Chapter Twelve
Tomorrow is finally the day. I'm nervous and at the same time excited.
"Okay. That's enough." Mrs. Flinn ordered. I stopped playing.
"Why did you even think of changing your piece Mr. Johnson? The event is already tomorrow and yet you had the guts to start from trash!" She scolded me. Yeah I need a little more practice but I wanted to play this song so bad. How come I haven't realized this ages ago?
"For your information Mrs. Flinn, this song isn't trash." I got pissed off. She turned around and opened the door.
"Trash or not, you will not change the piece! Practice the other song!" She yelled and slammed the door. I sat on the floor and stared at the score sheet. Mom, what will I do? I wanna play your song. I don't care if I win or not, I want everybody to listen to the song you made. I felt a cold breeze and I shivered. Woah, that was creepy. I looked at the black board and saw a heart at the lowest corner of the board.
"So I should listen to my heart then? Thanks mom." I stood up and continued to practice my mom's song.
I need to hurry. I have to go to my best friend's practice! Ugh. Curse this Supreme Council meeting. Being the president isn't easy. I have a lot of paperwork and meetings. But this meeting has been going on for an hour already. I really have to go!
"That's what we'll be doing tomorrow." The secretary announced. Everyone agreed and so did I.
"Okay. So everyone, that ends the meeting for today. We'll hold another meeting on Monday. Take note of your duties. You're all dismissed."I announced. Everyone started to clear up while I dashed my way to the music room. I peeked and saw Florence still playing the piano. Mrs. Flinn was coming to the door. She opened it and looked at me.
"Your best friend is really stubborn Ms. Wright. Please do something about it." She walked away. What? What's she talking about? I went in the music room.
"You're late." He told me.
"We had a meeting for the event tomorrow. I'm sorry." I apologized.
"It's okay. I'm not done anyway." He stared at the keyboard.
"What happened between you and Mrs. Flinn? Something wrong?" I asked.
"I'm going to play Comme Amour again. It's Mrs. Flinn's orders." He told me with a monotonous voice. I was disappointed there.
"Why? Your mom's song was already nice. I was sure you'd win." I encouraged him.
"I haven't mastered the song yet." He said. I went and sat beside him.
"Your fingers might've not mastered it, but your heart does." I told him. He looked at me and smiled.
"If you want to play your mom's song, then go on. Who cares what Mrs. Flinn says? She's not the one competing, right?" I encouraged him. He nodded and he started to play. It was really a beautiful song. I tell it's really touching. I know that someone else composed the song but Florence believes that it's his mom who made it even though he knows that she didn't. He practiced really hard. I bought him dinner and we ate there. He practiced until eleven in the evening. We were halted by the school guard. I told him that I am the Supreme Council President of the entire school so he let us pass. It's nice to be the president. You can control almost everyone, including the teachers. As he played the song, I stared at his caramel eyes. His eyes are so sexy but dull sometimes. That was it. The night ended and I wished my best friend God's blessing.
I really practiced hard last night. Sophia even stayed with me late at night because she supports me. She is a true friend. Okay, so today is the day. I woke up with aching hands. Wait, aching hands?! NO! Please. I can't play with these hands. They hurt so bad. Ugh! But I have to do it even though it hurts. I can't disappoint everyone, most especially my best friend. I got up and took a shower. I dipped my hands into the cold water and let the aching do a disappearing act. I hope it does go away. I don't also want to disappoint myself. After taking a shower. I wore my casual wear. Sweat pants, V-neck white t-shirt, and converse shoes. I left my hair in its messy look. I grabbed my paper bag where my costume was kept. I walked down the stairs and saw my brother still in his pajamas. I knelt in front of him while he was rubbing his cute little caramel eyes.
"Hey, I'm going out first okay? Mrs. Wright will be here to pick you up. She'll take care of you."
"Big brother, where's breakfast?" He asked in his sleepy voice. My little brother is really cute. Seeing him in his pajamas, his hair having that messy look, and hugging his big brown teddy bear that Sophia gave him the other day makes him look so adorable.
"It's there on the table. Sorry I can't eat breakfast with you today Michael. Today's the concert. You'll be watching me play the piano later. Isn't that exciting?" I told him. His eyes sparkled and his lips turned into a wide smile. He nodded fast and I patted his hand. I stood up and kissed his forehead.
"I'll go now. Be sure to be there with Mrs. Wright okay?" I told him. He just smiled at me. Before I nearly closed the door, he shouted.
