Ten Stones
Torat took a moment to admire the majesty of The Ten Stones as he watched the sun form a beautiful prism of light that reflected its seemingly magical powers upon them. The tide was rising. The gentle sound of the water calmed the soul as it rushed up the edge of the shoreline. Torat, Petri, and the rest of The Council were lying in the middle of The Ten Stones which overlooked the vast ocean. They were discussing the circumstances regarding Karik. Something was wrong.
The Ten Stones, the apex of Davu technology. To those who did not understand, thought Torat, they were simply a group of rocks used to tell the passing of time. In reality, The Ten Stones were also a place of intense mystical and spiritual activity. Carved on these stones were symbols that reflected our very soul.
He recalled why his people moved here, after the brutal, unnecessary wars. Sometimes a bad deal is the only one you can make. Nevertheless, this was their home, and had been for centuries. Upon arrival, their first task was to erect these stones. They stood twenty-five feet high in a fifty-foot circle on the grass, one hundred feet from the cliff overlooking the water. On top of each stone sat another stone that overlapped their edges by one foot on each side, making the ten stones look like ten T's. In the middle of the stones was a rock that was seven feet in diameter and three feet high. This rock was shaped in a ten-pointed star where the points were located between the openings of the Ten Stones. Many historians insisted that their inspiration came from Stonehenge but Torat knew better. The Ten Stones were the culmination of hundreds of years of work and study, of watching sun patterns, how light reflected from the stones, and how the radiation from the rocks worked on healing the human body and giving it energy. Torat believed that Stonehenge and other erections like it actually took their inspiration from the Ten Stones but he could never figure out how. This was just to be another mystery lost to the passage of time.
As with most days here, this one was nearly flawless. Birds flew overhead in the clear blue sky as a slight breeze passed through the tall grass. Torat, Petri, and the other eight Council members were lying motionless in front of the stones; eyes closed and face up soaking in the energy from the sun. They wore long brown skirts, kilt-like, and loose flowing woollen tops, normal attire for them.
"Karik is not ready to come back. He believes he can still unravel this mystery and succeed in his mission," Torat told the other council members, as he spoke to them through his mind. "I say we should give him more time. I hope you all agree."
"Torat, this is wrong on so many levels and you know it," Petri replied. "All we're doing is wasting precious time. We must bring him back and find out what happened, why things are so different."
"A few more days won't be the end of us," Torat told them. "I have faith in our decision-making abilities and Karik's."
As head of the council, Petri understood his need to make these important decisions. Two days ago, Torat had convinced Petri that sending Karik would be the answer to all of their problems, a means to fix the damage that had been done. Petri remained uncertain as to its possibility for success but nevertheless succumbed to his teacher's wishes, partly due to respect and partly because nobody could think of a better solution. Now, however, he had to reconsider. Maybe Karik was doing more harm rather than good. I am the Council leader now. I have to do what I feel is best. He would grant Torat his request but also stay on the side of caution.
"All of our lives and futures are at stake here, not just yours. We will give him one more day. No more," replied Petri.
Petri hadn't been Torat's first choice for Council leader, but still, Torat liked him. He was very kind and well respected but he would have preferred someone with a little more vision and foresight to lead them. Torat knew however that he had to respect Petri's wishes. Petri had just been elected head of the council one month ago and here he was, placed in a position to decide on such important matters. If Torat, as the past council leader, decided to push his point of view too much, then Petri would lose the respect of the rest of the council and that, Torat understood, could not be allowed to happen. The council, as a functioning body, was far too important.
"Agreed," replied Torat. "We'll give him one more day."
"And the rest of the council?" asked Petri.
The other eight council members answered simultaneously, "Agreed."
"Then it is settled," Torat said. "And now I must go visit Peta in person."
"I won't disappoint your faith in me," Karik replied to the ten council members.
Torat always loved coming here. The view from Peta's one-room stone house was spectacular. Lush gardens containing every known colour filled the landscape. Just past the gardens, one could see the ocean as the waves gently rolled up against the rocks along the shoreline. The pathway leading to the entrance was red stone with exotic flowers lining its sides in a kind of warm salute to the occupant. Beside the house was a small but beautiful garden filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables. The birds sang glorious songs at all times of the day. Peta's grandfather had carefully chosen this location to build his oasis. This was the type of place where one could get lost in the scenery, forcing the mind to lose any of its negative thoughts.
Torat opened the door and saw exactly what he expected; Peta lying motionless on her bed. Her long robe covered her from her shoulders to below her knees.
Torat bent over Peta's bed, closed his eyes and put his hands on top of her forehead. After concentrating a few moments he opened his eyes. Tears began to slowly fall down his cheeks.
"Poor Peta," Torat whispered to himself. "You should not have had to see that." Then Torat spoke into the air slightly louder and with more force than before. "Karik what were you thinking? She loves you so much."
Torat kissed Peta on the cheek. "Rest peacefully. I will come back soon and check on you again."
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