THE DOCTOR came in with his team of nurses and he reassured me and also explained the procedures of the surgery. I shook my head as he spoke but I could only understand half of what he was saying. I felt a prick in my arm and was told by a nurse to count to hundred. My eyelids dropped and I became unconscious before getting to fifty. I woke up later and noticed no one was in the room with me. I tried to rub my eyes but my arm was heavily bandage, so was my tummy, thighs and neck when I tried to sit upright. I pressed the button for the nurse and a female nurse came in seconds later.
"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked.
"Fine, can I have a glass of water?" I mumbled. My throat was dry and scratchy.
"Sure." She went over to the table and poured water from a glass, she added a straw and I took several sips.
"How long have I been out?"
"Not too long, I'll get the doctor."
The nurse rushed out and I fell back into a slumber. When I woke up, the doctor was by my side checking my vitals and I had no idea what hour of the day it was.
"Everything is fine." he said after removing the stethoscope from his ears to his neck. "You'll spend the night here just so we can monitor you and if there's no complications you'll be released by tomorrow. The nurse will attend to you now."
I watched as the nurse came in to adjust something but my neck couldn't move around to see. She smiled at me and I tried to smile back but my smile muscles weren't working. I watched the TV mounted on the white wall for a while before getting bored after which I turned my head slowly to the side and slept.
"Morning," Kelvin said as I awoke the following morning. He was gazing down at me from a nearby seat. "She's awake," he said and looked towards the foot of the bed, I followed his gaze and saw Seye. She was dressed in a corporate attire while Kelvin wasn't, she must have come from work.
"I see. Hey?" Seye said.
"Hey. Thanks for coming." My voice was clearer than I imagined.
"Damn! You look like a mummy, all wrapped up and shit," Seye said, walking around the bed to look at my bandaged body.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you not to kick a man while he's down," Kelvin asked.
"You know I'm not good at taking lessons."
"Apparently," I said from the bed while struggling to sit up.
"Easy. Have you had anything to eat since?" Kelvin asked.
"I'm just waking, what's the time anyway?"
"It's almost noon. I spoke to the doctor, you'll be discharged in few hours."
"That's great news. I don't think I can stand this room anymore."
"You've been here only for a day, enjoy the peace and serenity while you can. I wish I could take few days off myself, not under this condition of course." Seye changed the TV channel as she spoke.
"You do that already. You're always calling in sick," Kelvin jabbed.
"NO?" I said in mock surprise.
"That's because I'm always sick."
"Of course, sick of working."
"I'll take a look around, maybe I'll find better company. You lot don't do it for me." Seye worked out of the room after blowing me a kiss.
"I brought you diced avocado and berries. I know you can't eat regular food yet."
"Thanks. I'm not that hungry, but I'll eat." Kelvin passed me a bowl of berries and diced avocado.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sore all over. The doctor said it's going to take months to fully heal." I put a piece of avocado in my mouth.
"As expected."
"And I also have to make regular trips to the hospital to change the bandages and drain."
"I guess that's what you signed up for."
"Right. How's Alex?" I dropped my hand on my laps, lifting it had me breaking out in sweat.
"She had to travel, work related but she sends her regards."
"Okay." I passed the bowl back to him when I ate some of the fruits. I could have eaten more if Kelvin had offered to feed me but that would have been awkward.
"You can rest now. I'll be here when you wake," Kelvin said.
I grunted in reply and Kelvin picked a magazine to read. I watched him read for a while before falling asleep. By the time I opened my eyes, the drip in my hand was gone. Seye was back in the room with Kelvin and I saw my things packed in a brown paper bag. I shifted and the rustling of the bedspread got their attention.
"She's awake," Seye said.
"Great, we can leave soon then. I'll go get the nurse." Kelvin walked out of the room.
I was wheeled out of the room and into the doctor's office after the nurse came in with Kelvin to examine the bandages.
"How are you doing today?" the doctor asked.
"Sore, but it's not so bad." I sat in the wheelchair alone with the doctor.
"That's normal. You'll be sore for a while."
"Still doesn't make it easy to hear."
"I'll be taking you through some things. For now, and the days that'll follow. I don't want you lifting anything that's heavy, doing exercise or any other rigorous activity so the stitches don't come undone. It is very important to follow this."
"I understand," I said. I had researched all about the procedure on my own so I knew what to do post-surgery but I listened as the doctor spoke.
"In the meantime, no sugar and alcohol. I'm going to tell the nurse to give you a pamphlet in case you forget all the things I'm saying right now since you still have some anesthetic in your blood stream." I nodded. "Your friends are also going to get them. Are they going to be with you after you leave here?"
"I guess." I wasn't sure.
"That's better and it's also very risky to drive right now."
"My friend will be driving me home."
"Good. You still have some anesthetic in your system like I said earlier, so it'll be dangerous to operate any machine or automobile. Your therapist says you've stopped taking your anti-depressants."