"Take care big brother. I love you!" Awww... isn't that just sweet?
"I will. I love you Michael." I couldn't help it. I went in and kissed his cheek before finally heading myself to school. I hustled my way to the parking lot of the school. I
parked my bicycle and took my paper bag out of the basket. I ran to the stadium and went backstage. I saw a lot of people here. They were all so busy for the preparation. I saw a lot of parents who were taking care of their child who were participating in the contest. They took pictures and stuff. Unlike me, I was alone. I don't have parents anymore who'd be here supporting me. I went to my dressing room. The contestants have their own dressing rooms by the way. I went in and it was empty. I saw a sofa at the right side and a water dispenser at the left. There was a dresser in front of me. I placed my paper bag on the couch and sat in front of the mirror. I sighed and looked at myself.
"Good luck out there Florence. I know you can do it." I cheered myself since I was alone. Mrs. Wright told me that she doesn't know if she could make it here. Sophia told me she has a meeting will try her best to be here to cheer me on. All I could think of is, I know for certain that they can't make it. I walked towards the couch and took my costume out of the bag. I dressed myself up. I was wearing a white long sleeve polo with a black tuxedo which had two long tails at the back paired with long black pants and black leather shoes. I really looked like a real musician. There was this puff on my chest like those clothes you see in the Old English themed movies.
"Wow. You look handsome." I heard a voice behind me. I turned to look who it was. To my surprise, it was my best friend. I was really happy to see her.
"Hey." I smiled to her.
"Hey. You ready?" She asked.
"Sure am! You'll be watching me, right?" I asked her. I wanted her to watch me play so badly. I wanted her to be proud of me.
"Of course. I'm one of the judges. I just knew about this at the meeting awhile ago. When I knew about it, I came rushing here." She told me with a smile plastered on her face.
"How did you find my room?" I asked curiously.
"I was assigned with the dressing rooms for the contestants so I'd know where you'd be. Florence listen. I can't give you a perfect score just because you're my best friend. They said not to be unfair. So I'll play fair. The judges, including me, will grade you based on the history of your piece, the arrangement of the notes, and most especially the delivery of the piece. I know that you can do it. Honestly, three days ago, I found out that someone had the same piece as you. So I told and demanded him that he'll change the piece he'll be playing since you got it first. He didn't want to but I told him that if he won't do it, I'll disqualify him myself since I'm the chair of the board of directors."
"Wow. Stubborn as always huh? But thanks. I really appreciate it. I'll really do my best. I won't let everybody down." I cupped Sophia's face and smiled.
"Especially you." Her face turned red and I knew right then that she was blushing.
"Geez. Why do you always tease me like this." She pouted. There goes the pouting again. I love it when she does that. She looks so cute. She placed both of her hands on both of my shoulders.
"Good luck. I know you can do it!" She cheered me on. I nodded and she went out of the room. I heard people screaming and the emcee was starting to talk. I guess this is it. Mom, please be with me. Watch me play our song.
I was wearing a long baby blue gown. My hair was curled and I wore dangling earrings and black heels. Yeah, I had to wear this since I'm on of the judges. The Chair of the Board of Judges to be exact. The contestants were called individually and they lined up on stage. After the last contestant, the emcee announced.
"Okay, so after the introduction of the contestants, I'll now introduce to you the Board of Judges. First is a music teacher from Belmonte Academy. Please welcome Mr. William Wilkins." The people applauded.
"Our second judge is a music instructor at Harvard University and a music director at Great Music Arts Companies of Miami. Please welcome Ms. Jasmine Ykslovakia." Everybody stared at her and gave her an applause. Of course, who wouldn't stare at her. She's so hot and sexy. Even Florence looked at her! Ugh! Wait, am I jealous?! Hell no! I am not jealous.
"And our third judge is a third year high school student of this school. She's the Supreme Council President and is a renowned student for high remarks for music and arts at New York University and at Harvard University. She received a platinum award for the International Music Lounge five years ago for an astounding performance with playing the cello and a golden award two years ago for being the most perfect violinist of the year. Please help me welcome, the Chair of the Board of Judges, Ms. Sophia Wright." Everybody gave me an applause. I walked on stage and Florence stared at me giving me an "I-didn't-know-you-were-all-that" face and a "I-didn't-know-you-were-a-musician-how-come-you-didn't-tell-me?" face. I smiled at him and decided to tell him later.
"Any message for the participants from the Chair?" The emcee handed me the microphone and cleared my throat.
