[4] Feelings.
"Hey!" I shout out in irritation as my younger brother grabs the remote and switches on Top Gear... of ALL the things he could choose from!
"What?" He raises his eyebrow, seemingly unbothered.
"I was watching Are you the one!" I yelled. "And it's my turn, you've been hogging the tv for the entire week you weasel!"
"So?" He rudely asked.
Cool... stay calm Tyler, calm.
Nope, I can't.
I immediately got up from my seat and tackled him on the couch, making him groan as he clutched his stomach in pain.
"Okay! Okay! Geez, knock yourself out," He said, giving the remote back to me. "You should've signed up for the WWE, take all your anger out over there."
I smiled victoriously, "Thanks, Edward."
He gave me a weird look in response to me referring to him using his full name. "Yeah yeah, whatever." He then scowled, obviously not liking this one bit.
Just then, our dad came downstairs with his car keys in hand.
"Dad!" Eddie shouts out in excitement. "I have something to tell you, you won't believe who—"
Just then, his phone rings and Eddie sighs in slight disappointment.
"Sorry, I'll be right back." He said with a small smile.
Eddie came back over, sitting back in his chair and trying really hard to look unbothered. But he was failing dismally at that.
Dad is a workaholic.
He believes that if he works this hard, he will be able to make us happy because he makes a lot of money and gets us anything we could ever want. To be honest, we miss spending time with him. He tends to travel a lot, leaving only Eddie and I in the house. He mostly calls the security company to tell them to be on the lookout for us and make sure we aren't in danger or anything.
He got me the white Jeep on my sixteenth birthday and I made sure to get my driver's license so I could officially use it. It was the coolest thing at my school. I guess people just didn't understand the fact that it was driven by someone who was the least popular out of everyone in Shelby's friend group.
It's a good thing I never really cared much about people's opinions and popularity in general.
So coming back to the now, I look over at Eddie and decide to find a way to cheer him up a little. "What's gotten you so happy?" I raise my eyebrows. "Got a girlfriend?"
"Really?" He rolls his eyes. "It's better than that! I made the football team, sis. So many people thought I wouldn't make it but imagine my cocky incredibly handsome face when I walked out the court with a 'yeah, thought so you haters'. It was awesome! Coach even said I could be in the line up to be the new quarterback of the team."
I immediately engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug, squealing in the process. "I'm so proud of you, Edward Jones!"
"Ew, don't call me that. You know this more than anyone else, Tyler. It's Eddie." He huffed, clearly annoyed, all the prior disappointment already gone.
Mission accomplished.
Just then, my iPhone rings and Eddie cringes at my ringtone as Rihanna's voice comes on.
Yayo, Yayo
Bitch better have my money!
I rolled my eyes at his reaction, answering Shelby's phone call, "Hello?"
"He was with you in detention?!"
"Yeah, um... I really don't have time for this." I pointed out in a bored tone.
How does she even know? Did she get a private investigator to spy on Miles and I? That would really make sense right now.
"Yeah, whatever." She brusquely brushed me off, "Guess what? I've been invited to a party next week and I need an outfit, will you come to the mall with me?" She asked.
I can already picture her pouting.
Shelby's mood swings really gave me whiplash. She was angry one minute, and the next, she was suddenly enthusiastic about something else.
Bipolar much?
"I'll check my schedule." I replied blandly. I could feel myself starting to be annoyed with her these days. She's acting as if Miles is her boyfriend while he doesn't even know the first thing about her, which is her name.
"Please... as if you have any plans. I'm your only friend, Tyler don't you forget that."
That hurt a little more than I thought it would.
For a moment, it felt like she was mocking me, but I brushed it off. I mean, it is true. She really is the only friend I have. Whether or not she meant it in a bad way didn't really matter. I wasn't good at making friends and that's something that didn't seem likely to change anytime soon.
"Fine," I said.
Who am I kidding? Shelby always gets what she wants.
And now with Miles as her next goal, I wouldn't be surprised if she got him. She'd do anything to keep her reputation intact as Queen Bee and manage to do the impossible every time.
"What's the definition of esterification?"
Miles reads out the first question of our Science project and I let out a deep exhale. I was feeling a little tired. We had just got back from school, only to bury ourselves into more schoolwork. But we didn't really have a choice because the assignment deadline was in two days time and we still had quite a lot to do.
"Uhm... isn't it the process of forming esters by combining carboxylic acids and alcohols?" I ask, with slightly raised eyebrows.
"What's your answer? We could combine our answers and form a definition?" I suggest.
"Do you ever wear skirts?" He suddenly asks with curiosity and I frown.
"No," I respond. "But what does that have to do with this?"
He shakes his head. "No, nothing. I just wondered."
"Okay, so... your definition?" I wait for his response, raising my eyebrows expectantly.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked again, looking distracted.
