Extra 1.1 ~My Kind of White Valentines~
White Valentines. It's the most awaited day for men to receive chocolates, flowers, and love letters form girls. The girls give back to the men after receiving something from them. It's like a give and take. This happens every 19th of March. It's not like I have a problem with it though. The thing is, can it happen in reverse? Like, I want to give something to Sophia on White Valentines because I wasn't able to give her something on the Valentines day but would that seem weird? Also, what could I give her? Chocolates, flowers, and letters are too main stream and I know she would just make fun of me. Sigh. Anyhow, I have to think of something and I could just probably give it to her privately.
I went on ahead of Sophia because she had something to do at school, well at least that's what she said to me. But this is actually a good opportunity for me to look for something at the mall maybe? I might find something nice there. When I was walking along the park, I noticed how cold it was even if it's already March. I guess the cold doesn't go away that easily here. I didn't have a scarf so I will just endure this. I rubbed my arms and blew my breath on my hands. It's pretty cold for me. I looked around and memories of Sophia and I kept popping in my mind. It felt kind of nostalgic. I could remember those times when we played together, made sand castles, snow angels, play house together. When we grew up, Sophia started to be entranced with my music. She kept coming to my lessons since we were kids but I felt a sense of amazement from her as we grew older but she still kept cheering for me from we were kids up until now that we are both in high school. What made me fall in love with her was how supportive she was. I saw her beauty in all the supports she gave me. It's what drove me to be motivated to keep playing the piano. She amazes me all the time and until now, she never fails to amaze and support me.
I arrived at the mall only to find a lot of people inside. Since tomorrow is White Valentines already, this is like a rush? Like people buying gifts the last second? Maybe so. I glanced at cosmetic shops, clothes shops, shoes shops, and all other shops for women but none of them really sparked for me. I was walking around for more than an hour already and my feet were sore. There was a vacant bench near by so I decided to rest for a bit. Still glancing around, nothing really sparked for me. In disappointment, I exited the mall. Walking along the sidewalk, I spotted a pet shop. I saw a very small puppy who was sleeping very soundly. I stared at it for a bit and I found it really cute. I went inside the pet shop and I was greeted.
"Good afternoon sir! What can we do for you?", asked a sales lady.
"I want to take a closer look at that puppy.", I said as I pointed at the sleeping white puppy. The lady took the puppy.
"Try carrying it sir.", she said and smiled as she turned over the puppy to me. I carried it with both of my arms. It wasn't disturbed with any of the sounds or movements we were making. It was just sound as sleep. A minute later, it woke up. It looked at me and a second later, it licked my arm.
"Awwww it likes you sir.", the lady said. I smiled and Sophia came in to my mind. Then after thinking long and hard, I decided to buy this puppy.
"Sir, actually, we are not selling these animals in here. We're a shop that waits for people to adopt these angels. The puppy you are holding there was born just 3 months ago. We placed it there so that it will immediately belong to a loving family."
"Really? But what about these other animals?", I asked.
"Some of them have already been adopted and is ready for pick up. The others are still waiting to be adopted."
"Oh I see. But I wish I could do anything in return for this puppy.", I told them.
"You can at least inform people about adopting these dogs. It will be of much help."
"Really? Are you sure?", I asked.
"Of course. These animals aren't meant to be sold."
"Thank you so much and yes I will do my best to convince other people to adopt instead of buy." I later exited the shop, bringing with me the sleeping puppy.
I went to my house and did a change of clothes. I woke the puppy up and I placed a collar around his neck. Yes, it's a boy. Sophia then called me.
"Hey. What's up?", she asked.
"Nothing. Just here in my room. How about you? How's school work?"
"I was just done. Now I'm heading home."
"It's pretty late already. I'll come pick you up.", I told her.
"Okay. Meet me at 3rd Corner street.", she replied.
"Alright. See you." We both hung up our call and I decided to give this puppy to Sophia today. I mean, yeah it's a day early but what better day to give it privately, right? So I tied the puppy on a leash but I would still carry it on my arms. Both of us went out of the house. Along the way, the puppy kept moving. I wondered why then I decided to put him down. Then he actually started walking. We kept walking until I saw Sophia. I wonder how she's going to react to this.
Hey guys!!!! :) It's been awhile huh? I decided to make an extra. :D Hope you like it! Don't forget to hit that vote button of you like. :) Stay awesome guys and stay updated for the next part tomorrow! I wonder if Sophia will like the puppy? Will she? :)
- mitsuki09
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