Prologue: A New Friend
A young boy with black hair stared at his computer screen with wide, crimson eyes.
His eyes were a mutation in his DNA; everyone would call him a demon whenever they saw them.
But now, the child was at home. He lived alone. He never met his parents, and friends were hard to make when they saw his eyes. But he had a home that was left to him and payed for.
He is now six years old, wearing an oversized, white t-shirt with blue shorts that went a little past his knees.
Despite his age and having no parents there, he was smart--smarter than most six year-olds.
The boy kicked his legs casually on his wheely chair, continuing to stare at his computer screen with wonder.
On the screen was an orange text.
From: CitrineeyedObserver [Abrv.: {CO}]
To: RedRider [Abrv.: {RR}]
Time Sent: 4:50 AM
CO: Heya. :)
A simple greeting.
From a complete stranger.
Before all of this, the boy was exploring his empty house again.
He found new boxes and pulled out objects.
The boy found a computer in one of them.
He wasn't a complete technical genius, so he took a while and had to read the manual to set up the computer.
He didn't understand a few of the things on the screen once it loaded, so he looked for things that interested him--like that flaming fox circling a planet that looks like earth but blue.
He clicked on the fox; a big box popped up and began to load.
He would later learn that he had just opened up Firefox.
The boy watched curiously as it opened a web page--another word he would learn later on--on a chatting website.
It was called Tree.
The child would learn later on to login and logout.
Currently, he was already logged in.
And that brings us back to the orange text, that suddenly popped in on the screen.
CO: Hey. :3
CO: Yo, yo. :D
CO: Sup, sup, sup, sup, sup~ (OwO)
CO: Kiddo. (OuO)
CO: Yo! ;D
CO: I know you're old enough to type back! :O
CO: I may be a stranger now, but I'm gonna be someone you can trust in the future. :)
RR: hoo r u
CO: Haha, I'm just a friend! And the way you type is just so amusing. It's supposed to be: 'Who are you'. XD
CO: Anyways, shorty, I need you to listen well. You have big things in the future--big things. ;)
CO: You'll understand that I won't come face to face with you for a long, long time. :/
RR: u dident anser mi kuestion
CO: Oh, about that....I can't tell you my name just yet. It'll put everyone in danger. :(
CO: So, call me what you want, kiddo! I won't mind. :D
RR: citri
CO: Sounds good to me! Taking a part of my Leaf name, eh? ;D
RR: wat is a leaf
CO:'s your account in this chat network. (0u0)
RR: i do not understand
CO: Haha! Don't worry, you'll understand someday--I know it! d(^_^o )
RR: u r funy citri
CO: A lot of my friends tell me that, kiddo. :)
RR: r u a boi or a gurl
CO: Hmmmmmm :/
CO: Confidential--to keep you safe. :)
RR: wat dus that meen
CO: It means it's a secret. X)
CO: Also, you can't really tell anyone about me, kid. Later on you'll meet your friends, so you can tell them.
RR: friends
RR: but they wuld b scared of me
CO: :?
CO: And why is that? ¿:
RR: mi eyes r ugly
CO: D:<
CO: KID! >:O
CO: How dare you say that about yourself! >:[
RR: wat
CO: Kiddo, there are a lot of people out there that have your eyes. :)
RR: Realee?
CO: Yes. :D
CO: Whoops! Now I need to go. D:
CO: Take care of yourself, kid. ;)
CO: I'll talk to you later. :)))))
CO: Always rooting for you. ( OuO )
CO: Boop! XoD
The ravenet gazed at his screen silently as the orange text stopped coming.
The six year old giggled brightly.
Your name is Kiyon A. Tris.
You're six years old, living alone and have mutant eyes.
And you think you've just made a new friend.
(O.D.D.- A new story I'm making! I guess I'll plan this out a bit more than my other original stories. Sorry to the people who read my fanfics, but I like to write my own personal stories here. Anyways, I plan to make this a second point of view type of story--let's see how this'll go. ( ^ω^ ))
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