Chapter 4
Draven and Thane pulled up to the morgue and parked in the second closest spot to the entrance. The closest was currently occupied by what appeared to be something resembling a station wagon.
"What the hell is that supposed to be?" Drae asked, clearly appalled at the fact that something like that was being driven around, let alone still running.
Thane looked disgusted and eyed the rusting wheel wells, followed by the duct tape holding the rear bumper on, "Looks like something the Flintstones would have driven."
"I thought you said you sent the coroner on a long ride?"
"I did!" Thane said, opening the car door and getting out. Drae did the same, slamming the door behind him.
"Then who the fuck is here?"
"Maybe a receptionist or secretary or something?"
"Great, another human to fuck with," Drae replied. He brought his tattooed hands together and rubbed them against one another, excited.
"What?!" He asked with a grin plastered to his face.
"Don't do anything stupid, and by stupid I mean don't do anything."
"Always so fucking serious," Drae shook his head in amusement.
"Just let me handle whoever is in there--alright?" Thane looked to Drae awaiting the right answer before waltzing into the morgue. After a few moments Drae gave in with a reluctant nod, "Good," Thane said.
The two men looked around to make sure there was no one in sight on the dead end street. Nothing around them indicated any sign of human life in the tiny crevice known as Felton, but they continued to look carefully around them. The morgue itself was a small square building smack dab in the middle of a quiet parking lot. Drae and Thane looked at the cracking blacktop and faded lines, waiting for a tumbleweed to blow on by.
"Let's go," Thane said. He walked up to the door with Drae in tow and opened it slowly.
The sound of the door handle clicking at the entrance startled Amy. She dropped her pen in mid doodle and looked up at the clock on the wall. Incessant ticking from the second hand echoed loudly in the stillness. Dr. Waldt had only called twenty minutes ago, so unless she magically grew wings and significantly cut down her travel time, it was someone she wasn't expecting. She gripped her pen tightly, keeping the tip exposed if she needed it.
"Hello!?" She yelled out questionably. Amy watched as the handle made its way downwards until it hit it's breaking point and swung open. A glimpse from outside poked through in the form of soon to be fading sunlight. Amy watched two men, holding serious demeanors walk up to her desk.
"We were wondering if you could help us," one of the men said.
Both males stood way over six feet tall with muscles that pressed against their tight black shirts, acting like a second layer of skin. Amy nonchalantly lowered her eyes until she realized her mistake and instantly brought her attention back to the dark glances of the two men. She cleared her throat.
The man in front with blonde hair smiled, while the tattooed man behind him nearly chuckled from the sight of Amy's reddening cheeks.
"We were wondering if you could help us," Thane repeated.
"Sure," Amy pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "what do you need?"
"Our brother has been missing for a few days," Thane rested his elbow against Amy's desk. She watched his muscles twitch with each breath he took,"we heard that they had found a young man. We wanted to be sure it--," he feigned choking up at the thought, clenching his fist and bringing it to his mouth with eyes closed.
"I'm very sorry to hear about your brother," sincere concern spilled out of Amy, "let me just get your names and I'll take you to the other room for confirmation." She reached for a clipboard with an empty visitor sign in sheet. Thane took her pen and wrote down his name, followed by Drae's.
Amy looked at the sheet, "Thane and Draven Smith? Interesting first names for such a common last," she brushed it off and rose from her desk.
Thane could smell the candied sweetness emanating off the secretary, sending goosebumps down his spine. Her hair laid in brown disarray and her bagging clothes hid any indication of femininity beneath them, but her eyes were flawless. Thane stared into the blue depth of them before Drae nudged at his shoulder, knocking him out of his trance. Amy took a deep breath and flattened the front of her blouse in an attempt to shake the otherworldly sensation.
"Meet me around this corner in a moment," Amy pointed in the general direction of the storage area then made her way over to it with keys jingling her hand. Drae nudged at Thane, hard enough to almost make him face plant.
"Man, what's your problem?"
"You picked Smith? Are you brain dead?" Drae asked. He looked behind Thane to make sure the woman had left within earshot, "and our real names?!" Drae nudged him hard again.
"I couldn't think of anything else, but I'll handle it."
"You better fucking handle it, Thane."
Amy peeked around the corner, "This way gentlemen."
The medicinal smell overwhelmed both Thane and Drae, but that wasn't the worst of it. Beneath the hospital grade Lysol, the scent of decay lingered: pungent and without mercy. Trying to hide the revulsion, Thane rubbed at his nose while Drae simply refused to breath. Dead center of room, both men were drawn to the corpse plopped atop the metal slab. The kid laid there motionless, covered in incision markings that had yet to be used.
"Is he?" Amy asked. She tried her best to be empathetic, gently biting the side of her lip with anxious eyes. Thane gave her a small nod.
"I'm so sorry for your loss. If you give me just a moment I'll call the doctor and let her know he's no longer a John Doe," Amy stated.
She began walking towards the exit to the reception area, but was suddenly stopped by Drae. He held an arm out, blocking her from moving any further. She felt the tightening of muscles beneath cotton press against her chest, causing her to instantly tense up. She looked up at Drae, his dark eyes piercing through her own, until he turned to look at Thane who stood beside Rune's son.
"Are you going to handle this," Drae once again looked to the anxious Amy before turning back to Thane, "or should I?"
"What do you mean handle this? What the hell is going on?" Amy's breaths grew quicker and shorter. She looked around in an effort to find anything to help with her situation until she felt the large hands of Thane wrap around her shoulder. He leaned forward, breathing in the sweet scent of her before whispering in her ear.
"I'm really sorry about this," he said quietly.
The gentle brushing of his stubble and warm breath was the last thing Amy felt against the side of her face before everything went black.
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