"To all the participants of the Inter School Music Contest, good luck to you all. You are all champions already for making it here today. All I can say is, may the Holy God be with you all. Make your parents proud." I smiled and them.
"Let us give the Chair a round of applause and also for the Board of Judges." Me and the judges sat at our table and I sat at the middle. I looked at the back and I was relieved to see my mom and Michael seated just two rows behind me. I turned to face the stage and a girl stepped on stage holding a cello. Yeah, the cello and violin are my favorite instruments.
"Good morning everyone. My name is Sheniah Twin. I'm going to play Triste Coeur by Richard Clayderman. It's about a sad heart longing for true love." She announced. She looked at me and I nodded signalling her to start playing. The piece lasted for about six minutes. It was a wonderful song but,
"Thank you for that wonderful song Ms. Twin." The first judge announced.
"It's good to see you play the cello so well. Your fingers are flexible and you played the song with no mistakes." The second judge looked at me. I stared at the participant and changed my gaze to the cello.
"Any reactions or comments Ms. Wright?" The emcee asked. I stood up and took my microphone.
"I appreciate what you have played for us this morning Ms. Twin. I know that you have practiced well enough. What I'm disappointed with is the combination. The instrument and the the piece did not match. I know that song Ms. Twin and that song was originally composed for a piano not for a cello. I know it sounded nearly perfect but you did not study the qualities of the piece, now have you? But all in all, it was a good performance." I sat down and the judges looked at me in amazement. Both of them whispered to me.
"We did not notice that at all Ms. Wright."
"You're really good in music Ms. Wright. I studied music for almost twenty years now and yet I did not notice that almost unrecognizable mistake." I smiled at them.
"It's because you were drowned in her music. She delivered it well. Remember, the participants are here to please us. As judges, we should focus on the details even the tiniest ones. We shouldn't lose our focus and be drowned into the pleasing music that we hear." They looked at me and nodded. Three participants went on. Each of them played good music. I even gave a perfect score to the third participant. It was really good and I remembered our old house back in Brooklyn.
"We have witnessed four participants and they have given their best to deliver and play good music. Here's our last participant. Please welcome Florence Johnson from University of Miami!" The emcee announced. Every clapped their hands and a lot of people from our school cheered him on. I stared at him and I saw a really big bruise on his hand. Oh my gosh! Is that because he practiced hard last night?! I'm really worried. I put my hands together and prayed.
"God, please be with him."
I looked around and saw Mrs. Wright and Michael. He was waving his hand in the hope that I saw him. I waved back at him and he gave me a thumbs up. I looked at me beautiful best friend. But wait, is she praying? Oh. She probably already saw my bruise. I bet she's really worried. She stood up and took the microphone.
"Good morning Mr. Johnson."
"Good morning to you too Ms. Wright."
"What have you prepared for all of us today?"
"I'm going to play Confessions in the Moonlight by Joe Hisaishi." Before I could continue, Mrs. Flinn went near the judges. I bet she's against the piece I'm going to play. This caused a commotion from the audience. I looked at Sophia giving her the "please-don't-disqualify-me" look. She looked back at me and winked.
Mrs. Flinn came rushing to us and whispered.
"Isn't this against the rules? That the participant won't play his designated piece?" She asked us. I silenced her.
"I'm not speaking as his best friend but I'm speaking right now as the chair of the board of judges. Actually Mrs. Flinn, there are no rules. Don't you remember? This is a free contest. The major aim of this event is the originality and delivery of the piece. Am I correct Ms. Jasmine?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Excuse me Mrs. Flinn, I don't mean to be rude but you're the event producer right? How can you forget that there are no rules in this contest. You even clearly said to me that the participants are free to choose their own music. May it be historical or modern as long as they are able to deliver it well and they re able to add their own composition. Please don't make your own rules." I told her. Defeated, she said.
"I'm sorry Ms. Chair. It was rude of me to forget such detail." She went away and I took the microphone.
"Please do tell us the history of your music Mr. Johnson." I told him. He was startled and took his microphone. I smiled at him and I guessed he calmed down. He's really cute when he's nervous. It makes me want to tease him.
