Welcome to Book Three of The Powder Trail, a story that has been my pride and joy (and demanding taskmaster!) since 2013.
I'm so excited to have reached this stage in the plot, and to be sharing it with you. If you haven't already, please check out Book One, The Great Ellini, and Book Two, Red, White and Blue.
This third book is finished, so ignore that 'Ongoing' label. I'm posting the chapters in instalments and editing as I go, but rest assured, this story has an ending, and it will be up on Wattpad very soon.
A Thousand and One English Nights starts in a very dark place. All the emotional chickens of the first two books have come home to roost.
Jack is furious that his memories were stolen from him, and is planning to enact his revenge on the whole of Oxford, starting with Alice and Sergei. All those days he spent planning riots in his head to keep the boredom at bay are finally paying off. Will he murder his old friends? Will he find out Ellini is alive? And will she ever be able to forgive him?
Ellini is trying to lose herself in the London crowds, but someone is watching her - someone who wants to recruit her for his own revenge campaign.
And the little mother of the demon race is missing, currently being looked after by affable English pillar-of-the-community John Danvers. What will she do to him? What will he do to her? Can he keep her safe when the whole of Oxford is looking for her, seemingly intent on embalming her and putting her back inside her glass coffin so things can go back to the way they were?
Please comment and vote if you can. It means the world to me! But most of all, thank you for checking out my story. I hope you love these characters as much as I do, and enjoy where the story takes you!
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