The Lovers
With the last of the gunpowder ignited and exploding across the castle and the servants continuing their fight. The villagers fled the castle in droves, frantically running home with their tails between their legs. Outside the front door of the castle the servants were celebrating, Sceptic was even performing a victory tune. They had chased the last of the castle invaders out of the castle.
The castle and all of its inhabitants were safe.
They had won.
Everyone was all smiles and celebrating their victory.
Completely ignorant to the battle that had taken place up above them on the castle ramparts. Unaware of the tragedy that had befallen their master.
"And stay out you, bastards!" cried a triumphant Jin, who was waving a small sword he had borrowed from a toy soldier, to the retreating backs of the villagers . For once no one had it in them to correct his language.
"They'll definitely think twice before they mess with the likes of us." Spinner said proudly.
"Run you cowards!" shouted Mustard joining in and laughing.
"We truly are a force to be reckoned with." Magne said fondly looking at her companions.
"That was amazing. We sure showed them." Toga said smiling fondly at everyone but mostly JIn.
"I'll be damned it worked. We actually won." Hawks said with a wide grin.
"May they never darken our doors. Gentlemen, ladies we have successfully defended the castle. I am proud of each and everyone of you. It was an honor." Sako said bowing before the assembled servants with his hat to his chest.
Everyone had joined together to defend the castle catching the invaders by complete surprise and then fighting them off in their own special way. They all reflected fondly having their own favorite memory of the battle. It was also surprising that they had made an ally on the other side when one of the villagers had changed loyalties:
Toga had been whizzing across the entrance hall once more until she became embedded into a wooden column and struggled to free herself. That was until a hand came along and swiftly pulled her free, catching her completely off guard. She gazed up at a handsome young man with pale hair almost similar to Tenko except his ended in arrows? like a clock?
"I have had a change of heart. I no longer am on Kai Chisaki's side. I wish to help Tenko now and I feel the best way to do so would be to help all of you." Hari Kurono spoke gazing down at Toga.
Toga started out suspicious but could tell he was being sincere and smiled up at him "He doesn't deserve you anyway. Your far too good for him."
Hari nodded sadly in agreement with a bittersweet smile only now realizing how true that statement was. Kai could not nor would ever share his affections.
"Well then care to give me a hand." she smiled up at him a subtle hint to get back into the fray.
"It would be an honor dear lady." Hari then straightened up and grasping Toga by the hilt he pulled his arm back before sending Toga flying across the room giggling all the way, she wound up snatching a powdered wig off a man who gasped while clasping a hand to his bare head.
Then Hari started punching and elbowing his way through the mob. Catching many of the villagers by surprise, that one of their own had been "possessed" by the castle. Causing many to flee at the sight. The castle was cursed that was true and it was best to leave it lest it follow them.
Toga fondly smiled at the memory of meeting the pointy haired young man and hoped he would remain a friend.
Jin then approached Toga catching her by surprise by pulling her into an embrace. "Toga, you were so brave. You made me look bad. I love you." Jin inadvertently confessed by slapping a hand over his mouth eyes wide in shock.
Himiko was caught off guard at first till a sly smile appeared on her face "Jin you were equally as brave and it's about time you said something." Himiko said. JIn had a huge grin spread across his clock face and together they began waltzing about the steps. Toga and Jin were all smiles and blushing bright scarlet.
Sako, Magne, Spinner, and Hawks stood about looking fondly at the couple as they began dancing. Mon-chan ran about the servants excitedly barking, Magne reaching down to pet the small ottoman pooch.
Sceptic switched to a waltz causing the others to join in and celebrate as well. In all of the excitement of battle and victory the servants had completely forgotten about the curse and the enchanted rose. They were ignorant as to what had become of their Master up above them in the castle. Unbeknownst to them the last petal had fallen in that moment.
Jin was waltzing with Toga lowering her into a dip but he soon found he held a lifeless knife within his clock arms.
"Toga? Himiko? Oh, my sweetheart." Jin cried sadly as he clutched her close to his clock face.
