Chapter 9
Everyone was slowly starting the day. All seemed to be really good.
At the main pod meetings:
All the leaders walked in energeticly.
"Omg y'all it's the big day!!!!" Delta said exitedly, clapping her hooves.
"I know, right?!?! This will be beautiful!!" Trollzart said.
"I'm exited to see what the auditions will be like! "Cause tonight, the show's starting!!" Barb hopped in the air.
All cheered.
Poppy was a bit anxious.
"How long was it before you married?" She asked Quincy and Essence. "About 3 years. I didn't have any stronger moment in my life." Quincy said. "I was so happy...I can remember this day like it was yesterday." Essence said.
"I think it'll do the same for us." The Pop queen answered. "I still can't belive it!" Branch said.
All smiled.
A knoking started.
"I'll go see!" Barb said laysily.
As she opened the door, she didn't know what to think or say. "Hey!.....Uhhhhhh...who are you?" Creek asked.
Branch and Poppy's eyes widened, froze, reconising the voice.
Poppy gestured everyone to huddle around her. "Guys, wisper, I don't want him to realize I'm here." She told. "What is happening!?" Trollex asked. "Long story short, he backstabbed us long ago, and he is supposed to be dead." Branch said.
"I reconized him by how you described....." The rock queen said. "What does he think he is doin'?" Delta asked. "Whatever he is doing, we need to do something..." Tresillio said.
"Oh!! I have an idea! As..." Poppy explained her small plan.
Barb went back to the door. "Ahem, sorry, I had to make some stuff right-. Anyways, who are you?"
"I am Creek, and you are??"
"Barb, queen of rock."
"A music kind. What are you here for?" The red punked troll asked.
"I am looking for someone...she is pink all over her body...."
The way the ocean haired troll mentionned the queen of pop's body made her shiver.
"Her hair is a bit darker.....she he has purple eyes that look a lot pink as well...she has a blue dress, a blue headband and elastic..."
It was clear he haven't seen her in a long time....she now had a long green and blue robe, a crown...and a ring.
"I never saw anyone look like that.......sorry dude, I don't know what you are talking about. I think you might be REALLY far from who you are trying to find." Barb answered.
" bad....I guess I will go back t-"
"Oh no wait, you can stay for a while, you seem pretty tired, darlin'!" The turcoise tailed troll said.
"Really!? Thank you!" The purple troll said, shaping a 'Namaste' with his hands and his foot.
Out of the pod:
The pink troll and her boyfriend ran towards a tree. They hid behind it, panthing. "Phew...come on, we gotta hurry to Pop village!!" Poppy said, restarting to drag Branch.
At pop village:
"OKAY, we're here.."
The couple looked around. Almost no one could be seen. They went to the mushroom stage and called the village.
"Everyone, come!!" They shouted. Few minutes afterwards, everyone was talking at once.
"Okay, okay, guys, hold up a second, I nee-" Branch got interrupted.
"Come on!!!" Smidge yelled.
"Guys, calm down, calm down!!" Poppy said, waving her arms to sign to stop. Everyone stopped.
"Biggie, what is going on??" The soon-to-be pop king asked. "Creek is alive!!!! He is looking for you, Poppy!!" The white haired troll answered. "He is being a real big struggle to all of us!!" Smidge said. "We know he is alive...what did he do all this time?" Branch asked. "He is going to everyone's homes and keeps asking about you....he is...I can't describe how annoying he is with this..." Suki said.
"He is really not hesitant....." Satin said.
"We tell him we really don'tknow anything, but he keeps going..." Chenille said.
"He literally wants you back.." Cloud Guy said.
"Oh, great. What do we do, now?" Poppy asked.
"The best idea would be for you to change his mind..." Milton said.
"We could just knock him out." Smidge said.
"Build a trap!!" The Pop twins said.
"I think auditions won't be easy in a day like this..." Lavender said.
"Poppy and Branch just won't be there I guess..." Lilac said.
"But they are our leaders, they are the most important to see me.." The turcoise haired troll answered.
"I know...maybe they still will be..we'll have to wait and see." The orange skinned troll said.
Few hours later:
All pop trolls were done finding ideas. Lavender walked to Branch, anxious. "Hey, uh, Branch!!" She said.
