Chapter 2: 'Follow' the...Brown(?) Rabbit
You open your eyes and wince at the bright light that assaults your eyes.
Ugh...that really sting--OH SH**!
You sit up and look around frantically.
Your little sister and your newfound friend are no where in sight!
You are currently Aven C. Shiromiya; you are flipping out because you can't see your companions anywhere near you! It's just a forest surrounding you and the sun was shinning above.
"Macie!? Kiyon!?"
You couldn't help but feel some fear; the familiar voice was tinged with pain.
You stand up and run towards the voice.
You brushed fast a few bushes and trees until you found a grassy clearing.
Oh he**.
Kiyon was smiling weakly at you as he clutched his bleeding side; Macie looked perfectly fine, but a bit shaken up at the sight of your bleeding friend.
You run over and crouch down beside the ravenet's body, pressing one hand over your friend's own.
Kiyon laughs sheepishly.
"We kinda f-fell from the sky, and, uh, I managed to sc-scratch my side on a-a tree limb."
You can feel the uncomfortable warm liquid seep through your fingers.
Why did this happen!?
He'll bleed out at this rate!
This wasn't supposed to happen!
You blink in slight surprise when Kiyon lightly slapped your cheek; the ravenet grinned.
"'re freaking out, Aven. That's not like y-you. I'll be fine."
"Ya' ain't fine, Kiyon."
"I will be."
You shut your mouth.
You know your friend is trying to calm you down.
Take deep breaths.
Panicking won't help in this situation.
"Macie, do ya' have any bandages in yur' backpack?"
D***, what a relief.
The bleeding has stopped.
But Kiyon will need proper stitches for the cut.
Right now, you're carrying Kiyon on your back.
The little knucklehead tried to protest and say he could walk on his own, but we're you going to let your injured friend do that? He** no. Plus, Kiyon was light despite his looks.
And Macie--bless her sweet heart--doesn't complain about walking beside you instead of being carried by you.
You glance around the area with caution.
You believe you remember Citri talking to you about some sort of GAME before they sent you your Yellow gem in the mail.
Honestly, you've wondered if Citri was an actual person. He or she never gave too much information on themself, which was quite concerning.
'To keep you safe', they said. From what? The Shadows?
To you, it sounded that there was something much, much more dangerous than a bunch of misty folk.
"You should take a break."
"Ah'm fin--"
"Macie would probably want to take a break too."
You glance down at Macie.
You see that she seems a bit sleepy.
Fine. A break's in order.
You look at your surroundings.
It's pretty much trees....trees....trees....oh, and guess what? Trees.
You groan mentally.
You wish Citri gave you more info on this GAME. They only told you about the Shadows and your Yellow gem.
....However....Kiyon doesn't look like he knows a single thing. I guess that makes you feel better....?
What the heck.
You both are lost in this world.
You've checked your phone countless of times for Citri to respond.
There wasn't a single bit of orange in si--
Oh sh**, they finally responded!
You pull out your phone before frowning.
It's not Citri.
And it's not Kiyon either since his phone or laptop isn't out.
What the he**?
You look at who's messaging you.
From: BlueBreeze [Abrv.: {BB}]
To: GoldenTechboss [Abrv.: {GT}]
Time Sent: ?:?? ??
BB: You.
GT: ....Me? :?
BB: Where's Citrine?
GT: ...Ah'm gonna guess that you're another friend. :0
BB: Where's Citrine?
GT: Ah' don't know. :/
BB: ....
BB: .......
GT: Um... :|
BB: You suck.
GT: Whut!? D:<
GT: Dude, what's yur' problem? >:(
BB: ....
BB: I'm sorry. That was wrong of me.
BB: I'm just worried for them. :(
GT: Phew, yur' first emoticon. ( = 3 = )
BB: Is that a comfort? :?
GT: Kinda is. 'Cause emoticons kinda express how the writer is feelin', ya' know? No emoticons is like dead serious stuff. :/
GT: But ah' suppose with Citri not respondin' is pretty worrisome. :|
BB: ....
GT: What's yer' name by the way? :)
BB: ....I can't tell you that. At least not through text. Hasn't Citrine told you that before? :0
GT: ....Oh. Right, right. Sorry, ah' forgot. XD
BB: Hm. :/
BB: Well, I must leave now. =_=
GT: So soon? :/
BB: ...
BB: They're after me too.
GT: Wait.
GT: What?
GT: BlueBreeze?
GT: Little Boy Blue?
GT: Breezy?
GT: Hey?
Well, your new friend has stopped responding.
That's always not a good sign.
You groan mentally once more.
