Entry Four:
"Get off my throne," The King said, annoyed.
"You never deserved it." She replied. "You never deserved to be King." With dainty hands, she took the crown and placed it upon her head. She smiled with grace and glee, and the King could see her eyes shine from where he stood. Just as he was about to say something, the doors tore open, and the enemies flooded into the room like mice. The King widened his eyes in shock, and tried to run away, but something held him in place. He looked up at the throne and knew the old woman had something to do with it. Before he could curse her, one of the soldiers hit him on the head, and he fell down onto that blood red carpet rolled out before him.
The King heard her voice echo in his ears as she ordered someone into the room. The sea of enemy soldiers, parting as if for a royal, opened up to show a man with his head down being dragged before the throne. Much like how he had the old woman dragged out before she refused to cooperate. The old woman said something, and he lifted his chin. The King was shocked to see his firstborn son Philip before him, and he rushed up to try to get to him. The soldiers were quick to hold him in place and turned him towards the throne.
"See, My Lord. You should've listened to the higher powers as they know things that you do not. You chose to be ignorant and now you suffer. With a flick of her hand, she had the soldiers bring the Prince to him.
"What do you want?" The King asked her. A soldier stepped forward and placed what the King recognised as his sword in his hands. This sword had been passed down from generation to generation and had never once lost a battle. Still, the King wondered why she would arm him. He attempted to stand up but found that he couldn't move. On his knees, sword in hand, he saw his arm start to rise.
"What are you doing?" He asked in a shaky voice, as the tip of it pointed at his son, Phillip.
"You failed to obey and now you suffer the consequences." The old woman said, and with a flick of her hand, the King brought his sword down and into his son. He could only watch in horror as the sword sliced through his son; watched as the life slowly seeped from him. With a loud sound in the silent room, the Prince's body fell down onto that red carpet of lost dreams and broken beings. The King felt the loss in his heart, and he looked towards the old woman.
"This is what if feels like," Her voice broke and her eyes shone with tears. "To lose a child."
The King looked back at his son just as a soldier was ordered to kill him. The cold, hard, metal drove into his back and he fell beside his son.
Father and son.
"If only he had listened." The old woman said with remorse as she bent her head down. "If only."
Moral: Pride always comes before the fall.
Author's Note:
Hello fellas. This is the last entry for this book. I hope, as always you all have enjoyed it. If you did do give it a vote, and if there is something you didn't like, just comment down below and I'll take it into future consideration. For now, later guys.
Peace out.
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