1. Once Upon A Time
-Everything belongs to the writer, ForeverSmiling99, aka me.-
"Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay a while,"- Maroon 5
Lena Rose Winter
Sighing, I laid my head down in the un-shaven grass, I smiled. Stars glimmered and gleamed at me, assisting the moon's job to light up the sky at night. It seemed to me that there was a snowfall sparkling in outer space and I felt privileged to witness it. Soft, soothing music blasting in my ears, I felt better than I had in a long time.
Tomorrow would be different though, it would be time for a new school; a new life.
I wasn't quite sure if I was afraid or nervous, but considering that this was the fifth school I moved to in the span of four years, I was aware of what was waiting for me.
Questions, and answers would have to be given. Being able to walk away from the spotlight and fade away from the minds of students who loved the new girl.
I often wondered why life could be so fair, yet cruel. Growing up without a father for the past seven years was hard, seeing my mother cry on his birthday and, of course, the memory of my fellow 4th grade friends putting the idea that I murdered my dad engraved in my mind. Mom often said that I wasn't to blame, it was his fate to die.
Why, though?
Why was his fate to die the same time I was in the car with him?
I would never know.
I forced a big smile in the mirror, my reflection looking ecstatic. Letting the strain I was feeling go, my lips fell into a straight line. Long, dull chestnut brown hair flowed to my waist, not even the sunlight hitting it making it appear any more special than it was.
"Let's do this," I murmured, wrapping a charm bracelet around my wrist.
"LENA! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" called Mom, disturbing the moment of peace I was having and making me jump in fright. I shook my head, shuckling absentmindedly. You'd think that after 17 years of living with her, I would've gotten used to her yelling that I was going to be late, which I never was, but I could swear that her screaming gets louder every time. I slipped my comfy, soft jean jacket on and hopped down the stairs.
"Good morning," I said, planting a small kiss on her forehead. I mentally pinched my nose as I did so, I hated the smell of coffee. Mom gave me a small smile, sipping on her black, steaming drink. Her onyx black hair was in an elegant bun, and she was in her business clothes, which meant that she was going to work.
"Good morning sweetheart. Don't you look darling today, like always. Oh, and I just remembered. One of my co-worker's daughter goes to this school. Look for her, Stacy Hennings. Okay?" replied my mom, lifting her eyes from the magazine. I noticed the familiar kindness and worry in them.
I rolled my eyes. Mom always had a fear of me being friendless. But what she didn't understand is that, sometimes, I wanted to be alone. I'd gladly choose re-reading Looking for Alaska on a Saturday night than partying with a bunch of stuck-up teenagers.
"Yes, mother." I replied, saluting like a soldier. She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I exclaimed, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. She walked over to me, and stuffed a waffle in my mouth.
"I was just wondering what I've ever done to deserve a daughter like you," she winked, poking my nose. I immediately removed the over-sized waffle from my mouth and glared at her, both of us extremely amused.
I folded my arms over my chest and pouted. "Is that a compliment or an insult?"
"A little bit of both," she answered, putting her now-empty cup in the sink. She pointed at the sink and I nodded.
"Hey! and I'll do them, I know."
After a few minutes of the daily teasing and fighting, I walked out the door, blowing her a kiss.
" Love you!" I exclaimed, taking a red apple and walking to our front doo
"Take care! Watch out for cars, and don't forget to smile and be happy!" shouted Mom. I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. I felt a smile appear on my face, making me feel just a little bit better.
Sure, it was autumn, but the weather was extraordinary. The sun was out, perfectly shining, but there was a breeze cooling the slight heat. The leaves of the trees surrounding my neighborhood were red, orange and yellow, making the view breathtaking. I wished I had my camera to capture this moment. My dream has always been becoming a photographer, to save every moment of every sunrise, sunset and every scene that takes my breath away.
I began my route to my new school. During the summer, I walked by the school so many times, I knew the way by heart. I plugged my earphones on, and put them in my ear. Lego House was playing, and that was because it had been on replay for a few days. I hummed its tune softly, and walked slowly to the high school in which I'd spend my senior year.
It was time to pick up the pieces and build a lego house.
After about 15 minutes, I arrived to my new high school. Unlike all those days during summer, when there was no one, it was packed with teenagers.
And seriously, it was chaos. As my eyes scanned it, all I could see was football balls being thrown around making any path to the main entrance impossible.
Jocks, these days.
There was a girl leaning her back against a giant tree, absentmindedly smiling as she gently rocked her head. I could see ear buds in her ear, and I figured she was listening to music she loved.
A group of girls were gossiping about something, but their concentration was captured on that subject. I frowned upon seeing one of them dressed in underwear, or as they called them, short-shorts. It was autumn, for God's sake! If you needed to get lustful gazes from guys, you should've done it during summer, instead of getting hypothermia.
I headed to the main entrance, eager to get my schedule. I muttered a few "Excuse me's", along in the way. Some looked at me, as if analyzing me with their eyes.
Why wouldn't they?
I was the new girl.
Out of nowhere, something hard hit the back of my head. Black spots clouded my vision, and I felt my body fall to the ground, losing any consciousness in me.
Edited: 22/12/2013
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