Your name is Kiyon A. Tris, and you feel that your friend Aven is stressing himself way too much.
You can walk perfectly fine!
If you ignore the stumbling....
Ah, geez, who are you kidding? You can't walk.
Honestly, you feel like you've been a burden to Aven and Macie.
You sigh deeply as Macie plays with your raven locks; she apparently decided to tie the longer strands into braids.
Suddenly, you hear rustling leaves--different from a simple breeze passing through.
You tense up and Aven also seems to notice the difference. The blonde stands up and turns to look at the noise with narrowed, golden eyes.
The rustling grew louder....
.....Out popped a brown rabbit.
You all blink owlishly at it--and you think it's a male.
The rabbit rubs his nose with his forepaws.
Awww....he's kinda cute.
Aven seems a bit weary though for some reason.
Macie has sparkles in her eyes; you think she likes cute things.
You study the rabbit and blink in slight surprise when he looks at you.
Green eyes.
You've never seen a rabbit with such a vibrant color in their irises...
The brown rabbit turns around before glancing over his shoulder.
You incline your head at him.
It looks's trying to tell you to....follow....?
"I think we should follow him."
Aven looks at you like you've gone delirious.
Perhaps you have--you did lose a lot of blood.
However, your instincts are telling you to follow the rabbit.
Oh gosh.
You sound like you're Alice in Wonderland or something.
But seriously, your instincts are never wrong.
Aven frowns at you.
"Ah'm not followin' some stupid rabbit."
You smile amusedly at the blonde.
"Come on, Aven! He might lead us somewhere!"
Aven gazes at you sternly.
The rabbit seems to stare at you guys in a deadpanned way.
Suddenly...the rabbit...smirks...?
The small mammal then moves one of his forepaws--which were hidden from view when he turned away from you guys--and pulled out.....a chain?
A golden one.
With a yellow gem.
"....Isn't that...?"
You trail off, amused yet a bit freaked out at the same time.
Macie broke the silence.
"Bwo, he has yur'--"
Aven chases after the brown mammal, who bolted with that not-so-rabbit-like smirk on his face. The rabbit held onto the charm as he ran away.
The rabbit had Aven's Yellow gem.
Oh dear.
You can't believe this! Your name is Aven C. Shiromiya, and a freakin' rabbit just stole your charm/necklace/weapon!
How the he** did his furry paws even touch it?!
You felt no presence--wait, wait, wait!
You just left Kiyon and Macie behind!
Argh, the rabbit's gone now!
You groan deeply.
God d*** it!
You sigh.
You guess you should head back to where they a--
"Aw, man. Tired already?"
You freeze and whip your head around at the unfamiliar voice.
Stepping out of the trees was a brunet teen that looked to be the same age as you.
He had bright, lazy, yet mischievous, green eyes. His skin was almost as dark as the bark surrounding him.
Who the he**?
Your name is Kiyon A. Tris and you're kind of worried that your blonde friend hasn't returned ye--oh, there's rustling noises.
Aven walked out of a few bushes, a disgruntled look on his face; he had his necklace dangling around his neck.
There was no brown rabbit in sight.
Oh gosh, you hope he didn't kill the small thing!
However....a brunet popped his head through the leaves after Aven and grinned widely at Macie and you.
You raise an eyebrow and hesitantly wave back.
The brunet then had a face of realization.
"Oh...oh right, right, right. Introductions. I forgot, hehe."
The brunet grinned lazily at you.
"My name's Nnoroc D. Psoel. It's very nice to meet you."
You blink.
And then you blink again.....before grinning widely.
Another friend!
He** yes!
Orange eyes softened and glowed brightly at the scene before them.
They quirked a smile.
"....Thanks, Gift."
Their eyes turn away from the screen they were looking at.
They blinked in surprise and slight relief when they saw blue text fill a different screen.
From: BlueBreeze [Abrv.: {BB}]
To: CitrineeyedObserver [Abrv.: {CO}]
Time Sent: ?:?? ??
BB: Citrine?
BB: Please be alive.
CO: Whooooops~! Sorry, wrong e-mail~! ;D
BB: Citrine! Thank the Spirits. :)
CO: Heh, sorry if I've made you worried, Blue. :)
BB: 'Worried'? I was going to have a panic attack! D:
CO: Ah....sorry.... (=u= ; )
CO: But wait! :/
CO: Are you safe?
BB: Yes, I managed to get away from them.
CO: Good. :)
BB: They're too slow after all. ;)
CO: Oh, you. ( = 3 = )
CO: Welp....besides checking up on me, you need something else, right? :?
BB: You and your mind reading powers... :)
BB: But yes, I wanted to talk to you about something else.
