[16] Nightmares and Confessions.
A/N: I apologise in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors you may come across. I did not edit this chapter.
You want to know what's annoying?
When your mind and brain collude to remind you of things you pushed to the back of your head. Things you never want to relive or recall. This would be the perfect time to be diagnosed with selective amnesia, but I guess the shock wasn't enough for my subconscious to erase the awful memories of Kevin the predator.
The problem with bad memories is that they stay in your heart for a longer period of time. They haunt you so much that you begin to feel trapped in a never-ending nightmare.
At least I was lucky enough to get away before he did worse. Thank God Miles came when he did.
But I couldn't bring myself to stop thinking about the what ifs. What if he hadn't come? That indecent asshole was most probably not going to stop his attack on me. At this rate, my overthinking habit was on overdrive. I kept picturing it all in my head – not what actually happened, but the worst case scenario.
The r-word.
It was awful. Felt like a memory of something that actually happened, when it was only a figment of my imagination.
"Tyler!" I heard someone call out my name, "Tyler, get up." I heard them say as I felt myself being shaken gently, broken out of the nightmare I was having. I instinctively stretched my hand out and patted the space next to me but felt nothing but cold sheets.
I opened my eyes and saw Miles, immediately letting out a sigh of relief before I threw my arms around his neck.
"Relax, it was just a nightmare." He said, rubbing the back of my head and holding me close. Now that I was starting to calm down and had snapped out of the state I was in, I was able to make out my surroundings a little better. I was able to get a good look at him.
Wow. He looked hot.
He was shirtless, with only his boxer pants on. His hair was a hot mess as it was in an messy quiff, but somehow that enhanced his attractiveness. I kept resisting the urge to run my fingers through his hair. Since I has gotten a feel of it earlier during our heated makeout, I have to admit, I wanted more.
"Are you okay?"
Miles' question broke me out of my thoughts. Seeing the slight look of confusion on my face, he decided to elaborate.
"Your face has gone all red."
Subconsciously bringing my hands up to my heated cheeks, I averted my gaze from his, feeling paranoid that he might catch on and realise that I was fantasising about inappropriate things.
"Um, I think I was just feeling a bit hot, that's all."
He slowly nodded, not really looking convinced but he didn't pursue the matter any further.
I pulled my phone out and checked the time: 3am. I've only been asleep for about an hour.
I looked down at myself, my dress has ridden up and I really needed something comfortable to wear.
"Can I perhaps borrow something to wear for now?" I asked him.
He nodded without hesitation, "Sure."
He moved over to his dresser and looked for something I could wear. He later came back with a white shirt.
"That's all I could find," He gave a little shrug.
"It's okay." I shrugged, "It will do for now."
I took the shirt and stood up, nervously looking around me and wondering where I should change. Getting undressed in front of Miles was not an option. Inappropriate or not, I was not even brave enough to do that.
"Bathroom's that way." Miles said, pointing to a closed door in his bedroom.
"Thank you." I said, walking over there and closing the door behind me.
I took off the dress and my bra, because personally, I find sleeping with a bra on to be so uncomfortable.
I smiled as I thought back to the kiss Miles and I shared not so long ago. When I snapped back to reality, I noticed that my fingers made their way up to my lips subconsciously. I felt a pang in my heart when I thought of Shelby but I willed my mind to stay away from that zone.
I didn't want to think about her. For the first time in my life, I did what I wanted without contemplating the consequences and it felt good. I did feel bad though, I mean... Shelby's my best friend. I'll probably never forgive myself for hurting her, but I've already forgiven myself for finally going after what I wanted – for not overthinking and just letting my heart lead me to happiness.
I put on his white shirt and buttoned it. It went a little above my mid-thigh length and it made me feel a little naked but it was all I had for now. I ran my hands through my hair a couple of times, causing it to at least look a bit neat.
I took my clothes and walked out of the bathroom, putting them on the chair beside the study desk. Miles was lying on the bed facing the ceiling with his arms behind his head.
When he heard me, he propped himself up. I didn't miss the way he slowly scanned me from head to toe and sucked his lower lip into his mouth. I made my way to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers over me but hadn't lowered myself yet.
I wanted to ask Miles about the kiss, what it meant and why he kissed me but I decided against it. What if he was just craving a kiss and it was in the moment? I don't think I'm ready to hear that because to me, it actually meant a lot.
When I looked up, I saw his eyes were fixated on my chest area and his pupils were dilated.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
His head snapped up to my face and he nervously ran his hand through his hair.
"Your..." He started, "You should probably button up a little more at the top."
He finally managed to get the words out, clearing his throat and averting his gaze.
My cheeks turned red and I immediately buttoned up two more buttons at the top. Why the hell didn't I check properly?
I then lowered myself under the covers and he stood up but I held his hand before he could go any further.
"Where are you going to sleep?"
"The chair," He pointed to it.
"No don't. Stay with me." I pleaded.
He didn't need to be asked twice, he immediately lowered himself under the covers beside me, resting his right arm behind his head as he looked to the ceiling.
"Can I ask you a question?" I broke the comfortable silence that had settled between us.
That got him to turn his face towards me, giving me his full attention.
"Yeah. Anything."
"Did you kiss me because you felt sorry for me and you were trying to make me feel better?" I blurted out the question, deciding to just rip the bandaid right off.
He frowned.
"Tyler, I kissed you because I wanted to."
He exhaled softly, "I like you. For some fucked up reason, I can't seem to develop feelings for Shelby but I sure as hell want you." My eyebrows lifted in surprise as I internalised his words.
"I couldn't help myself, I just leaned in and kissed you because I was drawn to you. Tyler, you drive me so crazy, I cannot even begin to explain it to you."
Miles likes me.
He likes me!
All the Shelbys on this planet have been throwing themselves at him for longer than I can remember, and still do. But he wants me – The unpopular and uncool tomboy who is only noticed because she's friends with the Queen bee of Macedonia High school.
As a friend, I may need to have a talk with him about his taste in women.
But as the girl he's interested in, I'd say I'm over the moon but that would be an understatement and it wouldn't do justice to my actual feelings right now.
I looked at him in shock and upon seeing my reaction, he slowly shook his head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
The only boy I've ever really liked finally confessed his feelings for me. I'm not missing my chance with him. I willed myself to gather all the courage I could muster.
"You don't have to apologise for anything." I told him, "It wasn't you alone, I kissed you too. And besides, I feel the same way."
"I really like you a lot, Miles." I told him honestly, hoping this doesn't backfire.
He cupped my cheeks as his eyes searched mine. Showing him that I was more than okay with it, I leaned in slightly and he gave a small smile while he covered the rest of the distance to kiss me deeply once again. Just like that, we were lost in each other.
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