Chapter 3
Authors Message: Picture is Robert Buckley playing as Coach Bryan!
Chapter Three
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
― Dr. Seuss
I woke up to someone's alarm clock going off. I know that it is not mine. I did not set it this early. I grunt and cover my head with my comforter. I heard chuckles. Who can be laughing at this time of the morning?! It's freaking 4:30! I set my clock for 6!
The door closed and I sighed in relief. Finally. Who wakes up this early? It must be his workout routine or some shit. If we were together, I would so make him stay in bed with me longer. Forget the workout. Love me! But hey, I like to work out actually. So I would go with him. But not this early! He must be taking a shower. Maybe it's more peaceful this early. I shrugged and turned on my side, trying to go back to sleep.
I wake up to my alarm clock going off. I slapped my phone, trying to turn it off. But it wouldn't budge. 'Someone fucking turn that off.' I mumbled to myself. All of a sudden, the alarm goes off. I tilt my head and seen Damian holding my phone, offering it back to me. He was standing there only in his briefs. My eyes traveled down his body and back up. I snatched it out of his hands and hid under my covers. I so have a morning wood from looking at him shirtless. Just be cool. Hide it. I told myself over and over again.
"You don't have to hide from me." He said.
"I am specifically not hiding from you. I am hiding from mornings. Which I simply hate." I shouted from under my comforters.
"Maybe this will help." He said. I raised an eyebrow and peeked my head out. He had coffee in his hand. I blushed and sat up. I took the coffee and started to drink.
"Better?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Better." I sighed in relief. I am so glad I have him for a roommate. He's hot, athletic, muscular, nice, sweet, and everything about him is my type. If only I could have him for myself.
I finished my coffee and got up from the bed. I walked over to my closet, not even caring about showering this morning. Crap! My teeth! I shouted. I grabbed my essentials and ran to the bathroom. I walked in and seen tons of guys naked. Oh holy mother of god.
You got this Eric. Keep it cool. I told myself. I started to brush my teeth when there was a peck on my shoulder. I turned and seen some guy shirtless standing right in front of me.
"I'm Austin. I saw that you are new." He put out his hand. I raised my finger to tell him to hold on. I spit out my toothpaste and turned back around.
"Eric." I laughed awkwardly. I put out my hand so he could shake it.
"Well it was very nice to meet you. I have my eye on you." He winked seductively at me then walked away. Oh god I love this school.
I finished up and head back to my room. There was so many people talking about everything and anything. I had no clue what, but I just minded my own business. I got back into my room and Damian was already gone. Thank god. I don't need anyone else trying to kill my vibe.
I made it to Marine Biology just two minutes to spare. I wiped the imaginary sweat away from my head. I walked over to the teacher. So called here, the professor.
"Hi I'm Eric and I am new." I smiled. She turned her head to look at me.
"Hello there Eric. Go take a seat next to....." She said and turned around to look at the class. My eyes landed on Damian. He could have waited for me. That would have been nice. But no!
"Damian." She pointed over to him. Great. Thanks for killing my vibe bitchy teacher. I sighed and walked over to our lab station.
"You could have waited for me." I said sarcastically. I didn't even look into his eyes this time. I just said it as I stared at the front of the class.
"But that would be such a long of a wait." He said sarcastically. I let out a small chuckle and frowned.
Maybe I will like this school more then I please. I just hope that I don't get hurt for liking someone who is straight. But straight guys are more fun if you ask me.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I met these people in calculus. Declan White, Abby Lewis and Sierra Johnson. Declan's father owns this big technology corporation out in Washington. His parents sent him away to here when he was thirteen years old because his parents didn't want him anymore. Which I thought was really shitty. They shouldn't have had him if they were going to do that.
Then there is Abby Lewis. Her parents are the top lawyers in NYC. She was sent here last year as a sophomore. She begged her parents too because she wanted to go to a boarding school that was cool and she would be close to her friends all the time. Who would want to come here?! I mean besides the hot naked guys I seen in the bathroom this morning.....
