Chapter 2
Carlisle POV
It was about noon when Bella got here and I was starting to think that she didn't want anything to do with me, which hurt my feelings. If I could cry, I would defiantly be in my office balling my eyes out. I had just finished treating a gunshot wound when I got paged to the ER again. All it said was an emergency.
Real Helpful.
When I opened up the door to the waiting room, one sent stood out. Bella's. I smiled to myself. She was sitting in the far corner with her back wearing baggy black sweatpants and a black hoodie. Honestly she looked more like a vampire right now than I did. I walked over to her silently. Then I leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Tell me what's wrong.”
That got her to turn around with a curious expression. I just smiled. Then she started to laugh.
“Carlisle,” She greeted. I walked around the chairs to sit next to her.
“What's up Bella? You look more like a vampire than I do,” I whispered seriously.
She looked at me and shrugged. I didn't want to rush her into telling me. “Well, I go on break in half an hour, so wait for me?” I asked, hoping she'll say yes.
Of course she didn't say yes, she only nodded. Without saying anything else, I got up to go back to work. However, my mind wasn't on focused. It was on Bella. It hurt me that she was like this, but there wasn't much I could do. I mean, I may be a vampire doctor, but there is only so much I could do. I looked back at Bella one last time before I went back to work. She glanced at me and waved sadly.
When I finally went on break 45 minutes later, Bella was sound asleep. I hated to wake her, but we needed to talk.
“Bella, wake up.” I whispered when I got to her.
She slowly opened her eyes. I took to the diner in town so we could talk. She ordered a cheeseburger and fries. When she got her food, I started. “Bella, this isn't healthy.”
She must've thought I meant the food when she pushed the plate away. I chuckled and pushed it back.
“Not the food. The way you're dressing, your attitude.”
“I just miss him. I feel empty without him.” Bella told me.
I glanced around the diner, people were staring at me. I checked my skin to make sure I wasn't sparkling. I wasn't. They were just shocked to find me talking with my “son's” girlfriend.
“Bella. What he did was wrong. I mean, you're a part of my family now, you have to be protected from whatever comes near.” I told her. Then I lowered my voice, “Human or vampire.”
Bella took a bite out of her burger and nodded. “I know and thanks. It makes me feel good knowing that someone still cares.”
I smiled warmly. “People care. Me, Alice, Charlie, your friends. We all care, Bella. And if you like, you could stay at my house tonight.” She looked at me oddly, but she seemed to be excited for tonight.
“Okay, I bet Alice is on her way back to fix it with Charlie.”
She laughed at that with me alongside her. Alice had always been a step ahead of herself. I guess it comes with the fortune telling thing. I knew people in the diner were thinking we were insane and who knows maybe we are.
Before I went back to work, I dropped Bella off at her house. Luckily, no one around quite knows what my car looks like, so they didn't recognize me. However, I couldn't focus on my work. I usually love helping people, but today I was distracted. It didn't go unnoticed by my collegues, either. I don't know how many times I had to say I’m fine.
Tonight was the night that Bella was going to stay here. I had no idea why I offered, but she agreed and that was good enough for me. After making sure I had plenty of food for Bella and a comfortable bed in my room where she'll be sleeping, I waited around in my empty house. It reminded me when I was first turned, those centuries I spend without a companion. It made me depressed. However, when I heard Alice's car pull up, I smiled. I walked to the door and watched Bella get out and then slip on a rock. She just chuckled. Much better response than her usual.
Alice came jumping in with glee, carrying all of Bella's stuff. I hugged Alice then shook hands with Bella.
“Okay, she's set to stay for a week. I will see you all later.” Alice told me. She set down Bella's stuff then skipped back out. I rolled my eyes.
Bella stood at the bottom of the stairs awkwardly, like she wasn't sure what to do. I walked over to her and took her away to the couch.
“What do you want to do, Bella?” I asked sweetly a smile on my face.
She shifted her feet and said nervously,” Well, I've always wondered how you hunt.”
I stared at her shocked. She never had a strong take for blood. Yet, she was asking me to take her hunting with me. How could I refuse her.
“Then come on,” I responded, a slight tease in my voice. I held out my hand for her to take.
When she did, I swung her onto my back with ease and rushed out the door. I could feel her grasp tighten as I ran and her heart speed up in fear, but then gradually decrease as I ran. I made sure to keep a tight hold of her leg when she let go of my neck. Soon, she raised her arms up and started to laugh as I ran. Then I stopped and let her down. I motioned for her to sit her and be quiet. She sat down on a rock. I knew that she'd be able to watch me catch a moose. I felt her eyes on my as I pounced on it and broke its neck.
“Come on. It's safe.” I said.
Slowly, she came out, unsure if I had already started feeding or not.
Chuckling I said,” I haven't started yet, but I will if you don't hurry up.”
With that, she ran to my side staring at the moose. His antlers were huge. I know she must feel bad for the moose, but I gotta feed and it's better to feed on the moose than a human.
“How do you start feeding?” She asked suddenly.
I looked at her to see if she was joking. When I was sure she wasn't, I leaned down and found a vein. Then I bit into it and let the blood flow into my body. I hadn't fed in about three weeks and I was getting thirsty, but I hadn't had time to go hunting. I could feel Bella's wide eyes on me as I finished draining the moose and picked it up. I carried it to a small bushy area a few feet away. A predator will come around and finish off the meal.
“That's all there is too it.” I told her. She looked both intrigued and grossed out. “You want me to carry you back, or walk?”
“So, Bella. Do you like the way I hunt?” I asked a few yards away from the drained moose.
She continued a little without saying anything. “I think so.”
I looked at her to see if she was lying. She wasn't. I felt like I could kiss her, but that would be really weird. I wasn't even sure if I loved her or not, what these feelings I have are. All this just feels like I’m a teenager again going on my first date.
When we got back to the house an hour later, Bella was tired from the walk. She didn't want to admit it, but I could tell she was. I decided to fix her a small dinner and then let her sleep. Tomorrow was saturday, and my day off, so we'd get the whole day to ourselves. I smiled to myself thinking what tomorrow will have in store for us.
Hey thanks for reading.
I had a bit of a writers block this week cuz we got company, but I got it.
love you all
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