The (Im)Patient
Chisaki, Kurono, and Kurogiri were riding through the woods in Chisaki's carriage at night. The only source of light being a couple carriage lamps and the stars. They had been searching the woods for a of couple days now and it all felt like a bunch of riding in circles to Kai. His patience with Kurogiri was wearing out as he had seen no signs of Tenko and felt no closer to his goal then he had been a week ago.
"Kurogiri we have been riding for days now. Why don't we give up the search and return home." Kai said his impatience growing as they road along a path.
"No, no we can't give up we're getting close I can feel it." Kurogiri said anxiously searching the woods for the path.
The carriage continued riding on the horses going at a gentle pace till they came upon a fork in the road.
Kurogiri became excited hoping off the carriage and gesturing about wildly when he cried out "There! There it is the fork in the road except the tree had fallen blocking the path and now it's upright..." At this point even Kurogiri was starting to doubt his own sanity but he was doing this for Tenko. His son was in trouble that much he was assured of.
Kai looked on in disbelief he had heard this statement a few times already. About how they were close or this was the right path. Now he no longer cared he wished to return to the manor at once where he woud eat a warm meal, drink a glass of wine, have a hot bath and go to bed. Then he would figure out how to go about courting Tenko all over again.
"Kurogiri it's time to give up this charade. I am sure if you return home Tenko will be waiting with a delicious hot dinner waiting." Kai said reasoning with the eccentric guardian.
Kurogiri wanted to tell him he was wrong as Tenko was hardly capable in the kitchen.
"No, don't you understand Tenko isn't at home he's.-" Kurogiri was cut off.
"He's a prisoner in a castle being held captive by a beast. Yeah, we get it." Kai replied sarcastically as he hopped down from the drivers seat of the carriage to stand before Kurogiri.
"I am not making all this up. Tenko is in danger." Kurogiri argued.
"Yeah, bullshit-" Kai snapped.
"Kai you should try to remain patient with him." Kurono spoke quietly as he had also left the carriage. "After all aren't you looking for his approval?"
Kurogiri over heard this with a raised eyebrow wondering why his approval was needed and for what.
At that moment the mournful sound of a wolf howled in the night capturing all three men's attention.
"Ah-ha and their are the wolves this only further proves my story." Kurogiri declared.
"Kurogiri there is only so much I can tolerate right now and being cold, hungry, exposed to germs, and attacked by wolves isn't one of them. So get your ass back in the carriage so we can leave." Kai snapped patience done.
"Kai calm down remember what you set out to do? Try the breathing exercises." Kurono said calmly to his friend.
"Yes, your right." Kai said breathing deeply in and out as his friend had coached him.
"Kai if you don't want to be here then why have you been helping me?" Kurogiri asked miffed by this young man.
"Because I want your blessing to marry your son." Kai said admitting his intentions up front.
Hari slapped his hand over his face at Kai's bluntness. That would not be perceived well.
"I will never allow Tenko to marry you. You are the last person I would wish for my son to marry." Kurogiri said repulsed at this man who was taking advantage of him in his hour of need so he could get his greedy hands on his son.
Kai became enraged after spending all this time humoring the old fool only to be denied what he wanted in the end. His golden eyes became harsh. No, he would not tolerate this any longer. If Kurogiri wouldn't give his blessing then he was no longer needed. He punched Kurogiri square in the face a move he had wanted to do hours ago but had been holding back. Kurogiri collapsed to the ground knocked out cold.
"Kai, what have you done?" Kurono cried in shock and disbelief at what his friend had just done. He ran up to Kurogiri checking to see if he was alright.
Kai went up to the carriage pulling out a length of rope and had started to tie Kurogiri to a tree. "What I should have done from the start. If he won't give me his blessing then he can be eaten by wolves. Tenko will be overcome with grief and fall into the arms of the first one to offer their condolences and protection." Kai said determined.
"Kai, I really don't think this is a good idea we can't just leave him here." Kurono said eyes wide in shock at his friend essentially committing murder.
"And who's going to stop me?" Kai challenged his golden eyes stone cold as he stared down Kurono. "Perhaps you would like to join him?"
Kurono backed down at the cold look in his eyes he had never seen directed towards himself. He sat back down in the carriage feeling increasingly guilty and starting to question his loyalties and his taste in men.
Taking a moment to admire his handy work Kai climbed back up into the seat of the carriage taking up the reins and riding away. Leaving a passed out Kurogiri to his fate.