"Yeah?!" The soon-to-be pop king asked. "A-are you still gonna be there at the auditions?"
"Yeah, I think so..." Branch turned to Poppy. She nodded and smiled to the young pop troll. "Why are you asking that?" Poppy asked.
"Uhhhhhh, I don't want to say'll know soon tho!"
Juniper arrived behind his friend. "Hey!! Ready to let me hear you sing?" He said.
"Hey!!! Yeah, I guess so!" Lavender answered.
"She sang a bit yesterday, she is amazing!!" Lilac said.
Lavender giggled.
"This is gonna be a day.....!" The white nozed troll said.
"I wonder how many trolls are going to do this..." Lavender said.
"We'll find out soon! When are they starting?" Lilac asked.
"At 4 PM. We still have a lot of time."
"Okay, how about we go to the meeting pods for a bit? I don't know about you, but I'd really enjoy that!" Juniper said. "Oh, yes!! I can go meet the staff and chat with the other contestants!" Lavender said.
They called a caterbus and went in.
At the auditoriums show pod:
Lavender walked in the entrance room. A hall was showing the way to many doors. A desk was occupied by a lilac techno troll.
"Hi! Can I sign for the auditions?" Lavender asked the troll. "Hello girl! Sure! You're lucky to be here now, there is only one place left! I am Julian, the manager of the staff group!" The blue eyed troll smiled and signed the ticket.
"Where is the room for the participants?" "Oh, this way, come!" Julian said. He started floating anthusiastly.
"This is the washroom, this is the restaurant, this is the living room, this is the cafeteria, and there it is!" Julian showed her around.
Trolls created a set of pods that are strong enough to have huge things in them. It was like a school for them. All the main concerts, shows, classes, shows and movies would happen there.
He brought her at the border of the hall, where a golden door was standing. He opened the door and showed her in. "Here is the dressing room! If you get choosen, you will spend a lot of time here!" Julan said.
There was a couch, two long benches and cabins. He went to the staff group. "Hey y'all!! This is...what's your name?" "Lavender!" "Ooh, pretty name!" One of the girls said. Lavender smiled.
"That's the staff group. They are my team since we started all of this! We are like a family here!" The lilac troll winked at Lavender. The frosty eyed troll laughed. "I'm sure I'll like it a lot here!"
"Aight, lemme show ya the stage!" Julian floated to the door. "You see, the dressing room is longing the stage! Crazy what we can buld when get all of our knowledge, huh? Well, that's not all!" Julian opened the door leading backstage.
A couch was laying with two huge pillows on it's side. "Here, we put all the things we use for the concerts! And we installed some things for the other participants to sit here!"
A yellow country troll walked by. "This is Nick, he works in the music production!" Julan said. "Well hello Lavender!" Nick said.
He was Lavender's first real music teacher. "You know her?" "Yeah, I learned her a lot about music!" "Yep!" The blue eyed troll said.
"That's great! Come, the stage is over here!" Julian pulled the curtain. An other part of the stage was shown. It looked endless. Two sets of curtains were on the sides of the giant stage. "Wooooow!!!! This is where all the concerts and shows happen?!" Lavender asked.
"Yep, and look at this!! Julian pulled on a rope and the curtains opened. Long illes of red benches with four halls on the middle revealed themselves. Lavender looked at the view, mesmerized. "I never saw anything like this before.....never!!"
"I know, right? All of the trolls coming together to work on this incerdible progect was really worth it!"
The dark turcoise haired troll on the red carpets that covered the illes to the back of the audience. She found a higher ille of chairs hidden behind a small wall. "What is this for?" She asked. "It's for me, Nick and the staff! Some will hide on the sides of the stage!" Julian said.
"This will be amazing!! If I can come, of course!" Lavender said.
At pop village:
"So, what are your ideas?" Poppy asked the Snack Pack.
"We should all tell him he has no chance. It's been going on all of yesterday. It was only one day, but enough for us to totally hate him more." Smidge said.
"Yeah. He finds you again, you are dead, Pops..." Cooper said.
Poppy looked down. "Well, he wants to find me, I'm there." She raised her head with a fierce look.
All smiled back fiercely.
