Chapter Twenty-Seven
"Alright.", I said. Please... I hope I made the right decision. I went to my room and for the first time, I cried in pain.
"Good morning!", greeted a familar voice. I turned around and I saw Florence. A smile formed on my lips.
"Good morning.", I shyly greeted him back. He placed his right arm around my shoulders and he pulled me closer to him. It felt warm and sweet. I liked it.
"Do you want a lift?", he asked and without hesitation, I nodded. I think this made him happy as he held my hand and dragged me with him.
"Where's your bicycle?", I asked.
"It's being fixed. Don't worry, I'll be your bicycle today.", he replied.
"Eh?", I was confused. He then carried me like a princess. The people passing by looked at us.
"Florence, put me down!", I demanded. He just laughed and didn't listen. Struggling was useless. What's gotten into him? We arrived in school and he finally put me down.
"Thanks.", I said. Beads of sweat was streaming down Florence's forehead but he was still smiling. Then the thought about my weight came to me. I suddenly became embarrassed and I blushed. After looking at him, I thought that maybe he was sweating a lot because I was heavy.
"What's wrong? Your face is red.", he asked. Instead of replying, I looked for my handkerchief. Sheez! It's not here. Crap! I forgot to bring it! Good job. Just when I needed it. Truly, a job well done Sophia. While searching through my bag, I found my gym shirt. I took it out but instead of gently wiping it to his face, I accidentally hit his handsome face. I squeeled in shock.
"Oh my! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!", I said.
"Hey, are you really alright? You're acting weird.", Florence said.
"Weird?", I continued, "I'm not acting weird.", I replied.
"Oh. Alright. But are you letting me use your gym shirt?", he asked and I nodded.
"Okay.", he said as he wiped his face and wet hair. He still looked handsome even though his hair was wet and messy. I never realized how handsome my best friend was... like a prince charming.
"Day dreaming now are we?", he asked as his smirking face was inches away from mine. I stepped back and he chuckled.
"Let's go day dreamer.", he said as he walked first bringing with him both of our bags.
"Who are you calling a day dreamer?!", I asked in embarrassment.
I had to spend more time with her. I only had a little more time left. I also needed to know her answer. I have to ask her.
"Hey, let's eat together today.", I said. Sophia agreed and we went to the cafeteria.
"What would you want to eat?", I asked.
"The usual.", she replied.
"Alright. I'll go and order.", I said but before I could go, another guy had crashed onto a girl holding a tray. This girl then dropped her tray on Sophia who was now covered in food.
"I'm really sorry!", the girl apologized.
"No worries.", Sophia replied and just smiled. I took Sophia's hand.
"Let's get you changed.", I said and Sophia nodded. Before we went to the restroom, I took her gym pants from her bag and I took my gym shirt. I lent Sophia my gym shirt since I already used her gym shirt this morning. After a few minutes, Sophia came out of the restroom. She looked cute in my huge gym shirt.
"You look hot.", I complimented.
"So you find a girl in gym clothes, hot?", she asked. I laughed.
"Was that supposed to be a joke?", I asked. She smiled at me and she shook her head.
"Good joke you got there. Anyway, lunch break is almost over.", I said.
"But I'm so hungry.", Sophia complained. Then I had an idea.
"Hey, just wait for me in the classroom. Okay?", I said and before she could say anything else, I dashed my way towards the cafeteria. I looked at the school clock and I barely had five more minutes. I bought a sandwhich and a can of soda. After buying Sophia's lunch, I rushed myself towards our room. To my delight, Sophia was waiting for me outside the room and I had two more minutes left. I fell on my knees and I panted.
"Where have you been?", Sophia asked in surprise.
"Here.", I replied while I handed the bag to her while panting heavily. She took it and opened the bag.
"You bought me lunch?", she asked and I nodded. She kneeled infront of me and she kissed me on my cheek. This caught me off guard. My heart began to race. I did not expect that from her.
"Thank you.", she said but I was unable to reply since I was in shock.
"You're the bestest friend any one could have.", Sophia said and this my heart skip a beat. Call it corny but it really did. I fell even more and more in love with her. I tried to compose myself and I stood up.
"No problem. I didn't want my best friend to starve.", I said. Sophia opened the sandwhich and she tore a part of it.
"Say ahh.", she said.
