Chapter 2
A couple years after Kaley, Justin, and Brady spending almost every day together Kaley notices that Justin is starting to get distant. She invites justin to her house so they could talk. Justin arrives and kaley takes him to her room and looks at him with sadness in her eyes and says "justin, what's going on, why are you being so distant". Justin looks down and sighs "kaley, I-i-i I've been keeping things from you. I'm so sorry". Kaley looks at him and says "w-what, you've been keeping secrets from me, what is it?" Justin says to kaley "I can't tell you kaley, it will ruin our friendship" kaley starts to cry and her voice breaks as she says "Justin I want to know, if you don't tell me then that's going to be what ruins our friendship, please" Justin puts his hand on her leg and says "kaley there's something about my past that I haven't told you, one day i was at my house and my parents were arguing, I was scared and didn't know what to do, I mean they were physically arguing, throwing things at each other, breaking everything. I was scared they was going to kill each other. I called my grandmother to come pick me up because I was scared. I went into my room and hid. My mom had thrown a lit cigarette on the floor during the argument and my house begin to burn down and my parents didn't even try to escape. When they were fighting they had knocked down a shelf in front of my door and I had been trapped. Luckily my grandma came and called 911 and they had gotten me out just in time. My parents were found holding hands. They died together. I moved here with my grandma to get it off my mind. When I met you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. When we hung out i had forgotten about my past. Kaley I am absolutely falling in love with you." Kaley starts to cry and hugs justin "Justin why didn't you tell me?" Just said "I didn't want you to think different of me, I didn't want you to talk to me and hang out with me because you felt bad for me, I wanted you to talk to me for just me." Kaley says "Justin I love you too, so so much" so on January 3rd, kaley and justin started dating.
A week later.
Kaley and justin hadn't talked to brady since they had started dating. They hadn't seen him any where and he couldn't answer their calls or texts. Kaley and justin was walking down the road and finally saw Brady. He walked up to kaley and justin as they was holding hands and he has pain in his eyes and he said "kaley why are you with this jerk? He doesn't treat you right. You could do so much better than him. Why just why?" Kaley says " I love him Brady. How could you ask me why? He's been there for me and he makes me so so happy he makes my heart feel a whole different way." Brady grabs kaleys hand and says "kaley I'm in love with you. I've always been there for you, ever since we was in diapers, we've been bestfriends for so much longer than you and justin, why him" she looks at him and hugs him and says " brady I didn't know you felt like that about me, and yeah we have been super close for so long ,but you're right we've been bestfriends for so long and that's all we've been and that's all we're going to be, bestfriends. Brady walks away no words to be said.
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