Moments later another horse drawn carriage rode up with two men in the drivers seat. One of the riders calling out to stop the horses as he saw something on the side of the road. Once the carriage was at a stand still a blonde haired, mustachioed man leaped down from the carriage approaching Kurogiri.
The man looked on in concern gently shaking Kurogiri awake who winced and attempted to grasp his head but found his hands were tied.
"Kurogiri what happened to you? Who is responsible for this?" the blonde haired man asked as he started to cut the ropes freeing him.
Kurogiri groaned as he was helped up into a sitting position after being freed of his bonds. "It's a long story. You wouldn't believe me if I told you." he answered grimacing in pain.
"You don't need to answer that right now lets get you out of here. I'll take you home with me to Shouta he can help to take care of you. Do you think you can walk?" He said helping Kurogiri up from the ground one of his companions hopping from the wagon and helping him into getting Kurogiri into the wagon.
Naturally as soon as the doors burst open and a gasping, shivering Tenko came through the doors. The servants were all relieved to see his return but when they caught sight of the blood all over his clothes and the haunted look in his eyes they were shocked. And when they looked outside the castle doors and saw their injured master they went into a flurry of panic and worry.
Getting the beast to his bed was a whole other matter in of itself. Sako had assisted in arranging servants to help transport the beast. The others were more or less along for the ride providing moral support. Tenko along with some of the more able bodied servants who had been transformed into larger pieces of furniture helped with transporting a badly injured, bleeding, and ill tempered beast. It was a herculean task in itself.
With the beast now in bed it fell to Tenko to take care of the beast as none of the servants were physically capable at the moment. And so Tenko took on the task of nursing him to health with the assistance of the servants. Toga had organized the kitchen staff in procuring bandages, hot water, disinfectants, and helpful first-aid advice.
Tenko sat with a clean cloth and a steaming bowl of hot water, as he attempted to examine the wounds. Finding they were difficult to see with the torn clothing the beast still wore. And the beast's pouting and being difficult didn't help matters.
The beast lit his finger aflame debating on cauterizing his wound or simply licking the blood away when Tenko spoke "No don't you'll only make it worse.
Clearing his throat Tenko spoke "I need you to remove the rest of your shirt so I can tend to your wounds."
The beast glared back at him "Leave me be I can deal with them on my own. NO THANKS TO YOU!"
"I don't know why your getting angry with me I'm just trying to help. Don't lick your wounds they'll get infected." Tenko chastised the beast as he lifted an arm in an attempt of doing said action as if he were a dog.
"Well, gee, Princess maybe because this is all your fault! If you hadn't snuck into the West Wing, AND ran away none of this would have happened." the beast snarled.
"I said I was sorry. I didn't exactly feel in control when it happened... " Tenko paused doubting he would be believed but continued. "Also, maybe if you hadn't scared me off. I wouldn't have run away in the first place." Tenko argued back.
"DAMN YOU will you just leave me." an exasperated and in pain beast bellowed.
"NO I will not leave you alone you stubborn fool." Tenko argued back.
On the other side of the room Hawks let out a whistle. "Kid's got balls arguing with the Master like that." Hawks replied surprised from where he was with the other servants.
"No, this is good he is placing responsibility on the Master. We have let him get too out of control all these years." Sako said looking on impressed.
"Should we intervene before they have another fight?" asked Spinner nervous.
"This is bad we need to stop this. Yeah, Tenko tell him what for." Twice said swapping personalities from the sidelines.
"Nah, let them vent I think they need this." Toga said looking on in rapt fascination as the argument continued.
"...You should listen to what your told." the beast snarled in retaliation.
"And you should learn to control your TEMPER!" Tenko snapped back.
The beast wanted to argue back but found he had nothing to stand on so he bit his lip and glowered crossing his arms with a pout.
"Now take off your damn shirt so I can treat your wounds already." Tenko ordered the beast as his patience had run out.
The beast shot a glare at Tenko but wordlessly complied pulling the torn and bloody garment from his body grimacing as it tugged on the open wounds where the shirt had stuck to. Tenko saw the beast had more of the purple scales and black fur across his body but ignored that in favor of checking over his wounds instead.
"Like what you see?" the beast muttered sarcastically.
Tenko chose to ignore the comment and set to dipping a cloth in the hot water and went about cleaning the wounds. "Now hold still this is probably going to sting." Tenko said a bit more tenderly.
The beast grimaced and growled as his wounds stung from the water and disinfectants but he remained quiet.
