Chapter 1
Hey! Sorry if I kept changing the story, I really felt like I scrapped it up XD! Please read it Until the end!! Anyways here is my final version of the first chapter!
Poppy walked out of her pod, like every morning, to see all pop trolls chatting about the event that would happen in a few days. She noticed the Snack Pack chatting on their favorite spot, a large mushroom, and went to them:
"Have any of you seen Branch?"She asked her friends.
"Ah, you know stressed out he is these days..................he's probably in his bunker!" Cooper said.
"Well, I'll go check on him!" She said.
Branch was thinking of what he would do for Poppy since the beggining of the week. After two years with her...he wanted to go further with his relationship with her...he wanted to marry her.
"Urrrrgghh, I really don't know how I do this, Gary!"He sighed and thought for a while. He was wide awake since very early that morning. It was the last day before his chance. "Guess I'll have to see when the time comes..."
Suddenly, loud knocking was heard.
The blue eyed troll went to the entrance and got his head out of the ground to see his girlfriend tapping her toe.
"You HAVE to stop stressing out on this, boy!! Since the beggining of the week!! You don't think this is going too far?" Poppy told him.
Branch sighed."I know, sorry about all of that...I just...I don't want to do things wrong..."He said, coming out of his home in front of the pink troll.
Poppy sighed."I know...." She said before hugging him. "And I just don't like to see you like this...... It will just be somethig fun that we'll do together! Why are you acting like this?"
"Poppy, please....I....I just can't tell you..." Branch said, hugging her back.
"Alright then......come on, the Snack Pack meeting is started." The purple eyed troll said before letting go and kissing he boyfriend on the cheek. The blue eyed troll then followed her to the village.
At the Snack Pack meeting
"So, who are your valentines, everyone?"The Pop queen asked.
"Well, I wanna go with Milton!" Smidge said.
"I want to go with Izzy, I just need to get D out of the way..."(Thanks for the inspiration, Jayden :D)Cooper said.
"I'll go with Guy Diamond!" DJ Suki
"I'll go with Legsly!" Cooper said.
"And you, Branch?" The purple eyed troll said, giving him a flirty look, baiting her eyebrows slowly, knowing exacly who the blue troll would choose.
"You, of course, Angel!" Branch said, looking at her lovingly.
The two stared at each other intensively, before a red haired rock troll came from behind and hugged the Pop queen hard:
"Barb? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to practice for friday?" Poppy asked.
"Yeah, I do! I just came by and I saw you two like that, so I could't help, you know how I am 😉" The rock queen answered.
"Yeaaahh, anyywayyyss, who's your valentine?" Poppy asked.
"I don't know yet..."The peach and Red troll said.
Poppy then walked through the village and started singing:
🎵We go together, better than birds of a feather you and me🎵She sang.
🎵We change the weather, I'm feeling heat in december when you're round me🎵Branch sung, joining her.
🎵I've been dancing on top of trees, stumbling out of parties🎵Poppy sang.
🎵Follow you all the time, can't get enough🎵Both sang.
🎵You're the medicine in the pain, tatoo inside my brain🎵Branch sang.
🎵Baby, you know it's obvious🎵 Both sang.
🎵I'm a sucker for you, say the world and I'll go anywhere blindly🎵 Branch sang.
🎵I'm a sucker for you, any road you take you know that you'll find me🎵Poppy sang.
🎵 I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things no one knows about you🎵Both sang perfectly sinchronized.
🎵And you're making the typical me, break my typical rules🎵
🎵It's true, I'm a sucker for you🎵
🎵Don't comlicate it, cause I know you and you know everything about me🎵Poppy sang.
🎵I can't remember, all of the times I don't remember when you're not here🎵Branch sang.
🎵I've been dancing on top of trees, stumbling out of parties🎵 Poppy sang.
🎵Follow you all the time, can't get enough🎵Both sang.
🎵 You're the medicine in the pain, tatoo inside my brain🎵 Branch sang.
🎵 Baby you know It's obvious🎵 Both sang.
🎵 I'm a sucker for you, say the world and I'll go anywhere blindly🎵 Branch sang.
🎵 I'm a sucker for you, any road you take you know that you'll find me🎵Poppy sang.
🎵 I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things no one knows about you🎵Both sang.
🎵 And you're making the typical me, break my typical rules🎵
🎵 It's true, I'm a sucker for you🎵
As they finished their song, they held each other close with their hair and nuzzeled each other as all Pop trolls formed a heart around them.
And got ran into by Barb.
"Are you kidding me?" Branch said, bothered.
"You know it!😉" Barb said, proud of herself. "It's like a bad habit!"
"Serously!?" The Pop troll said before helping her lover up. She held his hand with her two hands before telling him: "Branch, like I said, don't stress yourself for the next days! I know there's something you want to do right, and when you want to tell me, even if it takes hours, I promise I'll stick to you!" She said, tapping his nose.
