The Beauty
He was in the village a basket slung over his arm and his black cloak about his shoulders running errands for his father gathering essentials they needed. He was at the cheese monger's stall when he overheard the whispers.
They were whispering behind his back again and not even pretending to be quiet or secretive about it. Whispering about...Him.
"It's that strange boy again, the brewers son..."
"Strange, yes, but he has an attractiveness to him..."
"He's so weird! but at the same time he is a beauty..."
"He'd look a whole lot prettier if he would smile once in awhile..."
"What a darling's a shame really."
He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comments he overheard. Apparently they assumed he was deaf or stupid. To be honest he didn't know what they were thinking anymore if at all. It had been like this for years ever since he had been a child and first came to the village with his adoptive father. Anytime he came into the village the village inhabitants would start whispering amongst themselves about him and his father.
Hearing the many whispers behind his back (as though he were deaf and couldn't hear them) he lifted his hand to his neck wanting to scratch only to bring it back down again. He had promised Kurogiri his father he would not scratch anymore as it was a trait he had all but outgrown.
Oh, sure the village inhabitants would smile and greet him "Good morning" to his face but it was all out of altruism because no sooner would he reply "Good Morning" back and move along. They would start talking about him behind his back. Such a small village closed off to the world practically with equally small minded inhabitants.
Really he supposed he couldn't blame them as there was little in the way of entertainment with village life. Aside from the market, the village tavern, and gossip. He supposed his very existence was a great source of entertainment for the village inhabitants. He had lost track of the amount of rumors and speculation which surrounded his person and that of his father.
It wasn't like he purposely went out of his way to draw attention to himself it was just the town was distrustful of outsiders and if you didn't fit in you were ostracized as an outcast. Despite the fact they had inhabited the village for well over a decade. Where he had grown and attended the village school (for a short while, till Kurogiri schooled him himself) and now as a young adult. He remained in the village living with his father.
"Good morning, Tenko will that be the usual for you? and how are you today?" greeted the baker with a smile as he passed over a loaf of bread.
"Oh, good morning Toyomitsu. I just finished a drawing and this book would you like to hear about it?" Tenko said making polite small talk before passing over coins in exchange for the bread.
"Oh, that's nice." the baker said before becoming distracted. "Kirishima the baguettes get them out of the oven before they burn." hollered Toyomitsu shouting at his young apprentice as he entered the bakery.
Tenko just sighed failing at yet another social interaction and decided to move along as the conversation was clearly over. It was typical for him. Villagers greeting him, asking how he was without meaning it. And then going back to ignoring him or talking about him behind his back.
They were all so...false.
He moved along through the village overhearing the hustle and bustle as people were out to buy and trade goods on another busy market day.
"Hello Good day how is your family?"
"Good day how is your wife?"
"I need six eggs!"
"That's too expensive."
"Ten dozen yards."
He was tired of village life he thought rolling his eyes yet again and stepping aside as a group of rowdy children ran by. Correction he had been tired of village life for years often begging Kurogiri to move on to another village. Unfortunately, Kurogiri felt it best to remain where they were, as the village was quiet and safe from violence and upheaval, and as the town distiller he supplied the tavern and much of its populace with drink. Which Tenko argued the town could deal with fewer drunks anyway. But Kurogiri had his distillery established and his crops where he harvested the multiple grains and hops needed to age whiskey and ale in wooden casks in the cellar beneath their home.
"There he is that boy who lives on the edge of town with the drunkard for a father..." he overheard.
"The poor boy! With a face like that he should have no problem marrying well so he can get away from that man."
"It's no wonder anything gets done on that farm..."
Unfortunately, the misconception held that Kurogiri drank his own stock instead of selling it. He did not know where this rumor came from as he rarely saw Kurogiri have more than one glass at a time and always with a meal. He never saw his father intoxicated once. These rumors angered him and no matter how he argued against them or how upstanding Kurogiri was they continued.
Tenko paused to drop a few coins to a beggar woman sitting on the edge of the market. He felt her pain at being overlooked and ignored and continued on his way.
As he continued wondering through a crowded market day, avoiding the hustle and bustle of people and livestock, running errands for his father. He did not realize he was being watched.
"Look at him Hari my future spouse. Tenko is one of the most gorgeous boys in the village and I intend to marry him." Chisaki said viewing him from afar as Tenko gave an apple to a horse. "That makes him the best."
"Yeah, but he's so...literate." Kurono gestured vaguely towards his friend as he did not see them as a all. Granted Kai was no idiot either but the two were too opposite of each other.
"Yes, I know something has been missing in my life since the war and I think he is one to fill that void." Kai said maneuvering his horse in his direction with a knowing look in his eyes.
And since Tenko was in town anyway he decided to stop in the book shop. He was on his way to the booksellers to see if the new pencils he had requested had come in yet or if any new books had made there way their. He hadn't seen a new book in almost a year. He approached the shop opening the door to the small jingle of the bell overhead.
