Good God almighty
"What on earth is he doing in Cheshire in 1844?" the Doctor said as she led Thor to the Tardis.
She thought Loki would have wandered into the middle ages or somewhere in the 22nd Century when Cheshire was an important intergalactic spaceport – but the Victorian Era Britain shocked her. That really didn't seem like the mischievous "God's" style. Ii was all too buttoned down and repressed for a creature known in some circles as the god of fire, mischief, and sex. Though Marvel would have you believe that he was a misunderstood mama's boy. Complex creature Loki – but a damned fine double's tennis partner – when he didn't cheat.
"The stones call to him and we only have one to find, the soul stone. He thinks it's there and then – he err borrowed the Eye of Agamotto from Strange and disappeared into the past before I could stop him," Thor said.
"He did leave me a note though and he's been flashing back in every couple of days but that was a week ago," he added as they arrived outside the Tardis.
"Home sweet home," the Doctor said opening the door with a flourish, smiling a knowing smile before looking expectantly at the Asgardian prince who walked in and looked around. She'd heard it all before but she'd humour him.
"Smaller than I expected," he said at last, dismissively walking around the console a couple of times and running his hands across the desk.
The Tardis made a noise that could have been mistaken for an hurrumph if she'd been human but instead was more of a wheezing sound.
But the doctor was indignant enough for the both of them. Okay, she'd thought she'd heard it all before but not that. Sure, Asgard was big and grand and golden but the Tardis – well she something special – not to be dismissed so offhandedly.
"A bit of that going about," the Doctor retaliated, running her eyes over the Asgardian stopping and throwing a pointed look towards his groin.
Thor rolled his eyes and laughed.
"It's a fine ship Doctor," he offered conciliatorily hanging up Molijnar on the coat rack near the door. The Tardis made a smug sound – she was worthy!
The Doctor laughed lightly, accepting the olive branch, wise move – Asgardian man-mountain or not, Thor didn't want to upset the Tardis, you did that at your peril, the Doctor had learned that lesson the hard way. She stroked her ship reassuringly moving the conversation back to the missing demi-god.
"So, you think he's met with foul play in Victorian Cheshire?" she asked trying not to scoff, he was a mage, a shape-shifter and frost giant (albeit a bit on the height challenged side) and Cheshire was peopled by farmers and ladies in bonnets, it felt like a silly prospect if she was honest but her guest seemed deadly serious.
"Aye – he was worried he was being watched, I worry that it's Thanos – he has bested him before," he added earnestly. The Doctor nodded, the thought of Thanos and Loki waging war in Cheshire back in the early Victorian era was a pretty horrifying thought.
"Strange hasn't gone looking for him?"
Thor sighed.
"Strange doesn't know the eye is missing yet," he said sheepishly.
The Doctor rolled her eyes.
"He made a copy," she said.
Thor nodded.
"He made a copy," he said ruefully.
"Strange is not going to be happy when he realizes, there seems to be a lot of rivalry between them."
The Doctor laughed.
"Wizard envy more like!"
"Okay, I'll go – but I'll need to make some preparations and I'll need your help before I leave.
"I'm coming with you," he said matter-of-factly.
"I work alone," the Doctor replied.
"That is not what I heard my-lady," he countered.
"I'm a new woman – I can blend in, I doubt the same could be said for you," she said looking over his imposing figure as she led him out of the console room and down one of the Tardis corridors to the dressing room.
"Loki seems to have managed it," he said pouting like a small boy who'd been told he couldn't go outside to play.
"Loki's a shapeshifter and a mage he could be anyone, you could have your own postcode," she said grabbing an outfit off the rack and moving behind the modesty screen.
"If it is Thanos you will need all the help you can get," he said trying not look towards the screen as more and more of the Doctor's garments were slung across it. His eyes bugged as her most womanly apparel hit the top of the screen.
"If it is Thanos he will be able to detect you before you even get there – anyway I don't know If Mjolnir can go through the space vortex, its energy is different to that of the Tardis," she said as she struggled into the knee length chemise that had to be worn under the dress she'd chosen. She'd much preferred to go commando as she had in her previous regenerations but society norms and gravity (and at least one bruised chin when she'd tried to run without support) had dictated otherwise. The Doctor picked up the infernal corset and stepped into it before stepping out from behind the screen.
"Now tighten me up my dear boy and I'll be on my way," she said standing in front of him.
Thor coughed loudly and went the fetching colour of his cape. THIS was not what he'd been expecting when he'd come searching for the Doctor an hour earlier. And he could now pretty much vouch for the fact that this Timelord was currently not the man Loki was expecting. She was wearing very little and her shape was visible through the thin white garment. Around her waist, she had some sort of strange armor.
"That's not going to protect you from much," he said looking at the weird garment in puzzlement.
"You'd be surprised," she laughed positioning it better and holding it to her body.
"Just pull the strings until I tell you when to stop."
Thor eyed the corset strings dubiously before gingerly grabbing them and pulling them with a little more gusto than needed. They broke and the force sent the doctor flying head first into the modesty screen while Thor ended up in a pile of coats and hats with a fez dropping on his head.
The Doctor sighed and grabbed another corset from the rack. This was going to be a long day, a very long day, 180 years long too long.
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