Sceptic had been playing till that moment when his music ceased and he became silent and still.
The others looked on in shock at what had become of Toga and Sceptic and they realized the curse was finally taking it's last effects.
"I'm afraid it is time for me to leave you all. Please take care of one another." Magne said sadly as her cabinet doors shut, she becoming a lifeless wardrobe standing out in the snow.
Mon-chan had ran up to Magne jumping up and barking at her but he too became a rigid footstool silent and unmoving.
"No, it's not fair. I'm too young." lamented Mustard as he too ceased movement and speech being nothing more than a mustard jar.
"It's my turn now I'm afraid." Hawks said as he became a rigid quill and collapsed to the ground.
Spinner simply said "Goodbye my friends at least we are together." as he straightened up into a coatrack.
"Well old man it was a pleasure to serve with you." Jin said his clock arms winding wildly, making clock sounds, before he went still his eyes and mouth disappearing.
"The pleasure was all mine." Sako replied as he doffed his top hat into a final sweeping bow before straightening back up and going still.
All the servants throughout the castle went still and lifeless as the curse became finalized. The castle grew dimmer and parts of it crumbled to rubble.
Up above in the West Wing of Dabi's bedchamber, Tenko was crouched on the floor sobbing over Dabi's still body. He was so overcome with grief as he never had the chance to tell Dabi that he loved him, till now, and now it was far too late. He wondered if Dabi had heard him in his final moments and only pulled his still body closer.
"Come back. Please don't leave me." Tenko begged while sobbing into Dabi's lifeless chest.
He remained still and unmoving only causing Tenko to tremble as his tears fell. He clasped his large paw in his hands holding it up to his face. When he looked up he saw a hooded figure standing in the chamber. Tenko was startled upon seeing the sight.
"And so it was beauty that killed the beast." spoke the hooded figure cryptically.
Tenko was shocked and looked at this specter in surprise as he did not look familiar at all.
"Poor child. I'm afraid it is far too late for him or your tears." the hooded figure spoke.
"W-what are you talking about? I didn't kill him." Tenko said wiping tears from his face and feeling a tad bit angry at this interloper who was throwing accusations.
"He died protecting you so you are just as much to blame as is he. The fool." spoke the hooded figure.
"W-who are you?" Tenko asked trying to steady his voice despite his tears.
"Why it is simple as to who I am and why I am here, dear boy. I have come to see my curse be finalized." the hooded man spoke before throwing his hood back revealing a heavily scarred and misshapen visage. He barely looked like a human at all for he lacked all facial features save for a mouth. He resembled a misshapen potato than a man.
Tenko looked wide eyed at the man in shock "You're the one who cursed, Dabi." he said.
"Indeed, I had hoped to claim his body and power as a proper vessel. Since the original one I made the bargain with is no more, the old king is dead as you may or may not know. I understand the old fool killed himself, such a coward." the sorcerer said disapproval clear in his voice.
"How could you curse Dabi? Why not go after the King he was the one who made a pact with you. Dabi was innocent." Tenko said no longer crying but growing angrier at this stranger.
"Simple he was weak, his son was far more powerful than he would ever be. I simply formed a pact with the weak King to get to his son." spoke the sorcerer.
Tenko didn't know what to say in that moment he was grief stricken and in shock.
Then the sorcerer began to smile "However, it is providence that we are reunited once more. It was a shame my man servant Shirakumo ran off with you, then again you know him better as Kurogiri." he said with a frightening smile.
Tenko stood up to his feet at the mention of this. This was the man who had tracked down his family and killed them all and then kidnapped him as a young child. "Leave my father alone." Tenko said attempting to mask his fear with anger.
"Ah, so that is what he is masquerading as now." mused the sorcerer. "No matter..."
"I always make sure to have a contingency plan, in the case of the young prince that's where you would have come in. I would have rather kept you as a child to bend your mind and will to my own. No matter better late than never. Come here boy." the sorcerer said extending his hand and beckoning Tenko to come closer.
