[27] More Obvious Than An Open Book.
"Take out your prescribed books and turn to page forty-five. We're starting a new section today, we'll be doing Analytical Geometry." Mrs Saunders said as she started teaching.
"Analytical Geometry isn't that far off from Euclidean Geometry, but it's by far the easiest between the two." She continued, "So if you were able to do Analytical geometry, you should find this topic somewhat manageable."
I got distracted by Miles pulling my hand from my lap towards him and interlocking our fingers. Turning my gaze away from Mrs Saunders, I looked at him in alarm.
Looking around us to see who could have possibly witnessed this exchange between us, I realised that fortunately, everyone was either fast asleep or too engrossed in their phones.
I leaned in and whispered. "What are you doing?" Instead of answering, he leaned in and pecked my lips.
"Miles!" I covered my mouth in shock, my eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.
He released a breathy chuckle and raised his hands in mock surrender. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."
"You've gone crazy." I shook my head at him.
"That's because you drive me crazy." He said, his gaze switching from my eyes to my lips.
"That's such a cheesy thing to say." I told him, to which he flashed me his pearly whites as he laughed.
Just then, Derrick stumbled into the classroom mid-laughter with his arm around the shoulder of some girl called Amery and stopped when Mrs Saunders glared at him.
As you can see by now, Math class is a joke. I felt sorry for Miss Saunders, because no one took her class as seriously as they should. More than half the class fails Math and some still don't bother to show up. I think to some extent, she's also quite unbothered because she doesn't go out of her way to punish students for skipping her classes or not handing in their assignments. She just does her job and moves on. Whoever comes to class comes, and whoever doesn't, simply doesn't.
"Sorry." He said, his facial expression becoming serious within a millisecond.
He then walked over and took his usual seat in front of ours, smiling as he turned back to look at us. It was like a thought suddenly crossed his mind as he tilted his head slightly and studied us as his gaze continuously went from me to Miles.
"Don't tell Shelby I said this, but you guys would totally look insane together." He said, "It's quite a pity you're not into each other."
He then turned back to the board, seemingly trying to focus on what Mrs Saunders was saying. I looked down at my hands when he said this, trying to hide the small smile I had on my face.
Miles put his hand on my thigh underneath the table, teasing me as he brought it higher and higher. I quickly held onto his wrist before things escalated and he chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He has been acting like this during every period we had together. The fact that we attend the same classes doesn't make that any better.
He's probably doing all this-the teasing and playful banter here and there, to make me feel better after what happened this morning. And I'm not complaining. It's working really well so far.
If he wasn't dating Shelby according to both ours and the entire school's knowledge, I would have been ecstatic about this.
But unfortunately that isn't the case. We still have to be sneaky, careful - maybe too careful for our liking, distant, and hesitant.
This makes me want to turn back the hands of time to when we were alone and no one was there to remind us of the harsh reality that was awaiting us - that we weren't together. That Miles was, in fact, not mine. That he was Shelby's. That all those intimate moments we shared, he's probably already shared with Shelby... my best friend.
But I knew what I was getting myself into.
Miles hasn't left my side the entire day. Not that I'm complaining. I love spending time with him, I don't know what I'll do once Shelby comes back to claim what's hers.
Right now as we sit at our usual table, things are so awkward as Miles keeps drawing circles on my knees and rubbing my thighs. I'm trying so darn hard not to lose all my self control and moan in pleasure. So far I'm succeeding but I don't know how long I'll last.
"Looks like you haven't touched your food." He said softly, teasingly. "What's wrong?"
He laughed when I sent him a glare in response. I couldn't even eat, because the food wasn't going down properly all due to the effect we both know he has on me.
When I look to my right, I see Spencer frowning and looking at us weirdly. I beamed at him, silently telling him he was acting strange and needed to chill. Spencer is very observant and I'm pretty sure if there was anyone who would find out about Miles and I, it would definitely be him.
"Hey Spencer!" Some girls shouted out with their cheery and loud voices and we all turned to look at them.
Well, big-ups to them for distracting him a little.
Denise walked closer with a flirtatious smile while Yolanda stayed back. Even though I was paying full attention to what was unfolding before me, I still noticed Bianca's face turn red within mere seconds.
"Hey," Denise said, letting her hands play along the nape of his neck before she bent down to whisper something in his ear, biting on her lower lip seductively.
In front of us? Ew, this girl has no shame.
Spencer let his eyes scan her entire body, and Denise being all confident about her hot body, couldn't help but let her smirk widen when Spencer bit his lower lip in approval.
Seriously, Spence?
Denise immediately turned her back towards him and pushed her behind out a little. "Don't take too long then." She said as she and Yolanda walked out of the cafeteria.
