5.3 A Death in the Family
Dan sat in the car with his two new companions watching the dark figures move about the building. It had been a long time since he had flown planes here as a kid, but for a vacant airfield the place had gone to shit.
Something unnatural had happened here and the signs if it were everywhere. Alien looking plants grew in abundance, their dark foliage covered the land. Where there had been a lot of brush, now a twisted forest of thin tree like things sprung out of the ground.
They had parked several hundred meters back because Jace had been too chicken shit to drive through the stuff, but he could hardly be blamed for that. If Dan hadn't known better he might have thought they were on another planet.
Besides the question of what happened to the landscape, there was another, bigger question. Dan could see how they had run out of fuel on the road past the base, and he could see that Carl and whoever his friend was, had sought shelter in the building. Luckily for them, the place had a two way and Dan couldn't help but wonder if they had even known about the radio. But for the life of him, he couldn't work out why the creatures hadn't killed them yet.
He could feel Jace shaking in the front seat as he lent between them for a better view and Beth was strangely silent. Whatever they were, they scared the shit out of these two and that was enough to put the wind up Dan.
"What the fuck are they?" He asked the obvious question, wishing the others would just say something, he hated awkward silence himself, preferring just to say what he was thinking.
"We don't know, but they are strong." Beth spoke first.
"Crazy strong and smart too." Jace added. "It's what attacked me in the hardware shop and grabbed Carl that night we came to the hotel."
"But you don't know what they are?"
"I think they are zombies." Jace spoke hesitantly "I think it's what Zombies become when they eat lots."
"Why do you say that." Beth asked confused.
"Because they were human. I mean I could tell it was a person when it got close to me, but they are not people now and we have seen what happens to zombies when they don't eat. I'm guessing this is the flip side."
"So they are super fucking zombies?" Dan sprayed it.
"They are more like a cross I think, I don't fucking know, I'm only guessing."
"Carl are you there?" Dan spoke into the CB.
"Still here." His reply came in short.
"We are here." Dan paused for a second before adding. "Did you know there are a bunch of black creatures outside?"
"What?" The shock in Carl's voice was evident.
"I'll take that as a no then."
"Shit, why aren't they coming in here?" Carl sounded worried.
"They look like they want to but are unsure about it." Dan summed it up as best he could.
"Shit, I have to get out of here."
"Carl." Dan paused for a second. "You say your friend is dead, are you sure you can trust him?"
"I thought I could, but now I'm not so sure."
"Hold tight man, we are coming to get you." Dan let radio fall on the centre console. "Are you fucking ready for this Jace?"
"No, I'm not ready." Dan could see the trembling now as well as hear it in his voice. "Let's hurry up and do it before I lose my nerve."
"Aye, let's." Dan clasped Jace's shoulder firmly. "Beth, keep the car running and drive if you see them coming this way."
"Pop the boot." Jace asked with his bravest face on.
"Stay safe." Dan chose as his parting words before following Jace to the rear of the vehicle.
"So do you have something sharp for me?" He jested trying to take the edge off.
"I thought you had a bat?" Jace's voice wavered but the dig got through. The truth was, Dan hadn't been prepared for such hard targets and he didn't mind upping Jace that bit either, the kid needed it badly.
"Well I don't fancy playing an over with this lot."
"Machete?" Jace offered.
"Good as anything I suppose." The time for consideration was over and the situation wasn't getting any better, so the sooner they made their move the better. "You ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Jace lowered the boot without latching it.
The tall, thin trees were more solid than they looked, scratching arms and faces as they brushed past them. The ground thick with some kind of dark moss was like walking on thick carpet as they approached the building. The building itself was little more than a transportable room, but it was large enough to hold club meetings for the local fliers. Still, Dan wondered what had stopped the dark monsters from getting in, it sure as fuck wasn't the design. Structurally it would have had trouble keeping out a draft.
The dark things moved, making room for the new intruders, keeping a respectful distance that Dan found creepy. As if they knew something that the humans didn't, they were cautious and that was the scariest thing. Caution came from fear and since when did the dead fear anything, least of all a meal.
The door opened easily and Dan let Jace in first, before following him inside, almost sending the lad over as he crashed into the back of him. It only took a moment to understand why he had stopped so suddenly. A large blackish, blue creature stood clearly over Carl, it's blue eyes alive and searching as it held its arms out wide.
"Wait." Carl spoke "He's on our side."
"What the fuck?" Dan stared "Are you sure, because he looks a lot like the fuckers outside."
"Did they attack you?"
"We didn't exactly give them the chance." Jace shook so much Dan was surprised he could get the words out. "We have to go, Beth is in the car."
Carl was already clambering to his feet. He had seen better days for sure, he moved like an eighty year old and blood stained his dark skin from a bite in his cheek that had taken a sizable chunk. The big thing moved forward and Jace's knuckles went white around his garden fork, while Dan held his glock keeping it tucked in the back of his pants. And just like that, he walked past them and was gone.
"What do you expect us to do with him?" Dan said, helping Carl along.
"He hasn't just helped me, he saved my life." Carl's stare was unnerving. "At least give him a chance."
"I hope you're right."
Fuck it Dan thought to himself, he can't be any crazier than some of the humans out there, there had been a reason he had stayed alone for so long.
Emerging from the doorway was a curious sight. A ring had formed around Carl's protector, who Dan noticed was brandishing a knife. As the humans emerged the knife wielding one became more active. Dan got the impression that he talked a big talk. Whatever fear had been holding them back, seemed to evaporate as they moved to surround their prey.
Jace's sudden yelling and charge took everyone by surprise. As though he sensed the coming battle and wanted to die first. Instead the creature backed away. His bravery was like a kick in the pants for Dan as he ran forward swiping the machete at anything stupid enough to stand still.
And for a moment it seemed like they would all make it out.
It was over before Dan even knew it was happening. Carl's new friend turned and mouthed something, but no sound came out. Jace stabbed wildly at an encroaching black demon and Dan spun too late. Somewhere from behind had came a dark creature with obvious female form. In the confusion, she had knocked Carl down and knelt heavily on his spine. His head snapped back and looked strange at the angle it was twisted, there was no mistaking the damage. His expression one of surprise.
How had he missed it, Dan cursed himself. This wasn't a group of individuals, this was a pack. They had been teasing them out and testing the water, but their target had never changed, it had been the weakest link all along.
The creature who had gotten Carl this far strode past them both, ignoring everything around him, he swung his Gurkha knife wildly, hitting nothing but air. The female had already abandoned her prey to the larger male, but it mattered not. Carl's body twitched and stretched as his muscles contracted one last time, before his personal savior knelt closing his dead eyes with his own cold dead fingers.
Dan drew his glock firing wildly at any target within range, sending them running for cover and Jace sobbed involuntary and they ran. By the time they reached the car the dark figures had descended on Carl's corpse, leaving the survivors free to leave. The only monster not with the pack, was the one who showed more compassion than any of them and Dan couldn't feel anything but anger, mostly at himself.
Beth was crying, Jace was sombre and Dan wanted to be calm. He wanted to have control and he wanted not to feel hatred, but his anger wouldn't let him. The best he could do was to snarl at the being with the blue eyes.
"You ride in the fucking boot."
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