CO: What is it? :¿
BB: Citrine?
BB: Are you still there?
CO: Blue....
CO: God...
CO: Sending Gift in was hard enough.
CO: I'm...
CO: I'm scared.
CO: Scared for all of you guys.
BB: ....
BB: We all have to run into the fear we run from someday.
BB: You and I both know that.
BB: So...
BB: I want you to smile for me.
BB: Like you usually do.
BB: :)
BB: I'm experienced in fighting.
BB: I can help them through the land too. They're currently in the Dimension of Nature, are they not? I've memorized that place and its inhabitants. Including the other Dimensions.
BB: Please trust me.
CO: ....
CO: *Sigh*
CO: All of you guys are going to be asking me to send you in, huh?
CO: ....
CO: Alright.
CO: Be careful. :)
BB: Understood. :]
Orange eyes shut.
A soft sigh was heard in the room.
"Geez....Blue and Gift...."
They snapped their fingers and orange irises opened, cutting through the room.
More screens appeared.
'My barriers are set up. I guess it'll be safe for now to communicate with the others.'
From: CitrineeyedObserver [Abrv.: {CO}]
To: IndigoDreamer [Abrv.: {ID}]
Time Sent: 1:23 PM
CO: Indi? (O_O)
CO: Are you there...? :|
ID: :O
ID: Ouais! It's nice to be hearing from you again, teehee! :3 (Yay!)
CO: It's good to see you too. :)
ID: Hmmm~you seem kinda down, is there something wrong? ( • ω • ? )
CO: Gift and Blue have gone ahead.
CO: Wow. :O
CO: How long did it take for you to write that? ( > ∇ < )
ID: Oh shush, CO! >:(
ID: By the way, I used the copy and paste. (<_< )
ID: But stiiiiiiiiillll.....CO, why did you let GG and BB go before meeeeeeee!? D:
CO: .....They asked first......
ID: >:T
CO: Indi, please don't give me that actually pains me to bring you all into this GAME so early.
ID: Oh..... (O_O)
ID: Sorry, CO. :(
CO: It's alright. :)
ID: But I still want to gooooooooooooooooo! (OuO)
CO: ( = _ = )
CO: *Sigh* I was going to send everyone in eventually. Blue already asked for permission. :)
ID: Oooooh~! I can't wajdksox oris,mkksjkj&/'sos xiKkkijyJju^)7*jug
CO: Indi!?
CO: Oh my gosh....did you
ID: I'm fine. ( *–° )
CO: Oh. :0
CO: Heya, Dream! :3
CO: Did Indi fall asleep? :/
ID: Sort of. I kind of took control a bit forcefully. ( *–° )
CO: ( = ... = )
CO: Indi's going to be mad at you, Dream. ε-('∀`; )
ID: I'll be fine. ( *–° )
ID: I have also heard most of this conversation already. I wish to speak to you myself. ( *–° )
CO: Okay... :)
ID: Will you be messaging VS? ( *–° )
CO: Yes, Vi will be messaged. :)
ID: I see. I shall be taking my leave theno&$/'meoj$ijsm
ID: Gah! Dream is so mean to meeeeeeeeee! CO, I hope Dream didn't say anything weird to you! D:
CO: Not at all, Indi. :)
ID: Well.....I'll go pack my things then! I'll be standing by!
ID: Au revoir!
Orange eyes glowed warmly in amusement.
'They never change....'
They turned their gaze turned to another screen and they started a chat with another friend.
From: CitrineeyedObserver [Abrv.: {CO}]
To: VioletShadow [Abrv.: {VS}]
Time Sent: 1:47 PM
CO: Vi? I'm back...
VS: Good golly, Ci! I thought you'd never get back to me, chap! D:
CO: Hehe, sorry about that. :)
VS: Gadzooks! I hope you're messaging me with good news. :C
CO:'ll be meeting the others! :)
VS: Well cheers to you and cheers to me! CCCC:
VS: Oh, mate, this is just brilliant! :)))))))
VS: I can barely settle my tush on my seat! Oh golly, this is just so exciting! :DDD
CO: Well settle your tush back down. XD
CO: Goodness, I need to tell you that three of them are already in the GAME. :(
VS: Oh? Well gadzooks, that sounds a bit troublesome. :/
CO: That's why I'm sending the others inside.
CO: Along with you, Vi.
VS: I see!
VS: Very well. I shall get my things ready! Toodles! :DDD
VS: But wait! Are you calling everyone, Ci? :3
CO: Yes. I have three others. But I haven't managed to find them. They're still being blocked. :|
VS: Hm! Well, I suppose we'll have to deal, Ci. :)
VS: Toodles for real! :D
CO: Bye. :)
Orange eyes glowed warmly.
