The End Is Near
First, sorry for the long break. Life is really killing me. Anyway, this story is almost at an end, but there are more of mine that I'm working on, and has a Carlisle story of her own as well as a Harry Potter one. So check them out. Also, I will not be uploading another Twilight fanfic for a while. I need to get out of that habit for a while. I will be doing some Harry Potter fanfic, then trade back on twilight later. Don't worry, you aren't losing me twilight fans, I'm a fan of both, but I just love writing and think it's time I write a Harry Potter Fanfic. So, that will be up in a moment, but now, lets see where Bella and Carlisle are now..
Carlisle went to his home where Jasper was staying with Charlie. The body of the deputy thrown casually over his shoulder. if he wasnt a vampire, this would look very odd and worry him. Charlie was sitting on the couch, looking confused and in pain. As Carlisle dropped the body of the deputy in front of Charlie, he sprang up. He didn't run to the dead person. Instead he ran away.
"What did you do?!" he cried. "that was my deputy!"
"Charlie, he knew about you. if he let that slip then we would all be in trouble. So eat." Carlisle was tired of everything. Dealing with Charlie, then keeping this from the Volturi, and worrying about Bella. Not to mention the animals disappearing and stuff. He had no idea how he was still going.
Charlie hesitated. He didn't want to feed off the man that he knew. But he was hungry. He needed it. And soon, he was rushing to the body and letting the blood flow into his mouth. It tasted better than animal blood. He tried not to look into the dead eyes of his deputy as drank the blood.
Carlisle waited until Charlie was drinking before taking his leave. He didnt' want to be there any longer than he had to at the moment. Things were piling up and it was getting to him. He needed a way out. Now. Any longer with all the stuff that he's been going through and something will definately give. Why was it so hard to live, even when you were dead?
okay I know what you are thinking. Ive been gone for a long time and this is the stuff i come up with after all that wait?! Sorry, but this story is giving me writers block. I know this story is almost over, but I cant get the block moving. I hope you like this moment. It was important because Carlisle is feeling a lot of pressure he doesnt' want. More to come. Love you all.
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