Tenko was overcome with a paralyzing fear as the old sorcerer began to approach him slowly.
It was then a curious thing started happening unbeknownst to Tenko and the sorcerer, the fallen rose petals began to flutter and stir from where they lay on the table beneath the cloche. They took on a glow and began taking to the air like fireflies in a jar. It was then the cloche shattered sending the broken glass and glowing petals flying. They flew over to where Dabi lay, landing upon him in a swarm.
When the cloche shattered. Tenko raised his tear stained face when he sensed movement off to the side, ignoring the socerer, and beheld a brilliant light. What was happening to Dabi? he wondered.
The sorcerer looked as well "What? Impossible he's dead what good will breaking the curse do him." he spoke aloud. A look of disgust on his face at a waste of his power.
They both watched on in amazement as Dabi's body began to take on an eerie glow. Holding a hand up to shield the bright light from his eyes. Tenko took a step back from the glow.
"Dammit all this better not affect my plans." the old sorcerer grumbled.
Dabi's body was soon enveloped in a brilliant warm glow and he began to raise into the air resembling a bit like a glowing caterpillar within it's cocoon. And as soon as the glowing orb of Dabi was raised into the air the light then burst outwards like a fireworks display spreading the glow all across the chamber.
From mid air a fair skinned, white haired young man descended to the floor. He wore a large ripped shirt, torn trousers and he had bare feet. Judging by his height he wasn't much taller than Tenko was. The young man was looking down at his hands and bare arms with an expression of disbelief at what he was seeing, as if he were seeing them for the first time.
Tenko took a hesitant step forward gazing at this young man curiously, the sorcerer forgotten for now. True, he had witnessed what had happened just then but he couldn't help but to wonder. Could it really be Dabi? Had be broken the curse or was it all a cruel trick? He wondered to himself after all he had seen so many things he never believed to be possible before this moment. The young man then lifted up his face to gaze at Tenko with a fond look, revealing a pair of brilliant blue eyes.
Tenko hesitantly stepped closer to the youth noting he couldn't be much older then himself. While, gazing into the deep blue eyes a look of recognition came over Tenko's face.
"It is you." Tenko said a smile spreading across his tear stained face as he placed his palms upon the now human Dabi's face admiring his blue eyes.
"Tenko, did he hurt you?" the boy who was Dabi said, his voice was no longer an animalistic rumble but was deep nonetheless. He gently caressed Tenko's face where he had been struck by Kai before wiping away his tears smiling fondly but looking as though he might cry for joy. He pulled Tenko into his arms.
"No, I'm fine." Tenko answered feeling as though he may start crying tears of joy.
The two lovers stood there embracing one another, and they were both about to lean in to share their first kiss. Thus sealing the curse as broken and to cement there love but there reunion was soon interrupted.
"This is all very touching but I have a debt to collect. No, matter I will take the both of you." the sorcerer said. "Now don't give me trouble and come along the both of you."
Dabi and Tenko froze and turned to gaze at the deformed sorcerer in surprise and fear.
Dabi stepped forward shielding Tenko from the sorcerer "It's you!" Dabi spoke coldly directing his finger towards the man a look of anger upon his face.
"Ah, so you remember me do you boy? You'd be well advised to obey my commands. I am not a patient man when tested." the sorcerer spoke sternly.
"I won't let you touch him and I will be damned before I go anywhere with you." Dabi said smoke rising from his skin in anger.
"Dabi..." Tenko spoke worried about the steam emanating from his body.
It was then Dabi raised a hand enflamed with blue flames he then threw it at the old sorcerer he dodged to the side but not before his robes quickly caught fire. It wasn't long till he was consumed with flames. He started screaming and running about till he fell off the balcony. Dabi and Tenko stood holding each other gazing downwards watching as he went down in flames.
Dabi pulled back grasping Tenko in his arms and gazing at him with a concerned look. "Are you alright, Tenko? He didn't hurt you did he?" Dabi asked worried.