Then lastly, there is Sierra Johnson. She was sent here at the age of fifteen for selling weed. She still does. She told me Damian buys from her all the time. Who knew Damian would smoke weed. Hell, I even bought some myself earlier.
They are all pretty nice people. And also friends with Rayna. Which I thought was pretty good because all of us sat at lunch together earlier. Even Damian sat with us because his best friend is Declan. I had no idea about that either. They been best friends ever since Declan came here. Declan used to play football but he learned that wasn't his thing so he went with soccer. I never got the chance to play any other sports then swimming. I had to beg my parents to let me swim. They finally agreed to if I model for them. So I did.
They told me about that guy Austin whom I told them about. They said that is the Dean's son. They told me he may act sweet and nice because of his dad. But when he is partying, he is the devil. He will do drugs, drug others, and everything else. Like seriously? Who does that? I guess if you have to be tied up all the time because of being the dean's son, you do some crazy shit when you are out. But he seemed really sweet. I do want to get to know him. Besides, everyone wants a taste of me.... I winked to myself.
Practice was actually not that bad. I am sore, I do admit but I liked it. Now I am sitting in the coach's office because he wanted to talk to me. I have no idea what about. So here we go.
He walked into the office and closed the door. He walked over and sat at the corner of his desk. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. I gulped from being nervous. I hope he isn't kicking me off the team already.
"I brought you in here because I wanted to talk about extra training. You are good and defiantly have potential. Better than half of our swimmers on the team. I think that extra training and extra swimming will improve you so much that you will be unstoppable and hard to beat." He explained. My face blushed and my eyes lit up. I can't believe he thinks that. That is so sweet.
"Yeah I can do that. I can do extra training." I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
"Now here is the thing." He started saying and sat in his chair.
"The pool usually closes at 8. But since you are going to be practicing a lot I am willing to trust you with my spare key. Can I trust you to use this only for practicing?" He asked. I nodded over and over again, my eyes staining on the key. He handed me the key and our fingers brushed next to each other. Electricity shot through my body. From head to toe. I gulped.
"Don't let me down." He pointed a finger at me. I nodded.
"I won't sir." I smiled. His eyes met mine and I could see hunger. Why would he be hungry? He just ate before practice. Wait.... Is he.... Hungry for me? No.... I snapped out of my gaze and stood up. He did the same and walked towards the door. He opened it up for me.
"Call me Bryan." He whispered into my ear. I gulped and nodded nervously. I walked out of the office and into the locker room. I grabbed my sweats and slipped them on. I slipped over my hoodie and ran out of the pool building. He made me so uncomfortable. I turned back to see if he was following me. Good, he wasn't. I turned back around and ran right into someone. Sending me to the ground right on my butt. God that hurt. I looked up to a hand offering me up. I looked to see whom it was. Austin. I smiled and took his hand in mine. He lifted me up off my feet.
"Why was you running out of the pool house?" He asked me curiously.
I thought of something to say. I have to lie to him. I can't tell him. Coach trusted me with the key. You can't trust the devil!
"I am hungry. I want something to eat. And when I am hungry, I turn into a beast." I laughed. Somewhat that wasn't a lie.....
"Let's go get you dinner. I'll buy." He offered. I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding. He offered his hand into mine. I took it and we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand. People had eyes on us on the way to this Mexican restaurant on campus. I heard mumbles from the people. 'Why is he with him?' "New boy is cute.' 'Austin only likes fresh meat that wasn't used.' The last part made me cringe. I am still a virgin, yes. But I.... I guess that does make me fresh meat.....
We sat down at one of the booths. No matter what, eyes were glued on us. They didn't not budge either. I guess they are wondering the same question that I was wondering. Which is, 'Why am eating dinner with the devil?' But hey, people say don't play with the devil. Who said I was playing?
"What can I get you guys to drink?" A waitress came up and ask. We both replied water and he ran off. My eyes were glued on the menu, afraid to even look up at Austin. Not going to lie, he scares me just a tad.
