Five months later
"You can't wear that."
I roll my eyes. "Why the hell not?"
Alexander gives me a look in the mirror, scowling. "Because you're showing too much skin!"
I roll my eyes yet again and continue applying my mascara. "You said you liked it and told me to buy it if I'm correct."
"Well, I didn't mean you to wear it outside." Alexander goes through his hair. "Why are you wearing so much makeup?"
I stop and glare at Alexander. "You sound like my father right now and, frankly, I don't like it. Tone it down." I point the mascara at him through the mirror.
Alexander scowls and sits on the bed, sulkily crossing his arms on his chest. I think I even see him pouting.
My phone starts ringing and when I see it's Sam, I accept the call and put her on speaker. "Yo, bitch!"
"Watch it, Sam!" Alexander growls from the bed.
I pause again and send him a glare, but he's staring at my phone now as if Sam was standing there.
Sam is silent for a few seconds. "Is that Alex?" she asks.
"Yeah. Who else," I laugh. I catch him rolling his eyes and my smile gets even wider.
"What the fuck crawled up his ass?"
"He doesn't like what I'm wearing," I tell her sincerely.
Alexander suddenly comes up behind me, putting his palm on my bare thigh without any warning. I give him a serious look in the mirror, but he's full of concentration, planning something out.
He starts lifting my dress up, almost baring my ass, but I slap his hand away. Alexander looks at me in shock.
"I'm going to shower," he suddenly announces and goes to the bathroom, loudly slamming the door behind him. I sigh to myself.
"Did you two have a fight?" Sam asks.
"No. He just has the need to act like a child sometimes and hates when I don't oblige him. He'll get over it."
"You're still coming, right?" Sam wants to know.
We're heading to a club tonight because we haven't been out for a long time and decided to catch up. "I'm definitely coming. I'll check up on Alexander in a few to see if he changed his mind."
"Good luck with that. I was calling to ask what you're wearing since you're not answering my texts."
"Hot pink short dress that Alexander loves to see it on me, but apparently only when he can be the only person to see it. And I'm going with white shoes since I hate heels," I tell her, finished with my makeup. I fluff my hair to give it more volume.
"Cool! I'll go with the dress, too. Catch ya later. Now go calm your man down," she orders.
I laugh. "You got it. See you." I make a kissing sound and Sam laughs before she hangs up.
I twirl around and go to the bathroom, opening the door without even knocking and leaning on the doorframe. Alexander is drying himself off with a towel, not even turning around at hearing the door open.
It became completely normal for us to see each other without clothes since we're sleeping together - in that sexual way - almost every night and we both got used to it. Well, I needed to get used to it, Alexander had no problem with it.
"Are you done sulking?" I jokingly ask Alexander.
"I wasn't sulking," he mumbles. He drops the towel and goes to the mirror, fixing his hair. He cut it a bit shorter, but he can pull off any look and he looks fantastic with whatever he decides to wear or style his hair.
I raise my eyebrows, admiring his completely naked muscular body and all the tattoos that make me even madder about him.
"I'm sure no one is going to look at me when they'll spot you standing beside me the whole night if that's what you're scared of," I muse, trying really hard not to smile.
"You can be sure I ain't going away from you tonight!"
I kind of got used to his possessiveness, even though Alexander can't really get the grasp of it yet. This is his first serious relationship and he's so lost sometimes, but he's doing good, better than I would've had expected.
It's like he's a completely different human being since I met him. But I'm not complaining. Everyone loves the change in him.
And, my God, he's especially good with his new baby sister. I swear he looks so much hotter holding a baby in his hands. I thought that wasn't possible - Alexander getting any hotter. But he adores both of his sisters and he'd do anything for them. It's also cute seeing him protective, but knowing what happened to his family, that's completely understandable.
Alexander sprays some cologne on him before going past me, still completely naked, and I don't even hide the fact that I check him out, giving him an appreciative stare.
He puts on his boxers and jeans, sitting down to put his socks on. I walk to him and put my hands into his damp hair, softly grazing his scalp. Alexander groans whenever I do that. He loves when I play with his hair and massage his head.
It reminds me when he had his migraine and I did it to him. Since then, he only had a migraine once more and it wasn't as bad as the last time. I still hated seeing him like that yet again. "You're so gentle," he groans.
My lips perk up in the corners. "Would you prefer it rough?"
Alexander looks at me with that special glint in his eyes. He puts his hand on my thigh yet again. "You know how I like it. Or did you need me to remind you since you seem to forget?" He raises an eyebrow at me, his hand travelling higher until it's resting on my butt.
My breath sticks in my throat and I have to slap his hand away, stepping back. "There's no time for this now."
"There's always time for that," Alexander says, standing up slowly.
I widen my eyes at him, shaking my head and going backwards. "Alexander, no. You'll mess up my makeup," I cry out in a poor excuse.
Alexander shrugs. "Ask me if I give a fuck."
When I hit the back of the table, Alexander is on me, lifting me up on it, removing all the makeup from it down on the floor with one swipe and kissing me as if he didn't do it in days.
"You totally fucked before coming here." Sam scrunches her nose up.
"Sam!" I exclaim, blushing from head to toe.