"No, Dabi I'm alright." Tenko said gazing into his cerulean eyes.
As soon as they locked eyes with one another they stood entranced by the other, letting everything disappear about them. They gazed fondly into each others eyes, overcome with joy and love at being reunited once more. Crimson gazing into ultramarine, before they both pulled in for an embrace and then shared in a passionate kiss. The kiss was hungry and filled with longing. A wind began to blow causing their hair to fly about in the breeze as the final component of breaking the curse occurred. Meanwhile, the reunited couple continued in their embrace lips dancing all the while.
A breeze blew up sending the rose petals and magic to cover the castle illuminating it from it's dreary, dark exterior to a brilliant white. Winter melted away to reveal a spring garden in full bloom, with brilliant clear skies overhead. The crumbling and dilapidated castle became whole once more. Monstrous gargoyles transformed into gleaming statues of golden angels.
The dreary, dark tone of the castle was white washed to reveal a gleaming castle festooned with golden statues of angels. It was as it had once been and more prior to the curse.
Now that the castle had been restored so to would it's inhabitants. Mon-chan, the footstool, was the first to be restored, he transformed into a corgi dog and began running down the castle steps. When he came upon the coat rack he lifted his leg to relieve himself. In that moment Spinner transformed back into his human form, he wore a pink wig and frock coat and breeches, shaking his damp foot and shooing the dog away with a dirty look. But then he looked at himself examining his hands in surprise.
The mantle clock made a loud chiming as his cogs burst forth causing him to be transformed into a man of thirty with blonde hair and a scar upon his forehead. He too wore a frock coat and breeches a pocket watch on his person.
The knife soon transformed into a young girl of eighteen with blonde hair braided into buns wearing a yellow dress. Jin stepped forward helping her up from the floor. "Lady Toga." he said before bowing to kiss her hand. Toga not to be outdone lifted the man's face to kiss him on the lips properly at long last.
An explosion of red feathers occurred and Hawks stood there smiling widely, dressed in a frock coat of black and gold, red feathers in his hair, as he felt about his person realizing he was human and whole once more. He leaped in the air with a cheer messy blond hair in his face as he shook out his curls.
The doors of the wardrobe burst open in a hail of fabrics as Magne stood in her humanized form red hair, glasses, a gown of yellow, and a fond smile. Mon-chan ran up to her barking excitedly and she bent down to scoop the pooch into her arms. "Oh, my dear sweet little pup." she said.
The candelabra transformed into a gentleman in his thirties with a mop of auburn hair, sporting an orange frock coat and top hat. He had to pat the top of his head to extinguish the smoke that remained a reminder of his days as a candelabra.
Jin then stepped forward slapping him on the back, and giving him a firm handshake, pulling him into a hug. "Sako my old friend." he said.
The mustard jar had an explosion of mustard before revealing a boy of fourteen once again. "I'm back, I'm human." he cried. "I am never eating mustard again." he declared. Causing everyone to laugh in joy and then surround him pulling him into a group embrace.
When the reunited couple parted to catch their breaths Dabi spoke "It's Touya actually."
"What?" Tenko asked confused gazing into the boys blue eyes.
"I remember what my name was before the curse. It's Touya Todoroki. You can still call me Dabi if you want." he said a smile upon his porcelain face.
Tenko smiled "Hello Touya. It's nice to formally meet you, at last." he said with a smile before dropping into a curtesy in his torn crimson gown, before pulling Touya into another embrace and kiss.
When they separated once again Touya spoke "Come let's go see the other's."
Touya linked arms with Tenko and together they walked down the steps of the West Wing.
When they came down the stairs they were greeted by the sight of many, many people walking around talking excitedly and hugging one another. When they came outside Touya led Tenko upon a particular group of people.
"Ah, my prince." Sako cried out stepping forward with his cane before dropping his lace sleeve in a deep bow before Touya while the people behind him followed suit. "And you my lord. Thank you none of this would have been possible without your help." Sako said bowing equally as deep before Tenko.