A smile tugged at their lips.
"Let's see how far we'll go."
"Nnoroc, right?"
"Yep. You can call me Roc or Nnor too."
Nnoroc had his hands stuffed into his pockets as he walked beside Aven, who was carrying Kiyon; the ravenet peered curiously at the brunet.
" know Citri?"
Nnoroc grinned lazily and glanced over at Kiyon.
"Of course. I've know C ever since I've been six."
Kiyon blinked in surprise.
"Huh....same for me too..."
Nnoroc whistled a random tune as he gazed ahead of them before looking at Aven.
"Hey, A."
The blonde grunted in acknowledgement as the brunet continued.
"What do you like to do for fun?"
Aven blinked in slight surprise at the random question before humming thoughtfully.
"Well, ah' like to practice ma' shootin' whenever ah' got the time to do it. And ah'll admit that ah' play 'make-believe' with Macie."
Nnoroc grinned.
"Sounds cool. But I don't know what having a sibling feels like."
Aven stared at Nnoroc for a moment.
Tears streamed from golden irises.
Your name is Aven C. Shiromiya, and you were recently bullied for your unusual eye color. You're currently nine years old.
You're returning home with painful throbs all over your body.
For some reason....your chest hurts the most. You hope you don't have any heart disease.
You find your hand touching a cold, metal doorknob.
You've made it back home.
You're really tired.
You want to sleep.....wait.
You need to check on Macie.
You find her crib.
She staring at you with her wide, brown eyes.
You lift her out of the crib and cradle her in your arms.
You sit on the ground and sigh tiredly.
How...are you going to do this....?
You're low on money and food.
The rent for the apartment was soon....
You....didn't want to lose Macie. She was the last of your family.
But then your eyes.....are they scary?
When Macie grows up, will she leave you? Because she thinks you're scary?
What if--?
You feel a tiny, warm hand on your wet cheek.
You look down in surprise.
Macie's looking at you with those big, innocent eyes again.
You imagine them looking at you with disgust and hatetr--
You blink in surprise.
That was.....Macie's first word.
Macie squirmed in your arms and extended her tiny arms out towards you.
You feel a warmth in your chest.
Two words.
Macie's first two words.....and she told you--
"Wuv Bwo."
She loves you.
She God d*** loves you.
The tears are coming again.
And for a whole new reason.
You swallow a lump in your throat as you give a watery smile to Macie.
"Ah' love ya' too, Macie."
::(Flashback End)::
Aven inclined his head before looking over at Nnoroc with his golden eyes.
"Ah' feels like ya' have someone who looks out for ya'."
He looked down at Macie fondly; the younger sibling blinked owlishly at Aven before trotting ahead of the three, looking at everything around the area.
Aven chuckled.
Nnoroc peered curiously at the blonde before nodding.
"I see...."
A ravenet teen stood on crisp, white snow.
His gaze was blocked by a few bandages wrapped around where his eyes would be.
His brown trench coat billowed in the frosty wind.
He reached his right hand out to the side, grabbing a wooden staff.
He tugged it out of the snow, spun it in the air, before attaching it to the sheath on his back.
His black boots crunched through the snow as he walked down a hill, knowing where he was going despite the bandages over his eyes.
He muttered to himself.
"Dear Spirits, I do hope that I'll be able to land safely. Falling from the sky isn't exactly what I'd want."
A white circle appeared before him, and he stepped through without a hint of hesitation.
<<(Paris, France)>>
"Ouais! This is soooooo exciting~!" (Yay!)
A short-haired strawberry blonde grinned widely, her indigo eyes glowed softly.
She patted her jean-clad thighs as she sat on her twin-sized bed, jumping up and down excitedly.
She fidgeted with the hem of her maroon t-shirt.
A white circle appeared before her.
Her eyes brightened.
"Oh! Time to go~!" 'Yes, let's go.'
She grabbed a small backpack that was lying next to her before jumping into the circle.
<<(Middlesbrough, England)>>
Purple eyes darted around in their candle lit room.
A platinum-blonde teen girl with her hair in a pixie cut hummed.
She smiled widely as she grabbed her sketchbook and pencils, stuffing them into a satchel.
The long sleeves of her gray jacket flopped over her fingers as she packed the last of her things.
She slung the satchel over one shoulder; she put out all of the candles before heading outside of her house.
She locked the door before turning around, finding a floating, white circle there to greet her. Her smile widened.
"Well blimey, Ci knows not to waste time!"
She ran up to the portal and jumped through it.
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