Day 3 on the Titanic, Lovino, Gilbert and Ivan!
It was morning and Matthew had managed to sleep in his own room instead of being curled up with Alfred. Matthew groaned as he shifted his position and curled up to a really warm spot on his bed.... well both sides were warm.
"Al..... If you crawled into my bed because of yesterday... I'm fine." Matthew mumbled.
There wasn't a response.
"Al??" Matthew asked.
The Canadian opened his eyes to see Lovino, he shrugged before closing his eyes with a simple though in his mind.
It's only Lovino... wait....Lovino...
"Lovino!!!" Matthew squeaked as he sat up in bed and got out.
Matthew saw Ivan on the other side of the bed.
"Ivan!!!" Matthew was freaking out.
Two said nations woke up and saw a trembling Canadian, who was looking between happy, confused and scared.
"AHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!!!" Alfred shouted,
Next thing they knew Gilbert ran in to the room with a red faced angry american following him close behind. Gilbert grabbed Matthew and Alfred couldn't hurt his brother.
"Let go of Mattie so I can pound your face in!" Alfred snarled.
"Mist nein!" <Heck no> Gilbert said.
"Mattie move." Alfred asked, glaring at the Prussian.
Matthew sighed before speaking.
"Al... I know that you want to kill Gil but Ivan and Lovino are here as well." Matthew said.
Alfred blinked.
"But we are still on Titanic, how is that possible?" Alfred said.
"I blame Arthur" Lovino said.
"Wait.... Where is Arthur and Alistair? didn't they disappear as well?" Gilbert asked.
"Alistair this is bad we are on the wrong ship and I don't know where those three gits are! So don't tell me that this isn't bad!" Arthur snapped.
Alistair sighed they had found themselves on the Carpathia and were missing three nations. Arthur was freaking out with the whole 'American twins on Titanic and heading for their doom while Lovino, Gilbert and Ivan were missing'.
"It will be fine, they are brave lads and Alfred won't let Matt out of his sights. Ye need ta calm down cause with ye panicking won't help us save the lads." Alistair said, Arthur sighed and nodded waiting for the distress call from the Titanic and prayed that they will be alright.
"So your saying that this necklace is a powerful time... thing and it sent us here?" Matthew asked.
The three nodded and Matthew groaned.
"Why couldn't it take us to 1812! I would have been more then happy to relive that time cause I would have been on dry frickin' land! And not on a ship that killed a lot of people!!!" Matthew cried and Lovino handed the Canadian a stress ball that his brother gave him for when he wanted to hurt 'Luddy'. (It didn't work, no matter how hard he threw it at the Potato eater)
"Hey at least there are more people to keep you safe! Also if Artie and Uncle Alistair are here then they will help us for sure!" Alfred said.
Matthew sighed.
Everyone in the room looked at Ivan who was bright red with embarrassment. Matthew giggled at this before his stomach growled as well. Alfred smiled and Lovino groaned at this, Gilbert smirked and placed an arm around the Canadian.
"I guess little birdie is hungry... I guess I'll-" Before Gilbert could finish Matthew was next to the door with Lovino and Alfred, Ivan following close behind.
"Come on Potato eater number two before we leave you!" Lovino snapped.
Gilbert pouted before running after them. Lovino commented on the decoration of the ship and Ivan commented on their outfits looking like something like Arthur would wear and Alfred flinched slightly at the comment.
When they reached the dinning room Matthew and Alfred greeted some of the guests before going to a table and sat down. Ivan was sitting between Gilbert and Alfred, Lovino was sitting next to Matthew and Ivan with Matthew sitting next to a free chair and Alfred on the other side of it.
Matthew and Alfred talked with their fellow nations before a familiar voice spoke up and the twins smiled.
"Good morning boys, I see you've found some lovely men to talk with." Molly cooed.
Matthew stood up and offered her the chair between him and Alfred.
"Good morning Molly!"Alfred chirped as Molly sat down, giving Matthew a 'Why thank ya sugar.'
"Morning Molly, and yes we have." Matthew said politely.
"Hello miss. I'm Lovino Vargas, nice to meet you." Lovino said before kicking Ivan and Gilbert.
"Da, I'm Ivan Braginski,. Nice to meet you Da." Ivan said, smiling.
Molly grinned at the Russian.
"I'm Gilbert Beilschmidt, Nice to meet you!" Gilbert said just like who Lovino greeted.
"Well it is nice to meet you fine men. I'm Margaret Brown but call me Molly."
The other nations nodded and food was served to them. Matthew would send glares at Gilbert when he looked like he was about to pig out on all of the food. Molly asked Lovino where he lived and why he was going to America, Matthew and Alfred prayed that the Italian and think of a good story.
"Well My Uncle wanted to travel around the world but he had died from a cold last year. My brother is in America at the time and I couldn't stay in Italy alone knowing that my Uncle would be upset if I didn't go to my brother." Lovino said.
