There was something reassuring and grounding about being in Dabi's arms as they danced Tenko thought to himself. When Tenko entered the castle for the first time all those weeks ago he couldn't have foreseen or imagined dancing with the beast who owned this castle. But here he was actually happy and content dancing with Dabi in a ballroom he had helped restore. Gliding across the dancefloor in Dabi's arms in a ballgown of all things.
Tenko could feel his heart flutter as he was lowered in a dip gazing up into Dabi's cerulean eyes.
Tenko's outlook on Dabi had also changed from all those weeks ago. He viewed Dabi as a friend and confidante now and not his captor. Maybe he felt more for Dabi but for now he accepted him as a companion.
The couple had danced for quite sometime and they were beginning to feel overheated and breathless. Dabi proposed they get some air. Opening a door out onto the balcony, they stepped out into the cool winter's night air. The sky was clear showing the stars and a crescent moon in the sky.
"Yet another aspect of my expensive education. I haven't danced in years." Dabi commented. "Forgot how it feels."
"I rarely have many opportunities to dance either." Tenko said adding to the conversation side eyeing Dabi as he looked up to the sky.
"Really? Who taught you how to dance? Your remarkable by the way." Dabi asked curiously turning to Tenko. While also genuinely complimenting Tenko.
He gestured to Tenko to have a seat on the bench outside and they sat down next to each other.
Tenko blushed at the compliment. "My father, Kurogiri taught me how to dance. He said 'Someday I might attend a dance and it would be a shame if I didn't know how and had to sit it out'. So he taught me everything he knew."
A look of melancholy flashed across Tenko's face before he went back to smiling but Dabi had seen it regardless. Dabi also took notice that Tenko was starting to shiver lightly so he brought up his own body heat. Using his magic to help keep him warm. They were close enough he took note Tenko stopped shivering and relaxed once more.
Dabi wanted to confess to Tenko right then and there but he was having a moment of cowardice as he contemplate on posing his question.
"I suppose it is impossible for you to ever have feelings for a creature like me." Dabi spoke steeling himself for the answer. He feared being flat out rejected and wanted to test the waters first.
"I don't see why not. Your decent once you get to know you." Tenko replied flashing him a shy smile.
"Really!?" Dabi said eagerly before he cleared his throat. "I mean that is good to hear."
Feeling encouraged Dabi soldiered on turning to look at Tenko.
"Tenko, are you- that is, do you think you could be happy here with me?" Dabi asked hopefully clasping Tenko's hands within his paws gently and gazing into his eyes. Dabi was completely open and vulnerable in this moment. His ultramarine eyes filled with hope, fear, and happiness.
Tenko smiled at Dabi until a look of sadness flitted across his face and he looked away.
"Is something wrong?" Dabi asked concerned.
"I'm worried about my father." Tenko spoke sadly. "I'm all he has. He must be worried."
The fact was Tenko was happy living in the castle. He had befriended Dabi and the castle servants. The castle had ceased being his jail and had begun to feel like a home. He was comfortable and felt a sense of belonging he had never felt in his home village. The only problem was it wasn't home not without his father, Kurogiri. In fact he felt guilty . Here he was having fun and making friends. Meanwhile, Kurogiri was probably worried sick about him.
"I see." Dabi said feeling a bit let down. After, all he was getting ready to confess his true feelings to Tenko but he understood. He wanted Tenko to be happy after all. Then a thought came to him "Come with me I have something that could probably help."
Dabi stood and offered his hand to Tenko. Giving off a gentle smile of his own.
Tenko looked on curiously wondering what Dabi had planned for him this time. But went along with him just the same as he accepted his hand and was helped up from where he sat. They walked linked arm in arm towards the West Wing.
Later, in the West wing, Dabi and Tenko stood near the table that housed the enchanted rose within it's cloche. Dabi lifted an ornate hand mirror which rested next to the cloche.
"Here, this mirror will show you anything you want to see. All you do is speak the name of whom you wish to see." Dabi said presenting the mirror to Tenko.
"For being cursed to this castle. He certainly loved leaving you reminders of the outside world," Tenko observed as he gazed into the mirror. Tenko admired the mirror as it was silver and intricately carved with filigree designs . Like a normal mirror he gazed upon his own reflection.
"Uh, show me my father, please." Tenko spoke into the mirror hesitantly watching as the colors reflected in the mirror began to swirl about till an image appeared.
Tenko gasped at what he saw. His father, Kurogiri was being dragged through the village by an angry mob of villagers. He recognized some of the other villagers in the mirror.
"Oh no, it's my father he's in trouble. He needs help. " Tenko looked up at Dabi crimson eyes wide in alarm. A mixture of emotions flashed across Tenko's face in that moment. He wanted to run to help his father but at the same time he didn't want to leave.
"What will I do?" Tenko asked worried looking up at Dabi.
Dabi saw the images moving about in the mirror it did not look good for Tenko's father he was surrounded by clearly angry people.
Dabi had a brief internal conflict before he made his decision. He had to admit it was a painful decision one he was sure to regret but he loved Tenko too much to say no. Gazing into those worried ruby eyes he knew what he had to do.
"Then you should go to him." Dabi said. Keeping his voice as calm as possible.
"What?" Tenko said surprised and also a small bit disappointed that Dabi was sending him away.
"I give you, your freedom. You are free to go." Dabi said even though inside he could feel apart of himself die. He knew it was the right decision.
"Tenko, your father needs you and I can't keep you from him no matter how selfish I want to be." Dabi confessed.
Tenko gazed back at the images in the mirror before offering it back to Dabi. But Dabi pushed the mirror back into Tenko's arms catching him by surprise.
"No, I want you to keep it. Perhaps you can look back on me someday." he said with a forced crooked grin.
