As I was reading I felt sitting next to me so I closed to book and look beside me to nee-chan smiling. More like a naughty smile.
"Yes?" I ask as I raise a brow.
"Well you see uhm..I have heard a little birdy telling me that you have a secret admirer.." She said while smiling .
I gave her I confused look before she carry on.
"Haih...I just heard from someone that you have an admirer at school or so they it true?" Nee-chan ask out of the blue.
I shake my head and say that 'I don't think so' and heard face smacking. I turn to see Havana laugh when the boys groan. Ouch.
"Well I also heard you are close friends with Brendon? Are you both dating?" Nee-chan ask with hint protectiveness yet playfulness.
I feel my cheeks redden and I feel so embarrass I don't even know if we were friends maybe an aquantaince..
"N-no...we are just c-classmates..that's all.." I stutter.
"Oh? Really? Then that's a bummer. He was pretty charming and very handsome~" she said again playfully making me red so hard.
Before she could ask anymore questions the airport attendant called out on the speakers for our flight.
"Attentionladiesandgentleman,theflighttoSouthKorea is now boarding pleasegotogate 5 toboard. Thankyou~"
I practically leap out of my seat and dance a little to start dance out making everyone in my family laugh and I sigh.
Well as I took my stuff and I heard another call to Japan,Fred began picking up his things while saying stuff to Havana which I do not know.
I took my stuff excitedly and look at nee-chan who is crying and I am like 'what!'.note my face was very much worried.
She wave us off dismmisevly and walk to window that shows are planes boarding.
Tyrone came to us and we felt dominating power,how can billionaire have power?
Well because he is a powerful hunter too.
"She didn't mean to cry,its just hard for her to see her little siblings off going through the she preganant with my baby" he says gloating.
I giggled while those two huff and said we understand.
"We are not kids no more you know..we are teens." Havana answered irratated.
"That's the point. She still sees you as her little siblings to protect and look after...she doesn't see growing up already." He said softl making our hearts melt.
She still thinks like this after all that's happen?
Hahahah nee-chan never changes.
Well after that there was another call and its time too go.
We all hug him then ran to nee-chan briefly since she's pregnant then havana-nee and fred-nii did some bro shake and the he ruffle my hair making look like a nest on purpose.
Eerrrgghh!big brothers are annoying sometimes!
We all wave and Fred wave running to see his mate then board.Me and Havana walk to the gate then to the pathway that reaches to the latch of plane.
I skipped ahead making Havana taking out their stuff she was quite annoyed but well she is quite likely one of those hormonal teens.
I reach to the door and look up seeing a young beautiful stewardess with her brown eyes and black bun she smiles at me and I smile back sweetly.
"Do you have a ticket dear?.." She ask politely I nod and pointed at havana who is sighs.
"Here ya go miss...thanks looking after this ...kid.." havana huffed as she gave her the tickets making charity pout making the stewardess laugh.
"Alright then come this way..." She said leading us to our seats but here is the funny thought.
Why is our seats ar first class!
I pondered as I took my seat where the stewardess told me.
Okay this is more like it...wait a second.
Why are the first seat class!...we only ht economy or lucky enough but this is first!
I sigh as I give up thinking about itand took my seat.I turn to see charity looking the window so eagerly waiting to take of.
"Ladies and gentlemen we like to take off soon and please fasten your seatbelts." A voice said in aircraft.
I was still into thinking to much that some tao my shoulders I look up to see the captain of the flight.
Man he was handsome with greyish-blue eyes and browny-gold hair with a pilots outfit ...I think? I have no interest,I smile him and he smile back and asking me what was wrong.
"Well you see and my sister here are actually suppose to be seated at an economy or business class but the sterwardess brought us the first" I said unsure.
"What's you name kid?" He asked and I sigh vehemently at that making him chuckle.
"Havana Sakura..why?" I say.
"well miss sakura but I believe your seats have been modified." Said that familiar stewardess making turn and smile at her.
"Ah ronnie ..I was going to say that but you beat me to it" said the young pilot playfully.
"Sorry,captain quinn but oh yes ms sakura I will be the forts class stewardess for today.." She said formally in friendly way and then turns to talk to charity.
I still didn't get the reason here but the answer was given by the captain.
"Your brother-in-law made a few changes in your tickets,thank him later and have fun in Korea" with that he walk back his place on the aircraft also not before taken a stolen glance to Ronnie.
Okay....did I just miss something here?
I just shrug it off and the stewardess said to fasten our seatbelts as we were about to take off.
Is just me or am I neverous?
Whilst flying above in the night sky as Havana and Charity fell asleep with the other travelers and some crew members...
As the plane flew high above altitude it was Quinn's shift to take the plane as his older senior captain was exhausted and told him to take it.
It took him a slap on the back to make Quinn waking up and he glowered at the man whom is smiling at him.
"Your turn ,son..make sure you fly us safely.." The senior captain say making Quinn groan.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing...I am just thinking about someone.." Quinn muttered.
"Ah...well I tell you a little tip on how to get close to that someone.." And that's when those two talk as men and both grinning happily.
20 minutes afterwards there was knock on the door of the pilot section and he said come in.Ronnie came out with coffee.
"Thanks..I was getting sleepy.." Quinn said with his charming smile yet tired eyes.
"Hehehe I knew you would that's why I made for you..any last thing you need before I go?" Ronnie giggled softly with her sweet smile.
Quinn didnt pay much attention as she spoke when he look at her.simply because she was glowing under the light and what made it worse for having a urge to kiss her that wouldve been because of her littlebittotightat her uniform partly her cleavage was popping a little making him drool inside out.
He shakes away his heads on his lewd or dirty thoughts about her but when she ask about something else he needs.
An idea popped up.
"Say Ronnie,.." He said as he push chair a bit backwards a bit making space for himself.
"..I am really sleepy and I don't know if coffee can bring me awake through the night..can you.."he trails off the finishes it with pulling her onto his lap making her blush.
She tried to get up again but he securely put his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulders. She needs to get to her job she thought,not flirting with the captain.!
"U-u-uhmm..c-captain..I need to let go of me please ..I have some passengers to attend to and--" Quinn cut her off.
"Well there are other stewards that can tend the passengers...' He said knowingly.
He knows he nearly got her where he want her to be.
"But.. Oohh~" she moans when she feels his lips on her neck,sucking her sweet spot making Quinn suck on her harder.
"You can't go anywhere when your within my grasps sweetness,remember you have to follow captain's orders?.." Quinn whispers huskily which make her shudder in pleasure to his deep voice.
His hand and fingers wanders around her body making her mewl quietly and she try and choke down a hardy moan out of her lips.
He want to make love to her tonight he meant now,he didn't care if it was in the plane or elsewhere.she was the first girl that he had ever had eyes on.
They both want eacht other and he wants now.she then ask something that he completely wants to to do it eagerly.
"What are your orders captain.." Ronnie sighs pleasurely leaning in to his touch.
"Now my orders are is this..." He then stops talking turns her around making her straddling on him and started to give hot fiery kisses down her neck and opening her uniform.
That's when they begin the love making throughout the night of the plane.
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