fall or spill.
"Christopher, can you please stop doing that" Sarah tells him as she went and walked up to the desk.
"One of these days you going to give me a heart attack" Sarah stated shaking her head.
"Sorry, but I just can't help it. I like doing it, and I'm not going to change that any time soon" Christopher tells her with a smirk.
"Here you go" Sarah said as she handed him his coffee.
"Thank you" Christopher tells her and accepted the cup.
"Maybe, I don't know, tone it down a bit" Sarah suggested, placing the tray onto the desk as Christopher sip on his coffee.
"for me" Sarah finishes.
"Deal" Christopher tells her and the two kiss each other on the lips.
The two pulled away, "The people from the meeting called me on the phone" Sarah stated.
"I see" Christopher said as he gets back to work.
"Saying that they have tried to contact you, but I told them..." Sarah said until Christopher cuts in.
"I let it go to voice message on purpose" Christopher admitted.
"But sir, they have been trying to reach you all week" Sarah protested.
"Well. If it's going to take one or more weeks for them to listen or agree, then it will go straight for voice message" Christopher tells her.
"I'm sorry, Sarah. I have tried to explain to him"
"It's alright, Friday. You tried your best" Sarah assures the artificially intelligent system.
Sarah then notice something, "What are you making?" Sarah questioned.
"An medical scanner" Christopher stated.
"What does it do?" Sarah asked.
"It's a device that will scan blood samples for toxins" Christopher explains to her.
"That's a good invention" Sarah tells him.
"It will help emergency service to find the victim effected wofj toxins" Sarah said.
"Once I am done with creating the device and testing itto make it work we can put it onto the market. But till then, it stays here" Christopher tells her.
"Unlike my late father, you praise my work" Christopher stated as he look at the picture in a frame on the desk.
"Christopher, he would have been proud of you" Sarah tells him.
"No, he wouldn't" Christopher disagreed, brushing the compliment off.
Christopher went and takes off his glasses off his face.
"He was a cold and calculate man who wanted to get rid of us" Christopher stated.
"Happiest day was whn my father sent my older brother off to boarding school. He was going to send me off too when I was oldest" Christopher tells her.
"Maybe your father has a strange way of showing it" Sarah suggested as Christopher went and gets out a couple of blueprint.
"He has a funny way of showing it" Christopher sarcastically said.
"If you don't love him very much..." Sarah started to say.
"how come you have that around your neck" she said, pointing to the key attached to a necklace around his neck.
"Exactly" Sarah said with a smile in success.
"If I can say something, ma'am..."
"What is it, Friday?" Sarah asked.
"Mr Stark kept the key all these years, hoping to find what it goes to"
"Friday..." Christopher warned.
"Christopher..." Sarah begin to say and gently grab his hand.
"I get it, you scared..." Sarah started to say.
"You scare of what you might have discover after all these years with the help of that key. You fear you get more disappointment than answers" Sarah tells him.
"Yes...it true" Christopher admitted and turned to look at her.
"I thought it would be a waste of time, Sarah. I thought there will be nothing there to discover" Christopher said to her.
"Friday. Where does this key go to?" Sarah asked.
"It seems its opens the locked drawer of Christopher father old desk"
Christopher turned his head and looked at an old desk in the corner of the room.
"Is that..." Sarah began to say.
"my father old desk" Christopher finishes as he went around his desk and over to it with Sarah following behind.
"This was your father?" she asked.
"It was one of the things that was given to me in the will when my father passed away" Christopher informed.
"Why didn't your father give it to your older brother?" Sarah questioned.
"I have no idea" Christopher answered as he removed the key from around his neck.
"I refused to use it. That desk is one of the things that reminded me of my father" he stated.
"It's okay. I'm here" Sarah assures him and he nodded his head.
Christopher went and inserted the lock drawer with the key.
Christopher hesitant for a moment...before he went and pulled out the drawer.
The two looked to see thick, manilla folders lying horizontally inside the drawer.
Christopher and Sarah gets out all of the folders inside, putting them onto the desk.
The two began to look through them, "Christopher. Take a look at this"
Sarah handed him a folder, Project Avenger
Christopher went and opened the folder, started to look through it.
A idea where we bring together a group of remarkable people and when we needed them, they could fight the battles they we never could.
"It looks like your father was in middle of a special project" Sarah stated.
Looking for extraordinary invidual, either with superpowers or other special characteristics.
"L-Like me" Christopher whispered with a mix of shock, confusion and surprise.
"I don't believe this" Christopher said in disbelief as he looked through the files, seeing the different cases that his father had written up.
"Chris..." Sarah started to say as she put her hand on his.
"There are others like me, a lot of people in these folders. People who could do extraordinary things" Christopher stated.
"Your father wanted to find and recruit them into his project" Sarah said to him.
°Protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats.
°Protect Earth from various dangerous threats.
"According to this, the idea never surface" Sarah pointed out.
"It because my father passed away" Christopher remarked.
"No one never knew about this. So these files were kept in this desk, hidden from the world and abandoned" Christopher tells her.
"Wait a minute"
"This project can resurfaces" Sarah stated.
"Huh?" Christopher asked, looking at her in confusion.
"You can follow your late father footsteps. You can reactive the project and continue his work" Sarah explains to him.
"Why would I do that? Me and my father never got along when he was alive" Christopher questioned.
"Because this is just what you need" Sarah stated.
"You were saying in the meeting you wanted to find a solution to these security problems, this is it. This is the opportunity you have been looking for" Sarah explained.
"You have a chance to become a part of something much bigger, a brighter future" she tells him.
..... ..... .....
Christopher turned and looked at Sarah, "Let's do this"
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