"By the way we never really introduced ourselves my name is Tenko Shimura what is yours?" Tenko said wringing out the bloody cloth before going back to tending the other wounds.
The beast was surprised by this line of questioning and looked at Tenko with suspicion. "You want to know my name? What for?" the beast asked puzzled.
"Well we're going to be living together and I can't exactly call you "Beast" now can I." Tenko said looking him in the eye as he paused in his ministrations.
The beast looked on in interest he hadn't been addressed by his name in years in fact he couldn't remember it now that he thought about it. He knew he had a name he just...forgot. Another fun filled detail of the curse.
"No, I would rather you didn't call me that..." the beast said with emphasis. He thought a moment. "Call me Dabi."
"Oh, well that's an unusual name." Tenko said not sure if he believed him that that was his name but didn't want to argue anymore; that and to make conversation as the silence was terribly awkward.
"You got a problem with my name?" Dabi sneered with a challenge.
"No, that's the least of my problems." Tenko said mumbling the last part as he continued dabbing the wounds.
Dabi continued to grimace at the pain of his wounds being cleaned and disinfected growling and roaring whenever something particularly irked him. Finally, Tenko wrapped him up in bandages and left his side to allow him to sleep.
Tenko walked away from the bed feeling both mentally and physically exhausted it was late at night and he had been through an ordeal. Having spent the better part of evening being screamed and yelled at or running for his life. His clothes were ripped and covered in blood. Wiping his brow he took note the servants were still gathered. Heads bowed (or about as well bowed as they could be since they lacked proper heads).
"Milord, I not only speak for myself but for the rest of the staff as I wish to let you know that we are forever in your debt for what you have done this evening. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Sako replied with a bow.
"Thank you for taking care of him. We know he isn't a particularly patient patient." said Toga in a moment of solemnity for once.
"That was very brave of you. You had a chance to be freed and yet you returned." Spoke Hawks void of sarcasm for once.
"I don't know how you all put up with him? Why don't you just leave?" Tenko asked looking at them all he was still in a state of shock.
"We feel it's best to remain with the master then to venture out alone after all our fates are linked." Sako replied.
"But you haven't done anything wrong so why should you be punished?" Tenko asked wanting to find answers.
"You see that's where your wrong when his father sent his family away and then took that innocent boy and twisted him into his own image. That is where we failed him. We are just as equally guilty." said Jin in a rare moment of clarity shocking everyone.
"Jin's right." spoke Spinner at that moment the other servants nodded in agreement.
"Their is something your not telling me." Tenko said it was not a question.
Tenko looked on realizing there was a story their but would ask about it later. For now Tenko was exhausted. Tenko returned to his room where he cleaned up and slept. Taking Magne up on her offer for new clothes at last.
Dabi wound up developing an infection and a fever.
The servants ill equipped to properly care for the their master became completely dependent on Tenko to care for him. As such they pleaded with him. Tenko being a caring young man could not say no to them nor to the one who had saved his life through a strange twist of fate.
Tenko stayed by Dabi's bedside after that watching as he slept in case he needed help, applying cool damp clothes to his forehead to help lower his fever, helped him eat or drink when he was awake as his arms were wrapped in bandages and sore, demanded he drink water to stay hydrated, insisted on him taking medications, helped changing his bandages and cleaning his wounds.
Throughout this whole ordeal Dabi was difficult to put it mildly. He was argumentative and petulant with Tenko when all he was trying to do was help take care of him. However, he was also delusional and irrational due to his fever. Despite his irritability Tenko remained stubbornly by Dabi's side. The two of them argued and disagreed at many times.
The servants watched on anxiously wondering if their master would pull through and if the young man would become fed up and leave finally. To their surprise the young man stayed on and their master was improving even more so then he had in years. Finally sleeping and eating properly.
"Should we tell him the Master has always ran hot?" asked a skeptical Hawks one day as he once again saw a concerned Tenko after checking his temperature.
"I highly doubt that's the reason for his fever." spoke Toga. "After all he has been extra irritable lately and he is tired."
Dabi when he wasn't being a difficult patient slept which was a blessing each time he was asleep. And every time he awoke Tenko was at his side.
Tenko for his troubles spent a great deal of time running up and down stairs fetching supplies and medicines. Between when Dabi was resting he ate or rested as well. During the few moments of downtime he longed for a book or some sort of distraction which was probably why he felt so invested in Dabi's welfare.
