Chapter Twenty-One
"Alright! Test begins in five. Review while you can and fix your things in two minutes.", the teacher announced. Sigh, I hope I do good or Florence would make fun of me. I fixed my things and placed my bag underneath my desk. We were all one seat apart from each other. I looked around and I noticed my classmates were nervous as I was. I looked at my pen and I could feel my hand sweating and shaking. I shook my head and lightly slapped both of my cheeks. You can do this. Trust in yourself. You studied really hard for today so do your best Sophia Wright! The teacher was done giving out the test papers and I could hear the sound of the papers being flipped. One hour passed by and English was done. One hour passed by again and Sciene was done. History, Literature, French, Math, and Geo all passed by in mere hours.
"Okay. The exams are over. Good work everyone. Read the note I posted on the board. Deadline will be next week.", the teacher said as he took all of his things and left the room. My classmates were all pissed off and tired. I can hear their clamoring voices.
"Another assignment?", I asked myself. I accidentally gazed at Florence. He turned his head and once we made eye contact, he turned away like he was avoiding me. What was that about? Is he actually mad at me? I hurriedly got my bag and chased after him. I didn't see him along the halls but I bet he's still around school. I looked around for him and I spotted him inside the school gym. He was alone. He took off his polo and he was now only wearing his loose sleeveless white shirt. I could see his muscly back and strong arms. I never knew he had a nice body. Does he even work out? He never told me that he works out. He turned around and I hid right away. I hope he didn't see me. It was silent. I sighed in relief. Good thing he didn't see me. I wanted to peek. I turned my head a bit so I could see him but this was what happened.
"I did see you, you know.", he said while looking at me with that bored face. I gasped and jumped in surprise seeing him already standing behind me.
"Don't scare me like that.", I said.
"I wasn't trying to scare you.", he replied.
"Yes you did!", I said. Florence sighed and started to walk away in to the gym. I looked at him as he was trying to get a ball from the basket.
"What do you want?", he asked. I looked at him and he looked at me so gently like he was searching for the answer; an answer that could only come from me.
"I came because of curiosity.", I replied. He just smiled and then turned away while getting the ball. He started dribbling around the court. He jumped and threw the ball. It was a perfect 3 point shot.
"Wow.", I said in awe. I didn't know he was good in basketball. I looked at him as he combed his hair with his hand. Wait. What am I thinking?! I can't just go and day dream about my own bestfriend.
"Do you like it?", he asked with a smirk on his face. I can't help but hide a smile.
"Not one tiny bit.", I replied.
"Oh I see.", he said. He passed the ball to me and I caught it with my two arms.
"Let me see you play.", Florence said. I smiled as I started to dribble the ball. Running towards the ring, I looked back and saw Florence chasing behind me.
"I won't let you.", he said. He was pacing and I was about to jump to make a shot when all of a sudden he caught me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We both laughed hysterically as we found ourselves sitting on the floor with Florence still not letting go of me.
"See what you did? I was almost going to show off my slamdunk!", I said.
"Oh really? I change my mind about wanting to see you play.", he replied. Is he up to something? For some reason, I unexpectedly felt comfortable sitting with him while holding me like this.
I knew that while we were both sitting here together and me holding her like this, I knew that she really felt comfortable. I can read my best friend's mind or her actions. She's easy to understand and she's an open book. I think that's what I love about her.
"Do you want me to let go?", I asked. She was really getting comfortable but I didn't mind though. I liked it like this. I wish we could stay like this for the whole time. I felt her shook her head and I hid my smile. Dammit she's making me silently fluster! Is my cheek blushing?!
"Someone might see us.", I replied. Yeah I wanted for us to stay like this but not here. Teachers might see us. Talk about the right time at the wrong place. Tch!
"Oh. I'm sorry.", she said. I pulled away and she stood up.
"I have to go.", Sophia said as she took her bag.
"Do you want a ride home?", I asked. I hope she says yes. It's been forever since we last went home together.
I turned around; making myself face away from him since after asking me, I couldn't help but feel happy so I turned away so that he wouldnn't see me smile.
"If that's okay with you. I won't force you. Maybe you might have some appointments like Ken and stuff.", Florence added. Hearing him say that felt like a pinch in the heart. I want to go home with him! Unconciously, I turned around and shouted.
"I don't have any appointments today!" Florence looked at me in shock and I swear to god my faced just turned red and I immediately turned away. I heard Florence chuckle and this made my heart race in embarrassment.
"Okay. You didn't have to shout it out though.", Florence said. I sensed like someone was walking towards me. Then I felt a pat on top of my head. I looked up and I saw Florence smile at me.
"Let's go?", he said and I just went with the flow and nodded. We were now at the parking lot where I saw his bicycle. It looked like it was new. Did he buy a new one?