Tenko in that moment began to have feelings of guilt after all he had promised to help break the curse. If he left the likelihood of the curse being broken were slim to none. A part of him wanted to stay while the other part wanted to leave that very moment.
"Dabi, I am sorry. I could not break your curse. I tried I really did. I went through close to every book in the library but..." Tenko was then cut off.
"No, Tenko it is not your burden to bare. All I ask is that you live a happy life and someday look back on me fondly and not as a monster." Dabi said his eyes filled with sadness.
Tenko held the mirror gazing into Dabi's face for the last time. He rested a gloved palm on Dabi's cheek who in turn leaned into the palm closing his eyes.. "Thank you Dabi. I'll never forget you." Tenko said with one last bittersweet smile he pulled his hand away.
Then he turned around and hurried from the room his scarlet skirts rustling as he ran out of the chamber doors and rushing down the stairs leaving the west wing. Making his way towards the castle entrance.
For the first time Dabi's face felt cold after Tenko had pulled his palm away. Dabi gave a defeated slump as he watched the back of the love of his life run from him.
Tenko raced down the stairs till he entered the entryway enroute to the entrance. Standing near the front door in his usual post stood Spinner who looked up surprised to see Tenko all of a sudden.
"Your leaving?" said Spinner in shock, eyes wide in disbelief when he gazed upon Tenko running to the door. He also noticed the mirror he had clasped to his chest.
"Yes, he let me go. I'm sorry I can't stay and help you but my father is in trouble and he needs me right now." Tenko said feeling a little guilty. He had hoped to leave without encountering anyone else it had been hard enough to leave Dabi behind.
"I understand. As much as it saddens me I do understand." Spinner replied looking so forlorn and crestfallen. The others would not take this development well.
"Please tell the others good bye for me. Goodbye Spinner it was nice knowing you." Tenko said about to head out the door.
"Wait!" Spinner called. Tenko looked back confused as Spinner held up Tenko's cloak for him. "It's cold out there. You'll want this since all your wearing is that." he said gesturing to the crimson gown Tenko still wore. In all of his worry and panic he hadn't bothered to change into his usual clothes.
Tenko turned allowing Spinner to put his cloak on and before he left out the door he bowed to Spinner who looked at him sadly while also bowing in farewell. Then Tenko dashed out the front door hurrying to the stables.
Meanwhile, up above on the upstairs landing Toga watched on sadly as Tenko ran out the front door.
Tenko ran from the castle his cape fluttering behind him as he raced to the stables to fetch his horse Nomu. He put the magic mirror into Nomu's saddle bag and then hopped up atop Nomu grabbing up the reins and urging the horse forward with a squeeze of his thighs. "Hiya, Nomu Hiya." Tenko urged as they rode far from the castle.
Tenko refusing to turn to look back as he would lose his nerve and return. He remained focused on his parent who needed him now. He only hoped he wouldn't too late and urged Nomu to go faster.
Back in the west wing, all the previously celebrating servants were gathered crestfallen before their master after the news Toga had brought before them.
"You did WHAT!?" they all cried in shock.
"I set him free." Dabi spoke as he shucked off his waist jacket from the dance and pulled on his torn coat instead. Overcome with feelings of guilt and remorse for his servants and yes, he'll admit his own broken heart.
"I'm only sorry I couldn't do the same for you all." Dabi said looking at them all with a downcast expression upon his face. Blue eyes looking dull in that moment.
"We were so close." Mustard lamented.
"I watched him go and I didn't stop him. I don't think I could have." Spinner confessed.
"But how? Why?" JIn asked stunned looking up at Dabi confused and desperate.
"Because I love him." Dabi said quietly avoiding everyone's eye.
"So much for true love." Muttered Hawks angry and disappointed.
"At least he finally learned to love." Toga said sadly. She really couldn't blame Tenko or Dabi in this instance it was just an unfortunate event.
"Then why are we still cursed?" asked JIn.
"Because he doesn't love him in return." sighed Atsuhiro. He had to admit they were close to being human at last. If only circumstances had been different.
"The curse will be finalized soon. Spend this time amongst each other." Dabi said gesturing towards the rose which held but a couple petals left. Dabi then stepped out onto the balcony wishing to be alone.
Dabi looked down from his balcony where he stood and saw Tenko dressed in red standing out in the darkness. Astride his horse as he mounted and it sped through the castle gardens.
Dabi continued climbing higher up the castle to catch a better glimpse of him even though he was fading from view.
"I had it all." he thought aloud mournfully. "I was the master of my fate. I never needed anyone. I just learned it all too late."
"I close my eyes and he's still their. How can someone steal into my heart without leaving?"
Dabi sighed as his own mind tortured him. He imagined confessing to Tenko who in turn confessed to him and his curse being broken. He imagined kissing his sweet mouth at long last.
"Now I know he'll never leave me. Even as he runs away. He will still calm me, hurt me, move me come what may. Wasting in my lonely tower waiting by an open door. I'll fool myself he'll walk right in and be with me forevermore." Dabi continued speaking as he went up the spiral staircase to the top of the tower.
"I rage against the trials of love. I curse the fading of the light."
"As the long, long nights begin. I'll think of all that might have been. He will inspire me, be apart of everything I do. Waiting here forevermore."
His mind continued to betray him as he imagined: dancing as fully human holding Tenko in his arms and going ahead with that kiss on the dancefloor, going on picnics, or for a horse ride. He thought of marrying the boy and the both of them growing old together. His heart ached and he pushed these torturous thoughts from his mind but they kept revisiting him all the same. As they had done for several weeks now.
Dabi stood at the very top of the tower, like a gargoyle sentry atop his castle. Watching as the very small speck which was Tomura rode far from his vision. Even after he was gone he remained where he was in hopes he might catch a glimpse of him even if he was far from his sight.
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