I huff. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. Now can we please get back to work?"
"Why? Are you... lesbian by any chance?"
I look to the heavens silently and let out a frustrated breath, "Jeez, no!"
Judging by me wearing sweatpants on a daily with sneakers and a simple short sleeved t-shirt, it's understandable why he would think so. I probably look like a tomboy. Also, add to that the fact that im never seen socialising with any guy at all, he'd probably think I have no interest whatsoever in them.
He winced, "Don't take it the wrong way, I just have a hard time believing that guys are really stupid enough to overlook you."
As I caught onto his words, I blushed under his gaze which made him chuckle lightly.
"What's your full name?" He asked yet again.
What was up with all the questions?
"Tyler Jones." I answered absent-mindedly, a little frustrated due to my lack of patience, but still not forgetting to not mention my middle name.
"Beautiful." He smirked, but it was genuine - not cocky, his intoxicating green eyes boring into mine. "Just like you."
I could feel the heat make it's way up to my cheeks and I didn't know how to act normal as my heart started beating eratically.
"I, uh... thank you." I stuttered nervously.
"You're so cute," He chuckled.
"Miles..." I whined. "Let's get back to science please?"
"Okay okay okay," He held his hands up defensively. "I'm focused." He assured me.
"What question are we on, again?" He asked, confused.
I shook my head, pouting dramatically as I sighed in defeat. "What on earth am I going to do with you?"
"I can think of a few things you could do to me." He winked, a mischievous smirk on his face. My eyes widened and I smacked him on the shoulder, making him bark out in laughter. His laughter was so contagious, I found myself joining in after a while.
"You have a beautiful smile." He complimented, smiling genuinely.
"Thank you." I blushed, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
Seriously, how many times have I said that to him just today alone? But obviously because I cannot flirt, even to save my life, it's the only thing I can say.
You know, some girls usually have a folder in their heads where they sometimes knew how to flirt.
I wish I did, because I was a hopeless case.
Suddenly he tackled me, but put his arms under me so I wouldn't get hurt. I squealed when he started running his fingers all over my body as he was tickling me.
"MILES!" I screamed out in uncontrollable laughter, tears prickling my eyes as I kicked out, trying to get myself free.
"Did you think I'd let you get away after smacking my shoulder?" He laughed.
"I WAS ONLY K-KIDDING!" I laughed more.
"Well, I guess I'm also kidding." He grinned, showing me his perfect pearly whites.
"Miles, stop!" I screeched once more before accidentally kicking one of his legs, causing him to fall right on top of me. He immediately balanced himself on his arms so his full weight wasn't on me.
For a while, we lay there staring at each other silently, chest to chest, our gazes boring into one another, so much intensity, the radiation of his body heat had my insides melting and my heart was beating extremely fast and hard, I wondered if he could hear it or even feel it against his own chest. I felt my gaze subconsciously drop down to his lips and I realised how much I wanted to press my own against them.
Oh shit.
I'm done denying it. The truth is, I have it bad. I freaking like him a lot.
He suddenly brushed my hair out of my face. "You know, you look so familiar. I feel like I've seen those pretty chocolate brown eyes before, I just can't quite place them with the memory."
That's when I start pulling away, it was getting too much for me to handle. When he sees that I'm trying to sit up, he slowly lifts himself up which makes me let out a subconscious sound from the back of my throat, caused by the sudden pain coming from my belly button.
He lowers himself once more, his face filled with concern. "What's wrong?"
We both look towards my lower stomach area to see that my t-shirt has ridden all the way past the halfway mark of my stomach. In short, my black bra was almost on full display.
Additionally, my belly ring was somehow attached to the hem of his shirt and due to the friction it just experienced, it stung quite a bit.
I don't know which was worse at this point.
He gulped audibly before I hurriedly lowered my t-shirt till it was above my belly button. I immediately tried to detach my belly ring from his shirt but I wasn't having any luck as I couldn't concentrate when he was staring at me so intensely.
"Let me do it." He said, putting his arm around my bare waist as he pulled me up to him, our breaths mixing and forming an extraordinary amount of heat as he hovered over me while he tried detaching my belly ring from the hem of his shirt.
When finally succeeded, I let out the breath I'd been holding for what felt like an eternity as we stood up.
"Um... I think I should go." I said in a low tone, averting my gaze from his gorgeous face.
"Okay, I'll walk you to the door." He offered, picking my bag up for me.
He even opened my car door for me to slip in and I have to say, I was quite surprised at his gestures.
He sent me a small smile. "Bye, Tyler."
I offered him a smile back. "Bye, Miles."
He started walking back into the house as I brought the car to life. As I stared at his retreating back for a while, I didn't know what destiny had in store for us, but I knew my feelings for him had grown once more – and I think they were now stronger than before.
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