"Is that new?", I asked.
"Nope. I just did some things to make it look pretty. Besides, I don't want to let this thing be ugly when the person who rides it with me is beautiful.", he said as he was unlocking the chains on his bicycle. Beautiful? Was he talking about me? I felt so embarrassed right now.
"Hop in.", he said. I placed my bag in the basket in front of him and I sat at the back. Just like before, he drives at a neutral pace because I know that he's thinking about my safety. I was holding my seat since I was too nervous to wrap my arms around his waist. Hold on dear, since when have you been nervous around him? Could that mean that you actually like him? Wha - ?! How could I possibly like my own best frriend? Sure, I like him but not like the romantic kind of like. He's my best friend on top of that! I'm pretty sure he likes someone else and I will support him all the way! After all, that's what best friends do, right?
"You're gonna fall if you don't hold on to me.", Florence said.
"I know that.", I replied.
"Then hold on.", he said. I didn't have any other choice but to ignore this nervous feeling and hold him. I didn't exactly wra my arms around him but I just held on to his shirt.
"That's more like it.", he said. Wait, so he's okay with this? I'm just holding his shirt unlike before where I always hug him. I guess things do change over time.
I thought that maybe she would hug me like she always does but instead she was just holding the tip of my shirt. Well, I couldn't force her though since we just had an argument and I think we were already getting along. So, I didn't want to ruin that. As long as she is holding me, I'm good with that. I just have to drive slowly so she wouldn't fall off.
"Can we stop by at music shop?", she asked.
"Is there even a music shop here?", I asked back.
"Yeah. It's the place where I bought my flute.", she replied.
"Alright. Just tell me where to go.", I replied. She told me the directions until we arrived at a certian deserted street. Well, it wasn't too deserted but it was a bit deserted. I parked by bicycle and both of us hopped off. I didn't even know that there was a music shop here.
"Let's go in.", I said. I was feeling a bit excited about this store since it is a music store. Sophia and I went in together and I young boy, about our age greeted us.
"Long time no see!", he said. What? Does he know her? More likely, do they know each other?
"It's been awhile. I wasn't able to come since we just had our exams and I needed to study.", Sophia replied. Ohh so she's been studying? What a huge improvement! I'm so proud of her!
"So, how did the exams go?", he asked.
"It was okay, I guess? I mostly answered everything but I'm not quite sure of the rest.", she replied.
"That's okay. I know you'll pass.", he said and Sophia just smiled.
"By the way, who's he?", he asked as he was pointing at me.
"Oh, sorry. This is my best friend, Florence.", Sophia introduced me.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jordan, the co-owner of this store.", he said. He's the owner of this store?!
"Nice to meet you too.", I replied and both of us shook hands.
"She talks a lot about you.", Jordan said. Sophia walked away and looked around the shop.
"Really?", I asked. Somehow, this made me happy.
"Yeah. She told me how awesome you are at piano. She also told me that you recently got in to a fight and she says that it's her fault and she wanted to make up with you but she doesn't know how.", he said. ehh... he sure knows quite a lot. Is he the spokes person for Sophia or something?
"Yes we are and we haven't been able to talk to be together lately until today.", I replied.
"I know I don't have the right to say anything but I do have the right to give you advice since I'm the person who Sophia shared her problem with. If you both really are best friends, then that isn't a problem, really. This conflict should just be so little for both of you. Infact, you both shouldn't even be fighting over this little misunderstanding. I suggest that you should make up quickly. Even though you're not at fault, if you treasure your friendship and your best friend, you would make the first move. I know Sophia's a little embarrassed to make up with you because she told me.", Jordan. Wait, just how much did Sophia tell you about our history?
"To tell you the truth, you're giving an opportunity for guys to get her. She's pretty and easy going. I could tell she's a good person.", Jordan said.
"Wait, don't tell me you're after her?", I asked.
"By analysing your question, would that mean that you were actually after her?", he asked back. Bullseye.
"No. Sure, I like her but I don't have plans to break our friendship. I want to go out with her but I know she doesn't want that.", I replied.
"So it's game over before it even started, huh?", Jordan asked.
"I suppose.", I replied. We were silent for a moment but Jordan broke the silence.
"Don't worry. Don't take me as your rival. I have no plans on ruining your plans or your friendship.", he said as he tapped my shoulder and approached Sophia.
"So, you find anything good for your flute?" So Sophia wants to make up with me but is just to embarrassed to do so?
"Yeah. I need a cute case for my flute and I like this one." Jordan's right. I should make the first move. I need to talk to her. I'll talk to her later and set things on track again.
Chapter 21 is out guys! So, what do you think? Isn't Jordan a nice guy? :")
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