Suddenly, ocean colored hair wrapped the pod, the trolls in not noticing.
Chenille's eyes widened as she looked at the open door. "UHHHHHH, guuyyyyss....lo-look at t-the d-door...." She said nervously.
All turned their heads around slowly.
The pod started shaking and cracking open. The Snack Pack fell on the ground, hitting branches.
Strans of dust, hair and leaves were laying on the floor.
After many seconds, the group started coughing and groaning. "What just happened?" The purple eyed queen asked.
They got up, looked around and noticed the chaos surrounding them.
Poppy's pod was destroyed.
"Poppy..." A voice said.
All leaned close to each other.
"Poppy.." The voice said again.
"WHAT!!??" Poppy asked loudly.
"Poppy?!" The voice asked.
"I SAID WHAT!!!!" The Pop queen answered.
"POPPY!!" The voice screamed.
The ocean hair raised from the ground and coiled around Poppy.
"URRRRGGHH!! LET ME GO!!!" She yelled.
"Poppy!!!!" Branch tried to untie her. The hair united a strand that started hitting him. He started fighting with it.
Smidge punched the hair that got out an other strand to fight with her.
The pop twins got lifted by the hair by the hair.
Suki tried to stop it by knocking it out with a deep beat, but her wooferbug got faded in butterflies by the hair.
Biggie, Cooper and Guy Diamond got tackled on the ground by it.
Poppy groaned more as she tried to move and get out.
Some growling could be heard coming closer.
A rock zombie-like Creek came out of the bushes.
"POPPY..." He said.
"NOO!!" Branch yelped.
Poppy struggled to breathe.
"Come with me know Branch hurt you more times than I did....."
She inhaled the hardest and deepest she could.
Time seemed to stop for a second.
Creek's eyes widened. He growled more and squeezed her tigher.
"AAAAAAHGGG" The purple eyed leader groaned louder than ever.
Branch held on the hair the best he could.
Smidge hair battled with the hair.
All of a sudden, a loud and fast guitar riff was heard.
Barb, Sid, Carole and Riff played the loudest they could. Electric sparks soon came out of the guitars. Creek resisted for a long while, but soon whammed and whipped because of the power.
The rockers played the hardest and loudest.
"BRO, MY FINGERS HURT!!!!!!!!!!" Riff screamed.
"I.....I CAN'T FEEL MINE!!!" Barb shouted.
Their faces showed pure anxiety and pain. Despite that, they kept playing.
They hit the solid hair and sliced it.
The twins fell on the ground.
Smidge whammed on the floor.
The three tackled trolls stopped groaning.
Poppy freed herself from the dead hair, now gray.
Branch fell and coughed.
"Uhh? P-Poppy!!" The blue troll got up and went to his girlfriend.
Poppy ran in his arms.
They hugged tigh.
Chenille held Cooper's hand, still a bit terrified.
The rockers fell on their critterbugs's seats, exausted.
Time seemed to stop again.
The rock gang lowered their critterbugs and got down.
"Barb!! Thank you so much!!" Poppy ran in her arms.
Barb blinked, and hugged her back. "Anything for you, Popcorn..."
The girls smiled at each other.
Poppy went back to Branch and cuddled close. Branch put his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
The rock queen kissed her fingers. "Aaahhh...that's painful...."
Riff came at her side. "I know....uhh.." He tried to fold his.
Barb kissed Riff's cheek hard and let got.
Riff gulped, his cheeks showing a darker shade of beige.
All came in one circle.
"I swear......this is not the end...." Creek said before running away.
At the Trollstopia main pod:
"How did this go? You're alright?" Juniper asked.
"It was wonderful, really!! I met the manager, who is really friendly and caring(Yep, he is definately not Simon Cowell lmao-), he showed me around, I talked with some of the staff members...I love it there!" Lavender answered happily.
Juniper smiled widely at his best friend.
"Alright, let's go get some lunch together, so you can talk to me about everything!" The green haired country troll said.
As they arrived at the door, Harper jumped in. "Lavender, fast, something terrible happened at pop village!!"
The best friends looked at each other, surprised. "I'm coming too!" Juniper said. "Sure..." The multi-colored blue troll said.
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