"That's correct."
"You'll get your drugs when you check out, how and when to use them will be indicated on their body. I'll also see you in four days for a checkup. The receptionist will call you every day for two weeks so if you have a problem do not hesitate to tell her what exactly it is."
"Okay." I was tuning out. I kept blinking so as not to fall asleep.
"You can't use the shower for now also, we don't want the bandages getting soaked. I hope you follow these instructions I stated, they reduce the risk of complications and it's in your best interest. Is that clear?"
"I'll let you know how soon you can get back to work during our follow up sessions. I'll also be in contact with your therapist and I advise you to do the same. Your friends are being briefed by the nurses at this moment, you need their help and it's crucial that you take their assistance when its offered."
I went out with the nurse after finishing with the doctor. Kelvin and Seye were waiting for me at the reception with my drugs and several pamphlets.
"Let's get you home," Kelvin said taking the wheel chair from the nurse and wheeling me out of the hospital with Seye by his side as they walked towards my car.
I sat in the back seat and listened as the radio played a Celine Dion's song. Kelvin thankfully didn't sing along with Seye as the song played. I was sure I couldn't handle hearing him sing without laughing and I was too weak to engage in such folly. The windows were down and I enjoyed the feel of the wind beating on my face.
Seye helped me out of the car as we got home and I settled into bed, gingerly getting on it so the bandage doesn't come loose. I groaned as I slept on my side. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of a bundle of hay. The pillows were fluffed severely before Kelvin deemed them worthy of my head. I sighed as I waited for him to be done and rolled my eyes when they went behind my head. I could still roll my eyes, a miracle!
"Thanks," I murmured.
"The sleepovers I have usually involve sex but for once, I'm being unselfish because this is for a good cause," Seye said as she got into bed with me.
"You guys don't have to stay overnight."
"What kind of friends do you take us for? We're staying with you, I am, at least. I'm sure Kelvin would never dream of leaving you alone and risk you being all by yourself," Seye argued.
"She finds it hard to take help, don't mind her. We're staying, there's no debate," Kelvin said.
He got in beside me, my back was turned to Seye and my face was directly next to Kelvin's. It was twisted that I had to be bandaged and sore to get the man of my dreams in bed with me.
"Good thing this is a queen sized bed. I mean, who gets a bed this big? Rich people."
My bed was large but that didn't make me rich, it just made me a girl with a large bed. I took Seye's hand in my right hand when she got close to me and manage to place my other hand in Kelvin's.
"I appreciate your constant help and support, Kelvin. Thanks Seye for being a friend in need."
"I wasn't doing anything in the office anyway. It feels nice being here helping you," Seye said.
Seye was trying not to make a big deal out of the situation while Kelvin remained silent and squeezed my hand.
"Okay! Let's watch something fun, I'm growing bored." Seye stood from the bed and sat on the ottoman. The moment passed as we each picked a movie to watch from the choices on display on the small TV in my room. We finally settled for Kelvin's choice which made Seye sulk.
"You could have picked something better but instead you chose a war movie. I don't think we want to see so much gore and blood right now," Kelvin said.
"Let's just watch classics instead." When none of the replied, I said, "I have Mean girls."
"Something nobody chose, fair enough." Seye gave in.
"You guys can start, I'll go make us dinner," Kelvin said leaving the room.
"I'm coming with you." Seye stood from where she was sitting and hurried out behind Kelvin. "I hate girly movies." I heard her say as she caught up with Kelvin.
I closed my eyes briefly. I heard my name and I opened them, Kelvin helped me into a sitting position and placed a tray on the pillow on my lap. I ate the bland food placed in front of me without complaints as Seye fed me. Kelvin was a stickler for details and he followed the instructions in the pamphlet to a T.
"Delicious. Thanks," I said, finishing the lump of oat in the bowl. Seye took the tray and bowl away.
"If it makes you feel better, we're all having the same thing," Kelvin intoned.
"Let's get this party started." Seye said as she got back from the kitchen.
"Let's," I replied.
My pillows were fluffed again, this time around by Seye and I tried not to roll my eyes at their exaggerated gestures. I laid on my back so I could comfortably watch TV when she was done.
"Mean girls it is," Seye said, tonelessly.
"Let's watch something else." I hinted.
I saw her look at Kelvin surreptitiously and I pretended not to notice the glance of relief they both shared.
"We'll watch the music channel since we can't decide on what to watch," she said, "We can at least agree on that."
Kelvin tuned the TV to a music channel. They settled beside me again and we watched as video vixens gyrated their waists to the musicians' melody, video after video. By the time I woke up to pee, I found the room slightly dark with light coming from a lamp on the bedside drawer, the TV was off and Kelvin wasn't by my side. Seye woke up beside me and helped me to the bathroom.
"Where's Kelvin?" I asked when we got back in bed.
"In the other room," she said.
Seye turned and I heard an almost inaudible snore coming from her. I closed my eyes and slept too.
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