Tenko bent to pet one of the many cats who laid down on it's back in a lazy gesture as Tenko ran his fingers through it's fur.
"Oh, hello Tenko, How may I help you?" replied the sleepy proprietor of the shop Aizawa who was petting a cat that laid across the counter.
The bookshop was small but crowded with books, stationary, household items such as candles, linens, and cats for the shop keeper Aizawa had a soft heart for every stray that came across his path. He was also a notorious insomniac and often fell asleep between customers.
"I just came to return the book I borrowed and to see if the new pencils had came in yet, as I'm almost out at home. And if any new books had come in by any chance?" he had a hopeful inflection in his voice as he walked further in stepping over a sleeping cat laying in the sun.
With a deep sigh from the tired shop keeper who let out a yawn "I hate to break it to you, kid, but I'm terribly sorry. I received word from my supplier Hizashi said that they are delayed by another month at least. Apparently highway robbers intercepted one of their trade routes." Aizawa said tiredly.
Tenko felt disappointed thinking about the pencil nubs he had left at home to work with. "No, it's alrigt I'll manage. If it's alright might I borrow another book?" and then pausing for a thought "Oh, and this is from Kurogiri." Tenko pulled a bottle from amongst his pockets presenting it to the seller who takes it with a sleepy grin.
The bookseller gave a tired chuckle looking appreciatively at the bottle before replying "I'm sure you've read them all twice by now but of course."
"More like four times." Tenko mumbled to himself but busied himself with looking over the shelves. Till he settled over the book about the star crossed lovers because why not it was the perfect escapism for him. As it took place in a land faraway from his own. True, he had never been in love before but that didn't stop him from reading about it, that and the sword fight scene was exciting. Also, he couldn't imagine Kurogiri telling him he couldn't be with the one he loved.
"It alright if I borrow this one?" he asked showing the cover and title to the bookseller who had already popped the cork on the bottle and poured himself a glass taking a sip.
Aizawa only gave him a knowing smile and nodded. "Sure, kid." he replied before dozing off to sleep once more.
"Your the one person in the village that isn't false. Well then a month from now?" Tenko said and left the booksellers taking care not to disrupt the cats or wake the dozing owner.
Tenko walked away a few feet from the shop and was about to open the book and start reading. When he collided with someone resulting in him dropping the book to the dirty ground. He felt his shoulders slump as his previous good disposition disappeared. He was about to kneel and pick it back up when a voice replied.
"Don't pick that up! It's probably covered in germs now. Here I'll have Kurono handle it."
Tenko tensed and looked up to see none other than the village's so-called golden eyed boy Kai Chisaki. He had a title of Lord Overhaul as he was an heir to the Shie Hassakai, a war hero, best huntsman in the village, and a bully as well. Not to mention he was a terrible germaphobe and wore one of those ridiculous doctors masks. For whatever reason he was the most eligible bachelor in the village and all the young singles' swooned when he was around.
Save for Tenko. Tenko thought he was a pretentious jerk.
"Good morning Chisaki." Tenko said masking his displeasure. "And you as well Kurono." He nodded in acknowledgment to Chisaki's friend and right hand man.
Kurono had stood back up after bending over to retrieve the dropped book and was about to offer it back to Tenko. Before Chisaki snatched it out of his hands and began wiping it down with a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket and then tugged his mask down. Kurono shrugged his shoulders in apology to Tenko as if to say he had no control over his friend and master.
"Tenko" Kurono replied in a bow.
"Tenko always a pleasure to see you and no need to be so formal. I've told you before call me Kai." he replied in a bow. "What is someone so lovely up to this fine day?" he said stuffing the handkerchief back in his pocket. Ignoring Tenko's imploring look while tapping the spine of the book in the palm of his hand.
"I was just out running some errands and now I will probably head back for home. Kurogiri might need some help around the house." Tenko said grimacing at Chisaki's words adjusting the basket in his arms.
Kai stepped closer looking closely at Tenko before saying "May I?" and before he got a reply he reached out to brush a lock of Tenko's hair behind his ear and brushing away some invisible dirt on his shoulder. Tenko tensed at this contact.
"Mmh, you and all those books your always reading all alone in that house with only your father for company. Tell me do you ever do anything these characters have done or do you just read about what others have done?" he asked in a passive aggressive tone while still holding the book.
"What are you getting at, Kai?" Tenko asked a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"You never answered my question. But to answer yours what I am getting at is don't you think it is time for you to set aside childish things and start behaving like an adult. Tenko I understand you are young but your father is getting older and you'd make life easier for him if he saw you settled down and cared for." Kai said wrapping an arm around Tenko's shoulder pulling him close.
"Oh, and who would you suggest "I settle down with"?" asked Tenko humoring Chisaki while looking down at his arm in disapproval.