"Thank you!" Branch said with a calm tone."You know, I had this idea for us!"
"Of course I do!" The purple eyed troll said as she stroked his hair." Well, I have some things to work on for friday, so, see you later, Branchifer!"
"See you, Angel!" Branch told her.
She dropper her ears low and blushed hearing her lover call her this way, before going back to his home.
That evening
All trolls joined at the meeting place to prepare everything for that friday night of celebration of love, exept Branch. He had to prepare everything for the next day while his lover was busy working with the other kings and queens.
"I'm so exited and a little stressed at the same time!" Branch said to his remote. Poppy said to Delta.
"Of course darlin'. It's totally normal that you're gonna stress a bit." Delta told her.
"Yeah! Even if he's, like, the most protective person ever!"Barb said, knowing what her friend was talking about.
"Yeah, h-he definately is...a-and so sweet...and caring..."She said, with a small loving tone."And gosh, his calming buzzy voice...and his an angel..." She kept going.
Delta, Essence and Barb looked at each other with smirks on their faces.
"Yeahh, we get it Popcorn 😏😏" Barb said."You love him."
"So much!" Poppy sighed.
"Isn't love just, like, the best feeling of this world?" Delta asked.
"Yes. Painful at times, but beautiful. Essence said, giving a look at her husband."I think I need to spend some time with Quincy. It's been a while that we haven't spent some alone."
"You mean, like I will with Branch?"Poppy asked.
"Yeah, somethig like that."
Then, Poppy started to sing with a low voice as she went back to work:
🎵I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day🎵
Delta joined her:
🌵Superman got nothing on me🌵
In his bunker, Branch started singing:
🎵I'm only one call away🎵
🌵Call me babe if you need a friend 🌵
🎵I just wanna give you love🎵Branch sang.
🎶Come on, come on, come on🎶All three of them sang.
🎶Reaching out to you so take a chance🎶
🎶No matter where you go, you know you're not alone🎶
🎶I'm only one call away🎶
🎶I'll be there to save the day🎶
🎶Superman got nothing on me🎶
🎶I'm only one call away🎶
🎶Come along with me and don't be scared🎶
🎶I just wanna set you free, come on, come on, come on🎶
🎶You and me can make it anywhere, but for now, we can stay here for a while, cuz you know, I just wanna see you smile🎶
🎶No matter where you go, you know you're not alone🎶
🎶I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day🎶
🎶Superman got nothing on me I'm only one call away🎶
🎵And when you're weak, I'll be strong🎵
🎵I'm gonna keep holdin' on🎵Branch sang.
🌵Now don't your worry, it won't be long darlin'🌵 Delta sang.
🎵And when you feel like hope is gone, just run into my arms🎵
Broppy sang.
🎶 I'm only one call away🎶
🎶I'll be there to save the day🎶
🎶Superman got nothing on me🎶
🎶I'm only one, I'm only oh-oh-oh-oh-One call away🎶 They all three hit a very high note
🎶I'll be there to save the day🎶
🎶Superman got nothing on me🎶
🎶I'm only one call away-hey-hey🎶
🎶I'm only one call away🎶
They finished their song and worked for the rest of the afternoon.
That evening at the main meeting pod:
"Is your boyfriend going to come or not?" Trollex asked Poppy.
"He is supposed to..." She answered.
"I'm starting to worry" Trollzart said.
Then, a knoking was heard out of the pod.
Poppy gasped and her eyes started shining.
"I'll check, it might be him!"Barb shouted.
She went to the door and opened it to see Branch waiting."Hey bro!" She welcomed.
"Hey dude! He replied to the Rock queen.
His girlfriend automatically reconized the blue troll's voice and ran to the door, exited.
"Branch! You're here!!"She said while dragging him by the hand.
"So we will have red carpet on the floor, some white bands that will..."Went Barb.
"And we can have some pink..."Went Poppy.
"And we can have a place for..."Went Delta.
A few hours later
"Welp, guess everything is ready, we just need to keep things ready at their place, and we're ready to go!"Poppy said, closing a scrapbook.
Everyone looked at each other, smiling, getting ready to leave.
"Poppy, c-can I...walk you home?"Branch asked.
"Awwww, of course Branch!"The Pop queen answered.
The two stared at each other before saying their usual "see you tomorows" to the other leaders. They then headed to the purple eyed troll's pod.
On their way there
"You're working so much these days, you don't feel like you're doing too munch!? I mean, you prepare everything for tomorow, you help with us for friday...." Poppy asked.
"Oh, don't worry about that, it's way easier to prepare a lot of things than to be under a lot of pain" The blue eyed troll answered, smiling."Plus, since everything that happened, you really put a lot of your energy for others!"
"You're right...I haven't thought of it like that!"She said.