Tenko was a crimson blushing mess at the attention. "Sako is it you?" he said in surprise.
"None other." Sako replied with a grin.
Tenko was soon surrounded by the other excited newly transformed servants. Toga squealed and gave Tenko a hug. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you; you saved our lives." she cried in excitement.
Mon-chan ran up to Tenko and began to jump up at his legs till Tenko, smiling bent over and lifted the little corgi into his arms. Mon-chan excitedly licking his face only for Tenko to smile and laugh as it tickled. Dabi pretended to be jealous of the pupper but he had to admit it was an adorable sight to behold.
Magne looked at him and sighed "Thank you so much for breaking our curse. Looks like I will have to find you a new garment though." Tenko looked down taking note of the ballgown that had been ripped and torn, he lost a glove, and his hair was a wild, unruly mess after his frantic ride and ordeal. To Touya he was no less beautiful in that moment.
Jin came up to Tenko and clasped his hand in a handshake before pulling him into a bear hug. "Thank you if you ever need anything. I'm your man." he said lifting Tenko off the ground in a hug.
Hawks came running up "Tenko, I owe you my life." he cried shaking his hand.
Spinner came up as well "Thank you so much Tenko. I hope we can remain friends." he said with a blush.
"Of course." Tenko said smiling. For the first time in his life he was surrounded by friends.
It was then Dabi, er Touya cleared his throat he had something important to say and did not want to wait.
"I want to thank all of you for staying by my side throughout all these years of the curse to take care of me. I know it wasn't easy for any of you and I owe you all a great debt that can never be repaid. Which is why I am giving you all a chance to take the time and decide if you want to remain in service to the kingdom. Anyone who wishes to leave is free to do so and I will present you with funds to start a new life elsewhere. If you wish to stay I will be glad to have you as I think of each and everyone of you as family." Touya said to the servants.
There were few dry eyes after that speech and only a few of the servants requested to leave many wanting to remain by their prince's side. Magne, Toga, Spinner, Sako, Hawks, and Mustard surrounded Touya and Tenko in a group hug laughter and tears filling the air.
In the days that followed of the breaking of the curse Spinner got his wish. All the servants in addition to Tenko, Touya, Kurogiri joined in and had a picnic in the garden on one of the lawns. Every single servant attended it lasted all day there where all sorts of delicious things to eat and drink were on hand. Music was played Spinner had brought his violin, Sceptic had moved a piano towards the terrace, Jin had a harmonica. They played every sort of game imaginable charades, badminton, croquet, and Horseshoes.
Even Nomu the horse and Mon-chan were there as they played and ate.
Well after lunch, wine and desserts had been eaten, it was early evening. Jin fell asleep his head laying in Toga's lap while she made a flower crown for him. She spoke with Magne about future plans and what they would do next. Spinner and Hawks were throwing horseshoes, Mon-chan chasing them when thrown Kurogiri watched on amused. While Sako was teaching Mustard how to place bets on the two young men playing horseshoes. Nomu the horse lay beneath a tree dozing.
Touya asked Tenko to take a walk with him and all the while the servants gave them knowing looks, while Kurogiri looked on curious. Tenko couldn't help but be suspicious when Touya led him away from everyone till they walked to where the roses grew. Tenko gazed at Touya he could sense nervous energy coming out of him.
"Touya is something the matter?" Tenko asked concerned.
"No, Tenko everything is quite alright, What would give you that impression?"
"You look anxious." Tenko pointed out.
"Well there is something I want to ask you." Touya said masking his emotions.
"Oh, well if it is bothering you so why don't you just say it. I am sure you'll feel better.
"Alright, Tenko since you said so I will go ahead and ask you." Touya said before dropping on bended knee catching Tenko by surprise.
"Tenko will you marry me?" Touya asked nervously . "I mean it's fine if you don't want to but if you do we can have a long engagement if you want to wait. I only want to make you happy." he nervously rambled.