He also took note of the three girls who looked nearly identical (who always followed Chisaki around) were watching their interaction from afar. They bad mouthed Tenko out of jealousy every chance they had but shut up when Chisaki was near all while looking like lovesick idiots.
Chisaki ignored the girls presence in favor of inspecting his person for cleanliness before looking back up at Tenko.
"Easy set your books aside and start focusing on me. Eventually you'll want to marry and I am able to provide for you. With my title I'm one of the wealthiest men in town and an excellent marksman. You'll never go hungry with me around nor will your bed be cold. Just tell your father. I'll come by for dinner this week and he can give me his blessing." Chisaki said looking him in the eye with a grin.
Tenko looked at Kai as though he had lost his mind at no point in his exchange had he offered a formal proposal it was just assumed Tenko would marry him whether he accepted or not. He wasn't even going to comment on the bed part. This was nothing new to Tenko. Kai had been relentlessly pursuing him for years as he was the only one in the whole village who wasn't tripping over their own feet to catch Kai's eye. Despite the fact he had other options he had his eyes set on Tenko for whatever reason.
Tenko was no great beauty nor could he be called handsome. He had no wealth or property either so he was no great catch. He was just a skinny, pale boy with scars and a reputation for attracting gossip in this close knit community or at least this is what he believed.
Whereas, Kai was handsome, tall, and strong but nothing more if not rude, arrogant, and narcissistic (he was also a germaphobe but that was some of the least of his worst qualities). He was everything Tenko was not.
So it would make a great deal of sense for Tenko to accept from an economic standpoint if only it weren't for Kai being an utter and total ass.
Kai had unknowingly leaned in close to Tenko's ear his warm breath brushing over his ear lobe. "You know I hear what they say about you in the village and it angers me. With my influence I could get them to stop. Imagine that being able to walk the streets and not be the topic of gossip for once in your life. You can"
Tenko felt a shiver go down his spine and he didn't know if it was out of disgust or the fact someone was that close to him. It was an admittedly tempting proposal because if anyone had the power to silence rumors it was Kai and his followers the Shie Hassakai. Rumors about them were extremely rare as once started they immediately died down. That and he was the towns darling so no one dared talk poorly about him.
Sensing some reluctance Kai moved the topic along "Tell you what I was out hunting today why don't you take one of my trophies for your table." he said placing the book in Tenko's hands at last. While gesturing to Kurono who went over to a horse draped with the carcasses of dead animals and came away with a good sized pheasant. Kai once again took the bird from his ally with a handkerchief holding it away from himself to not drip any blood on himself and held it out to Tenko.
"You can talk with your father over dinner tonight or we can dine together over this." he said his golden eyes boring into Tenko's soul.
Apart of Tenko wished to refuse to accept the damn bird but he knew if he didn't Kai would only get worse and more persuasive. With reluctance Tenko accepted the pheasant taking care of the dripping blood. "Thank you, Kai." he mumbled. "But today will not work." replied Tenko firmly.
"Another day then." Kai said leaning in closer once more and speaking quietly so only Tenko could hear. "I can be patient, Tenko. As a hunter you have to be whilst, stalking your prey but after awhile the hunter eventually does capture it's prey. Until later, Tenko." and with that Kai turned away heading towards his horse.
"Uh, forgive him he doesn't mean to come off as so..." Kurono said pausing with an apologetic tone and rubbing a hand on his neck.
"Aggressive. Overbearing. Possessive." Tenko supplied.
"Well I wouldn't say that in so many words but...yes." Kurono admitted. "Good day, Tenko." he said with a bow before following after Kai like a loyal puppy.
Honestly, it was so obvious how could Kai not notice his right hand man having a massive crush on him. The whole time Kai had been speaking with Tenko he could see a look of longing in Kurono's eyes. All this time he was too busy pursuing Tenko he didn't even notice thought Tenko with a shake of his head as he started to head for home.
As Tenko walked away Kai commented "You know it's the ones that play hard to get that are the most attractive. Hari, there is just something about him. He isn't like the rest of them in this town making a fool of themselves to gain my favor. Sure he may not look like much but that adds to his allure and makes him that much more attractive. What do you think it is that makes him so alluring?" he said taking note of the three girls giving him heart eyes nearby and sighing out loud before he looked away.
"Well, Kai I can't blame them for their admiration of you you are quite the catch. As for Tenko. I suppose it's the fact he has his dignity." Kurono commented with a smile. His cheeks growing rosy he played it off by brushing off invisible dust from Chisaki's coat. It was then he saw the three girls fall over each other as they had argued in attempts to approach Chisaki and lay in the dirt.
"True." Chisaki said in agreement watching as Tenko retreated from the village. "That is an attractive quality to possess. I won't argue that."
Chisaki then began to walk away ignoring the girls laying in a heap.
Kurono just walked away before throwing a barbed remark at the three "It's never going to happen ladies."
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