"Actually, I picked this song because of my mom. The first time I heard this was when I was five. Our father left us and it was only me and my mom. I cried because my father was my only playmate since my mom was a military officer and she was always away. She went to the piano and started to play the piece. She told me it's alright. I'm here for you. You are not alone. I'll always be here for you. I knew what she told me even though she hasn't said anything because of the music. She was able to talk to me through music. Through this piece, she was able to tell me how she loves me. This time, now that she's gone because of the Afghanistan war, I'm going to dedicate this song to her." Most of the people got teary eyed and even Mrs. Flinn cried. Yeah, history is tragic and pitiful but at the same time it was a happy history. I went to the piano and sat on the chair. I placed the sheet in front of me and I started to play.
"Honey, please don't cry."
"Mommy is crying too. Mommy, why did Daddy leave us?" I asked.
"He's happier that way honey. He has someone to go to now. Please don't cry anymore honey." She wiped my tears but I was still crying.
"Do you want me to play a music for you?" She smiled at me. I nodded and sat beside her. She started to play with the piano. I really cried at first but I started to calm down. Her music soothed me. After she played the music, I looked at her.
"I love you too mommy." She cried and I hugged her. She hugged me and said,
"I love you much more Florence honey. I'll never leave you. I promise. Even if I die, I'll always be taking care of you."
I was finished playing. I looked around and saw a lot of people crying. Some of them were wiping their tears and I heard a lot of I love you mommy or I love you daddy. I didn't know what I did but while I was playing it, I only thought of my mom and no one else. I touched my cheek and it was wet. I cried? I wiped the tears off my face and it seemed that it won't stop falling. I looked at the back of the audience and saw my mom. I started to cry. To think that she'd show up like that. She was smiling at me and she disappeared. Geez mom, I wish you were still alive right now. I wouldn't be suffering like this.
"Okay Mr. Johnson. Thank you for that stupendous music. I got really touched. Yeah, I remembered my dad. You know what happened right? But enough of that, you made the audience cry too. Not only me but also these two judges. Indeed your music touched the hearts of many. You've perfectly matched the piece and the instrument." Sophia sniffed. She grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears. I wish I was the one who wiped it.
"Mr. Florence Johnson, am I correct?" Ms. Jasmine, one of the judges asked me. I nodded and she continued.
"As what Ms. Wright said, you've touched the hearts of many. I can see that you have the potential to become a famous musician one day. What would you like to be when you grow up?" She asked.
"I want to be a soldier just like my mom." She smiled at me and said,
"Then pursue that dream. I know she'll be happy for you." She placed the microphone down. Then the last judge, Mr. Wilkins stood up and said,
"I was one of the judges during the auditions and I told you to master your piece. I gave you a chance to participate in this competition and when you played that piece today, not only did you astound me but you really delivered your music excellently Mr. Johnson. I must say, your music reminded me of someone that I cared for. Anyway, enough chit chat. You did great Mr. Johnson." He sat down. I said my thanks and everybody clapped for me.
"Indeed, your music touched the hearts of many Mr. Johnson. Thank you so much." The emcee said. I went backstage and waited for the results. After fifteen minutes, the emcee announced.
"And the results are in! The winner of this competition is none other than, Mr. Florence Johnson! Congratulations!" Everyone cheered. I went on stage and Sophia was there waiting for me holding my trophy.
"Even with that bruise, you still managed to win." She whispered.
"Don't underestimate me." I smirked. She giggled and handed me the trophy. Thank God I won. All my hard work paid off. After the event, Mrs. Wright and Michael went in my dressing room.
"Congratulations honey." She said. Michael hugged me and gave me a sun flower. I was kinda expecting for a rose but this is alright.
"Congratulations big brother!" He smiled at me.
"Thanks guys. Have you seen Sophia?" They looked at each other and shook their heads. She's probably busy with entertaining those people. We waited for almost two whole hours but she didn't show up. I was starting to worry so I went out and both of them followed me. I asked the judges where she was but they said she left an hour ago to look for me. I asked different people but they didn't see her.
"Oh Sophia? I saw Brandon take her."
"Wait, Brandon who now?" I asked.
"You know, Brandon Evans. The guys that got expelled in our school. He grabbed her and took her somewhere in a car.
" Oh no. Why did he come back?!
A cliff hanger!!!
Hey guys! This is a really long chappie huh? Well, this chappie is pretty touching and nice. I almost cried while making this.
So, you like my story? Hit VOTE and CONTINUE TO READ ON J You can comment if you liked my story or if you have any reactions J Don't worry. I'll post some pictures of the other characters later. I already posted Sophia Wright, Florence Johnson, Michael Johnson, and Mr. Collin's photos. Just stay updated!
I wonder where Brandon took her... hmmm... look forward to it in the next chapter!
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