"So tell me about yourself." He asked after we ordered and our menus were taken.
I looked up at him and asked, "What would you want to know?"
He stared at me into the eyes. Austin has pretty brown eyes with a splash of yellow mixed in. Anyone could tell he was a dominate person by just looking at his eyes.
"Anything and everything." He shrugged his broad shoulders at me, taking a sip from his water.
"Well...." I started off, turning my head to the side to see if anyone was listening. "I am from NYC. My parents own this huge modeling agency and the headquarters are located in NYC also. I modeled for a few of their shoots and stuff. I was considered as a 'Rebel child' so they sent me off here. My favorite color is Blue. Love blue..... My favorite food of all time has to be pizza. Pizza is my babes." I smiled after I finished. He looked pleased by my answer so I continued to smile.
"So now it's your turn." I told him after a few seconds of silence. He nodded and looked up at the ceiling.
He looked back down and said, "I am the dean's son. Been here all my life. I have to younger sibling, Sara and Max. They are twins and are six years old. My favorite color is black. And I love pizza as well."
I looked up at him. My eyes met his and I could see right through him. It's like he is putting his wall down or something. Like, he is letting me see through him.
I could see that he is glowing on the inside. His face is lighting up as I continued to stare at him. He must in love with me or something. I wish I could feel the same but I don't. I am just playing along to whatever this is. Maybe he just wants to be friends. And I would like that. A lot actually.
Our food came after twenty minutes of talking about this and that. We ate in silence and after the dinner I told him I had tons of homework to do. Which was a complete lie. But I do have some that I never finished still. Austin believed me and walked me back to my dorm. Once we was at our dorm, He looked at me like he wanted to kiss me.
His eyes traveled down to my lips, and we stood in front of my door.
I gulped and he took a step closer. I was leaning against the door. His hands cupped my face and crashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first, but soon after, I responded. I did not expect to respond but I did. I am kissing the dean's son. Right in his school.
He licked my bottom lip, wanting access. I granted him the access and his tongue roamed inside my mouth, around my teeth making me moan into his mouth. Our lips fought for dominance that he won. He bit down on my bottom lip as he pulled away.
The door opened and I turned around to see Damian. He chuckled and shut his door. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Austin with anger into his eyes. Also Jealously.
"Why are you angry? And jealous?" I asked. He looked down at me.
"I am not. I just don't like him. He used to bully me all the time." He informed. Damian bullied Austin? Psh.... Like he would do that.
I looked back up at him, and pulled his face down to mine. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said and kissed him goodnight. I walked into my dorm and seen Damian sitting on the couch with his MacBook on his lap.
He looked at me and his eyes met mine. Oh how sweet those baby blue eyes are. I said in my head.
"Did you have to come out there?" I asked. He nodded and laughed.
"I heard moans. So I had to check out who it was." He said and then his eyes looked over to the floor. "Why are you kissing Austin? Remember what we told you at lunch? He will only hurt you. He will make you do drugs and everything else. You shouldn't get involved with him."
I raised an eyebrow at him. Who is he to tell me what to do? "He is not that bad actually. And who said I am getting involved? Maybe I just wanted to kiss a hot guy." I shrugged and walked over to the closet.
I slipped off my clothes, leaving me in my boxers. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist. "I'm going to get a shower." I said and walked out of the room.
I let the hot water glide down my back. Trying to get everything off of my mind. I miss my friends so much. I wish I could go back to when my parents actually cared and they let me have my friends over. But now..... God I hate them. I sighed and turned off the water. I wrapped my towel around my body and walked back to my room.
I laid in my bed and wondered what it would be like if everything was different. From family, to friends, to everything basically. Damian told me that he was going to sleep so I am sitting in the dark at eleven at night. I wish he would stay up and talk but I just let him sleep. I don't want to talk really. I like to keep my emotions inside and hide them. My grandma used to tell me that keeping your emotions inside will only hurt me and others in the end. I still don't know what she meant by that. But I guess when it happens, I will find out what her saying meant.
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