Chapter 7
"I just got off the phone with the sheriff," Dr. Waldt walked up to Amy, who was now sitting with a lowered head behind her desk. Even though she had been out cold for hours, exhaustion still lingered.
Amy raised her head up slowly, "what did he say?"
"They're going now to look into it. Hopefully we'll figure this mess out sooner rather than later," Dr. Waldt stood over Amy's desk with her arms loosely crossed and an empathetic look to her eyes.
A small nod of agreement was all that Amy could muster from the mixed emotions.
"You should probably head home. Get some sleep and come in late if you need to, ok?"
Amy remained slumped in her chair and only took a moment to make eye contact, "Thank you." Dr. Waldt showed a slight smile before turning around and heading to the cooler.
The clicking of heels against the concrete floor stopped suddenly before rounding the corner back to Amy.
"Whatcha need?" The doctor asked.
"Where's the other body you went to examine?"
Dr. Waldt sighed, "Apparently it was nothing more than a prank call," she shrugged before walking back to the morgue. A loud hum echoed as the doctor entered the cooler, followed by a loud click that signaled her solitude on the other side of the door.
Amy peered down at her desk at the miscellaneous drawings strewn across random post its and forms. Her partially eaten frosted donut sat atop a napkin. She reached out to grab it and felt the staleness in her fingertips before dropping it back down. Amy knew that she should have gone home like the doctor suggested, but the energy to get up and leave just wasn't there. Beneath a form coated in sprinkles was a small indentation with a golden loop peeking out. Amy took a moment to look at it with a few different angled head tilts; the metal shined brightly against the room lights above her desk. She reached for it and pulled it out, revealing the long chain and round gold pendant hanging from it.
Hmmmm I don't remember putting you on my desk, she thought to herself. She scratched at her head, puzzled, until a small twinge of pain shot through her temples. She released the pendant quickly and grabbed onto either side of her face, pressing against the shooting pain.
"There you are!" Caitlyn stormed in through the entrance, letting the doors swing back to their respective spots, "I've been worried sick about you!"
Caitlyn stood above the desk with her arms crossed tightly in front of her green scrubs. She may have been short and extremely mousy looking, but no one in their right mind would feel less frightened by her outbursts. She had a ferocity about her.
"I'm so sorry, Caitlyn. A lot happened today, and I promise I'll explain everything later."
The pushy nurse nearly stomped a foot against the ground, "Do you not believe in your phone anymore? I've been calling you for two hours," she held up two fingers to better prove her point.
"I promise you I didn't answer for a good reason," Amy winced at the pain once more and pressed her hands against the sides of her face with closed eyes. Caitlyn immediately dropped the anger and turned on her concerned switch.
"Oh my god, are you ok?"
"Not really, no."
Caitlyn ran around the desk and kneeled to Amy's level, "Here, let me look at you."
Amy waved a hand, "No need to. The doctor already had a look at me. It's just a serious migraine."
"Let's get you home then," Caitlyn wrapped her hands around each of Amy's shoulders to help her get up, "I'll drive you back and just drop you off tomorrow."
"You sure that's ok?"
"No problem. That's what friends are for,"
Amy rose slowly from her chair, but her attention was brought back to the necklace that sat in front of here, surrounded by rainbow sprinkles. Without another thought, Amy grabbed on to it before leaving her chair entirely and stuffed it into her jean pocket.
"What's that?"
"Nothing exciting," Amy responded. Caitlyn shrugged, content with the answer.
The walk to the car took nearly an eternity. Amy's legs felt as if they were made of jello; she feared any quick or sudden movements that could wind up sending them in uncontrollable directions. Night had nearly peaked outside with crickets filling the air and insects swarming at the only working streetlight.
"Do you need to grab something out of the car?"
"No, I don't believe so," Amy continued a slow walk to the Hyundai Sonata that Caitlyn drove. She peered over at her station wagon sitting in the parking lot: older than her and still kicking--barely. A new car just didn't seem like a worthwhile idea when she only drove ten minutes to and from work five days a week.
Amy lowered her head, careful not to hit it as she got into the car. She placed a hand against her pocket, feeling the gold pendant beneath the denim.
"Let's go home," Amy said, "I'm exhausted."
"Don't gotta tell me twice," Caitlyn smiled and drove as fast as she could.
The phone rang loudly through Thane's jacket pocket.
"You never changed that annoying default ringtone?" Drae raised an eyebrow at the clearly unamused behemoth sitting beside him. Thane replied with a grunt before reaching in to his pocket and bringing out his phone, checking the number.
"Crap," Thane said.
Thane's adams apple moved harshly against his neck, "it's Rune."
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