"Wait. I'm fine. I'm not hungry.", I said but she really insisted. So I did open my mouth and she fed me.
"How is it?", she asked.
"It's good.",I replied and she smiled.
"I know right?", she asked and I just smiled at how cute she is.
One month has passed and everything went so well with Florence and I that I almost forgot that he confessed.
"See you next year class. Remember your assignment.", our teacher anmounced and left the room. Everyone was really excited to go.
"Hey, wanna head somewhere?", Florence asked.
"Hmmm... I want to eat some waffles and hot coco.", I replied.
"Alright. Let's go.", he said. When were about to exit the school building, it was snowing really hard. Florence took out his umbrella and he covered me. He placed his arm around my shoulders and I looked up to him.
"It's more convenient this way, right?", he asked. Also lately, he's been really sweet to me.
"O-okay.", I replied. What's with that crappy voice?! Get a grip and stop being embarrassed Sophia. He's your best friend. While walking, we spotted a coffee shop.
"Do you want to just stop by here? The snow fall is getting pretty strong.", Florence asked and I nodded since we didn't have any choice. We entered the coffee shop and I sat on a table for two while Florence ordered. I looked at his back and I just realized how huge it is. It felt safe for me for some reason. There I go again. Recently, I have been day dreaming about him. I somehow can't get him out of my mind.
"Here you go.", he lent me my cappuccino.
"Thanks.", I replied. We were sitting opposite each other and I drank my cappuccino. I looked out the window and I remembered when we were kids, I used to make snow angels with him. Then when we were up to it, we built a castle surrouded by a fortress.
"Why are you building a shield? They can't see our castle.", I asked.
"Because I need to protect my princess from bad guys. Since I am still a kid, I need a shield but when I grow up,", he stood up and faced me, "I promise to protect you with no shield.", he said. I smiled and said,
"I'm a princess? Yey!!", I exclaimed.
I mentally laughed. I was so stupid back then. I was only attracted to being a princess. I never realized that what Florence said back then was sweet and reassuring. Kids... We were still innocent back then.
"What's wrong?", he asked.
"I just remembered that we used to make snow angels.", I replied. But I bet he already forgot what he said to me back then.
"I know. Then there was this one time where we built a fortress around our castle.", he replied. This surprised me because he still remembered. I wonder if he still remembered what he said?
"Yeah. It was pretty awesome.", I said. Hours ticked by and I didn't even notice that it was already six in the evening.
"We have to get going. It's getting late.", he said. We went out of the coffee shop and walked along the sidewalk.
"Hey.", Florence said.
"Yeah?", I wondered. He faced me and I wondered why.
"I actually don't have much time left.", he said.
"What do you mean?", I asked in worry but he just remained silent.
"Are you hiding something from me? Tell me what's wrong.", I asked. Florence placed his palm on my cheeks. I placed my hands on top of his palms.
"Florence?", I said his name. He looked so serious yet so sad. I wanted to comfort him so bad. I didn't know how. The snow came down on us. Under a huge tree along the deserted sidewalk, Florence and I stood there. I gasped when I saw tears streaming down his face. I became reslly worried.
"Hey...", I whispered, "What's wrong?", I asked.
"I'm going away.", Florence said. Time has stopped for me and I remembered what Jordan asked me. If he was going to leave you one day, can you bare it? My eyes widened in horror as the fact registered on my mind. He was going away? My best friend will be separated from me?
"No.", I said.
"Sophia...", Florence said in a pained voice.
"No!", I yelled! I started to cry. I didn't want to be separated from him.
"I don't want to be separated from you! I can't...", I can't bare the loneliness, "I 'll feel lonely without you. I can't stand the fact not being with you... you not being here beside me... I wouldn't feel complete if you're not here.", I cried. Florence slightly pulled away from me with his hands on my shoulders.
"Sophia, can I kiss you?", he asked. This made me cry even more. I wanted him to be mine. I nodded and he gently kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, and he gave a gentle peck on my lips. This made both of us smile.
"Seriously. At a time like this...", I said. He chuckled and now he kissed me ever so gently. It was so warm despite the snow that had fallen down from the sky. The coldness of our surroundings was wiped away by how warm his kiss is. His arms were now wrapped around my hips while he was leaning down kissing me. I placed my arms around his neck and without a care for the world, we treasured the warm kiss we shared on that winter day.
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