"Yes, Touya yes, I will marry you." Tenko answered all smiles.
"Tenko you have made me the happiest man alive." Touya said standing back up and embracing Tenko.
Once more the two young men embraced and sealed their pact with a passionate kiss while rose petals sprinkled all around them as the wind shook the branches..
A month later:
It was Tenko and Touya's engagement ball. The ballroom was filled with the fragrant air of roses and flowers. Everyone was dressed in their finest attire thanks to Magne's efforts in having everyone dressed.
Tenko wore a scarlet full skirted knee coat with black embellishments, a matching vest, linen shirt with frills, paired with black breeches, white silk stockings, and red low heeled shoes. He was the very image of royalty and masculine beauty. Once more Tenko's hair had been done in a braid a compromise he had struck with Magne in regards to his attire for the engagement ball.
Touya wore a powder blue waist coat with matching vest and breeches, la frilled linen shirt, white silk stockings, and black low heeled shoes. His white hair was in it's natural state of being spiked upon his head.
All the villagers had been invited to attend the festivities as a way to let bygones be bygones. The castle inhabitants were once more remembered and were reunited with lost family and friends. Mustard had been reunited with his father Giran. Toga's friends Ochacho and Tsuyu had ran up to her embracing her. Hawks or Keigo as he remembered his name was reunited with his friend Rumi Usagiyama. Many of the other servants were reunited with family and friends as well.
Touya's family whom he thought had been lost to him, had returned to the castle as well in addition to attending the ball. His Mother Queen Rei, younger sister Princess Fuyumi, and younger brother's Prince Natsuo and Prince Shouto Todoroki respectively were in attendance.
Queen Rei was beautiful and caught Tenko by surprise, when he went to bow before her she embraced him in a warm hug. "Thank you so much without you I never would have been reunited with my son. I give the two of you my blessing." she said smiling as she pulled away from Tenko and gestured to her son. "I wish nothing but the best for you both." she smiled.
As Touya and Tenko waltzed about the dancefloor they spoke with one another.
"I am glad you have been reunited with your family again. Your mother is a truly kind and beautiful woman." Tenko said.
"Yes, that is why I am glad I took after her more than my father." Touya said with a grin.
Tenko laughed before rolling his eyes. "I am glad to know you will be a humble ruler." Tenko said mockingly. The two of them laughing.
Kurogiri was there as father of the groom-to-be, he wore a dove gray waistcoat and breeches, a fond yet sad smile on his features. As he gazed at his son, smiling in the arms of what had been the beast but was now Prince Touya Todoroki and his son's fiancé. He held a glass of champagne in his hand and took a sip. Till someone knocked into him causing him to spill his glass.
"Oh, my dear fellow do accept my humblest apologies. I hope I have not ruined your apparel." a dapper dressed gentleman in an orange waist coat and top hat said after offering him a lace edged handkerchief by way of apology.
"Oh, it is quite alright no harm, no foul." replied Kurogiri accepting the handkerchief to dry his hands upon. Kurogiri was positive at recognizing the man's voice as he had met many of the castle's servants and guests of the ball that afternoon but not sure where he had heard his voice before. As he gazed at a gentleman a few years younger than himself with curly brown hair.
"Well at least allow me to fetch you another drink to make up for what you have lost." the gentleman offered and then dashed off to take a glass from a nearby servant who held a tray of wine glasses.
"Here you are." he said presenting the glass to Kurogiri with a bow.
"Thank you..." Kurogiri said not remembering who this particular gentleman was.
"Oh, where are my manners all this excitement has me quite flustered. The name is Sako Atsuhiro." he said with bow of his hat. "Otherwise known as Mr. Compress."
"Ah, the name is Kurogiri." Kurogiri said offering his arm in a handshake.
"Of course you are Tenko's father. Might I say you have done a splendid job in raising him." Sako replied still holding Kurogiri's hand while smiling fondly at him.
"Oh, well Tenko was always a kind child to begin with." Kurogiri said with a blush pulling his hand back.