Just a couple of weeks ago, she was all up in Miles' face and now she's onto the next hot new guy at Macedonia High. I briefly wondered if she had any self respect. But then I sighed inwardly when I remembered that they labelled her as the school bicycle.
Apparently everyone gets a ride... and it's free of charge too.
I'm usually not fond of hearing such things about people, but it's like she was only making it worse by blatantly portraying herself in such a manner.
It's not long after that Spencer follows after Denise, heading in the same direction she took. This was much to Bianca's dismay, for some reason. Trying to hide her emotions and failing dismally at that, she manages only to look down at her lap with a distant look of sadness.
"Bianca?" I called out to her, catching her attention. "You okay?" I asked.
She tried to smile at me but I could see that it was forced. "Yeah, don't worry about me." She said, looking away once more.
I was about to ask her what's made her so upset but a part of me already knew that this was partly or mostly to do with Spencer. I made a mental note to ask him about this when he's back from his quickie. I mentally cringed when I thought of what he might be doing with Denise. All I knew is that it wasn't anything that could be classified as PG-rated. Hell, I'm sure that I, myself, am too young to know what they're doing.
My thoughts were cut extremely short as I jumped slightly, feeling Miles' hand on my knee once again as he drew circles. I looked up at him and bit my lower lip to restrain myself from telling him off for his antics.
Suddenly, his hand squeezed my thigh as it kept on going higher-
I felt my resolve crashing down.
Pushing my chair back with a force that had it screeching against the tiles on the floor, I hurriedly stood up in a desperate attempt to stop Miles from making me embarrass myself.
Before I knew it, everyone at the table turned to look at me questioningly with widened eyes. Meanwhile, Miles looked down at the table and covered his mouth as his lips twitched in humour.
Smug son of a-
"Tyler? What's up with you today?" Derrick asked, his tone laced with confusion. My mouth opens as I try to explain myself but no sound comes out.
"Yeah Tyler, you've been quite jumpy today. What's up with you?" Miles looked at me expectantly, a teasing glint in his eyes. He then rolled his lips back to restrain his laughter as soon as I glowered at him.
Clearing my throat as I sat back down, I said, "Nothing."
"It's probably hot-girl problems." Oliver shrugged.
I felt Miles stiffen beside me and when I turned to look at him, the smile was wiped off his face and he only had a death glare towards the guy he calls his friend.
"Especially after this weekend." Oliver added, "I can't believe I never asked you to be my girlfriend before."
Miles clenched his jaw but stayed silent, aware that him saying something would lead to them becoming suspicious of us.
"No." Derrick tells him, "You stay out of this. I was attracted to her first, okay?" Oliver just laughs a bit and puts his arm around Jess, one of the girls on the cheer team along with Shelby, as he runs his hand through his blonde hair.
"Fine, you win, I still want to have fun on the side anyway." Oliver says. "There's too many options to cut off."
"I still want to have fun too, but I don't mind putting that to the side and keeping my eyes on one girl as long as it's Tyler." He jokingly says, his blue eyes gleaming as he reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.
"So what do you say, doll face?"
Miles reaches across the table towards Derrick and I's joined hands and he gently holds my wrist as he roughly removes Derrick's hand from mine. "She will not be doing that with you." Miles says with finality, earning a frown from Derrick.
"Hey! You already have Shelby so why are you stopping the rest of us from getting some?" He questioned before rubbing his sore wrist. "And OW! you hurt my wrist." He complained.
"And you're lucky that's all I did," Miles said in an irritated tone. "I could have dislocated it from your arm, you know?" That was enough to make Derrick's eyes widen as he lifted his arms up defensively.
"And why the hell are you so concerned?" Derrick questioned, "I know she's your friend but you should know that I really want to have a chance to be with her." He pouted.
"Derrick, we both know all you most probably want is a release," Miles told him matter of factly. "And there's no way I'd let you do that with Tyler, she's not that kind of girl."
Derrick looked to me. "Come on, you never know right? Tyler, you really might like it. You know, not having to be committed to someone. That way, you won't get hurt." He said nonchalantly.
"Derrick," Miles warned once more as Derrick started reaching towards my hand again.
"I fucking knew it." Derrick snorted and leaned in closer to the two of us, whispering so no one else could hear. "How does it feel living life on the edge, you shameless assholes?"
Miles and I looked at him in confusion, waiting for him to clarify what he meant.
"I'm talking about your little affair." He whispered, "If you're going to do this, at least hide it better because you two are more obvious than an open book."
My eyes widened, and taking notice of this, he chuckled and said, "Relax, if she finds out, it won't be from me."
That's when I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. On the contrary, Miles kept eating his food without a care in the world. He wasn't panicking like I had been.
Does he really not care about Shelby finding out the truth?
"You owe me one." Derrick told Miles jokingly, breaking me out of my consuming thoughts.
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