"I'm so proud of how munch you changed after all this time!"Branch said.
The leader blushed a bit at hearing this."Hey, you changed a lot too, you know?" She said, shouldering him.
"Mhmhmh, yeah, you're right...but that's thanks to you!
The Pop queen blushed.
"And I love you😊 " The blue troll said, hugging her.
"I love you more😊" Poppy answered, hugging him back.
"No way!" The blue pop troll said.
"Waaaayy!"The Pop queen answered, shuffering her nose in his cheek.
"W-we're h-here!" Her boyfriend told her, blushing at her behavour.
"See you tomorow, my man!" The purple eyed troll said before she went to her pod.
"Wait! Just, one thing!" Branch said.
"What?" Poppy asked.
"Just promise me you'll get enough sleep okay? I don't want to see you too tired tomorow..."
"Haha, don't worry, I promise I will!"She gave him a hug and swung to the door."Night, Branch!"
"Good night, Pops!" He said softly before leaving.
At Branch's bunker
The blue troll packed the few last things for his trip with his lover the next day. He placed everything near the elevator to make things easier to get out of the bunker. He then cleaned everything to, of course, make sure Poppy wouldn't feel uncomfortable to come, and, he kinda felt like he needed to do it. He then heard a knocking. He went to see who it was, and saw a good friend of his that he made since he came back to live with everyone:
"Hey Lavender! What are you doing here so late?"
A yellow nozed Pop troll stood on the ground. She had frosty blue eyes, blue skin/fur and dark turcoise hair.
"Hey! Sorry I'm coming so late, but I just heard you are camping with Poppy tomorow? And I just wanted to know if you......had something, you mind?" Lavender said.
"About what?"He answered, having an idea what she was talking about.
"About....I don't know, Poppy?"
"Oh, wellll....I-I-I do....of course I do" He answered shyly.
"Omg I knew it!!" She said exitedly.
"P-please, don't tell anyone before tomorow, okay?" The Pop troll said, putting his hands in front of himself.
"Oh, no, of course not, don't worry!" The turcoise pop troll said.
"Thank you. Was that all you wanted to know?" Branch asked.
"Yeah, It was. I know it's kinda odd, but, I still wanted to know...Anyways, good luck tomorow!"
"No, it's ok, thank you. By the way, who are you going with friday?" The Pop troll asked.
"I'll go with Juniper, my 'boyfriend!'" Lavender smiled.
"Oh right, of course! See you friday then." Smiled the blue troll back.
"See you, friend!" The Pop troll said.
Branch went back in the bunker, and started to sing about his only loved one left:
🎵Oh, I would never want to hurt her, I would never want to make her cry🎵
🎵Bring her flowers on weekdays, pull her over when she gets cold, just to let her know🎵
🎵 To let her know she means the world to me🎵
🎵Let my arm open, when she thinks there's nothing left🎵
🎵Stay by her side when she gets sick, I'd do anything for her🎵
🎵Just to let her know she means the world to me🎵
🎵So tell me, how did I ever get so lucky?🎵
🎵That she wasn't with that somebody🎵
🎵So I could have her safe, her safe, her safe🎵
🎵Thinking, how could anyone pass the feeling, of the sound of her footsteps leaving, walking all alone, alone, alone🎵
🎵Now she's beside me, can't stop Thinking, how could you ever think to let her go?🎵
🎵Not complaining, I'm just saying, your loss is mine to hold🎵
🎵 So, to the man that let her go, I'm thanking you the most, you the most🎵
The blue troll was of course thinking about Creek, who gave ALL of his friends's lives instead of only his. Branch would not think about it, but that is one of the things that he would do that the ocean haired troll wouldn't.
🎵She wouldn't event need to ask for the time🎵 He kept singing
🎵Now I got a chance to make it right🎵
🎵 So tell me, how did I ever get so lucky?🎵
🎵 That I have her for my own, my own, my own🎵
🎵Thinking, how could anyone pass the feeling, of the sound of her footsteps leaving, walking all alone, alone, alone🎵
🎵 Now she's beside me, can't stop Thinking, how could you ever think to let her go🎵
🎵Not complaining, I'm just saying, your loss is mine to hold🎵
🎵 So, to the man that let her go, I'm thanking you the most, you the most 🎵
The end of the first chapter!! Gosh, this is the first time I write a story on Wattpad, and, I gotta say, it takes a lot of time!! @ParyPlannerPreston, thank you for anticipating my beginnig in the trolls fandom with me, I hope you're engoying it so far!! I want to give credit to the songs I used:
Jonas Brothers- Sucker (sang by Branch, Poppy and Pop trolls)
Charlie Puth- One call away (sang by Branch, Queen Poppy and Queen Delta Dawn)
Tyler Shaw- To the man that let her go (sang by Branch)
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