At one point Dabi awoke in the dead of night and glimpsed to his left taking note of a seated Tenko asleep with his head laying on Dabi's bed his arms acting as a pillow. Dabi was ready to wake him up and demand he leave him when he took note it must be late at night. He recalled every time he was awake Tenko had been at his side. From this close he could see all the details of Tenko's face up close and decided to inspect him closer. After all, Tenko looked so peaceful as he slept long, grey blue hair spilling across his blankets, porcelain skin against a dark duvet, and long lashes laid against his cheeks, he looked doll like.
Dabi frowned when he had an up-close look at the scars on his face. Further accentuated by the dark circles beneath his eyes, he had noticed them before but had chosen to ignore them, and wondered how they came to be. He couldn't help but feel anger towards whoever had caused them for some reason he did not know why.
He was like a cracked china doll Dabi decided.
Dabi looked down at the spill of his angel blue hair spread across the bedspread and reached a tentative clawed finger out as he attempted to touch a lock of his hair. It had been a long time since he had touched another person affectionately. Probably not since he had a family. He was surprised at the softness of his hair. He ran his clawed fingers along his scalp gaining a few gentle hums from Tenko in his sleep noting how his eyelashes fluttered. Not wanting to wake him. He reluctantly withdrew his paw back after a moment not wishing to disturb his slumber.
Dabi's fever had finally broke.
Feeling better then he had in days he woke up looking to his left expecting to see an exasperated, worried, or asleep Tenko but was taken aback when he saw no one their.
"You should appreciate Tenko-ni he stayed with you through these past few days and nights nursing you back to health." Toga said with a scolding tone on his right. Surprising Dabi as he thought he was alone. "We just finally got him to go to his own bed earlier this morning as your fever had finally broke."
"Yes, the boy was in a severe state of fatigue if we weren't so insistent on him getting rest he would be bedridden as well." Sako replied with a thinly veiled scolding tone as well.
At first Dabi was miffed at the scolding he was receiving after all he wasn't a child he was their master. No one told Dabi what to do.
Dabi couldn't help but feel a little guilty and a little shitty over the way he had treated Tenko up until that moment. Taking him hostage and then leaving him alone in a cold, dark cell. Then screaming and yelling at him demanding him to come to dinner. Scaring the poor boy so much he ran out into a blizzard in a forest full of vicious wolves. And he had blamed Tenko for causing him to be injured and bedridden and argued with him when he was barely coherent. Despite Dabi trying to push him away (subconsciously) Tenko remained at his side at the cost of his own health.
...then again old habits die hard.
"Well, I never asked him to do any of that. I didn't need his help. I would have been fine." Dabi mumbled crossing his arms against his chest in mock annoyance and being miffed at his own servants scolding.
Toga and Sako knew he was bluffing exchanging knowing looks with one another.
Dabi decided perhaps he should try to be more patient with Tenko and at least show some of his gratitude.
"Master, we have your breakfast ready. Would you like to eat right now?" Jin asked riding in on the rolling cart as it rolled up to the bed with a large dome lid concealing the food within to conserve it's warmth from the kitchen.
"Uh, sure thank you." replied Dabi taking Jin, Toga and Sako completely by surprise as he hadn't thanked them in years.
As Dabi ate he thought about how to make things up to Tenko he could bow in apology? Dabi rejected that not sufficient enough. He could thank Tenko profusely but even that wasn't good enough. Finally, he thought what about a gift? It would have to be significant.
Dabi glanced towards his servants who had apparently been left on babysitting duty since his original nurse was in bed resting.
"Sako." Dabi spoke.
"Yes, master." The candelabra replied surprised at being addressed.
"I want to do something to show my appreciation to Tenko for staying and taking care of me. I was thinking a gift would be nice." Dabi said.
"Well it certainly is a start anyway." Sako said pleased by his master's statement but the boy was clueless.
"What did you have in mind?" Sako asked curiously.
"That's the problem I don't know what to give him." Dabi said silently asking for advice.
"Well you could do the usual flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep." replied a smug Hawks.
Sako sighed and shook his head noting Dabi was glaring at Hawks but also considering what he just said.
"It should be something that captures his interests. Something that he is passionate about." Said Sako providing advice.
"Oh, great what are they?" Dabi asked having no idea what could possibly interest the boy.
"Master, that is simply a question you need to find the answer for yourself." Sako said before Dabi could argue he continued. "It will be more personal this way and show you have taken an interest in him and his interests."
"Yeah, you just need to be an active listener." added Hawks.
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