"What?" she says. "Your hair is messed up and I can read it on your face, babe." Sam says, giving me a smirk.
I scrunch my nose up. "You're disgusting," I tell her.
Sam gives me a mischievous grin. "Tell you what." She goes over her upper teeth with her tongue. "Snake and I do it, too."
"Oh, my God, stop talking!" I let out with a high-pitched voice.
Alexander chuckles beside me and I glare at him. "Still so fucking innocent," he comments, giving me a grin.
I roll my eyes at him. "Are we going dancing or what?" I ask in high spirits. And, no, it doesn't have to do with me Alexander being ... intimate before coming to the club. At least not entirely.
"Oh, no, Little one, I don't dance," Alexander warns me with wide eyes.
I arch my eyebrow. "Who said anything about you?"
Alexander frowns. "We had a deal that I'm not leaving you out of sight," he says close to my ear, searching my eyes.
"You can still watch me on the dancefloor, father," I reply sarcastically, totally mocking his possessiveness. I find it quite hot, but it can also be annoying sometimes.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and pat his chest in an affectionate gesture, then leave him and go with Sam. I want to have fun and if my boyfriend doesn't want to, it's his choice. I also discovered that I'm not the type of girl who wants to oblige her boyfriend in everything. In fact, I enjoy going against Alexander. Not always, of course, just sometimes.
He told me that when Ryder took me that night, he's really scared to leave me out of my sight. Even though Ryder is not a problem anymore, because he moved somewhere far away from all of us.
Alexander couldn't press charges for what Ryder did because their racing was illegal and Alexander could get into a lot of trouble. He still did get in trouble, but thankfully, his mother is a lawyer so she saved his ass.
And Alexander stopped racing, too. He's still driving his motorcycle, but I have no problem with that. But if he starts racing again or starts with any illegal activity, I told him not to expect any support from me.
And we're both going to university in the autumn! I've had a lot of paperwork to do so I officially live here in England now. But Alexander and I both applicated to The London School of Economics and Political Science. And Alexander was actually quite happy to continue with his education, but he said that that's only because I'll be there with him, too.
"How long do you give him before he comes after you?" Sam asks me jokingly when we're dancing together on the dancefloor.
I laugh and shake my head. "What makes you think he'll come after me?" I ask her.
Sam only smiles to herself before wrapping her arm around me and we're shouting out the words of the song none of us really know in no time.
I'm sweaty and tired, but I have fun and I haven't laughed this much since a long time ago. If I don't count Alexander making me laugh on daily basis. Sometimes, I think he gave himself a mission make Gabrielle laugh as much as she can because my muscles hurt the day after laughing so hard at Alexander being his carefree self with me.
Someone comes behind me and puts their hands on my hips. I smile to myself, thinking it's Alexander, and I lean back on him. But then I look at Sam and she's giving me a wide stare, shaking her head at me. I look down at the hands on my hips and my smile falls when I see no tattoos.
I quickly step away and turn to the guy. "I have a boyfriend," I tell him.
He smiles and steps closer to me, ignoring my statement. "I don't see him anywhere, darling."
"He's right here, assface, and he's about to fuck you up if you don't step back."
I breathe out a sigh of relief when I hear Alexander over the music, his threatening words are like a balsam for my ears right now. I quickly go to him just in case he's going to think about starting a fight. Because I don't want that.
The guy lifts his hands up and backs away without any further words. "I told you not to go away from me tonight!"
I cross my arms on my chest. "I know you're angry, but I won't appreciate you being angry at me for this when it was not my fault," I tell him seriously.
Alexander goes through his hair with his hands and rubs his face in aggravation. "Fuck, babe, didn't mean to snap at you. C'mere." He pulls me to him with his arm, kissing the top of my head.
"You gonna join me on the dancefloor now?" I ask him, my mouth lifting up in a smile.
Alexander looks at me in amusement. "Oh, I see. You wanted me to feel bad enough to come dance with you?"
I grin at him. Alexander wraps his arms around the back of my neck and I'm looking up at him. And then he leans down and kisses me, on the mouth, in front of everyone. "I'm going to love the fuck out of you," he says against my mouth.
I laugh into his mouth when he kisses me again. "I'm going to hold you up on that promise," I tell him. I intertwine my hands behind his neck. "Because I'm going to love the heck out of you, too," I tell him.
And these promises we made in the middle of a packed club with sweaty bodies all around us are the promises we both happily kept.
Well. That's it. I'm suddenly speechless. Me, who can type a thousand words per hour, ended up speechless.
I'm both happy and sad that this story has come to an end. I loved writing this one. I had struggles and days where I just didn't even feel like writing it anymore and I also got frustrated sometimes, telling myself "I will never be able to finish this book!!" Yet here I am.
I am really happy I decided to share this story with all of you guys and I'm so grateful for your support. ♥
Those months were amazing for me and I hope to see you reading my other stories, too! I plan quite a few new books, so there are no worries.
However, A Tase of Sin will NOT have a sequel, so PLEASE, stop asking for one. This book is completed and there will not be any continuation. Thank you for understanding. :)
Find me on:
twitter: patriciakauthor
instagram: patriciakauthor
radish: bourbonvanilla
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