[29] The Comeback.
Immediately after lunch break, it was AP Chemistry. That class was like stealing candy from a baby, that's why I've been scoring an F on four consecutive tests this year.
Have you picked up on the sarcasm?
Oh okay.
My eyebrows furrow as I see Miles casually walking into the classroom like it's nothing. His presence dominates the room as all heads turn to face him.
Suddenly this is like Mean Girls, when Regina George, Cady Harren and crew walk down the hall, causing people to stop mid-conversation and just drool at the delicious sight before them.
But that's my man, bitches!
And as for the guys in the class, they all nodded their heads at him. It was as if having Miles being eye-raped by their girlfriends was an amazing honor. Miles is so hot, even guys probably can't resist him. But I'm not too happy about that because that's extra competition for me.
I noticed how his eyes travelled around the room as though he was searching for something or someone. Miles' face breaks into a gorgeous smile when his eyes catch mine at the back of the class. Everyone immediately turns to look at me as if I've just risen from the dead. Others looked at me as if I just announced I was Channing Tatum's crush. I really wish I was though, just saying.
Yeah, they really wanted to kill me.
Suddenly growing a pair, I looked at each and every one of them and said, "Can I help you?"
They all immediately turned back to face the front as if I had just burned them.
But I guess I did anyway, and it felt good.
Miles came and sat next to me.
"Why are you here?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowing even more in confusion.
He shrugged, lifting one shoulder. "I wanted to come?" he makes it sound more like a question.
"Why aren't you in EGD class?" I asked him again.
"Cause I missed you." He said, taking my hand from my lap.
Ignoring the butterflies erupting in my stomach, I turn to look at him, trying with all my might to not look amused.
"You literally just saw me five minutes ago." I said, still confused.
"So?" He asked with a raise of his eyebrow.
"Mrs Byrne is going to kick you out." I pointed out.
He looks at me as if I've grown two heads. "A woman? Kick me out? I think you're mistaken," He said. "Women love me. You should know." He said, looking at me with a smirk.
I almost scoffed at his teasing.
I pursed my lips and folded my arms in frustration, fighting the smile that threatened to come on my face.
"You wish."
He shrugs. "You probably haven't realized it yet, but all in due time baby."
"You have such a huge ego," I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him, causing some strands of my hair to fall into my face.
Miles leans in, his breath tickling my face. He reaches out and puts a few strands of my hair behind my ear, caressing my cheek ever so tenderly.
"You wanna know what else is as huge as my ego?" He whispered into my ear and my eyes widened.
"Miles!" I exclaim, playfully shoving him and causing him to erupt into the most beautiful sound of loud laughter. I couldn't help but join in and soon, we were both laughing.
"Sorry to interrupt."
A voice broke us out of our moment, not sounding anywhere near sorry, if I may point out.
My mood is the quickest to die out when I see who is standing in front of my desk. But that's not what aggravates me, what makes my jaw tick is how she's acting.
She's wearing a very low cut top which, no doubt, shows her cleavage. She wasn't wearing that at lunch break though.
Oh... She was wearing a jacket then. So she reserved her 'special' top for MY man.
Okay, he's not really my man. But still!
She leans forward, her breasts right in front of Miles' face. "Hey Miles." I clench my jaw but try not to react in any way. Who the hell does she think she is?! I felt the anger bubble up in my stomach and pushed it back down, not wanting to cause a scene.
Miles doesn't look amused at all as he keeps his eyes trained on her even though his gaze seemed far away.
He better not look, or else...
"Denise," he just nods.
As if I'm the one who controls Miles' every action, she scowls at me for the lack of attention she receives from him.
I scowl back at her. "What?"
"You." she narrows her eyes, "You and your bestfriend stole my man!" she accuses. "From the day he got enrolled into this school, Miles was so smitten by me! He fell for me."
I rolled my lips back to restrain my laughter as I saw Miles' face. No doubt, he was giving her a weird look.
"Me?" He voiced out his confusion. "When?"
That's when I gave up trying to hold back futher and allowed the giggle to escape my lips.
She suddenly shoves me with her claws. "You find this funny?!"
"Hey!" I suddenly snapped, grabbing the attention of almost the entire class. "Just because I'm remaining quiet, it doesn't mean I can filter all your bullshit! I may have not complained as much as I wanted to when I saw your face, but right now, I've had enough."
"Well, you're one to talk!" She bites back venomously. "Don't you think I've had enough of seeing you and your best friend's ugly face for the past seven years?!"
I scoffed as I probed my tongue along the insides of my cheek.
"For crap's sake, how is this little rat so brazen?"
Her jaw dropped as she released a gasp. "Excuse me?!"
She hit the wrong nerve, and she's going to pay for it. By now, we had the entire class focused solely on us. If I ignore her, she'll think that I'm a pushover and she can do and say whatever she feels and I'll still be quiet about it.
Mrs Byrne opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, not knowing what to say. After a moment, she decided against taking action and just let out a sigh before she took her seat and watched as everything played out.
"Firstly," I started, as I came up to standing and challenged her. "It's only been four and a half years, you dumb twit. And secondly, you seem to be well acquainted with the description of 'ugly' so I guess you wake up to it every morning when you look in the mirror. So don't make us pay for your misfortunes. Thirdly, I think maybe you should think with your brain and not your boobs more often. Boobs don't produce intelligence the more you expand them, baby girl." I said with finality, then crossed my arms, waiting for what she would possibly say next.