Molly gave the Italian a soft smile.
"Well that is very brave of ya. Most folks I know wouldn't want to leave claiming that if they left a family member in their home country then they would be followed by guilt. So going to your brother is a brave thing to do." Molly said.
Lovino looked up and smiled at Molly. We all held back a gasp because we all know that Lovino never smiles... well at least not around us that is.
Matthew was standing on the balcony looking at the ocean and thinking about the Empress and the screams of his people. The Canadian looked down at the waters and frowned. He let out a sigh and sat on the ground and pulled his knees to his chest. Alfred was out on the deck with Gilbert and Ivan, Lovino went somewhere leaving Matthew by himself.
Matthew closed his eyes and was overwhelmed with screams.
Arthur, Francis, Alfie....
Those were the names that came to his mind that night, in the cold. He wanted his family to come rescue him and his people, but help never came some of his people barely survived the cold waters.
Images of children crying, women sobbing as they watch heir husbands stay on the ship as the life boats were lowered. Others were crying because they couldn't find their children believing that they are dead. Crew members trying to keep everyone calm when they themselves were terrified of the doom that was soon to come.
Matthew remembered that he was near the back of the boat when he was pushed of by a frightened man. Matthew remember that he had hit his head on a propeller blade and was knocked unconscious.
He opened his eyes, he noticed that Lovino was sitting next to him with an arm around his shoulders. Matthew noticed the he was trembling and clinging to Lovino like a life line, he was also curled up beside him with his head on the others chest and his trembling arms wrapped around the Italians waist.
"L-Lovino?' Matthew asked quietly.
"Your okay.... Sorry for leaving you alone." Lovino said gently.
Matthew felt Lovino pull him closer, not that the Canadian minded it was comforting.
"Are you thinking about what happened?" Lovino asked.
"Yeah... I can't help it." Matthew confessed.
"Want to tell me about it?" Lovino asked.
Matthew was quiet before nodding.
"I was on the deck of the Empress when she was sinking... I was making sure that the families stayed calm even though we new that they wouldn't survive. I.... I wasn't that scared at first but felling my people panic and scream for help, others drowning in the ship I started to fear for everyone and I guess that was when I became terrified of ships and boats."
Matthew took a shaky breath, Lovino rubbed his arm.
"I remember a man started shouting that we were all going to die and that these waters were cursed. The people around were scared as is but hearing someone shout nonsense like that made them even more scared and panicked. I tried to tell the man to stop but he started yelling that I must believe him for his family lived by these waters and he knows of the curse."
Lovino frowned as Matthew paused before swaying a bit to keep Matthew calm.
"I knew that the waters weren't cursed but he pushed me towards the railing and pushed me overboard. I hit one of the propeller blades and I blacked out. I came too when I felt myself get pulled deeper into the water, I could faintly make out a shape of a ship and.... I started to swim up towards the surface."
"Matthew?" Lovino whispered softly.
A tears fell from the blonds eyes as he looked at Lovino straight in the eyes.
"I saw half of my people dead and floating on the surface, and a life boat with some survivors.... they had managed to find me and take me and the survivors to safety but I'll never forget the look of pain, fear or sorrow on all of my peoples faces. I can't... no matter how hard I try... I can't."
Matthew started to sob and Lovino hugged him whispering soothing Italian words to him. They spent a good twenty minutes just sitting there with Matthew crying into Lovino's shoulder. Lovino held the Blond promising that he would keep him safe, that the others will to, that Arthur and Alistair will find them and they would all be brought back to the present time safe and sound.
"Your okay now?" Lovino asked, as they pulled apart.
"Y-yeah. Thank you Lovino... this means a lot to me." Matthew said softly as he dried his tear stained cheeks.
Lovino nodded.
"But breath a word of this to anyone and I'll make sure that you fear Italians then ships." Lovino threatened but Matthew just laughed as he sat on the love seat.
The door opened and Alfred, Gilbert and Ivan walked in groaning in pain.
"I'll never walk again!" they groaned before collapsing on the love seat with Matthew. Lovino smirked before sitting in a chair.
Alfred looked at Lovino and Matthew and spoke.
"What did you guys do?"
Lovino stiffened and Matthew smiled.
"Lovino was talking to me about some good recipes for tomatoes, I then told him about some good recipes that I have for pancakes and such." Matthew lied with a smile.
Alfred nodded before falling asleep. Lovino and Matthew snickered at this before taking the sleeping nations to Alfred's room where they just laid them on the bed throwing some blankets on them before retiring to bed as well. They'll figure out sleeping arrangements later.
I hope that you liked this chapter!
There is Canada and Romano bonding fluff!!! And you get to know the story as to why Matthew is scared of ships!!! I don't really know how many chapters are left before this story is over, I may or may not be turning this into a series but hey at least we get cute Fluff!
I wish you all an early Christmas and a happy New Year!
Au revoir!
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