Chapter 3
All throughout the night I read various medical journals on depression. They were all interesting, but not very helpful when a girl is trying to get over her vampire boyfriend. Groaning, I threw the last medical journal I had on depression on my desk. Useless. This is stuff I already know about. I glanced at the clock, it was seven am. Bella must have had a good night sleep.
Then I smelt Bella. She was outside the door to my office. I smiled and walked to the door. I could hear the faint patter of her shoes on the floor and guessed that she was pacing. Slowly, I opened the door, a smile on my face.
“Bella,” I greeted.
She grinned awkwardly.
I motioned for her to come in. She sat down in a chair opposite mine and sighed. Knowing she wanted to talk, I walked back to my chair and sat down. She stared into my golden eyes for a while, making me think she was trying to imitate a vampire by not moving. Honestly, it wasnt too bad of a job, either.
“Bella, you can talk to me about anything,” I told her.
She nodded and looked at her feet. I got up and went to sit on my desk in front of her to show that I wanted to hear what she had to say. When she still didnt say anything, I gently tilited her chin up to look into my eyes again. It really hurt me that I couldn't help her. However, some would say I’m helping her by being here.
That's not enough though. I dont want her to feel alone. I want to show her that I’m here for her. “Tell me Bella.”
“I want to be a vampire. Now,” She said, tears forming in her brown eyes.
I sighed heavily. Edward had told me that she wanted to be a vampire, but I didnt' know how bad until now. She seemed totally ready, prepared. I walked to the window to think for a minute. Aro would kill her if he found out about her knowing who I really am. He would insit to turn her right then. Although, something told me to wait for a little while. I dont know why or what told me, but I feel like I should listen to it.
“Bella, come here,” I said softly.
Slowly, she walked over to me. I forced her to look into my eyes once more and said, “ I will turn you, but not yet. I want you to live life for a while. Experience things.”
“Experience what?” She asked saddened and confused.
“Sex isnt the same after you've been changed,” I simply said.
She looked at me and said, “I dont care. I want to be like you.”
“Bella, you are beautiful. I dont want you to die yet, I don't want you to give up your life until your absolutely ready.” I said, carressing her face.
“I am ready, Carlisle.”
How was I to get her to understand? She hadn't experienced life enough. The only way I could think of was-No.
“Please, Car-”
I kissed her. I wasnt planning on it, but I did. And the thing is she kissed me back. I could tell she found out what I was talking about. She leaned into the kiss more, and I wrapped my arms around her like a cacoon. Her heart was speeding up and she moved her hands to take off her shirt. Not thinking clearly, I lifted her onto my desk and ripped her shirt and bra off.
She groaned as my hands went to fondle her breasts. Then her warm hands were at my shirt, unbuttoning it. She managed to get it off and start on my pants while I was still fondling and kissing her passionatly before I came to my senses. I jumped back, pants halfway down my legs. Staring at me, Bella smiled and said, “I think I know what you mean.”
I nodded, not bothering to hide the tent in my boxers, staring at her lips. They tasted good, better than blood. “Well, uh- I guess we have an understanding, then?” I asked.
She nodded eagerly, as if she wanted more. Honestly so did I. But I was still married. I never thought that I would let this happen, ever. I had 300 years of control, and I cant even stop thinking about kissing her. Involuntarily, I started walking towards Bella. She was still sitting on my desk where I placed her. Placing a hand on either side of her face, I kissed her again. One of the most romantic kisses I've ever gave, and I have lived for 3 centuries.
When we stopped, we both just looked at each other with an awkward smile. Nothing like a little romance between friends.
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