There was a snort coming from Miles immediately after what I said to Denise, and it's not long before the entire class joined in the laughter. Even Mrs Byrne rolled her lips back for a moment.
Denise's cold eyes narrowed at me and I knew she wouldn't let this go, not by a long shot.
Well, bring it on.
She groaned and walked out of the classroom in anger.
I turned to Miles teasingly.
"How come you didn't tell me you fell for Denise?"
He blew out a breath in genuine disbelief. "Believe me, I didn't know either."
I shook my head slowly and softly sang SZA's lyrics to myself, but loud enough for him to hear.
"My man is my man is your man, heard that's her man too..."
Raising his brow, he turned to look at me as he pursed his lips in annoyance. I chuckled softly to myself at his reaction.
"That girl is delusional, and you're having way too much fun with this, princess."
I shrugged. She now knows she was wrong.
It's a coping mechanism. If I followed through with my thoughts, not only would her neck be broken right now, but she would be lying unconscious somewhere in the school corridors for everyone to see.
"You look mad." Miles observed.
I swallowed, "I'm not."
His lips tugged down and he nodded slowly. "If you say so."
Letting him know I was jealous of the female attention he was getting, when I'm not even his girlfriend?
Yeah, no thanks. It's giving obsessive.
"So, how are you guys planning on breaking the news to Shelby?" Spencer asked on the other end.
I sighed, feeling drained at the thoughts that consumed my head. "I don't know."
"And for fuck's sake dude, I thought we were close. How could you not tell me all along?"
He actually sounded a little offended.
"Oh crap." I said.
"Yeah, oh crap." He mimicked, "That's all you have to say for yourself?"
"Listen. We had to be cautious, okay?" I defended myself, "I thought once you knew, you'd probably find it as an opportunity to gloat about it in Shelby's face, since you guys don't like each other and all."
He scoffed, "Yeah right."
"You know I'm right. Tell me you're not the one who went and told Harry that Shelby cheated on him, just to be spiteful, after I told you that she realised that she really likes him."
"I did not!" He protested weakly.
I rolled my eyes, "Harry told me it was you, you sadistic gossip queen."
The other end went dead silent for a while as he probably realised he couldn't defend himself any longer.
"Thought so." I said with finality.
Harry was a guy in our junior year, who transferred to a different school in the ninth grade. I initially had a crush on him and had confided in Shelby about this. She had asked me to show him to her and when she finally caught sight of him with his brown hair and blue eyes, her pupils dilated and she leaned forward a little, tilting her head. My mood instantly deflated because I noticed that's what she subconsciously did when she liked what she saw. Part of me instantly knew that it was over. Who would want me when thee Shelby White was suddenly showing interest in them? However, she kept urging me to go for him.
I just wanted to take my time, in case I ruined my chances due to my obvious lack of pick-up skills. Besides, all he did was stare at me and do absolutely nothing. I had even started a small conversation with him just to put myself out there and show him that I'm approachable. But, nothing. He sure was frustrating. On one random Monday morning when I'd finally decided to tell him how I felt, and he was with his friends telling them how Shelby confessed her feelings to him and they're now dating. My heart dropped down to my uterus. That day, I wore my favourite pair of denim jeans with a cute floral top that Spencer got me. "Here. Guys like feminine stuff quite a lot. You should wear this when you tell him, it really suits you." He even helped me rehearse my lines, you'd swear I was preparing for an important play. But in the end, it was all for nothing. Spencer saw me and instantly knew something was off. He took me out for ice-cream that day and I eventually told him what happened. He almost set out to go cut all of Shelby's hair off but I stopped him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you that I was interested in him too. I should've told you before making a move on him, but an opportunity presented itself and I couldn't let it slide. Besides, after everything with Mark and how he hurt me, I just wanted to find someone who finally saw me, past all the beauty. Harry is it for me." She had said.
I let it go because I figured that if she wanted to find happiness with him and nothing was going on between Harry and I anyway, then I would take that loss for her to be happy.
Spencer was not happy about this. He was so mad, even at me, for 'letting Shelby have her way and continuously manipulate me'.
She cheated on him three weeks later.
When he heard about it from Spencer, he broke things off with her and transferred to another school. Apparently he was really heartbroken.
"Fine, whatever." Spencer scoffed, "She deserved it anyway. And that guy never really could keep his mouth shut for shit."
"You're one to talk." I bit back.
He fake-laughed, "Ha ha ha, you've suddenly got jokes huh?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
Letting out a breathy chuckle, he said, "What the hell has Miles done to you? After being with that asshole, you backchat like nobody's business."
"Backchat? Are you an adult to be commenting like this?" I asked, "And he's not an asshole, jerk."
"Literally, listen to yourself." He laughed, "Respect me, little one. I'm older than you."
My jaw dropped slightly, "Yeah by what? like 4 months?"
"That's like 200 days. Almost a whole year?"
I laughed. "It's 124 days, you idiot."
"Whatever," He sighed. "Round it off and it gives you 200."
"Spence, I'm concerned."
Snorting, he replied, "Yeah me too, sometimes. Lend me your brain cells."
"Yeah, not happening."
"Pfft, I've never met anyone as petty as you are." He teased. "Miles is a really unlucky guy."
"Oh, shove it." I said in annoyance, to which he burst out laughing.
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