Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen
"It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it."
― Maurice Switzer
It's been two weeks since Emma has returned. And Damian tried to talk to me about the kiss. But I ignored him. I told him I didn't want to talk about it. But he won't stop bugging me about it.
Emma hates me and I hate her. So that's some news. I honestly don't like her. I don't know if it is because of Damian or what not.
There is also something else, people keep asking me if I was okay. My bruises are still on my body. I am still sore on my ribs. I am sure that one is broken because it should be healed by now. It's been like a month. Well a month actually. I got from the point where I wish my bruises were gone. But they aren't they still are going strong!
"Tell me what's wrong." Declan demanded while we was sitting in math class.
"Declan, I am fine. And have been for the last hundred times you asked." I said. He sighed and started punching in on the graphing calculator.
Declan and I have gotten pretty close. He is a good friend actually. He is always there and he cares. That is all I ask for. But I don't want to tell him what is wrong.
The door opened and everyone looked up to see who it was. It was Coach Bryan. I gulped. His eyes glanced to mine and he smiled. My chest started to tighten and I started to breathe heavily.
"Dude, you ok?" Declan asked. I gulped again.
I got up and ran out of the room. Everyone was looking as I did so. I ran towards the bathroom.
I ran into someone and they said my name. But I ignored them and ran inside the bathroom. I went inside a stall and locked it. I started to cry into my hands. I couldn't hold back. I just kept crying.
The bathroom door opened and I stopped.
"Eric?" a familiar voice asked. I opened the door and looked out. It was Austin.
I ran into his arms and started crying.
"Hey... What's wrong?" He whispered into my ear.
"I.....I can't tell you. I want to but I can't." I stuttered. He lifted me up and sat me down on the counter like it was nothing.
"Tell me what's wrong." He demanded. I nodded and lifted my shirt so he could see the faded bruises that was still there and going strong. His eyes widen.
"Who the fuck did this?!" He asked aggressively. He was inspecting the bruises. The door opened. Declan walked through the door. He seen the bruises on me and his eyes widen also.
"Who the hell did that to you?!" He shouted. Great.... That makes three people that are going to know...
"I was raped a month ago." I told them, fighting back the fear and the tears.
Their eyes widen and they looked at me in anger. Austin grabbed my face and looked at me into the eyes.
"Who did this?" He asked again.
I gulped.
"Eric." Declan said.
I closed my eyes and let the words come out. "Coach Bryan."
I opened my eyes slowly and they were staring at me in anger.
"That's why you quit the swim team?" Austin asked me.
I nodded nervously.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?!" He shouted, making me flinch.
"Because he threatened to kill you and then me." I told Austin. He clinched his teeth together and started pacing around the bathroom.
I looked down at the ground and watched my feet dangle.
"You are going to tell my dad and that is final. Let's go." He demanded. He grabbed my hand and Declan and I traveled behind him. Maybe it was time to tell the truth. The truth can't stay hidden forever....
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