"That he is. We owe him our lives all of us. You must be so proud of your son." Sako replied in agreement.
"Yes, I am very proud of him. Though it does look like my nurturing days are over." Kurogiri said wistfully as he looked at his son smiling in the arms of another man.
"Tell me more about yourself. I wish to know what a gentleman of your standing does in life and perhaps know of your future aspirations now that your son is grown and about to be married." Sako said in rapt fascination offering Kurogiri his arm.
The two men walked off arm in arm to have a chat near the dancefloor.
Surprisingly, Kai Chisaki of all people had been invited as well. After he had, miraculously, survived his fall from the castle ramparts. He fell through the ravine only for a rapid river to break his fall, which pulled him downstream. He fought against the current the whole way. He was found unconscious two days later by two fishermen in the shallows of a nearby creek. He was delirious with hypothermia and fever. As a result of his mishap he had badly injured both of his arms. Which became gangrenous and had to be amputated.
He was never the same afterwards. Being completely defenseless and dependent on others to help with his basic needs from eating, bathing, and dressing himself. He declined the invitation to the ball but sent his apologies and congratulations to the couple. He would then go on to become a recluse and withdrew from village life, left with the bittersweet memories of his former glory. He grew stubble upon his chin and let his hair grow out.
Still what was even more surprising is that Hari Kurono remained by his side to assist him. Chisaki asked for his friend to forgive him his foolishness and Hari didn't have the heart to hold a grudge as he pitied the broken man which had been his friend and love interest once upon a time. Kurono's feelings had cooled towards Kai but he did not wish to abandon his friend in his time of need.
"Your something else, Tenko." Touya said smiling fondly at Tenko. "Not everyone would have the compassion to invite an unrequited suitor to their engagement ball."
"Well I only wanted to make sure that Kai knew I was going to be married. I thought it would be petty not to include him with the rest of the guests." Tenko said as he gazed about the villagers who were all around him dancing and smiling. The same people who ridiculed and gossiped about him his whole life.
On the dancefloor the couples went about changing partners, which is how Kurono found Setsuno in his arms. They gazed at each other in the eyes in total surprise until they started to smile at one another and didn't bother changing back to their original dance partners as they continued waltzing across the floor. Even though they knew each other through Chisaki they had never really spoken before. They would spend the rest of the evening getting to know one another.
Tenko smiled fondly as he gazed at his found family who were enjoying the ball:
Mustard was sneaking hor 'douvres to Mon-chan who danced on hindlegs for snacks.
Toga and Jin were happily waltzing about the dancefloor they were a happy couple in the early stages of courting one another. Toga wore a gown of yellow while Jin wore a charcoal gray waistcoat.
Keigo wore a gold waistcoat and was waltzing with Rumi who wore a lavender colored gown. Spinner wore a blue waistcoat and Magne was dressed in a pink gown were dancing about the floor as well.
Tenko smiled as he saw Kurogiri happily talking with Sako.
As Tenko and Touya continued gliding across the very center of the dancefloor they spoke with one another.
"Tenko, how would you like to finally visit all those places you have only ever read about?" Dabi asked as they waltzed across the dance floor.
"Sounds amazing but don't you have a kingdom to run?" Tenko asked concerned.
"You mean OUR kingdom." Touya corrected Tenko. "Not until our coronation. In the meantime my mother can take on the role of regent and my siblings can lend assistance as well. Then we'll have our freedom." Dabi said with a grin. "It will make for a memorable honeymoon."
"How long would we be gone?" Tenko asked smiling.
Dabi smiled "As long as you want."
"When would we leave?" Tenko asked feeling excitement in his very being.
"As soon as you agree to go and want to of course." Touya said with a grin.
"Alright, Touya let's see the world." Tenko said with a smile.
Touya grinned "Yeah? All right the world will be ours on a silver platter." Touya said excitedly lifting Tenko off his feet and capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Tenko wrapping his arms about Touya. All around the audience gazed at the happy couple.
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